mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 04:02:13 +01:00
Adds the S3 `fileshare` implementation This also updates `wsh file cp` so it behaves more like `cp` for things like copying directories and directory entries. It's not meant to align with `cp` on everything, though. Our `wsh cp` will be recursive and will create intermediate directories by default. This also adds new aliases for `wsh view`: `wsh preview` and `wsh open` --------- Co-authored-by: coderabbitai[bot] <136622811+coderabbitai[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: sawka <mike@commandline.dev> Co-authored-by: Sylvia Crowe <software@oneirocosm.com>
1384 lines
34 KiB
1384 lines
34 KiB
// Copyright 2025, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// generated by cmd/generate/main-generatets.go
declare global {
// wshrpc.ActivityDisplayType
type ActivityDisplayType = {
width: number;
height: number;
dpr: number;
internal?: boolean;
// wshrpc.ActivityUpdate
type ActivityUpdate = {
fgminutes?: number;
activeminutes?: number;
openminutes?: number;
numtabs?: number;
newtab?: number;
numblocks?: number;
numwindows?: number;
numws?: number;
numwsnamed?: number;
numsshconn?: number;
numwslconn?: number;
nummagnify?: number;
numpanics?: number;
numaireqs?: number;
startup?: number;
shutdown?: number;
settabtheme?: number;
buildtime?: string;
displays?: ActivityDisplayType[];
renderers?: {[key: string]: number};
blocks?: {[key: string]: number};
wshcmds?: {[key: string]: number};
conn?: {[key: string]: number};
// wshrpc.AiMessageData
type AiMessageData = {
message?: string;
// waveobj.Block
type Block = WaveObj & {
parentoref?: string;
runtimeopts?: RuntimeOpts;
stickers?: StickerType[];
subblockids?: string[];
// blockcontroller.BlockControllerRuntimeStatus
type BlockControllerRuntimeStatus = {
blockid: string;
version: number;
shellprocstatus?: string;
shellprocconnname?: string;
shellprocexitcode: number;
// waveobj.BlockDef
type BlockDef = {
files?: {[key: string]: FileDef};
meta?: MetaType;
// wshrpc.BlockInfoData
type BlockInfoData = {
blockid: string;
tabid: string;
workspaceid: string;
block: Block;
files: FileInfo[];
// webcmd.BlockInputWSCommand
type BlockInputWSCommand = {
wscommand: "blockinput";
blockid: string;
inputdata64: string;
// waveobj.Client
type Client = WaveObj & {
windowids: string[];
tosagreed?: number;
hasoldhistory?: boolean;
tempoid?: string;
// workspaceservice.CloseTabRtnType
type CloseTabRtnType = {
closewindow?: boolean;
newactivetabid?: string;
// wshrpc.CommandAppendIJsonData
type CommandAppendIJsonData = {
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
data: {[key: string]: any};
// wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData
type CommandAuthenticateRtnData = {
routeid: string;
authtoken?: string;
env?: {[key: string]: string};
initscripttext?: string;
// wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateTokenData
type CommandAuthenticateTokenData = {
token: string;
// wshrpc.CommandBlockInputData
type CommandBlockInputData = {
blockid: string;
inputdata64?: string;
signame?: string;
termsize?: TermSize;
// wshrpc.CommandBlockSetViewData
type CommandBlockSetViewData = {
blockid: string;
view: string;
// wshrpc.CommandControllerAppendOutputData
type CommandControllerAppendOutputData = {
blockid: string;
data64: string;
// wshrpc.CommandControllerResyncData
type CommandControllerResyncData = {
forcerestart?: boolean;
tabid: string;
blockid: string;
rtopts?: RuntimeOpts;
// wshrpc.CommandCreateBlockData
type CommandCreateBlockData = {
tabid: string;
blockdef: BlockDef;
rtopts?: RuntimeOpts;
magnified?: boolean;
ephemeral?: boolean;
targetblockid?: string;
targetaction?: string;
// wshrpc.CommandCreateSubBlockData
type CommandCreateSubBlockData = {
parentblockid: string;
blockdef: BlockDef;
// wshrpc.CommandDeleteBlockData
type CommandDeleteBlockData = {
blockid: string;
// wshrpc.CommandDeleteFileData
type CommandDeleteFileData = {
path: string;
recursive: boolean;
// wshrpc.CommandDisposeData
type CommandDisposeData = {
routeid: string;
// wshrpc.CommandEventReadHistoryData
type CommandEventReadHistoryData = {
event: string;
scope: string;
maxitems: number;
// wshrpc.CommandFileCopyData
type CommandFileCopyData = {
srcuri: string;
desturi: string;
opts?: FileCopyOpts;
// wshrpc.CommandGetMetaData
type CommandGetMetaData = {
oref: ORef;
// wshrpc.CommandMessageData
type CommandMessageData = {
oref: ORef;
message: string;
// wshrpc.CommandRemoteListEntriesData
type CommandRemoteListEntriesData = {
path: string;
opts?: FileListOpts;
// wshrpc.CommandRemoteListEntriesRtnData
type CommandRemoteListEntriesRtnData = {
fileinfo?: FileInfo[];
// wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamFileData
type CommandRemoteStreamFileData = {
path: string;
byterange?: string;
// wshrpc.CommandRemoteStreamTarData
type CommandRemoteStreamTarData = {
path: string;
opts?: FileCopyOpts;
// wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsData
type CommandResolveIdsData = {
blockid: string;
ids: string[];
// wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsRtnData
type CommandResolveIdsRtnData = {
resolvedids: {[key: string]: ORef};
// wshrpc.CommandSetMetaData
type CommandSetMetaData = {
oref: ORef;
meta: MetaType;
// wshrpc.CommandVarData
type CommandVarData = {
key: string;
val?: string;
remove?: boolean;
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
// wshrpc.CommandVarResponseData
type CommandVarResponseData = {
key: string;
val: string;
exists: boolean;
// wshrpc.CommandWaitForRouteData
type CommandWaitForRouteData = {
routeid: string;
waitms: number;
// wshrpc.CommandWebSelectorData
type CommandWebSelectorData = {
workspaceid: string;
blockid: string;
tabid: string;
selector: string;
opts?: WebSelectorOpts;
// wconfig.ConfigError
type ConfigError = {
file: string;
err: string;
// wshrpc.ConnConfigRequest
type ConnConfigRequest = {
host: string;
metamaptype: MetaType;
// wshrpc.ConnExtData
type ConnExtData = {
connname: string;
logblockid?: string;
// wconfig.ConnKeywords
type ConnKeywords = {
"conn:wshenabled"?: boolean;
"conn:askbeforewshinstall"?: boolean;
"conn:wshpath"?: string;
"conn:shellpath"?: string;
"conn:ignoresshconfig"?: boolean;
"display:hidden"?: boolean;
"display:order"?: number;
"term:*"?: boolean;
"term:fontsize"?: number;
"term:fontfamily"?: string;
"term:theme"?: string;
"cmd:env"?: {[key: string]: string};
"cmd:initscript"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.sh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.bash"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.zsh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.pwsh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.fish"?: string;
"ssh:user"?: string;
"ssh:hostname"?: string;
"ssh:port"?: string;
"ssh:identityfile"?: string[];
"ssh:batchmode"?: boolean;
"ssh:pubkeyauthentication"?: boolean;
"ssh:passwordauthentication"?: boolean;
"ssh:kbdinteractiveauthentication"?: boolean;
"ssh:preferredauthentications"?: string[];
"ssh:addkeystoagent"?: boolean;
"ssh:identityagent"?: string;
"ssh:identitiesonly"?: boolean;
"ssh:proxyjump"?: string[];
"ssh:userknownhostsfile"?: string[];
"ssh:globalknownhostsfile"?: string[];
// wshrpc.ConnRequest
type ConnRequest = {
host: string;
keywords?: ConnKeywords;
logblockid?: string;
// wshrpc.ConnStatus
type ConnStatus = {
status: string;
wshenabled: boolean;
connection: string;
connected: boolean;
hasconnected: boolean;
activeconnnum: number;
error?: string;
wsherror?: string;
nowshreason?: string;
wshversion?: string;
// wshrpc.CpuDataRequest
type CpuDataRequest = {
id: string;
count: number;
// vdom.DomRect
type DomRect = {
top: number;
left: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
width: number;
height: number;
// wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsData
type FetchSuggestionsData = {
suggestiontype: string;
query: string;
widgetid: string;
reqnum: number;
"file:cwd"?: string;
"file:dironly"?: boolean;
"file:connection"?: string;
// wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse
type FetchSuggestionsResponse = {
reqnum: number;
suggestions: SuggestionType[];
// wshrpc.FileCopyOpts
type FileCopyOpts = {
overwrite?: boolean;
recursive?: boolean;
merge?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
// wshrpc.FileData
type FileData = {
info?: FileInfo;
data64?: string;
entries?: FileInfo[];
at?: FileDataAt;
// wshrpc.FileDataAt
type FileDataAt = {
offset: number;
size?: number;
// waveobj.FileDef
type FileDef = {
content?: string;
meta?: {[key: string]: any};
// wshrpc.FileInfo
type FileInfo = {
path: string;
dir?: string;
name?: string;
notfound?: boolean;
opts?: FileOpts;
size?: number;
meta?: {[key: string]: any};
mode?: number;
modestr?: string;
modtime?: number;
isdir?: boolean;
supportsmkdir?: boolean;
mimetype?: string;
readonly?: boolean;
// wshrpc.FileListData
type FileListData = {
path: string;
opts?: FileListOpts;
// wshrpc.FileListOpts
type FileListOpts = {
all?: boolean;
offset?: number;
limit?: number;
// wshrpc.FileOpts
type FileOpts = {
maxsize?: number;
circular?: boolean;
ijson?: boolean;
ijsonbudget?: number;
truncate?: boolean;
append?: boolean;
// wshrpc.FileShareCapability
type FileShareCapability = {
canappend: boolean;
canmkdir: boolean;
// wconfig.FullConfigType
type FullConfigType = {
settings: SettingsType;
mimetypes: {[key: string]: MimeTypeConfigType};
defaultwidgets: {[key: string]: WidgetConfigType};
widgets: {[key: string]: WidgetConfigType};
presets: {[key: string]: MetaType};
termthemes: {[key: string]: TermThemeType};
connections: {[key: string]: ConnKeywords};
bookmarks: {[key: string]: WebBookmark};
configerrors: ConfigError[];
// waveobj.LayoutActionData
type LayoutActionData = {
actiontype: string;
blockid: string;
nodesize?: number;
indexarr?: number[];
focused: boolean;
magnified: boolean;
ephemeral: boolean;
targetblockid?: string;
position?: string;
// waveobj.LayoutState
type LayoutState = WaveObj & {
rootnode?: any;
magnifiednodeid?: string;
focusednodeid?: string;
leaforder?: LeafOrderEntry[];
pendingbackendactions?: LayoutActionData[];
// waveobj.LeafOrderEntry
type LeafOrderEntry = {
nodeid: string;
blockid: string;
// waveobj.MetaTSType
type MetaType = {
view?: string;
controller?: string;
file?: string;
url?: string;
pinnedurl?: string;
connection?: string;
edit?: boolean;
history?: string[];
"history:forward"?: string[];
"display:name"?: string;
"display:order"?: number;
icon?: string;
"icon:color"?: string;
"frame:*"?: boolean;
frame?: boolean;
"frame:bordercolor"?: string;
"frame:activebordercolor"?: string;
"frame:title"?: string;
"frame:icon"?: string;
"frame:text"?: string;
"cmd:*"?: boolean;
cmd?: string;
"cmd:interactive"?: boolean;
"cmd:login"?: boolean;
"cmd:runonstart"?: boolean;
"cmd:clearonstart"?: boolean;
"cmd:runonce"?: boolean;
"cmd:closeonexit"?: boolean;
"cmd:closeonexitforce"?: boolean;
"cmd:closeonexitdelay"?: number;
"cmd:nowsh"?: boolean;
"cmd:args"?: string[];
"cmd:shell"?: boolean;
"cmd:allowconnchange"?: boolean;
"cmd:env"?: {[key: string]: string};
"cmd:cwd"?: string;
"cmd:initscript"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.sh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.bash"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.zsh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.pwsh"?: string;
"cmd:initscript.fish"?: string;
"ai:*"?: boolean;
"ai:preset"?: string;
"ai:apitype"?: string;
"ai:baseurl"?: string;
"ai:apitoken"?: string;
"ai:name"?: string;
"ai:model"?: string;
"ai:orgid"?: string;
"ai:apiversion"?: string;
"ai:maxtokens"?: number;
"ai:timeoutms"?: number;
"editor:*"?: boolean;
"editor:minimapenabled"?: boolean;
"editor:stickyscrollenabled"?: boolean;
"editor:wordwrap"?: boolean;
"graph:*"?: boolean;
"graph:numpoints"?: number;
"graph:metrics"?: string[];
"sysinfo:type"?: string;
"bg:*"?: boolean;
bg?: string;
"bg:opacity"?: number;
"bg:blendmode"?: string;
"bg:bordercolor"?: string;
"bg:activebordercolor"?: string;
"term:*"?: boolean;
"term:fontsize"?: number;
"term:fontfamily"?: string;
"term:mode"?: string;
"term:theme"?: string;
"term:localshellpath"?: string;
"term:localshellopts"?: string[];
"term:scrollback"?: number;
"term:vdomblockid"?: string;
"term:vdomtoolbarblockid"?: string;
"term:transparency"?: number;
"term:allowbracketedpaste"?: boolean;
"term:conndebug"?: string;
"web:zoom"?: number;
"web:hidenav"?: boolean;
"web:partition"?: string;
"markdown:fontsize"?: number;
"markdown:fixedfontsize"?: number;
"vdom:*"?: boolean;
"vdom:initialized"?: boolean;
"vdom:correlationid"?: string;
"vdom:route"?: string;
"vdom:persist"?: boolean;
count?: number;
// tsgenmeta.MethodMeta
type MethodMeta = {
Desc: string;
ArgNames: string[];
ReturnDesc: string;
// wconfig.MimeTypeConfigType
type MimeTypeConfigType = {
icon: string;
color: string;
// waveobj.ORef
type ORef = string;
// iochantypes.Packet
type Packet = {
Data: string;
Checksum: string;
// wshrpc.PathCommandData
type PathCommandData = {
pathtype: string;
open: boolean;
openexternal: boolean;
tabid: string;
// waveobj.Point
type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;
// wshrpc.RemoteInfo
type RemoteInfo = {
clientarch: string;
clientos: string;
clientversion: string;
shell: string;
// wshutil.RpcMessage
type RpcMessage = {
command?: string;
reqid?: string;
resid?: string;
timeout?: number;
route?: string;
authtoken?: string;
source?: string;
cont?: boolean;
cancel?: boolean;
error?: string;
datatype?: string;
data?: any;
// wshrpc.RpcOpts
type RpcOpts = {
timeout?: number;
noresponse?: boolean;
route?: string;
// waveobj.RuntimeOpts
type RuntimeOpts = {
termsize?: TermSize;
winsize?: WinSize;
// webcmd.SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand
type SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand = {
wscommand: "setblocktermsize";
blockid: string;
termsize: TermSize;
// wconfig.SettingsType
type SettingsType = {
"app:*"?: boolean;
"app:globalhotkey"?: string;
"app:dismissarchitecturewarning"?: boolean;
"app:defaultnewblock"?: string;
"ai:*"?: boolean;
"ai:preset"?: string;
"ai:apitype"?: string;
"ai:baseurl"?: string;
"ai:apitoken"?: string;
"ai:name"?: string;
"ai:model"?: string;
"ai:orgid"?: string;
"ai:apiversion"?: string;
"ai:maxtokens"?: number;
"ai:timeoutms"?: number;
"ai:fontsize"?: number;
"ai:fixedfontsize"?: number;
"term:*"?: boolean;
"term:fontsize"?: number;
"term:fontfamily"?: string;
"term:theme"?: string;
"term:disablewebgl"?: boolean;
"term:localshellpath"?: string;
"term:localshellopts"?: string[];
"term:scrollback"?: number;
"term:copyonselect"?: boolean;
"term:transparency"?: number;
"term:allowbracketedpaste"?: boolean;
"editor:minimapenabled"?: boolean;
"editor:stickyscrollenabled"?: boolean;
"editor:wordwrap"?: boolean;
"editor:fontsize"?: number;
"web:*"?: boolean;
"web:openlinksinternally"?: boolean;
"web:defaulturl"?: string;
"web:defaultsearch"?: string;
"blockheader:*"?: boolean;
"blockheader:showblockids"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:*"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:enabled"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:intervalms"?: number;
"autoupdate:installonquit"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:channel"?: string;
"markdown:fontsize"?: number;
"markdown:fixedfontsize"?: number;
"preview:showhiddenfiles"?: boolean;
"tab:preset"?: string;
"widget:*"?: boolean;
"widget:showhelp"?: boolean;
"window:*"?: boolean;
"window:transparent"?: boolean;
"window:blur"?: boolean;
"window:opacity"?: number;
"window:bgcolor"?: string;
"window:reducedmotion"?: boolean;
"window:tilegapsize"?: number;
"window:showmenubar"?: boolean;
"window:nativetitlebar"?: boolean;
"window:disablehardwareacceleration"?: boolean;
"window:maxtabcachesize"?: number;
"window:magnifiedblockopacity"?: number;
"window:magnifiedblocksize"?: number;
"window:magnifiedblockblurprimarypx"?: number;
"window:magnifiedblockblursecondarypx"?: number;
"window:confirmclose"?: boolean;
"window:savelastwindow"?: boolean;
"window:dimensions"?: string;
"window:zoom"?: number;
"telemetry:*"?: boolean;
"telemetry:enabled"?: boolean;
"conn:*"?: boolean;
"conn:askbeforewshinstall"?: boolean;
"conn:wshenabled"?: boolean;
// waveobj.StickerClickOptsType
type StickerClickOptsType = {
sendinput?: string;
createblock?: BlockDef;
// waveobj.StickerDisplayOptsType
type StickerDisplayOptsType = {
icon: string;
imgsrc: string;
svgblob?: string;
// waveobj.StickerType
type StickerType = {
stickertype: string;
style: {[key: string]: any};
clickopts?: StickerClickOptsType;
display: StickerDisplayOptsType;
// wps.SubscriptionRequest
type SubscriptionRequest = {
event: string;
scopes?: string[];
allscopes?: boolean;
// wshrpc.SuggestionType
type SuggestionType = {
type: string;
suggestionid: string;
display: string;
subtext?: string;
icon?: string;
iconcolor?: string;
iconsrc?: string;
matchpos?: number[];
submatchpos?: number[];
score?: number;
"file:mimetype"?: string;
"file:path"?: string;
"file:name"?: string;
"url:url"?: string;
// telemetrydata.TEvent
type TEvent = {
uuid?: string;
ts?: number;
tslocal?: string;
event: string;
props: TEventProps;
// telemetrydata.TEventProps
type TEventProps = {
"client:arch"?: string;
"client:version"?: string;
"client:initial_version"?: string;
"client:buildtime"?: string;
"client:osrelease"?: string;
"client:isdev"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:channel"?: string;
"autoupdate:enabled"?: boolean;
"loc:countrycode"?: string;
"loc:regioncode"?: string;
"activity:activeminutes"?: number;
"activity:fgminutes"?: number;
"activity:openminutes"?: number;
"action:initiator"?: "keyboard" | "mouse";
"debug:panictype"?: string;
"block:view"?: string;
"ai:backendtype"?: string;
"wsh:cmd"?: string;
"wsh:haderror"?: boolean;
"conn:conntype"?: string;
"display:height"?: number;
"display:width"?: number;
"display:dpr"?: number;
"display:count"?: number;
"display:all"?: any;
"count:blocks"?: number;
"count:tabs"?: number;
"count:windows"?: number;
"count:workspaces"?: number;
"count:sshconn"?: number;
"count:wslconn"?: number;
"count:views"?: {[key: string]: number};
$set?: TEventUserProps;
$set_once?: TEventUserProps;
// telemetrydata.TEventUserProps
type TEventUserProps = {
"client:arch"?: string;
"client:version"?: string;
"client:initial_version"?: string;
"client:buildtime"?: string;
"client:osrelease"?: string;
"client:isdev"?: boolean;
"autoupdate:channel"?: string;
"autoupdate:enabled"?: boolean;
"loc:countrycode"?: string;
"loc:regioncode"?: string;
// waveobj.Tab
type Tab = WaveObj & {
name: string;
layoutstate: string;
blockids: string[];
// waveobj.TermSize
type TermSize = {
rows: number;
cols: number;
// wconfig.TermThemeType
type TermThemeType = {
"display:name": string;
"display:order": number;
black: string;
red: string;
green: string;
yellow: string;
blue: string;
magenta: string;
cyan: string;
white: string;
brightBlack: string;
brightRed: string;
brightGreen: string;
brightYellow: string;
brightBlue: string;
brightMagenta: string;
brightCyan: string;
brightWhite: string;
gray: string;
cmdtext: string;
foreground: string;
selectionBackground: string;
background: string;
cursor: string;
// wshrpc.TimeSeriesData
type TimeSeriesData = {
ts: number;
values: {[key: string]: number};
// waveobj.UIContext
type UIContext = {
windowid: string;
activetabid: string;
// userinput.UserInputRequest
type UserInputRequest = {
requestid: string;
querytext: string;
responsetype: string;
title: string;
markdown: boolean;
timeoutms: number;
checkboxmsg: string;
publictext: boolean;
oklabel?: string;
cancellabel?: string;
// userinput.UserInputResponse
type UserInputResponse = {
type: string;
requestid: string;
text?: string;
confirm?: boolean;
errormsg?: string;
checkboxstat?: boolean;
// vdom.VDomAsyncInitiationRequest
type VDomAsyncInitiationRequest = {
type: "asyncinitiationrequest";
ts: number;
blockid?: string;
// vdom.VDomBackendOpts
type VDomBackendOpts = {
closeonctrlc?: boolean;
globalkeyboardevents?: boolean;
globalstyles?: boolean;
// vdom.VDomBackendUpdate
type VDomBackendUpdate = {
type: "backendupdate";
ts: number;
blockid: string;
opts?: VDomBackendOpts;
haswork?: boolean;
renderupdates?: VDomRenderUpdate[];
transferelems?: VDomTransferElem[];
statesync?: VDomStateSync[];
refoperations?: VDomRefOperation[];
messages?: VDomMessage[];
// vdom.VDomBinding
type VDomBinding = {
type: "binding";
bind: string;
// vdom.VDomCreateContext
type VDomCreateContext = {
type: "createcontext";
ts: number;
meta?: MetaType;
target?: VDomTarget;
persist?: boolean;
// vdom.VDomElem
type VDomElem = {
waveid?: string;
tag: string;
props?: {[key: string]: any};
children?: VDomElem[];
text?: string;
// vdom.VDomEvent
type VDomEvent = {
waveid: string;
eventtype: string;
globaleventtype?: string;
targetvalue?: string;
targetchecked?: boolean;
targetname?: string;
targetid?: string;
keydata?: WaveKeyboardEvent;
mousedata?: WavePointerData;
// vdom.VDomFrontendUpdate
type VDomFrontendUpdate = {
type: "frontendupdate";
ts: number;
blockid: string;
correlationid?: string;
dispose?: boolean;
resync?: boolean;
rendercontext?: VDomRenderContext;
events?: VDomEvent[];
statesync?: VDomStateSync[];
refupdates?: VDomRefUpdate[];
messages?: VDomMessage[];
// vdom.VDomFunc
type VDomFunc = {
type: "func";
stoppropagation?: boolean;
preventdefault?: boolean;
globalevent?: string;
#keys?: string[];
// vdom.VDomMessage
type VDomMessage = {
messagetype: string;
message: string;
stacktrace?: string;
params?: any[];
// vdom.VDomRef
type VDomRef = {
type: "ref";
refid: string;
trackposition?: boolean;
position?: VDomRefPosition;
hascurrent?: boolean;
// vdom.VDomRefOperation
type VDomRefOperation = {
refid: string;
op: string;
params?: any[];
outputref?: string;
// vdom.VDomRefPosition
type VDomRefPosition = {
offsetheight: number;
offsetwidth: number;
scrollheight: number;
scrollwidth: number;
scrolltop: number;
boundingclientrect: DomRect;
// vdom.VDomRefUpdate
type VDomRefUpdate = {
refid: string;
hascurrent: boolean;
position?: VDomRefPosition;
// vdom.VDomRenderContext
type VDomRenderContext = {
blockid: string;
focused: boolean;
width: number;
height: number;
rootrefid: string;
background?: boolean;
// vdom.VDomRenderUpdate
type VDomRenderUpdate = {
updatetype: "root"|"append"|"replace"|"remove"|"insert";
waveid?: string;
vdomwaveid?: string;
vdom?: VDomElem;
index?: number;
// vdom.VDomStateSync
type VDomStateSync = {
atom: string;
value: any;
// vdom.VDomTarget
type VDomTarget = {
newblock?: boolean;
magnified?: boolean;
toolbar?: VDomTargetToolbar;
// vdom.VDomTargetToolbar
type VDomTargetToolbar = {
toolbar: boolean;
height?: string;
// vdom.VDomTransferElem
type VDomTransferElem = {
waveid?: string;
tag: string;
props?: {[key: string]: any};
children?: string[];
text?: string;
// wshrpc.VDomUrlRequestData
type VDomUrlRequestData = {
method: string;
url: string;
headers: {[key: string]: string};
body?: string;
// wshrpc.VDomUrlRequestResponse
type VDomUrlRequestResponse = {
statuscode?: number;
headers?: {[key: string]: string};
body?: string;
type WSCommandType = {
wscommand: string;
} & ( SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand | BlockInputWSCommand | WSRpcCommand );
// eventbus.WSEventType
type WSEventType = {
eventtype: string;
oref?: string;
data: any;
// wps.WSFileEventData
type WSFileEventData = {
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
fileop: string;
data64: string;
// webcmd.WSRpcCommand
type WSRpcCommand = {
wscommand: "rpc";
message: RpcMessage;
// wconfig.WatcherUpdate
type WatcherUpdate = {
fullconfig: FullConfigType;
// wshrpc.WaveAIOptsType
type WaveAIOptsType = {
model: string;
apitype?: string;
apitoken: string;
orgid?: string;
apiversion?: string;
baseurl?: string;
maxtokens?: number;
maxchoices?: number;
timeoutms?: number;
// wshrpc.WaveAIPacketType
type WaveAIPacketType = {
type: string;
model?: string;
created?: number;
finish_reason?: string;
usage?: WaveAIUsageType;
index?: number;
text?: string;
error?: string;
// wshrpc.WaveAIPromptMessageType
type WaveAIPromptMessageType = {
role: string;
content: string;
name?: string;
// wshrpc.WaveAIStreamRequest
type WaveAIStreamRequest = {
clientid?: string;
opts: WaveAIOptsType;
prompt: WaveAIPromptMessageType[];
// wshrpc.WaveAIUsageType
type WaveAIUsageType = {
prompt_tokens?: number;
completion_tokens?: number;
total_tokens?: number;
// wps.WaveEvent
type WaveEvent = {
event: string;
scopes?: string[];
sender?: string;
persist?: number;
data?: any;
// filestore.WaveFile
type WaveFile = {
zoneid: string;
name: string;
opts: FileOpts;
createdts: number;
size: number;
modts: number;
meta: {[key: string]: any};
// wshrpc.WaveInfoData
type WaveInfoData = {
version: string;
clientid: string;
buildtime: string;
configdir: string;
datadir: string;
// vdom.WaveKeyboardEvent
type WaveKeyboardEvent = {
type: "keydown"|"keyup"|"keypress"|"unknown";
key: string;
code: string;
repeat?: boolean;
location?: number;
shift?: boolean;
control?: boolean;
alt?: boolean;
meta?: boolean;
cmd?: boolean;
option?: boolean;
// wshrpc.WaveNotificationOptions
type WaveNotificationOptions = {
title?: string;
body?: string;
silent?: boolean;
// waveobj.WaveObj
type WaveObj = {
otype: string;
oid: string;
version: number;
meta: MetaType;
// waveobj.WaveObjUpdate
type WaveObjUpdate = {
updatetype: string;
otype: string;
oid: string;
obj?: WaveObj;
// vdom.WavePointerData
type WavePointerData = {
button: number;
buttons: number;
clientx?: number;
clienty?: number;
pagex?: number;
pagey?: number;
screenx?: number;
screeny?: number;
movementx?: number;
movementy?: number;
shift?: boolean;
control?: boolean;
alt?: boolean;
meta?: boolean;
cmd?: boolean;
option?: boolean;
// waveobj.Window
type WaveWindow = WaveObj & {
workspaceid: string;
isnew?: boolean;
pos: Point;
winsize: WinSize;
lastfocusts: number;
// wconfig.WebBookmark
type WebBookmark = {
url: string;
title?: string;
icon?: string;
iconcolor?: string;
iconurl?: string;
"display:order"?: number;
// service.WebCallType
type WebCallType = {
service: string;
method: string;
uicontext?: UIContext;
args: any[];
// service.WebReturnType
type WebReturnType = {
success?: boolean;
error?: string;
data?: any;
updates?: WaveObjUpdate[];
// wshrpc.WebSelectorOpts
type WebSelectorOpts = {
all?: boolean;
inner?: boolean;
// wconfig.WidgetConfigType
type WidgetConfigType = {
"display:order"?: number;
"display:hidden"?: boolean;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
label?: string;
description?: string;
magnified?: boolean;
blockdef: BlockDef;
// waveobj.WinSize
type WinSize = {
width: number;
height: number;
// waveobj.Workspace
type Workspace = WaveObj & {
name?: string;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
tabids: string[];
pinnedtabids: string[];
activetabid: string;
// wshrpc.WorkspaceInfoData
type WorkspaceInfoData = {
windowid: string;
workspacedata: Workspace;
// waveobj.WorkspaceListEntry
type WorkspaceListEntry = {
workspaceid: string;
windowid: string;
// wshrpc.WshServerCommandMeta
type WshServerCommandMeta = {
commandtype: string;
export {}