mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 13:23:06 +01:00
The Window Controls Overlay API applies a transparent overlay on Windows, but not on Linux. This PR addresses this by capturing the area underneath the overlay, averaging the color of the area, and setting this as the overlay background color. It will also detect whether to make the control symbols white or black, depending on how dark the background color is. On Linux, this will set both the background color and the symbol color, on Windows it will just set the symbol color. <img width="721" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e6f9f8f8-a49f-41b6-984e-09e7d52c631d">
919 lines
30 KiB
919 lines
30 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import * as electron from "electron";
import { getAverageColor } from "fast-average-color-node";
import fs from "fs";
import * as child_process from "node:child_process";
import os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as readline from "readline";
import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js";
import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce";
import * as util from "util";
import winston from "winston";
import { initGlobal } from "../frontend/app/store/global";
import * as services from "../frontend/app/store/services";
import { WSServerEndpointVarName, WebServerEndpointVarName, getWebServerEndpoint } from "../frontend/util/endpoints";
import { WaveDevVarName, WaveDevViteVarName } from "../frontend/util/isdev";
import * as keyutil from "../frontend/util/keyutil";
import { fireAndForget } from "../frontend/util/util";
import { configureAutoUpdater, updater } from "./updater";
const electronApp = electron.app;
let WaveVersion = "unknown"; // set by WAVESRV-ESTART
let WaveBuildTime = 0; // set by WAVESRV-ESTART
const WaveAppPathVarName = "WAVETERM_APP_PATH";
const WaveSrvReadySignalPidVarName = "WAVETERM_READY_SIGNAL_PID";
const AuthKeyFile = "waveterm.authkey";
electron.nativeTheme.themeSource = "dark";
type WaveBrowserWindow = Electron.BrowserWindow & { waveWindowId: string; readyPromise: Promise<void> };
let waveSrvReadyResolve = (value: boolean) => {};
const waveSrvReady: Promise<boolean> = new Promise((resolve, _) => {
waveSrvReadyResolve = resolve;
let globalIsQuitting = false;
let globalIsStarting = true;
let globalIsRelaunching = false;
// for activity updates
let wasActive = true;
let wasInFg = true;
const isDev = !electronApp.isPackaged;
const isDevVite = isDev && process.env.ELECTRON_RENDERER_URL;
if (isDev) {
process.env[WaveDevVarName] = "1";
if (isDevVite) {
process.env[WaveDevViteVarName] = "1";
let waveSrvProc: child_process.ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null;
electronApp.setName(isDev ? "TheNextWave (Dev)" : "TheNextWave");
const unamePlatform = process.platform;
let unameArch: string = process.arch;
if (unameArch == "x64") {
unameArch = "amd64";
// must match golang
function getWaveHomeDir() {
return path.join(os.homedir(), isDev ? ".w2-dev" : ".w2");
const waveHome = getWaveHomeDir();
const oldConsoleLog = console.log;
const loggerTransports: winston.transport[] = [
new winston.transports.File({ filename: path.join(waveHome, "waveterm-app.log"), level: "info" }),
if (isDev) {
loggerTransports.push(new winston.transports.Console());
const loggerConfig = {
level: "info",
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.timestamp({ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }),
winston.format.printf((info) => `${info.timestamp} ${info.message}`)
transports: loggerTransports,
const logger = winston.createLogger(loggerConfig);
function log(...msg: any[]) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log = log;
"waveterm-app starting, WAVETERM_HOME=%s, electronpath=%s gopath=%s arch=%s/%s",
if (isDev) {
console.log("waveterm-app WAVETERM_DEV set");
initGlobal({ windowId: null, clientId: null, platform: unamePlatform, environment: "electron" });
function getElectronAppBasePath(): string {
return path.dirname(__dirname);
function getGoAppBasePath(): string {
return getElectronAppBasePath().replace("app.asar", "app.asar.unpacked");
const wavesrvBinName = `wavesrv.${unameArch}`;
function getWaveSrvPath(): string {
if (process.platform === "win32") {
const winBinName = `${wavesrvBinName}.exe`;
const appPath = path.join(getGoAppBasePath(), "bin", winBinName);
return `${appPath}`;
return path.join(getGoAppBasePath(), "bin", wavesrvBinName);
function getWaveSrvCwd(): string {
return getWaveHomeDir();
function getWindowForEvent(event: Electron.IpcMainEvent): Electron.BrowserWindow {
const windowId = event.sender.id;
return electron.BrowserWindow.fromId(windowId);
function runWaveSrv(): Promise<boolean> {
let pResolve: (value: boolean) => void;
let pReject: (reason?: any) => void;
const rtnPromise = new Promise<boolean>((argResolve, argReject) => {
pResolve = argResolve;
pReject = argReject;
const envCopy = { ...process.env };
envCopy[WaveAppPathVarName] = getGoAppBasePath();
envCopy[WaveSrvReadySignalPidVarName] = process.pid.toString();
const waveSrvCmd = getWaveSrvPath();
console.log("trying to run local server", waveSrvCmd);
const proc = child_process.spawn(getWaveSrvPath(), {
cwd: getWaveSrvCwd(),
env: envCopy,
proc.on("exit", (e) => {
if (globalIsQuitting || updater?.status == "installing") {
console.log("wavesrv exited, shutting down");
proc.on("spawn", (e) => {
console.log("spawned wavesrv");
waveSrvProc = proc;
proc.on("error", (e) => {
console.log("error running wavesrv", e);
const rlStdout = readline.createInterface({
input: proc.stdout,
terminal: false,
rlStdout.on("line", (line) => {
const rlStderr = readline.createInterface({
input: proc.stderr,
terminal: false,
rlStderr.on("line", (line) => {
if (line.includes("WAVESRV-ESTART")) {
const startParams = /ws:([a-z0-9.:]+) web:([a-z0-9.:]+) version:([a-z0-9.]+) buildtime:(\d+)/gm.exec(line);
if (startParams == null) {
console.log("error parsing WAVESRV-ESTART line", line);
process.env[WSServerEndpointVarName] = startParams[1];
process.env[WebServerEndpointVarName] = startParams[2];
WaveVersion = startParams[3];
WaveBuildTime = parseInt(startParams[4]);
applicationVersion: "v" + WaveVersion,
version: (isDev ? "dev-" : "") + String(WaveBuildTime),
if (line.startsWith("WAVESRV-EVENT:")) {
const evtJson = line.slice("WAVESRV-EVENT:".length);
try {
const evtMsg: WSEventType = JSON.parse(evtJson);
} catch (e) {
console.log("error handling WAVESRV-EVENT", e);
return rtnPromise;
async function handleWSEvent(evtMsg: WSEventType) {
console.log("handleWSEvent", evtMsg?.eventtype);
if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:newwindow") {
const windowId: string = evtMsg.data;
const windowData: WaveWindow = (await services.ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + windowId)) as WaveWindow;
if (windowData == null) {
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const newWin = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, settings);
await newWin.readyPromise;
} else if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:closewindow") {
if (evtMsg.data === undefined) return;
const windows = electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
for (const window of windows) {
if ((window as any).waveWindowId === evtMsg.data) {
// Bypass the "Are you sure?" dialog, since this event is called when there's no more tabs for the window.
} else {
console.log("unhandled electron ws eventtype", evtMsg.eventtype);
async function mainResizeHandler(_: any, windowId: string, win: WaveBrowserWindow) {
if (win == null || win.isDestroyed() || win.fullScreen) {
const bounds = win.getBounds();
try {
await services.WindowService.SetWindowPosAndSize(
{ x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y },
{ width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }
} catch (e) {
console.log("error resizing window", e);
function shNavHandler(event: Electron.Event<Electron.WebContentsWillNavigateEventParams>, url: string) {
if (url.startsWith("") || url.startsWith("http://localhost:5173/index.html")) {
// this is a dev-mode hot-reload, ignore it
console.log("allowing hot-reload of index.html");
if (url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("file://")) {
console.log("open external, shNav", url);
} else {
console.log("navigation canceled", url);
function shFrameNavHandler(event: Electron.Event<Electron.WebContentsWillFrameNavigateEventParams>) {
if (!event.frame?.parent) {
// only use this handler to process iframe events (non-iframe events go to shNavHandler)
const url = event.url;
console.log(`frame-navigation url=${url} frame=${event.frame.name}`);
if (event.frame.name == "webview") {
// "webview" links always open in new window
// this will *not* effect the initial load because srcdoc does not count as an electron navigation
console.log("open external, frameNav", url);
if (
event.frame.name == "pdfview" &&
(url.startsWith("blob:file:///") || url.startsWith(getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/stream-file?"))
) {
// allowed
console.log("frame navigation canceled");
// note, this does not *show* the window.
// to show, await win.readyPromise and then win.show()
function createBrowserWindow(
clientId: string,
waveWindow: WaveWindow,
settings: SettingsConfigType
): WaveBrowserWindow {
let winWidth = waveWindow?.winsize?.width;
let winHeight = waveWindow?.winsize?.height;
let winPosX = waveWindow.pos.x;
let winPosY = waveWindow.pos.y;
if (winWidth == null || winWidth == 0) {
const primaryDisplay = electron.screen.getPrimaryDisplay();
const { width } = primaryDisplay.workAreaSize;
winWidth = width - winPosX - 100;
if (winWidth > 2000) {
winWidth = 2000;
if (winHeight == null || winHeight == 0) {
const primaryDisplay = electron.screen.getPrimaryDisplay();
const { height } = primaryDisplay.workAreaSize;
winHeight = height - winPosY - 100;
if (winHeight > 1200) {
winHeight = 1200;
let winBounds = {
x: winPosX,
y: winPosY,
width: winWidth,
height: winHeight,
winBounds = ensureBoundsAreVisible(winBounds);
const winOpts: Electron.BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = {
titleBarStyle: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "hiddenInset" : "hidden",
unamePlatform !== "darwin"
? {
symbolColor: "white",
color: "#00000000",
: false,
x: winBounds.x,
y: winBounds.y,
width: winBounds.width,
height: winBounds.height,
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 300,
unamePlatform == "linux"
? path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "public/logos/wave-logo-dark.png")
: undefined,
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "preload", "index.cjs"),
webviewTag: true,
show: false,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
const isTransparent = settings?.window?.transparent ?? false;
const isBlur = !isTransparent && (settings?.window?.blur ?? false);
if (isTransparent) {
winOpts.transparent = true;
} else if (isBlur) {
switch (unamePlatform) {
case "win32": {
winOpts.backgroundMaterial = "acrylic";
case "darwin": {
winOpts.vibrancy = "fullscreen-ui";
} else {
winOpts.backgroundColor = "#222222";
const bwin = new electron.BrowserWindow(winOpts);
(bwin as any).waveWindowId = waveWindow.oid;
let readyResolve: (value: void) => void;
(bwin as any).readyPromise = new Promise((resolve, _) => {
readyResolve = resolve;
const win: WaveBrowserWindow = bwin as WaveBrowserWindow;
const usp = new URLSearchParams();
usp.set("clientid", clientId);
usp.set("windowid", waveWindow.oid);
const indexHtml = "index.html";
if (isDevVite) {
console.log("running as dev server");
} else {
console.log("running as file");
win.loadFile(path.join(getElectronAppBasePath(), "frontend", indexHtml), { search: usp.toString() });
win.once("ready-to-show", () => {
win.webContents.on("will-navigate", shNavHandler);
win.webContents.on("will-frame-navigate", shFrameNavHandler);
win.webContents.on("did-attach-webview", (event, wc) => {
wc.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
win.webContents.send("webview-new-window", wc.id, details);
return { action: "deny" };
win.webContents.on("before-input-event", (e, input) => {
if (win.isFocused()) {
wasActive = true;
debounce(400, (e) => mainResizeHandler(e, waveWindow.oid, win))
debounce(400, (e) => mainResizeHandler(e, waveWindow.oid, win))
win.on("focus", () => {
wasInFg = true;
wasActive = true;
if (globalIsStarting) {
console.log("focus", waveWindow.oid);
win.on("enter-full-screen", async () => {
win.webContents.send("fullscreen-change", true);
win.on("leave-full-screen", async () => {
win.webContents.send("fullscreen-change", false);
win.on("close", (e) => {
if (globalIsQuitting || updater?.status == "installing") {
const choice = electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, {
type: "question",
buttons: ["Cancel", "Yes"],
title: "Confirm",
message: "Are you sure you want to close this window (all tabs and blocks will be deleted)?",
if (choice === 0) {
win.on("closed", () => {
if (globalIsQuitting || updater?.status == "installing") {
win.webContents.on("zoom-changed", (e) => {
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url, frameName }) => {
if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("file://")) {
console.log("openExternal fallback", url);
console.log("window-open denied", url);
return { action: "deny" };
return win;
function isWindowFullyVisible(bounds: electron.Rectangle): boolean {
const displays = electron.screen.getAllDisplays();
// Helper function to check if a point is inside any display
function isPointInDisplay(x: number, y: number) {
for (const display of displays) {
const { x: dx, y: dy, width, height } = display.bounds;
if (x >= dx && x < dx + width && y >= dy && y < dy + height) {
return true;
return false;
// Check all corners of the window
const topLeft = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y);
const topRight = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y);
const bottomLeft = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height);
const bottomRight = isPointInDisplay(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y + bounds.height);
return topLeft && topRight && bottomLeft && bottomRight;
function findDisplayWithMostArea(bounds: electron.Rectangle): electron.Display {
const displays = electron.screen.getAllDisplays();
let maxArea = 0;
let bestDisplay = null;
for (let display of displays) {
const { x, y, width, height } = display.bounds;
const overlapX = Math.max(0, Math.min(bounds.x + bounds.width, x + width) - Math.max(bounds.x, x));
const overlapY = Math.max(0, Math.min(bounds.y + bounds.height, y + height) - Math.max(bounds.y, y));
const overlapArea = overlapX * overlapY;
if (overlapArea > maxArea) {
maxArea = overlapArea;
bestDisplay = display;
return bestDisplay;
function adjustBoundsToFitDisplay(bounds: electron.Rectangle, display: electron.Display): electron.Rectangle {
const { x: dx, y: dy, width: dWidth, height: dHeight } = display.workArea;
let { x, y, width, height } = bounds;
// Adjust width and height to fit within the display's work area
width = Math.min(width, dWidth);
height = Math.min(height, dHeight);
// Adjust x to ensure the window fits within the display
if (x < dx) {
x = dx;
} else if (x + width > dx + dWidth) {
x = dx + dWidth - width;
// Adjust y to ensure the window fits within the display
if (y < dy) {
y = dy;
} else if (y + height > dy + dHeight) {
y = dy + dHeight - height;
return { x, y, width, height };
function ensureBoundsAreVisible(bounds: electron.Rectangle): electron.Rectangle {
if (!isWindowFullyVisible(bounds)) {
let targetDisplay = findDisplayWithMostArea(bounds);
if (!targetDisplay) {
targetDisplay = electron.screen.getPrimaryDisplay();
return adjustBoundsToFitDisplay(bounds, targetDisplay);
return bounds;
electron.ipcMain.on("getIsDev", (event) => {
event.returnValue = isDev;
electron.ipcMain.on("getPlatform", (event, url) => {
event.returnValue = unamePlatform;
// Listen for the open-external event from the renderer process
electron.ipcMain.on("open-external", (event, url) => {
if (url && typeof url === "string") {
electron.shell.openExternal(url).catch((err) => {
console.error(`Failed to open URL ${url}:`, err);
} else {
console.error("Invalid URL received in open-external event:", url);
electron.ipcMain.on("download", (event, payload) => {
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
const streamingUrl = getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/stream-file?path=" + encodeURIComponent(payload.filePath);
electron.ipcMain.on("getCursorPoint", (event) => {
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
const screenPoint = electron.screen.getCursorScreenPoint();
const windowRect = window.getContentBounds();
const retVal: Electron.Point = {
x: screenPoint.x - windowRect.x,
y: screenPoint.y - windowRect.y,
event.returnValue = retVal;
electron.ipcMain.on("getEnv", (event, varName) => {
event.returnValue = process.env[varName] ?? null;
electron.ipcMain.on("update-window-controls-overlay", async (event, rect: Dimensions) => {
if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") {
const zoomFactor = event.sender.getZoomFactor();
const electronRect: Electron.Rectangle = {
x: rect.left * zoomFactor,
y: rect.top * zoomFactor,
height: rect.height * zoomFactor,
width: rect.width * zoomFactor,
const overlay = await event.sender.capturePage(electronRect);
const overlayBuffer = overlay.toPNG();
const color = await getAverageColor(overlayBuffer);
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
color: unamePlatform === "linux" ? color.rgba : "#00000000", // Windows supports a true transparent overlay, so we don't need to set a background color.
symbolColor: color.isDark ? "white" : "black",
async function createNewWaveWindow() {
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const newWindow = await services.ClientService.MakeWindow();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const newBrowserWindow = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, newWindow, settings);
electron.ipcMain.on("openNewWindow", () => fireAndForget(createNewWaveWindow));
electron.ipcMain.on("contextmenu-show", (event, menuDefArr?: ElectronContextMenuItem[]) => {
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
if (menuDefArr?.length === 0) {
const menu = menuDefArr ? convertMenuDefArrToMenu(menuDefArr) : getAppMenu();
const { x, y } = electron.screen.getCursorScreenPoint();
const windowPos = window.getPosition();
menu.popup({ window, x: x - windowPos[0], y: y - windowPos[1] });
event.returnValue = true;
async function logActiveState() {
const activeState = { fg: wasInFg, active: wasActive, open: true };
const url = new URL(getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/log-active-state");
try {
const resp = await fetch(url, { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify(activeState) });
if (!resp.ok) {
console.log("error logging active state", resp.status, resp.statusText);
} catch (e) {
console.log("error logging active state", e);
} finally {
// for next iteration
wasInFg = electron.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()?.isFocused() ?? false;
wasActive = false;
// this isn't perfect, but gets the job done without being complicated
function runActiveTimer() {
setTimeout(runActiveTimer, 60000);
function convertMenuDefArrToMenu(menuDefArr: ElectronContextMenuItem[]): electron.Menu {
const menuItems: electron.MenuItem[] = [];
for (const menuDef of menuDefArr) {
const menuItemTemplate: electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
role: menuDef.role as any,
label: menuDef.label,
type: menuDef.type,
click: (_, window) => {
window?.webContents.send("contextmenu-click", menuDef.id);
if (menuDef.submenu != null) {
menuItemTemplate.submenu = convertMenuDefArrToMenu(menuDef.submenu);
const menuItem = new electron.MenuItem(menuItemTemplate);
return electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuItems);
function getAppMenu() {
const fileMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
label: "New Window",
accelerator: "CommandOrControl+N",
click: () => fireAndForget(createNewWaveWindow),
role: "close",
accelerator: "", // clear the accelerator
click: () => {
const appMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
role: "about",
label: "Check for Updates",
click: () => {
fireAndForget(() => updater?.checkForUpdates(true));
type: "separator",
if (unamePlatform === "darwin") {
role: "services",
type: "separator",
role: "hide",
role: "hideOthers",
type: "separator",
role: "quit",
const viewMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
role: "forceReload",
label: "Relaunch All Windows",
click: () => {
role: "toggleDevTools",
type: "separator",
label: "Actual Size",
accelerator: "CommandOrControl+0",
click: (_, window) => {
label: "Zoom In",
accelerator: "CommandOrControl+=",
click: (_, window) => {
window.webContents.setZoomFactor(window.webContents.getZoomFactor() + 0.2);
label: "Zoom In (hidden)",
accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+=",
click: (_, window) => {
window.webContents.setZoomFactor(window.webContents.getZoomFactor() + 0.2);
visible: false,
acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true,
label: "Zoom Out",
accelerator: "CommandOrControl+-",
click: (_, window) => {
window.webContents.setZoomFactor(window.webContents.getZoomFactor() - 0.2);
type: "separator",
role: "togglefullscreen",
const windowMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
{ role: "minimize", accelerator: "" },
{ role: "zoom" },
{ type: "separator" },
{ role: "front" },
{ type: "separator" },
{ role: "window" },
const menuTemplate: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
role: "appMenu",
submenu: appMenu,
role: "fileMenu",
submenu: fileMenu,
role: "editMenu",
role: "viewMenu",
submenu: viewMenu,
role: "windowMenu",
submenu: windowMenu,
return electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate);
function makeAppMenu() {
electronApp.on("window-all-closed", () => {
if (globalIsRelaunching) {
if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") {
electronApp.on("before-quit", () => {
globalIsQuitting = true;
process.on("SIGINT", () => {
console.log("Caught SIGINT, shutting down");
process.on("SIGHUP", () => {
console.log("Caught SIGHUP, shutting down");
process.on("SIGTERM", () => {
console.log("Caught SIGTERM, shutting down");
let caughtException = false;
process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => {
if (caughtException) {
logger.error("Uncaught Exception, shutting down: ", error);
caughtException = true;
// Optionally, handle cleanup or exit the app
async function relaunchBrowserWindows() {
globalIsRelaunching = true;
const windows = electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
for (const window of windows) {
globalIsRelaunching = false;
const clientData = await services.ClientService.GetClientData();
const settings = await services.FileService.GetSettingsConfig();
const wins: WaveBrowserWindow[] = [];
for (const windowId of clientData.windowids.slice().reverse()) {
const windowData: WaveWindow = (await services.ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + windowId)) as WaveWindow;
if (windowData == null) {
services.WindowService.CloseWindow(windowId).catch((e) => {
/* ignore */
const win = createBrowserWindow(clientData.oid, windowData, settings);
for (const win of wins) {
await win.readyPromise;
console.log("show", win.waveWindowId);
async function appMain() {
const startTs = Date.now();
const instanceLock = electronApp.requestSingleInstanceLock();
if (!instanceLock) {
console.log("waveterm-app could not get single-instance-lock, shutting down");
const waveHomeDir = getWaveHomeDir();
if (!fs.existsSync(waveHomeDir)) {
try {
await runWaveSrv();
} catch (e) {
const ready = await waveSrvReady;
console.log("wavesrv ready signal received", ready, Date.now() - startTs, "ms");
await electronApp.whenReady();
await relaunchBrowserWindows();
await configureAutoUpdater();
setTimeout(runActiveTimer, 5000); // start active timer, wait 5s just to be safe
globalIsStarting = false;
electronApp.on("activate", async () => {
if (electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {
await createNewWaveWindow();
appMain().catch((e) => {
console.log("appMain error", e);