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synced 2025-01-19 21:11:32 +01:00
## Summary We are moving our docsite to this repo for better coordination. ## What's changed? - The docsite codebase is now in docs/ - The docsite will replace storybook as the published GitHub Pages site for this repo - Storybook will now be hosted at https://docs.waveterm.dev/storybook - A new CI workflow will validate any changes to Storybook or the docsite - A combined CD workflow will build and deploy Storybook and the docsite as a single artifact - The Build Helper workflow will now build an embedded version of the docsite before building the app, ensuring the docsite version it has is always the latest
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181 lines
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import type { Config } from "@docusaurus/types";
import { docOgRenderer } from "./src/renderer/image-renderers";
const baseUrl = process.env.EMBEDDED ? "/docsite/" : "/";
const config: Config = {
title: "Wave Terminal Documentation",
tagline: "Level Up Your Terminal With Graphical Widgets",
favicon: "img/logo/wave-logo_appicon.svg",
// Set the production url of your site here
url: "https://docs.waveterm.dev/",
// Set the /<baseUrl>/ pathname under which your site is served
// For GitHub pages deployment, it is often '/<projectName>/'
// GitHub pages deployment config.
// If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
organizationName: "wavetermdev", // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: "waveterm-docs", // Usually your repo name.
deploymentBranch: "main",
onBrokenLinks: "throw",
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: "warn",
trailingSlash: false,
// Even if you don't use internationalization, you can use this field to set
// useful metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you
// may want to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
i18n: {
defaultLocale: "en",
locales: ["en"],
plugins: [
path: "docs",
routeBasePath: "/",
exclude: ["features/**"],
editUrl: !process.env.EMBEDDED ? "https://github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm-docs/edit/main/" : undefined,
} as import("@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs").Options,
changefreq: "daily",
filename: "sitemap.xml",
!process.env.EMBEDDED && [
path: "./preview-images", // relative to the build directory
imageRenderers: {
"docusaurus-plugin-content-docs": docOgRenderer,
].filter((v) => v),
themes: [
["classic", { customCss: "src/css/custom.css" }],
!process.env.EMBEDDED && "@docusaurus/theme-search-algolia",
].filter((v) => v),
themeConfig: {
docs: {
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src: "img/logo/wave-light.png",
srcDark: "img/logo/wave-dark.png",
href: "https://www.waveterm.dev/",
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items: [
type: "doc",
position: "left",
docId: "index",
label: "Docs",
? [
position: "left",
href: "https://docs.waveterm.dev/storybook/",
label: "Storybook",
href: "https://discord.gg/zUeP2aAjaP",
position: "right",
className: "header-link-custom custom-icon-discord",
"aria-label": "Discord invite",
href: "https://github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm",
position: "right",
className: "header-link-custom custom-icon-github",
"aria-label": "GitHub repository",
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metadata: [
name: "keywords",
"terminal, developer, development, command, line, wave, linux, macos, windows, connection, ssh, cli, waveterm, documentation, docs, ai, graphical, widgets, remote, open, source, open-source, go, golang, react, typescript, javascript",
name: "og:type",
content: "website",
name: "og:site_name",
content: "Wave Terminal Documentation",
name: "application-name",
content: "Wave Terminal Documentation",
name: "apple-mobile-web-app-title",
content: "Wave Terminal Documentation",
footer: {
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Command Line Inc. Built with Docusaurus.`,
algolia: {
appId: "B6A8512SN4",
apiKey: "e879cd8663f109b2822cd004d9cd468c",
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tagName: "link",
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title: "Sitemap",
href: `${baseUrl}sitemap.xml`,
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tagName: "script",
attributes: {
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"data-domain": "docs.waveterm.dev",
src: "https://plausible.io/js/script.file-downloads.outbound-links.tagged-events.js",
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stylesheets: [`${baseUrl}fontawesome/css/fontawesome.min.css`, `${baseUrl}fontawesome/css/sharp-regular.min.css`],
staticDirectories: ["static"],
export default config;