name: CI env: # add 3.10+ after patching nose ( # or switching to fork of all-cpython-versions: 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 main-cpython-versions: 2.7, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 pypy-versions: pypy-2.7, pypy-3.6, pypy-3.7 cpython-versions: all # test-set: both test-set: core on: push: pull_request: workflow_dispatch: inputs: cpython-versions: type: choice description: CPython versions (main = 2.7, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9) options: - all - main required: true default: main test-set: type: choice description: core, download options: - both - core - download required: true default: core permissions: contents: read jobs: select: name: Select tests from inputs runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: cpython-versions: ${{ }} test-set: ${{ }} own-pip-versions: ${{ }} steps: - id: run run: | # Make a JSON Array from comma/space-separated string (no extra escaping) json_list() { \ ret=""; IFS="${IFS},"; set -- $*; \ for a in "$@"; do \ ret=$(printf '%s"%s"' "${ret}${ret:+, }" "$a"); \ done; \ printf '[%s]' "$ret"; } tests="${{ inputs.test-set || env.test-set }}" [ $tests = both ] && tests="core download" printf 'test-set=%s\n' "$(json_list $tests)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" versions="${{ inputs.cpython-versions || env.cpython-versions }}" if [ "$versions" = all ]; then \ versions="${{ env.all-cpython-versions }}"; else \ versions="${{ env.main-cpython-versions }}"; \ fi printf 'cpython-versions=%s\n' \ "$(json_list ${versions}${versions:+, }${{ env.pypy-versions }})" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" # versions with a special in a per-version subdirectory printf 'own-pip-versions=%s\n' \ "$(json_list 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" tests: name: Run tests needs: select permissions: contents: read packages: write runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: true matrix: os: [ubuntu-20.04] # outside steps, use github.env...., not env.... python-version: ${{ fromJSON( }} python-impl: [cpython] ytdl-test-set: ${{ fromJSON( }} run-tests-ext: [sh] include: - os: windows-2019 python-version: 3.2 python-impl: cpython ytdl-test-set: ${{ contains(, 'core') && 'core' || 'nocore' }} run-tests-ext: bat - os: windows-2019 python-version: 3.2 python-impl: cpython ytdl-test-set: ${{ contains(, 'download') && 'download' || 'nodownload' }} run-tests-ext: bat # jython - os: ubuntu-20.04 python-impl: jython ytdl-test-set: ${{ contains(, 'core') && 'core' || 'nocore' }} run-tests-ext: sh - os: ubuntu-20.04 python-impl: jython ytdl-test-set: ${{ contains(, 'download') && 'download' || 'nodownload' }} run-tests-ext: sh steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 #-------- Python 3 ----- - name: Set up supported Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} id: setup-python if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'cpython' && matrix.python-version != '2.6' && matrix.python-version != '2.7'}} # wrap broken actions/setup-python@v4 uses: ytdl-org/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} cache-build: true allow-build: info - name: Locate supported Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} if: ${{ env.pythonLocation }} shell: bash run: | echo "PYTHONHOME=${pythonLocation}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" export expected="${{ steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path }}" dirname() { printf '%s\n' \ 'import os, sys' \ 'print(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]))' \ | ${expected} - "$1"; } expd="$(dirname "$expected")" export python="$(command -v python)" [ "$expd" = "$(dirname "$python")" ] || echo "PATH=$expd:${PATH}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" [ -x "$python" ] || printf '%s\n' \ 'import os' \ 'exp = os.environ["expected"]' \ 'python = os.environ["python"]' \ 'exps = os.path.split(exp)' \ 'if python and (os.path.dirname(python) == exp[0]):' \ ' exit(0)' \ 'exps[1] = "python" + os.path.splitext(exps[1])[1]' \ 'python = os.path.join(*exps)' \ 'try:' \ ' os.symlink(exp, python)' \ 'except AttributeError:' \ ' os.rename(exp, python)' \ | ${expected} - printf '%s\n' \ 'import sys' \ 'print(sys.path)' \ | ${expected} - #-------- Python 2.7 -- - name: Set up Python 2.7 if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '2.7' }} # install 2.7 run: | sudo apt-get install -y python2 python-is-python2 echo "PYTHONHOME=/usr" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" #-------- Python 2.6 -- - name: Set up Python 2.6 environment if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '2.6' }} run: | openssl_name=openssl-1.0.2u echo "openssl_name=${openssl_name}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" openssl_dir=$HOME/.local/opt/$openssl_name echo "openssl_dir=${openssl_dir}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.local/share/pyenv echo "PYENV_ROOT=${PYENV_ROOT}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" sudo apt-get install -y openssl ca-certificates - name: Cache Python 2.6 id: cache26 if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '2.6' }} uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: python-2.6.9 path: | ${{ env.openssl_dir }} ${{ env.PYENV_ROOT }} - name: Build and set up Python 2.6 if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '2.6' && ! steps.cache26.outputs.cache-hit }} # dl and build locally run: | # Install build environment sudo apt-get install -y build-essential llvm libssl-dev tk-dev \ libncursesw5-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev \ libffi-dev xz-utils zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev # Download and install OpenSSL 1.0.2, back in time openssl_name=${{ env.openssl_name }} openssl_targz=${openssl_name}.tar.gz openssl_dir=${{ env.openssl_dir }} openssl_inc=$openssl_dir/include openssl_lib=$openssl_dir/lib openssl_ssl=$openssl_dir/ssl curl -L "$openssl_targz" -o $openssl_targz tar -xf $openssl_targz ( cd $openssl_name; \ ./config --prefix=$openssl_dir --openssldir=${openssl_dir}/ssl \ --libdir=lib -Wl,-rpath=${openssl_dir}/lib shared zlib-dynamic && \ make && \ make install ) rm -rf $openssl_name rmdir $openssl_ssl/certs && ln -s /etc/ssl/certs $openssl_ssl/certs # Download PyEnv from its GitHub repository. export PYENV_ROOT=${{ env.PYENV_ROOT }} export PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH git clone $PYENV_ROOT eval "$(pyenv init --path)" # Prevent pyenv build trying (and failing) to update pip export echo 'import sys; sys.exit(0)' > ${GET_PIP} GET_PIP=$(realpath $GET_PIP) # Build and install Python export CFLAGS="-I$openssl_inc" export LDFLAGS="-L$openssl_lib" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$openssl_lib" pyenv install 2.6.9 echo "PYTHONHOME=${PYENV_ROOT}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo "PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Set up cached Python 2.6 if: ${{ steps.cache26.outputs.cache-hit }} run: | export PYENV_ROOT export PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH eval "$(pyenv init --path)" pyenv local 2.6.9 echo "PYTHONHOME=${PYENV_ROOT}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo "PATH=$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" #-------- Jython ------ - name: Set up Java 8 if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'jython' }} uses: actions/setup-java@v2 with: java-version: 8 distribution: 'zulu' - name: Setup Jython environment if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'jython' }} run: | echo "JYTHON_ROOT=${HOME}/jython" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Cache Jython id: cachejy if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'jython' }} uses: actions/cache@v3 with: # 2.7.3 now available, may solve SNI issue key: jython-2.7.1 path: | ${{ env.JYTHON_ROOT }} - name: Install Jython if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'jython' && ! steps.cachejy.outputs.cache-hit }} run: | JYTHON_ROOT="${{ env.JYTHON_ROOT }}" curl -L "" -o jython-installer.jar java -jar jython-installer.jar -s -d "${JYTHON_ROOT}" echo "${JYTHON_ROOT}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Set up cached Jython if: ${{ steps.cachejy.outputs.cache-hit }} run: | JYTHON_ROOT="${{ env.JYTHON_ROOT }}" echo "${JYTHON_ROOT}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH #-------- pip --------- - name: Set up supported Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} pip if: ${{ (matrix.python-version != '3.2' && steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path) || matrix.python-version == '2.6' || matrix.python-version == '2.7' }} # This step may run in either Linux or Windows shell: bash run: | echo "$PATH" echo "$PYTHONHOME" # curl is available on both Windows and Linux, -L follows redirects, -O gets name python -m ensurepip || python -m pip --version || { \ get_pip="${{ contains(, matrix.python-version) && format('{0}/', matrix.python-version) || '' }}"; \ curl -L -O "${get_pip}"; \ python; } - name: Set up other Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} pip if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '3.2' && steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path }} shell: bash run: | # # python -m pip --version || { \ curl -L -O ""; \ curl -L -O ""; \ python -v --no-setuptools --no-wheel pip-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl; } #-------- nose -------- - name: Install nose for Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} if: ${{ (matrix.python-version != '3.2' && steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path) || matrix.python-version == '2.6' || matrix.python-version == '2.7' }} shell: bash run: | echo "$PATH" echo "$PYTHONHOME" python --version python -m pip --version python -m pip nose --version || python -m pip install nose - name: Install nose for other Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '3.2' && steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path }} shell: bash run: | python -m pip nose --version || { \ curl -L -O ""; \ python --version; \ printf '%s\n' \ 'import sys' \ 'print(sys.path)' \ | python -; \ python -m pip --version; \ python -m pip install nose-1.3.7-py3-none-any.whl; } - name: Install nose (Jython) if: ${{ matrix.python-impl == 'jython' }} # Work around deprecation of support for non-SNI clients at PyPI CDN (see run: | pip nose --version || { \ curl -L -O ""; \ pip --version; \ pip install nose-1.3.7-py2-none-any.whl; } - name: Set up nosetest test if: ${{ contains(, matrix.ytdl-test-set ) }} shell: bash run: | # define a test to validate the Python version used by nosetests printf '%s\n' \ 'from __future__ import unicode_literals' \ 'import sys, os, platform, unittest' \ 'class TestPython(unittest.TestCase):' \ ' def setUp(self):' \ ' self.ver = os.environ["PYTHON_VER"].split("-")' \ ' def test_python_ver(self):' \ ' self.assertEqual(sys.version[:3], self.ver[-1])' \ ' self.assertTrue(sys.version.startswith(self.ver[-1]))' \ ' self.assertIn(self.ver[0], sys.version.lower())' \ ' def test_python_impl(self):' \ ' self.assertIn(platform.python_implementation().lower(), (os.environ["PYTHON_IMPL"], self.ver[0]))' \ > test/ #-------- TESTS ------- - name: Run tests if: ${{ contains(, matrix.ytdl-test-set ) }} continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.ytdl-test-set == 'download' || matrix.python-impl == 'jython' }} env: YTDL_TEST_SET: ${{ matrix.ytdl-test-set }} PYTHON_VER: ${{ matrix.python-version }} PYTHON_IMPL: ${{ matrix.python-impl }} run: | ./devscripts/run_tests.${{ }} flake8: name: Linter runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: 3.9 - name: Install flake8 run: pip install flake8 - name: Run flake8 run: flake8 .