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README.md first commit 2020-03-30 14:09:39 +02:00

Template Plugin

Here is a simple project for the quick creation of minecraft plugin. Works from version 1.7.10 to version 1.14.2


  • Commands
  • Inventories
  • Json file
  • Useful function (in the class ZUtils)
  • ItemBuilder
  • CooldownBuilder
  • TimerBuilder
  • Pagination
  • Inventory button
  • Custom Event

Commande example:

Add a command
You will create a command with the addCommand (command, class extant VCommand), this will save your command and add its executor in the class CommandManager
To add a command with an argument you must pass in setting the parent class

addCommand("test", new CommandTest());
register("test", new CommandTest());
  • CommandTest
public class CommandTest extends VCommand {

	public CommandTest() {
		this.addSubCommand(new CommanndTestSub());
	public CommandType perform(Template main) {
		return CommandType.SUCCESS;
  • CommanndTestSub
public class CommanndTestSub extends VCommand {

	public CommanndTestSub() {

	public CommandType perform(Template main) {

		Location location = argAsLocation(0);
		return CommandType.SUCCESS;

  • ZCommand
addCommand("test", new ZCommand()
	.createInventory(1, 0)
	.setDescription("open inventory")


You can create inventories with the same principle as for commands.
So, you will create your class that will be extended from VInventory and then add it to the InventoryManager class with a unique ID

addInventory(1, new InventoryExample());
  • InventoryExample
    So you have the three most common vents for menu use that will be called by the class
public class InventoryExample extends VInventory {
	public boolean openInventory(Template main, Player player, int page, Object... args) throws Exception {

		createInventory("§aVote", 27);
		return true;

	protected void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent event, Template plugin, Player player) { }

	protected void onDrag(InventoryDragEvent event, Template plugin, Player player) { }

  • InventoryPagination
    You have a paging system, you can use it just like this:
public class InventoryExample extends VInventory {

	public boolean openInventory(SphaleriaFaction main, Player player, int page, Object... args) throws Exception {

		createInventory("§bInventoryName §7" + page + "§8/§7" + getMaxPage(your list));

		AtomicInteger slot = new AtomicInteger();

		Pagination<?> pagination = new Pagination<>();
		pagination.paginate(your list, 45, page).forEach(war -> {

		if (getPage() != 1)
			addItem(48, new ItemButton(ItemBuilder.getCreatedItem(Material.ARROW, 1, "§f» §7Previous"))
					.setClick(event -> createInventory(1, player, getPage() - 1, args)));
		if (getPage() != getMaxPage(your list))
			addItem(50, new ItemButton(ItemBuilder.getCreatedItem(Material.ARROW, 1, "§f» §7Next"))
					.setClick(event -> createInventory(1, player, getPage() + 1, args)));

		return true;

	protected int getMaxPage(Collection<?> items) {
		return (items.size() / 45) + 1;

	protected void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent event, SphaleriaFaction plugin, Player player) { }

	protected void onDrag(InventoryDragEvent event, SphaleriaFaction plugin, Player player) { }

  • Button
    You can simply create buttons for you inventory
Button example = new Button("§eExample", 360);
Button example2 = new Button("§eExample 2", 360, Arrays.asList("line 1", "line 2", "line 3"));

Json Saver

You will be able to create class to save anything in json very simply

public class Config implements Saveable {

	public static String version = "";
	public void save(Persist persist) {
		persist.save(this, "config");

	public void load(Persist persist) {
		persist.loadOrSaveDefault(this, Config.class, "config");

You must then add the class like this in the main class

addSave(new ConfigExample());


You can easily make list or map pagination

  • Create a pagination
Pagination<T> pagination = new Pagination<T>();
  • Simple pagination
List<T> list = pagination.paginate(List<T> list, int size, int page)
List<T> list = pagination.paginate(Map<?, T> map, int size, int page)
  • Reverse pagination
List<T> list = pagination.paginateReverse(List<T> list, int size, int page)
List<T> list = pagination.paginateReverse(Map<?, T> map, int size, int page)