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This page will walk you through installing Velocitab on a Velocity proxy server.


  • A Velocity proxy server (running Velocity 3.2.0 or newer)
  • Backend Minecraft servers. The following Minecraft server versions are fully supported:
    • Minecraft 1.8—1.8.9
    • Minecraft 1.12.2—latest

Servers that support clients with versions not listed are bit supported, as Velocitab relies on dispatching protocol-compatible packets and modern 1.16 RGB chat color formatting. Users attempting to connect on earlier versions may cause errors to display in your proxy server console.


  1. Download the latest version of Velocitab
  2. Drag the plugin into the /plugins/ folder on your Velocity proxy server
  3. Download and install additional optional dependencies on your proxy and backend servers as needed:
    1. If you'd like Velocitab to display user roles from LuckPerms, ensure LuckPerms is installed on your Velocity proxy as well, and configured to synchronise role information over your database
    2. If you'd like to use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, install PAPIProxyBridge on both your Velocity proxy and Spigot-based Minecraft servers. Also ensure PlaceholderAPI is installed on your spigot servers
    3. If you'd like to use MiniPlaceholders placeholders, install MiniPlaceholders on your Velocity proxy.
  4. Restart your proxy to let Velocitab generate its configuration file
  5. Stop your proxy server, modify the config.yml file to your liking, and start your server

Velocitab should now be successfully installed on your proxy.

Next Steps