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post Designing Secure Mining Environment Miners and Mining Operations

The goal of this Chapter is to design and develop secure and reason- ably easy way how to set up and run mining operations on any scale. Inspired by both results from the Monero Miners Research as well as industry standards of large scale IT operations, the main emphasis is placed on the automation and security aspect of the whole system. Repository containing all the code from this Chapter is publicly available in the GitHub repository mentioned in the Appendix Figure A. Video showing the implementation of the system can be found in the Section 9.5.

9.1 Automation

Automation is a key aspect for designing and running IT operations that are secure, up-to-date, scalable and easy to maintain. To do that, the proposed mining node provisioning scheme is divided into two parts, first being OS installation with early configuration and second is the automated configuration of provisioned nodes using Ansible. Workflow is described in the Figure 9.1.

9.1 Deployment nodes workflow.

9.2 Ansible introduction

Ansible is an IT automation engine that in this case is used for config- uration and application management of local mining nodes [69]. Playbook is a YAML formatted file that provides the declaration of hosts and plays that are executed when running the playbook. Hosts file declares connection information about hosts, e.g., IP and login credentials.

ansible-playbook -i hosts xmr01.yml is a CLI command that exe- cutesxmr01.ymlplaybook file and takes connection information about hosts and groups involved from thehostsfile.

9.3 Linux-based solution

9.3.1 Kickstart installation media

To easily scale the mining operation, every bit of the software provi- sioning has to be automated. This part describes a process of creating automated CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 installation media with minimal pack- age installation without GUI.

The first step is to obtain installation media at https://www.ce After downloading the Minimal ISO version, extract the iso file into a separate folder. From there navigate to the isolinuxfolder and editisolinux.cfgconfiguration file. For reference,CentOS-7-x8664-Minimal-1804.isowas used in the following steps.

Isolinux.cfg file

Four changes are needed to get the installation process working:

  • timeoutproperty changed from 600 to 50 (seconds * 10).
  • Change the boot menu to go straight for the install.
  • Edit paths for the custom ISO image.
  • Add kickstart file entry.
<@\textcolor{blue}{timeout 50}@>
# only relevant part of the file is displayed
label linux
menu_label ^Install CentOS 7
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img <@\textcolor{blue}{inst.ks=hd:LABEL=CENTOS:/
ks/ks.cfg inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CENTOS}@> quiet

9.2 Customised installator entry.

The kickstart file is a single file that contains all OS installation param- eters for RHEL based operating systems [70]. This installation method enables automated provisioning of machines without the need for the administrator input. When the file is presented to the installer, it reads the required parameters resulting in the unattended installation process [71].

The created kickstart file for CentOS 7 mining installation media is available in the Appendix Figure F.1.

9.3.3 Generating ISO

The specific process of packaging extracted CentOS installation media back into the iso file varies by the used operating system. In both mentioned scenarios, few specific parameters have to be set:

  • Boot image file/isolinux/isolinux.bin
  • Updated boot information table
  • Volume label for ISO9660 and UDF set toCENTOS(depends on the configuration that is set in theisolinux.cfgfile).

Once files are prepared, packaging into the iso at Linux is done by one-liner command: mkisofs -o centos7.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -V CENTOS -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v -T isolinux/.

After installation from the ISO that was prepared with the kickstart file, the target machine is accepting SSH connections under root account using password-based authentification. Without proper configuration, this would leave machine open to brute force attempts for the root account. Ansible uses following set of files to provision mining nodes with software and configuration:


9.4 Ansible prepared roles.

  • Xmr01.ymlrepresents a playbook file that defines what group of nodes will be provisioned together with the list of roles that will be applied to them. Hostsfile contains groups of hosts with information on how Ansible can connect to them.
  • Ansible.cfgwas used only in the testing environment where host key checking was disabled.
  • Rolesfolder contains roles that are applied when running the playbook.

To make Linux mining nodes updated and secure, following roles were written:


The common baseline for all mining nodes that consists of the follow- ing tasks:

  1. Ensure EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository is configured or install it.
  2. Install the following packages:htop, rsync, screen, tmux, iftop, iotop, nano, git, wget, unzip, mc.


Installs and enables the firewalld service that has default policy for connections set to thepublic networkand accepts incoming connec- tions only for SSH service.


To report correct information through the web interface of the mining software, the target machine has to be in sync with NTP servers to do that role establishes the following:

  1. Packagentpdateinstalled from the CentOS repository.
  2. Ensures correct timezone usingtimedatectlinterface.
  3. Creates daily cronjob for synchronization of system time.


Sets up email gateway for correct email delivery together with internal mail aliases mapped to a single outbound address. Email gateway can deliver email on its own to the recipients server or can also act as a relay to Gmail account that is used for sending out emails.

Using Gmail account is preferred as this solution is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) agnostic (blocked SMTP and SSMTP commu- nication for outbound connections at the ISP level would be a problem for the gateway mode).

Separate Gmail account for sending out email alerts is recom- mended as Postfix has login credentials saved in/etc/postfix/sasl passwdfile in plaintext [70]. This can be made more secure if the credentials file has appropriate permissions, e.g., ownership set to root, the group to wheel and chmod changed to 0600.


Takes care about incoming SSH connections in case somebody wants to try brute force attack on the mining machine. After a predefined amount of failed login attempts, the incoming IP address is put into "jail".

Under the hood, fail2ban monitors sshd log for incoming failed attempts and after certain threshold creates a firewalld rule to block the IP for a predefined amount of time. The default setting for this rule is relatively strict, 3 failed attempts in 10-hour window result in a 10-hour ban for incoming connections from the IP address. This role is a fork ofansible-role-fail2banthat is available at


Installs software collectionscentos-release-sclpackage for CentOS together withcmake3, devtoolset-4-gcc*, hwloc-devel, make, libmicrohttpd-devel, openssl-develpackages used for compiling XMR-Stak from source code.

After that, the folder structure inside the non-privileged user ac- count is created, and XMR-Stak repository is cloned into the user di- rectory. With appropriate permissions set, cmake compiles the source code with following flags:cmake3 .. -DCPUENABLE=ON -DCUDA ENABLE= OFF -DOpen CLENABLE=OFFresulting in CPU only miner for CentOS [72].

If the mining node would use GPU, appropriate drivers from AMD or Nvidia website are a prior requirement for running the miner. As GPU feature is only a flag, it can be enabled on demand in the play- book file as cmake3 flags are set as variables in the tasks file of the ansible-sw-xmrstakrole in the Jinja2 format: cmake3 .. -DCPUENABLE={{ DCPUENABLE }} -DCUDA ENABLE={{ DCUDAENABLE }} -DOpenCLENABLE={{ DOpenCLENABLE }} As next step, role copies over to the node CPU, pool and miner configuration and creates a crontab entry for automatic miner start. For the final touch, HugePages are set tovm.nrhugepages=128in/ etc/sysctl.conffor CPU mining memory allocation, and sysctl is reloaded.

ansible-sys-hostname Changes system hostname to inventory hostname set inhostsfile usinghostnamectlAnsible module.

ansible-user-add User-add-roleis used for creating the mining user that is not within the wheel group (unprivileged user).

ansible-yum-cron Installs and configures automatic security updates for CentOS that are daily checked against the online repository. If packages marked for security update are found, email notification to root is sent [73].

ansible-yum-update All packages including kernel are updated so that mining node is ready to use and wont send update notification on the next day (unless there are new updates in the meantime).

Additional notes Roles are installed in the order specified in thexmr01.ymlfile as sys- tem update is done as first to prevent any problems with XMR-Stak compilation. Using root account login on SSH is not recommended as the proper way would be to disable root login in/etc/sshdconfigand login to SSH using created non-privileged user account (ideally using ssh-key based authentification). Later if the user needs to login as user, this can be done bysu root command. To minimize the chance of success brute force attack of the root account using SSH, fail2ban is set to strict mode. Although this is not the most secure way to access the system, with above settings this acts as a middle ground between security and usability of the mining operation.

9.4 Windows-based solution

9.4.1 Installation media For Windows scenario, Windows 10 image from autumn 2018 was used. As installation is intended to run unattended, custom media has to be created.

There are many ways how to provision changes to original Win- dows media, most straightforward is generating anautounattend.xml file that covers all installation steps for Windows 10 installer. This process of Windows image customization can be done using Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) as it includes Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) that is an authoring tool forautounattend.xmlfiles. Using Windows ADK, more complex Windows deployment can be achieved as the adminis- trator can bundle applications and drivers in the image [74]. For this guide, generatingautounattend.xmlfile is based on on- line autounattend generator tool located After generating the file, a block of commands that is executed after the first logon was added.

powershellCommand SetItemPropertyPath
HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ .NetFramework\v4.0.30319
Name SchUseStrongCryptoValue 1Type DWord
Set PowerShell ExecutionPolicy

9.5 .NetFramework adjustments in the Autounattend file.

For example, .NetFramework in Windows 10 doesnt have strong cryptography enabled for all .Net applications. Due to this, in the default state, Powershell cant be used for downloading updated code that is required for setting up the environment for Ansible. To fix that, one of the commands after the first logon is dedicated to this issue as shown in the Figure 9.5.

After finishing the installation process and provisioning the Win- dows environment withincluded in the unat- tended file, Ansible can connect to the Windows machine and set up thing properly.

Note that installer opens RDP, WinRM, temporarily disables Win- dows Firewall (which will be properly configured by Ansible later) and sets up self-signed WinRM HTTPS certificate using Ansible Power- shell fileConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1[75]. Mining node has to be connected to the network to download all required files properly.

9.4.2 Ansible at Windows

Before applying roles in Ansible for Windows, unlike in Ansible with Linux machines, environment for both Windows and Linux controller has to be prepared [76]. Windows needs to have WinRM setup. This is already done as it was part of the installation process where Ansible Powershell script set up HTTPS WinRM environment [77]. Linux doesnt have Ansible modules for Windows in default An- sible install. Those can be installed using the package manager, e.g.:

  • Ubuntu: - Python 2: apt-get install python-winrm - Python 3: apt-get install python3-winrm
  • CentOS: - With EPEL enabled: yum install python2-winrm
  • Or using PIP: - pip install pywinrm

9.4.3 Ansible roles

Once Ansible is ready to launchxmratwin.ymlplaybook, the following roles are played:

  1. Designing Secure Mining Environment

9.6 Ansible roles for Windows.


Sets up firewall rules for RDP, WinRM and XMR-Stak web interface, enables Windows firewall for all zones.


Windows update policy is set to download and notify for install as Windows updates are managed by this Ansible role. The administrator can configure which updates category will be in- cluded in the updates, in default role install updates fromSecurityUpdates andCriticalUpdatescategory [77]. This can be changed using vari- ableUpdateEverythingin the playbook.


Downloads latest release of XMR-Stak from developers GitHub page, configures mining software and downloads required libraries from Microsoft site. It also creates scheduled task under the mining user to run with elevated permissions after login so that UAC can be kept enabled and the miner is running without UAC prompts. Also adds the exception in Windows Defender to ignore Desktop folder as a binary XMR-Stak file is considered as a malicious file for being a mining software.

  1. Designing Secure Mining Environment

9.5 Automated installation process

In order to show automated installation process for both Windows and Linux miners, both installation processes were recorded using HDMI capture card and Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). Timeline detailing installation process is available in the Figures 9.7 and 9.9. Video is available at s/blob/master/

00:20 ······• Start of unattended Windows installation using the
autounattend file.
05:35 ······• Install part complete, OS first boot.
11:07 ······• Windows 10 installation complete.
11:15 ······• Running Ansible playbook on the Windows machine.
13:38 ······• Ansible completes miner deployment and reboots
the machine.
#### 15:17 ······•

Ansible sets up firewall, Windows environment and
reboots the machine. Miner is already running
because of scheduled task after reboot.
17:18 ······• Ansible updates the OS using Windows update
55:24 ······•
Ansible reboots the machine to complete the
#### 57:25 ······•

Ansible completes the playbook and mining machine
is ready.

9.7 Automated deployment of Windows mining machine.

9.8 Windows miner deployment.

Both installations were done using USB drive as installation source. Hardware specifications of the installation computer were CPU Intel i5 4460, 24GB of DDR3 RAM and target installation drive was 60GB Intel 330 SATA SSD.

#### 00:46 ······•

Start of unattended Linux CentOS 7 installation
using the kickstart file.
05:06 ······• Install part complete, OS first boot.
05:06 ······• Running Ansible playbook on the Linux machine.
#### 11:29 ······•

Ansible completes the playbook and mining machine
is ready.

9.9 Automated deployment of Linux mining machine.

10 Conclusion

Monero cryptocurrency is a large and active project that offers a wide range of applications for both users and miners. For its open-source nature, everyone can build their own wallet software, miner or even a website that provides wallet and key management. Because of this, many good, but also potentially malicious applications are released to the public.

The goal of this thesis is to map usage habits of Monero cryptocur- rency users and miners from both technological as well as security view. Another goal is to create a detailed user guideline for user- friendly and secure usage of the Monero cryptocurrency including key management and backup strategy. For miners, the goal is to im- plement an automated deployment of mining rigs using one of the popular configuration management tools.

To address this issue, the thesis provides a detailed overview of Monero environment, comparison of wallet client software and ex- changes, comparison of mining software and list of malicious events and software connected with Monero cryptocurrency.

For a deeper investigation of the listed issues, I have conducted surveys aimed at Monero users and miners. With 173 (113 in users and 60 in miners survey) respondents in total, this provides a real Monero users sample upon which two guidelines were proposed.

Results of Monero User Research follow the way how participants were selected (by self-selection) as well as the sites they came from (Reddit, Facebook cryptocurrency groups). That meant that the ma- jority of users said they prefer Linux OS with official wallet software and also that they tend to use open-source more than closed-source software. Only a few of them used closed-source apps or website por- tals that can be labeled as dangerous for the user. Contrary to popular belief, respondents revealed that they use Monero for darknet markets only in 18% (20 out of 113), in case of drugs in 10% (11 out of 113) and for other illegal use cases in 5% (6 out of 113).

Based on the results of the research, I formulated Monero usage and storage best practices part of the thesis, which gives users detailed steps on how to work with the Monero cryptocurrency.

Monero Miners Research revealed that both Windows and Linux mining operations are set up using manual deployment and updates are usually disabled or delayed. Mining software was in almost all cases open-source with XMR Stak being used the most.

Based on the results from the Monero Miners Research, I imple- mented an automated deployment system for both major platforms using unattended/kickstart installation media and Ansible. By using application deployment and configuration management tool like An- sible, miners can deploy large mining operations with correct security settings that are both secure and easy to maintain.

As for the future work on this topic, it would be appropriate to extend current research to include other cryptocurrencies (Dash, Ethereum or Bitcoin) as well as the deployment of their miners. To make results from this thesis more open to the public, every- thing is published under the GitHub repository and GitHub pages website. Website links are available in the Appendix Figure A.