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synced 2024-11-14 23:05:11 +01:00
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@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
# The message the player is sent.
# {name} shows the name of the mob or player.
# {health} shows current health of the mob or player.
# {maxhealth} shows the max health of the mob or player.
# {usestyle} will use the defined chars.
# {displayname} will use player/mob custom name.
# {opponentlastdamage} the amount of damage the enemy last received.
# {percenthealth} displays the percentage of health left.
# Note: if placeholders are being overridden by other plugins you can add 'ah' in front of it i.e {ahhealth}
# For PlaceholderAPI or MVdWPlaceholderAPI:
# By default placeholders will be retrieved as the attacking player.
# Prefix with 'ATTACKEDPLAYER_' to get the placeholders as the attacked player
# i.e %player_exp% would be %ATTACKEDPLAYER_player_exp%.
Health Message: '&7&l{name}: {usestyle}'
# If set empty it will default to the one above.
# This message is sent to all non player entities.
# All the placeholders from above work here also.
Non Player Message: ''
# The message the player is sent to the player if they have actionhealth disabled.
# {name} shows the name of the player.
Toggle Message: ''
# Message sent to player when player enables actionhealth
# {name} shows the name of the player.
On Enable: '&7ActionHealth has been &cenabled&7.'
# Message sent to player when player disables actionhealth
# {name} shows the name of the player.
On Disable: '&7ActionHealth has been &cdisabled&7.'
# Strip Name.
Strip Name: true
# If enabled players with the permission 'ActionHealth.Health' will only see the action health message.
Use Permissions: false
# If set to false player will not see health messages from mobs.
Show Mob: true
# If set to false player will not see health messages from other players.
Show Player: true
# If set to false player will not see health messages from npcs.
Show NPC: true
# If set to true player will get the message in a delay to get 100% accurate health. Useful for plugins that add damage by reading item lore.
Delay Message: false
# Amount delayed by
Delay Tick: 1
# Style Health
Full Health Icon: "&4\u2764"
Half Health Icon: "&c\u2764"
Empty Health Icon: "&7\u2764"
# ActionHealth will be disabled for any world names added below. Case sensitive!
Disabled worlds:
- randomworld
Disabled regions:
- testing_region
# Disable ActionHealth in regions where PvP is denied.
Region PvP: true
# Limits the health style to a certain amount of symbols. Static limit (-1 to disable)
# Limit health WILL accurately still display the entities health.
Limit Health: 10
# If 'Limit Health' is set to -1. With 'Upper Limit Health' you can trigger 'Limit Health' logic to prevent 'Use Style' going off screen'
# '40 -> 10' = If health over 40, use limit health 10. Leave empty to disable
Upper Limit Health: "40 -> 10"
# Saves players /actionhealth toggle state.
# Uses flat file. If interested in SQL support ask in discussion.
Remember Toggle: false
# Blacklist by entity name or entity display name.
# Also supports MythicMobs using the internal name.
- 'CCPD Officer'
# Whitelist by entity name or entity display name.
# Also supports MythicMobs using the internal name.
Whitelist: []
# Show the health of the entity that the player is looking at.
Show On Look: true
Look Distance: 10
# How often (in ticks) to check if player is looking at an entity. Increase if lagging, maybe to 10 or 20.
CheckTicks: 0
# If the dot product is positive, the target is in front
Dot: 0
# Tolerance of the line calculation
Tolerance: 4
# Check if player can see entity before sending health.
Can See: true
# Hide action health if entity has invisible potion on.
Invisible Potion: true
# Hide if entity is in spectator mode.
Spectator Mode: true
# If to show MiniaturePets health or not
ShowMiniaturePets: true
# Translate names. Case sensitive!
# Check ActionHealth page if translations already exist for the language you plan on using.
# I'd appreciate if servers that use custom translations share them with me, so I can share them with others!
# For users that do, I will tag them on Spigot and display their server IP.
Name Change: false
- Snow Golem = New name
# Translate names using Client Language. Need to install LanguageUtils
# https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/1-7-x-1-12-language-utils.8859/
Use Client Language: false
# Allows bstats metrics. Useful to allow better understanding of version support and more metrics useful for maintaining
Allow Metrics: true
# If enabled, when a player gets into combat they will be tagged for the configurable amount of time.
# When the enemy triggers an action the provided message will be sent.
# Supports all placeholders from above.
Enabled: false
# In seconds
TagLength: 20
# Amount of entities a player can tag during combat. -1 for unlimited
TagAmount: 2
GOLDEN_APPLE: '&7&l{name} consumed &cgolden apple&7&l!'
REGENERATION_POTION: '&7&l{name} consumed &cregen potion&7&l!'
ENDER_PEARL: '&7&l{name} used &cender pearl&7&l!'
ENDER_PEARL: '&7&l{name} swapped to &cender pearls&7&l. {usestyle}&7&l'
POTION: '&7&l{name} swapped to &cpotion&7&l. {usestyle}&7&l'
ANY: '&7&l{name}: {usestyle}'
# Supports DamageCause if 'ANY' not being used
#LAVA: '&4On fire!'
#ENTITY_SWEEP_ATTACK: '&7You swept them!'
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
name: ActionHealth
main: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.Main
version: 3.5.6
softdepend: [PlaceholderAPI, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, WorldGuard, mcMMO, MythicMobs, LangUtils]
api-version: 1.13
description: Actionhealth main commands.
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Snow Golem = Golem de Neve
- Bat = Morcego
- Cat = Gato
- Cave Spider = Aranha da Caverna
- Chicken = Galinha
- Cod = Bacalhau
- Cow = Vaca
- Dolphin = Golfinho
- Donkey = Burro
- Drowned = Afogado
- Elder Guardian = Guardião Ancião
- Ender Dragon = Dragão do End
- Enderman = Enderman
- Endermite = Endermite
- Evoker = Invocador
- Fox = Raposa
- Giant = Gigante
- Guardian = Guardião
- Horse = Cavalo
- Husk = Zumbi do Deserto
- Illusioner = Ilusionista
- Iron Golem = Golem de Ferro
- Llama = Lhama
- Magma Cube = Cubo de Magma
- Mooshroom = Coguvaca
- Mule = Mula
- Parrot = Papagaio
- Phantom = Espectro
- Pig = Porco
- Pillager = Pillager
- Polar Bear = Urso Polar
- Puffer Fish = Baiacu
- Ocelot = Onça
- Rabbit = Coelho
- Ravager = Destruidor
- Salmon = Salmão
- Sheep = Ovelha
- Skeleton = Esqueleto
- Skeleton Horse = Cavalo Esqueleto
- Slime = Slime
- Snow Golem = Golem de Neve
- Spider = Aranha
- Squid = Lula
- Stray = Esqueleto Errante
- Trader Llama = Lhama Trader
- Tropical Fish = Peixe Tropical
- Turtle = Tartaruga
- Vindicator = Vindicador
- Wandering Trader = Mercador Ambulante
- Witch = Bruxa
- Wither Skeleton = Esqueleto Wither
- Wolf = Lobo
- Zombie = Zumbi
- Zombie Horse = Cavalo Zumbi
- Zombified Piglin = Piglin Zumbi
- Zombie Villager = Villager Zumbi
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
#French translation for "Action bar Health" made with ♥baguette♥ by PoulpY2K
Name Change: true
- Armorer = Armurier
- Axolotl = Axolotl
- Bat = Chauve-Souris
- Bee = Abeille
- Blaze = Blaze
- Butcher = Boucher
- Cartographer = Cartographe
- Cat = Chat
- Cave Spider = Araignée venimeuse
- Chicken = Poulet
- Cleric = Prêtre
- Cod = Morue
- Cow = Vache
- Creeper = Creeper
- Dolphin = Dauphin
- Donkey = Âne
- Drowned = Noyé
- Elder Guardian = Gardien Ancestral
- Ender Dragon = Ender Dragon
- Enderman = Enderman
- Endermite = Endermite
- Evoker = Évocateur
- Farmer = Fermier
- Fisherman = Pêcheur
- Fletcher = Fléchier
- Fox = Renard
- Ghast = Ghast
- Glow Squid = Poulpe luisant
- Goat = Chèvre
- Guardian = Gardien
- Hoglin = Hoglin
- Horse = Cheval
- Husk = Zombie momifié
- Iron Golem = Golem de fer
- Llama = Lama
- Leatherworker = Tanneur
- Librarian = Bibliothécaire
- Magma Cube = Cube de magma
- Mason = Maçon
- Mooshroom = Champimeuh
- Mule = Mule
- Nitwit = Idiot du village
- Ocelot = Ocelot
- Panda = Panda
- Parrot = Perroquet
- Phantom = Phantom
- Pig = Cochon
- Piglin Brute = Brute Piglin
- Pillager = Pillard
- Polar Bear = Ours Polaire
- Pufferfish = Poisson-globe
- Rabbit = Lapin
- Ravager = Ravageur
- Salmon = Saumon
- Sheep = Mouton
- Shepherd = Berger
- Shulker = Bernard-l'hermite
- Silverfish = Poisson d'argent
- Skeleton = Squelette
- Skeleton Horse = Cheval-squelette
- Slime = Slime
- Snow Golem = Golem de neige
- Spider = Araignée
- Squid = Poulpe
- Stray = Vagabond
- Strider = Arpenteur
- Toolsmith = Forgeron d'outils
- Trader Llama = Lama de marchand
- Tropical Fish = Poisson tropical
- Turtle = Tortue
- Vex = Vex
- Villager = Villageois
- Vindicator = Vindicateur
- Wandering Trader = Marchand ambulant
- Weaponsmith = Forgeron d'armes
- Witch = Sorcière
- Wither = Wither
- Wither Skeleton = Wither squelette
- Wolf = Loup
- Zoglin = Zoglin
- Zombie = Zombie
- Zombie Horse = Cheval-zombie
- Zombie Villager = Zombie-villageois
- Zombified Piglin = Piglin zombifié
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
#German Translation for "Action Bar Health" by ZeeZee translation by Chris_ImItReal
Name Change: true
- Armorer = Rüstungsschmied
- Bat = Fledermaus
- Bee = Biene
- Blaze = Lohe
- Butcher = Fleischer
- Cartographer = Kartenzeichner
- Cat = Katze
- Cave Spider = Höhlenspinne
- Chicken = Huhn
- Cleric = Geistlicher
- Cod = Kabeljau
- Cow = Kuh
- Creeper = Creeper
- Dolphin = Delfin
- Donkey = Esel
- Drowned = Ertrunkener
- Elder Guardian = Wächter
- Ender Dragon = Enderdrache
- Enderman = Enderman
- Endermite = Endermite
- Evoker = Magier
- Farmer = Bauer
- Fisherman = Fischer
- Fletcher = Pfeilmacher
- Fox = Fuchs
- Ghast = Ghast
- Giant = Riese
- Guardian = Wächter
- Horse = Pferd
- Husk = Wüstenzombie
- Iron Golem = Eisengolem
- Leatherworker = Gerber
- Librarien = Bibliothekar
- Llama = Lama
- Magma Cube = Magmawürfel
- Mason = Steinmetz
- Mooshroom = Pilzkuh
- Mule = Maultier
- Nitwit = Nichtsnutz
- Ocelot = Ozelot
- Parrot = Papagei
- Pig = Schwein
- Pillager = Plünderer
- Polar Bear = Eisbär
- Pufferfish = Kugelfisch
- Rabbit = Hase
- Ravager = Verwüster
- Salmon = Lachs
- Sheep = Schaf
- Shepherd = Schäfer
- Shulker = Shulker
- Silverfish = Silberfisch
- Skeleton = Skelett
- Skeleton Horse = Skelettpferd
- Slime = Schleim
- Spider = Spinne
- Squid = Tintenfisch
- Stray = Eiswanderer
- Toolsmith = Werkzeugschmied
- Trader Llama = Händlerlama
- Tropical Fish = Tropenfisch
- Turtle = Schildkröte
- Vex = Plagegeist
- Villager = Bewohner
- Vindicator = Diener
- Wandering Trader = Wandernder Händler
- Weaponsmith = Waffenschmied
- Witch = Hexe
- Wither = Wither
- Wither Skeleton = Witherskelett
- Wolf = Wolf
- Zombie = Zombie
- Zombie Horse = Zombiepferd
- Zombie Pigman = Schweinezombie
- Zombie Villager = Dorfbewohnerzombie
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Bat = Pipistrello
- Bee = Ape
- Cat = Gatto
- Cave Spider = Ragno delle caverne
- Chicken = Gallina
- Cod = Merluzzo
- Cow = Mucca
- Dolphin = Delfino
- Donkey = Asino
- Drowned = Annegato
- Elder Guardian = Guardiano antico
- Evoker = Evocatore
- Fox = Volpe
- Guardian = Guardiano
- Horse = Cavallo
- Husk = Zombi secco
- Llama = Lama
- Magma Cube = Cubo di magma
- Mule = Mulo
- Ocelot = Gattopardo
- Parrot = Pappagallo
- Pig = Maiale
- Piglin Brute = Piglin Bruto
- Pillager = Predone
- Polar Bear = Orso polare
- Pufferfish = Pesce palla
- Rabbit = Coniglio
- Ravanger = Devastatore
- Salmon = Salmone
- Sheep = Pecora
- Silverfish = Pesciolino d'argento
- Skeleton = Scheletro
- Skeleton Horse = Cavallo scheletro
- Spider = Ragno
- Squid = Calamaro
- Stray = Errante
- Trader Llama = Lama del mercante
- Tropical Fish = Pesce tropicale
- Turtle = Tartaruga
- Villager = Villico
- Vindicator = Difensore
- Wandering Trader = Mercante ambulante
- Witch = Strega
- Wither Skeleton = Scheletro wither
- Wolf = Lupo
- Zombie = Zombi
- Zombie Horse = Cavallo zombi
- Zombie Villager = Villico zombi
- Zombified Piglin = Piglin zombificato
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Bat = コウモリ
- Bee = ミツバチ
- Blaze = ブレイズ
- Cat = ネコ
- Cave Spider = 洞窟グモ
- Chicken = ニワトリ
- Cod = タラ
- Cow = 牛
- Creeper = クリーパー
- Dolphin = イルカ
- Donkey = ロバ
- Drowned = ドラウンド
- Elder Guardian = エルダーガーディアン
- Enderman = エンダーマン
- Endermite = エンダーマイト
- Evoker = エヴォーカー
- Fox = キツネ
- Ghast = ガスト
- Guardian = ガーディアン
- Hoglin = ホグリン
- Horse = ウマ
- Husk = ハスク
- Llama = ラマ
- Magma Cube = マグマキューブ
- Mooshroom = ムーシュルーム
- Mule = ラバ
- Ocelot = ヤマネコ
- Panda = パンダ
- Parrot = オウム
- Phantom = ファントム
- Pig = ブタ
- Piglin = ピグリン
- Piglin Brute = ピグリンブルート
- Pillager = ピリジャー
- Polar Bear = シロクマ
- Pufferfish = フグ
- Rabbit = ウサギ
- Ravager = ラヴェジャー
- Salmon = サケ
- Sheep = ヒツジ
- Shulker = シュルカー
- Silverfish = シルバーフィッシュ
- Skeleton = スケルトン
- Skeleton Horse = スケルトンホース
- Slime = スライム
- Spider = クモ
- Squid = イカ
- Stray = ストレイ
- Strider = ストライダー
- Trader Llama = 商人のラマ
- Tropical Fish = 熱帯魚
- Turtle = カメ
- Vex = ヴェックス
- Villager = 村人
- Vindicator = ヴィンディケーター
- Wandering Trader = 行商人
- Witch = ウィッチ
- Wither Skeleton = ウィザースケルトン
- Wolf = オオカミ
- Zoglin = ゾグリン
- Zombie = ゾンビ
- Zombie Horse = ゾンビホース
- Zombie Villager = 村人ゾンビ
- Zombified Piglin = ゾンビピグリン
- Snow Golem = スノウゴーレム
- Iron Golem = アイアンゴーレム
- Ender Dragon = エンダードラゴン
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Bat = Nietoperz
- Bee = Pszczoła
- Blaze = Płomyk
- Cat = Kot
- Cave Spider = Pająk Jaskiniowy
- Chicken = Kurczak
- Cod = Dorsz
- Cow = Krowa
- Dolphin = Delfin
- Donkey = Osioł
- Drowned = Utopiec
- Elder Guardian = Starszy Strażnik
- Ender Dragon = Smok Kresu
- Evoker = Przywoływacz
- Fox = Lis
- Guardian = Strażnik
- Horse = Koń
- Husk = Posuch
- Iron Golem = Żelazny Golem
- Llama = Lama
- Magma Cube = Kostka Magmy
- Mule = Muł
- Parrot = Papuga
- Phantom = Fantom
- Pig = Świnia
- Pillager = Rozbójnik
- Piglin = Piglin
- Piglin Brute = Piglin Okrutnik
- Polar Bear = Niedźwiedź Polarny
- Pufferfish = Rozdymka
- Rabbit = Królik
- Ravager = Dewastator
- Salmon = Łosoś
- Sheep = Owca
- Silverfish = Rybik
- Skeleton = Szkielet
- Skeleton Horse = Szkielet Konia
- Snow Golem = Bałwan
- Spider = Pająk
- Squid = Kałamarnica
- Stray = Tułacz
- Strider = Magmołaz
- Trader Llama = Lama Handlarza
- Tropical Fish = Ryba Tropikalna
- Turtle = Żółw
- Vex = Dręczyciel
- Villager = Osadnik
- Vindicator = Obrońca
- Wandering Trader = Wędrujący Handlarz
- Witch = Wiedźma
- Wither Skeleton = Witherowy Szkielet
- Wolf = Wilk
- Zombie Horse = Koń Zombie
- Zombified Piglin = Piglin Zombie
- Zombie Villager = Osadnik Zombie
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Bat = Летучая мышь
- Bee = Пчела
- Blaze = Ифрит
- Cat = Кот
- Cave Spider = Ядовитый паук
- Chicken = Курица
- Cod = Треска
- Cow = Корова
- Creeper = Крипер
- Dolphin = Дельфин
- Donkey = Осёл
- Drowned = Утопленник
- Fox = Лиса
- Elder Guardian = Древний страж
- Ender Dragon = Дракон Края
- Enderman = Эндермен
- Endermite = Эндермит
- Evoker = Заклинатель
- Ghast = Гаст
- Giant = Гигант
- Guardian = Страж
- Horse = Лошадь
- Hoglin = Хоглин
- Husk = Кадавр
- Iron Golem = Железный голем
- Llama = Лама
- Magma Cube = Магмовый куб
- Mooshroom = Корова
- Ocelot = Оцелот
- Mule = Мул
- Panda = Панда
- Parrot = Попугай
- Phantom = Фантом
- Pig = Свинья
- Piglin = Пиглин
- Pillager = Разбойник
- Polar Bear = Белый медведь
- Pufferfish = Рыба Фугу
- Rabbit = Кролик
- Ravager = Разоритель
- Salmon = Лосось
- Sheep = Овца
- Shulker = Шалкер
- Silverfish = Чешуйница
- Skeleton = Скелет
- Skeleton Horse = Лошадь скелет
- Snow Golem = Снежный голем
- Slime = Слим
- Spider = Паук
- Squid = Спрут
- Stray = Бродяга
- Strider = Страйдер
- Tropical Fish = Тропическая Рыба
- Turtle = Черепаха
- Vex = Досаждатель
- Villager = Житель
- Vindicator = Поборник
- Wandering Trader = Странствующий Торговец
- Witch = Ведьма
- Wither = Иссушитель
- Wither Skeleton = Скелет Иссушитель
- Wolf = Волк
- Zombie = Зомби
- Zombie Horse = Зомби лошадь
- Zombie Villager = Зомби житель
- Zombified Piglin = Зомбифицированный Пиглин
- Zoglin = Зоглин
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Axolotl = 美西螈
- Bat = 蝙蝠
- Chicken = 鸡
- Cod = 鳕鱼
- Cow = 牛
- Fox = 狐狸
- Glow Squid = 发光鱿鱼
- Mooshroom = 哞菇
- Ocelot = 豹猫
- Pig = 猪
- Rabbit = 兔子
- Salmon = 鲑鱼
- Sheep = 绵羊
- Squid = 鱿鱼
- Strider = 炽足兽
- Tropical Fish = 热带鱼
- Turtle = 海龟
- Villager = 村民
- Nitwit = 傻子
- Armorer = 盔甲匠
- Butcher = 屠夫
- Cartographer = 制图师
- Cleric = 牧师
- Farmer = 农民
- Fisherman = 渔夫
- Fletcher = 制箭师
- Leatherworker = 皮匠
- Librarian = 图书管理员
- Mason = 石匠
- Shepherd = 牧羊人
- Toolsmith = 工具匠
- Weaponsmith = 武器匠
- Wandering Trader = 流浪商人
- Pufferfish = 河豚
- Bee = 蜜蜂
- Cave Spider = 洞穴蜘蛛
- Dolphin = 海豚
- Enderman = 末影人
- Goat = 山羊
- Panda = 熊猫
- Piglin = 猪灵
- Polar Bear = 北极熊
- Spider = 蜘蛛
- Zombified Piglin = 僵尸猪灵
- Blaze = 烈焰人
- Creeper = 苦力怕
- Drowned = 溺尸
- Elder Guardian = 远古守卫者
- Endermite = 末影螨
- Evoker = 唤魔者
- Ghast = 恶魂
- Guardian = 守卫者
- Hoglin = 疣猪兽
- Husk = 尸壳
- Magma Cube = 岩浆怪
- Phantom = 幻翼
- Piglin Brute = 猪灵蛮兵
- Pillager = 掠夺者
- Ravager = 劫掠兽
- Shulker = 潜影贝
- Silverfish = 蠹虫
- Skeleton = 骷髅
- Slime = 史莱姆
- Stray = 流浪者
- Vex = 恼鬼
- Vindicator = 卫道士
- Witch = 女巫
- Wither Skeleton = 凋零骷髅
- Zoglin = 僵尸疣猪兽
- Zombie Villager = 僵尸村民
- Zombie = 僵尸
- Cat = 猫
- Donkey = 驴
- Horse = 马
- Llama = 羊驼
- Trader Llama = 行商羊驼
- Mule = 骡
- Parrot = 鹦鹉
- Skeleton Horse = 骷髅马
- Wolf = 狼
- Iron Golem = 铁傀儡
- Snow Golem = 雪傀儡
- Ender Dragon = 末影龙
- Wither = 凋灵
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
Name Change: true
- Bat = Murciélago
- Blaze = Blaze
- Cave Spider = Araña de Cueva
- Chicken = Pollo
- Cow = Vaca
- Creeper = Creeper
- Donkey = Burro
- Elder Guardian = Guardián Anciano
- Ender Dragon = Dragón del Fin
- Enderman = Enderman
- Endermite = Endermite
- Evoker = Evoker
- Ghast = Ghast
- Giant = Gigante
- Guardian = Guardián
- Horse = Caballo
- Husk = Cáscara
- Iron Golem = Golem de Hierro
- Llama = Llama
- Magma Cube = Cubo de Magma
- Mooshroom = Champiñaca
- Ocelot = Ocelote
- Mule = Mula
- Parrot = Loro
- Pig = Cerdo
- Zombie Pigman = Puerco Zombi
- Polar Bear = Oso Polar
- Rabbit = Conejo
- Sheep = Oveja
- Shulker = Shulker
- Silverfish = Lepisma
- Skeleton = Esqueleto
- Skeleton Horse = Caballo Esqueleto
- Slime = Slime
- Spider = Araña
- Squid = Calamar
- Stray = Stray
- Vex = Vex
- Villager = Aldeano
- Vindicator = Vindicador
- Witch = Bruja
- Wither = Wither
- Wither Skeleton = Wither Esqueleto
- Wolf = Lobo
- Zombie = Zombi
- Zombie Horse = Caballo Zombi
- Zombie Villager = Aldeano Zombi
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- Snow Golem = Kar Golemi
- Bat = Yarasa
- Cat = Kedi
- Cave Spider = Mağara Örümceği
- Chicken = Tavuk
- Cod = Morina
- Cow = İnek
- Dolphin = Yunus
- Donkey = Eşek
- Drowned = Boğuk
- Elder Guardian = Yaşlı Gardiyan
- Ender Dragon = Ender Ejerhası
- Enderman = Enderman
- Endermite = Endermite
- Evoker = Uyandırıcı
- Fox = Tilki
- Giant = Dev Zombi
- Guardian = Gardiyan
- Horse = At
- Husk = Zombi Kurusu
- Illusioner = İllüzyonist
- Iron Golem = Demir Golem
- Llama = Lama
- Magma Cube = Magma Küpü
- Mooshroom = Mooshroom
- Mule = Katır
- Parrot = Papağan
- Phantom = Hayalet
- Pig = Domuz
- Pillager = Yağmacı
- Polar Bear = Kutup Ayısı
- Puffer Fish = Kirpi Balığı
- Ocelot = Ocelo
- Rabbit = Tavşan
- Ravager = Tahripçi
- Salmon = Somon
- Sheep = Koyun
- Skeleton = İskelet
- Skeleton Horse = İskelet At
- Slime = Balçık
- Snow Golem = Kar Golemi
- Spider = Örümcek
- Squid = Mürekkep Balığı
- Stray = Serseri
- Trader Llama = Tüccar Lama
- Tropical Fish = Tropikal Balık
- Turtle = Kaplumbağa
- Vindicator = İntikamcı
- Wandering Trader = Seyyar Tüccar
- Witch = Cadı
- Wither Skeleton = Wither İskeleti
- Wolf = Kurt
- Zombie = Zombi
- Zombie Horse = Zombi At
- Zombie PigMan = Zombi Domuzadam
- Zombie Villager = Zombi Köylü
- Vex = Sinirbozan
- Silverfish = Gümüşcün
- Panda = Panda
- Bee = Arı
Binary file not shown.
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Manifest-Version: 1.0
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