# To set this file back to its default state just delete it and reload the server or restart it!
# Set to true if you want the normal axes to work normally but the ones gived with /portals selector or wand will still work though
# It can be usefull if people with permission want to use an iron axe on a survival server
# Preferably an item and not a block but it shouldnt matter
# Will be implemented so you can give yourself the portal block and build manually with it so its easier to make portals with the portal block.
# Defines if portals protect themselves
# How many blocks around the portals will be protected from griefing or destruction
# What the default trigger block is for portals if nothing is defined.
# This stops all water flowing inside a portal area(can be disabled if something like world edit is handelling the water flow or you dont want it active)
# you want to
# This must be a placeable block or it will not work and may even crash
# Where to display the message 0 = disabled(replaces PortalWarpMessages), 1 = in chat and 2 = action bar(1.8 and above only, anything lower will print the message that would
# generally on the action bar in the chat without a prefix or extra chat formatting)