mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 19:41:31 +01:00
Started updating how data is stored while running
This commit is contained in:
@ -570,26 +570,31 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
// TODO change auto complete when quotes are opened and closed. Such as autocomplete @Player and stuff when specifying commands
for(int i = 1; i < args.length; i++){
if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("name:") && args[i].length() > 5){
hasName = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("destination:") && args[i].length() > 12){
hasDestination = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("desti:") && args[i].length() > 6){
hasDestination = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("triggerblock:") && args[i].length() > 13){
hasTriggerBlock = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("bungee:") && args[i].length() > 7){
isBungeePortal = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("permission:") && args[i].length() > 11){
needsPermission = true;
else if(args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("command:") && args[i].length() > 8){
hasCommand = true;
String argTag = getTag(args[i].toLowerCase());
if(argTag.length() + 1 < args[i].length()){
case "name":
hasName = true;
case "destination":
hasDestination = true;
case "desti":
hasDestination = true;
case "triggerblock":
hasTriggerBlock = true;
case "bungee":
isBungeePortal = true;
case "permission":
needsPermission = true;
case "command":
hasCommand = true;
@ -598,7 +603,7 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
@ -611,4 +616,12 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
return autoComplete;
private String getTag(String arg) {
int indexOfSplitter = arg.indexOf(':');
if(indexOfSplitter > 0){
return arg.substring(0,indexOfSplitter);
return "";
@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ public class Listeners implements Listener {
// This is probably the culprite of the bloody problem, setting the location its pointing to the event location
// rather than sorta making a clone of the object.
//System.out.println(loc.getBlock().getType()); // for debugging, remove or comment out when not needed
AdvancedPortal[] portals = Portal.Portals;
for(AdvancedPortal portal : portals){
for(AdvancedPortal portal : Portal.Portals){
if(loc.getWorld() != null && portal.worldName.equals(loc.getWorld().getName())){
|| portal.trigger.equals(eyeLoc.getBlock().getType())){
@ -105,15 +104,14 @@ public class Listeners implements Listener {
if(portal.pos2.getX() <= loc.getX() && portal.pos2.getY() <= loc.getY() && portal.pos2.getZ() <= loc.getZ()){
WarpEvent warpEvent = new WarpEvent(player, portal.portalName);
WarpEvent warpEvent = new WarpEvent(player, portal);
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
boolean warped = Portal.activate(player, portal.portalName);
boolean warped = Portal.activate(player, portal);
if(PortalMessagesDisplay == 1 && warped){
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7a[\u00A7eAdvancedPortals\u00A7a] You have been warped to \u00A7e" + config.getConfig().getString(portal.portalName + ".destination").replaceAll("_", " ") + "\u00A7.");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7a[\u00A7eAdvancedPortals\u00A7a] You have been warped to \u00A7e" + Portal.getDestination(portal.portalName).replaceAll("_", " ") + "\u00A7.");
else if(PortalMessagesDisplay == 2 && warped){
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.sekwah.advancedportals.events;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.portals.AdvancedPortal;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
@ -20,13 +21,13 @@ public final class WarpEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private Player player;
private String portalName;
private AdvancedPortal portalData;
private boolean hasWarped = false;
public WarpEvent(Player player, String portalName) {
public WarpEvent(Player player, AdvancedPortal portalData) {
this.player = player;
this.portalName = portalName;
this.portalData = portalData;
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ public final class WarpEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
public void setCancelled(boolean cancel) {
cancelled = cancel;
public AdvancedPortal getPortalData(){return portalData;}
* If the
@ -18,4 +18,33 @@ public class AdvancedPortal {
public String destiation = null; // Could possibly store the destination name to stop the server having to read the config file
public String bungee = null; // Could possibly store the bungee server name to stop the server having to read the config file
// Bungee will be stored inside the destination.
public PortalArg[] portalArgs = null;
// TODO think of relaying out the data input to a more logical format.
public AdvancedPortal(String portalName, Material trigger, String destination, Location pos1, Location pos2){
this(portalName, trigger, pos1, pos2, pos2.getWorld().getName());
this.destiation = destination;
public AdvancedPortal(String portalName, Material trigger, Location pos1, Location pos2){
this(portalName, trigger, pos1, pos2, pos2.getWorld().getName());
public AdvancedPortal(String portalName, Material trigger, String destination, Location pos1, Location pos2, String worldName, PortalArg... portalArgs){
this(portalName, trigger, pos1, pos2, worldName, portalArgs);
this.destiation = destination;
public AdvancedPortal(String portalName, Material trigger, Location pos1, Location pos2, String worldName, PortalArg... portalArgs){
this.portalName = portalName;
this.trigger = trigger;
this.pos1 = pos1;
this.pos2 = pos2;
this.worldName = worldName;
this.portalArgs = portalArgs;
@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ public class Portal {
private static boolean ShowBungeeMessage;
public static ConfigAccessor portalData = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
public Portal(AdvancedPortalsPlugin plugin) {
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Config.yml");
ShowBungeeMessage = config.getConfig().getBoolean("ShowBungeeWarpMessage");
@ -36,28 +40,30 @@ public class Portal {
* This can be used to move the get keys to different sections
* ConfigurationSection section = config.getSection("sectionname");
* ConfigurationSection section = portalData.getSection("sectionname");
* section.getKeys(false);
public static void loadPortals(){
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
Set<String> PortalSet = config.getConfig().getKeys(false);
portalData = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
Set<String> PortalSet = portalData.getConfig().getKeys(false);
if(PortalSet.size() > 0){
Portals = new AdvancedPortal[PortalSet.toArray().length];
for(int i = 0; i <= PortalSet.toArray().length - 1; i++){
/*for(int i = 0; i <= PortalSet.toArray().length - 1; i++){
Portals[i] = new AdvancedPortal();
int portalId = 0;
for(Object portal: PortalSet.toArray()){
ConfigurationSection portalConfigSection = portalData.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(portal.toString());
Material blockType = Material.PORTAL;
String BlockID = config.getConfig().getString(portal.toString() + ".triggerblock");
String BlockID = portalConfigSection.getString("triggerblock");
@ -72,12 +78,27 @@ public class Portal {
blockType = Material.PORTAL;
Portals[portalId].trigger = blockType;
Portals[portalId].portalName = portal.toString();
Portals[portalId].worldName = config.getConfig().getString(portal.toString() + ".world");
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(config.getConfig().getString(portal.toString() + ".world"));
Portals[portalId].pos1 = new Location(world, config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.X"), config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.Y"), config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.Z"));
Portals[portalId].pos2 = new Location(world, config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.X"), config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.Y"), config.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.Z"));
ConfigurationSection portalArgs = portalConfigSection.getConfigurationSection("portalArgs");
Set<String> argsSet = portalArgs.getKeys(true);
ArrayList<PortalArg> extraData = new ArrayList<PortalArg>();
for(Object argName : argsSet.toArray()){
extraData.add(new PortalArg(argName.toString(), portalArgs.getString(argName.toString())));
String worldName = portalData.getConfig().getString(portal.toString() + ".world");
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName);
Location pos1 = new Location(world, portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.X"), portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.Y"), portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos1.Z"));
Location pos2 = new Location(world, portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.X"), portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.Y"), portalData.getConfig().getInt(portal.toString() + ".pos2.Z"));
Portals[portalId] = new AdvancedPortal(portal.toString(), blockType, pos1, pos2, worldName);
Portals[portalId].bungee = portalConfigSection.getString("bungee");
Portals[portalId].destiation = portalConfigSection.getString("destination");
@ -141,29 +162,27 @@ public class Portal {
return "\u00A7cPortal creation error, portals must not overlap!";
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".world", pos1.getWorld().getName());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".world", pos1.getWorld().getName());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".triggerblock", checkMaterial(triggerBlock));
config.getConfig().set(name + ".triggerblock", checkMaterial(triggerBlock));
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".destination", destination);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".destination", destination);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".bungee", serverName);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".bungee", serverName);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", HighX);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", HighY);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", HighZ);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", HighX);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", HighY);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", HighZ);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", LowX);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", LowY);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", LowZ);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", LowX);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", LowY);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", LowZ);
for(PortalArg arg: portalArgs){
config.getConfig().set(name + ".portalArgs." + arg.argName, arg.value);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".portalArgs." + arg.argName, arg.value);
@ -238,7 +257,7 @@ public class Portal {
triggerBlockType = Material.PORTAL;
// TODO add a for loop which scans through the addArgs and adds them to the config so that the application can use them
// TODO add a for loop which scans through the addArgs and adds them to the portalData so that the application can use them
String result = create(pos1, pos2, name, destination, triggerBlockType, serverName, extraData);
@ -247,69 +266,69 @@ public class Portal {
public static void redefine(Location pos1, Location pos2, String name){
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", pos1.getX());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", pos1.getY());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", pos1.getZ());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", pos1.getX());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", pos1.getY());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", pos1.getZ());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", pos2.getX());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", pos2.getY());
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", pos2.getZ());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", pos2.getX());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", pos2.getY());
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", pos2.getZ());
public static void remove(String name){
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
public static String getDestination(String portalName){
return portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination");
Object[] keys = config.getConfig().getKeys(true).toArray();
public static void remove(String name){
Object[] keys = portalData.getConfig().getKeys(true).toArray();
for(int i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
String key = keys[i].toString();
if(key.startsWith(name + ".")){
config.getConfig().set(key, null);
portalData.getConfig().set(key, null);
config.getConfig().set(name, null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name, null);
// TODO add code to check if people have the portal selected and notify if removed.
/**Set<String> keys = config.getConfig().getKeys(true);
/**Set<String> keys = portalData.getConfig().getKeys(true);
for(String key: keys){
config.getConfig().set(key, null);
portalData.getConfig().set(key, null);
/**config.getConfig().set(name + ".world", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".triggerblock", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".destination", null);
/**portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".world", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".triggerblock", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".destination", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.X", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Y", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1.Z", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.X", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Y", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2.Z", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1", null);
config.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos1", null);
portalData.getConfig().set(name + ".pos2", null);
config.getConfig().set(name, null);*/
portalData.getConfig().set(name, null);*/
public static boolean portalExists(String portalName){
ConfigAccessor portalconfig = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
String posX = portalconfig.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X");
String posX = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".pos1.X");
if(posX == null){
return false;
@ -320,17 +339,24 @@ public class Portal {
public static boolean activate(Player player, String portalName) {
ConfigAccessor config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Portals.yml");
for(AdvancedPortal portal : Portal.Portals){
if(portal.portalName.equals(portalName)) return activate(player, portal);
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Portal not found by name of: " + portalName);
return false;
public static boolean activate(Player player, AdvancedPortal portalName) {
// add other variables or filter code here, or somehow have a way to register them
if(config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee") != null){
if(portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee") != null){
player.sendMessage("\u00A7a[\u00A7eAdvancedPortals\u00A7a] Attempting to warp to \u00A7e" + config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee") + "\u00A7a.");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7a[\u00A7eAdvancedPortals\u00A7a] Attempting to warp to \u00A7e" + portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee") + "\u00A7a.");
ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
out.writeUTF(config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee"));
out.writeUTF(portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".bungee"));
player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "BungeeCord", out.toByteArray());
return false;
@ -338,10 +364,10 @@ public class Portal {
boolean showFailMessage = true;
if(config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command.1") != null){
if(portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command.1") != null){
showFailMessage = false;
int commandLine = 1;
String command = config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command." + commandLine);
String command = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command." + commandLine);
// (?i) makes the search case insensitive
command = command.replaceAll("@player", player.getName());
@ -376,14 +402,14 @@ public class Portal {
command = config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command." + ++commandLine);
command = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.command." + ++commandLine);
}while(command != null);
if(config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination") != null){
if(portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination") != null){
ConfigAccessor configDesti = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "Destinations.yml");
String destiName = config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination");
String permission = config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.permission");
String destiName = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".destination");
String permission = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.permission");
if(permission == null || (permission != null && player.hasPermission(permission)) || player.isOp()){
if(configDesti.getConfig().getString(destiName + ".world") != null){
boolean warped = Destination.warp(player, destiName);
@ -401,7 +427,7 @@ public class Portal {
return false;
/*if(configDesti.getConfig().getString(destiName + ".world") != null){
String permission = config.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.permission");
String permission = portalData.getConfig().getString(portalName + ".portalArgs.permission");
if(permission == null || (permission != null && player.hasPermission(permission)) || player.isOp()){
boolean warped = Destination.warp(player, destiName);
return warped;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user