mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 09:42:26 +01:00
feat: Added WorldEdit Integration
* New config option to enable WorldEdit integration * New command "/portal we-selection <name>" to select the Portal as WorldEdit selection * When enabled: Create portals with WorldEdit selections, disable AdvancedPortal's Wand
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ repositories {
maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" }
maven { url "https://nexus.velocitypowered.com/repository/maven-public/" }
maven { url 'https://papermc.io/repo/repository/maven-public/' }
maven { url 'https://maven.enginehub.org/repo/' } // WorldEdit
// includeLibs just says to include the library in the final jar
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation "io.netty:netty-all:4.1.71.Final"
compileOnly 'com.destroystokyo.paper:paper-api:1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT'
implementation "com.sk89q.worldedit:worldedit-bukkit:7.2.6"
//compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.config.ConfigAccessor;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.listeners.Listeners;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.portals.AdvancedPortal;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.portals.Portal;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.util.WorldEditIntegration;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.*;
import org.bukkit.*;
@ -120,6 +121,11 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
case "wand":
case "selector":
if (plugin.isWorldEditActive()) {
+ " Use the WorldEdit wand to select stuff. Checkout //wand.");
return true;
String ItemID = config.getConfig().getString("AxeItemId");
Material WandMaterial = Material.getMaterial(ItemID);
@ -187,244 +193,7 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
PluginMessages.customPrefix + " You have been given a \u00A7ePortal Block\u00A7a!");
case "create":
if (player.hasMetadata("Pos1World") && player.hasMetadata("Pos2World")) {
if (player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString()
&& player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString()
.equals(player.getLocation().getWorld().getName())) {
if (args.length >= 2) { // may make this next piece of code more efficient, maybe check
// against a list of available variables or something
// TODO change system to use arrays and hashmaps
boolean hasName = false;
boolean hasTriggerBlock = false;
boolean hasDestination = false;
boolean isBungeePortal = false;
boolean needsPermission = false;
boolean executesCommand = false;
String destination = null;
String portalName = null;
String triggerBlock = null;
String serverName = null;
String permission = null;
String portalCommand = null;
ArrayList<PortalArg> extraData = new ArrayList<>();
// Is completely changed in the recode but for now im leaving it as this
// horrible mess...
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (startsWithPortalArg("name:", args[i])) {
portalName = args[i].replaceFirst("name:", "");
if (portalName.equals("")) {
+ " You must include a name for the portal that isnt nothing!");
return true;
hasName = true;
portalName = args[i].replaceFirst("name:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("destination:", args[i])) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("destination:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("desti:", args[i])) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("desti:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("triggerblock:", args[i])) {
hasTriggerBlock = true;
triggerBlock = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("triggerblock:", "");
} else if (this.startsWithPortalArg("bungee:", args[i])) {
isBungeePortal = true;
serverName = args[i].substring("bungee:".length());
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("permission:", args[i])) {
needsPermission = true;
permission = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("permission:", "");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("permission", permission));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("delayed:", args[i])) {
boolean delayed = Boolean
.parseBoolean(args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("delayed:", ""));
extraData.add(new PortalArg("delayed", Boolean.toString(delayed)));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("message:", args[i])) {
String message = parseArgVariable(args, i, "message:");
if (message == null) {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Message quotes not closed!");
return true;
extraData.add(new PortalArg("message", message));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("command:", args[i])) {
executesCommand = true;
portalCommand = parseArgVariable(args, i, "command:");
if (portalCommand == null) {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Command quotes not closed!");
return true;
i += this.portalArgsStringLength - 1;
if (portalCommand.startsWith("#")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("c")
&& (sender.hasPermission(
|| sender.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a console command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("!")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("o")
&& (sender.hasPermission(
|| sender.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a op command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("%")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("b")
&& (sender.hasPermission(
|| sender.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a bungee command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("^")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("p")
&& (sender.hasPermission(
|| sender.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a all perms command portal!");
return true;
extraData.add(new PortalArg("command.1", portalCommand));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("cooldowndelay:", args[i])) {
String cooldownDelay = parseArgVariable(args, i, "cooldowndelay:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("cooldowndelay", cooldownDelay));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("leavedesti:", args[i])) {
String leaveDesti = parseArgVariable(args, i, "leavedesti:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("leavedesti", leaveDesti));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("particlein:", args[i])) {
String value = parseArgVariable(args, i, "particlein:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("particlein", value));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("particleout:", args[i])) {
String value = parseArgVariable(args, i, "particleout:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("particleout", value));
if (!hasName) {
+ " You must include a name for the portal that you are creating in the variables!");
return true;
World world = org.bukkit.Bukkit
Location pos1 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos1X").get(0).asInt(),
Location pos2 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos2X").get(0).asInt(),
ConfigAccessor desticonfig = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "destinations.yml");
String destiPosX = desticonfig.getConfig().getString(destination + ".pos.X");
if (!Portal.portalExists(portalName)) {
+ "\u00A7e You have created a new portal with the following details:");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7aname: \u00A7e" + portalName);
if (hasDestination) {
if (!isBungeePortal && destiPosX == null) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7e" + destination
+ " (destination does not exist)");
return true;
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7adestination: \u00A7e" + destination);
} else {
"\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7eN/A (will not teleport to a location)");
if (isBungeePortal) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7abungee: \u00A7e" + serverName);
if (needsPermission) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e" + permission);
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e(none needed)");
for (PortalArg portalArg : extraData) {
if (!ignoreExtras.contains(portalArg.argName)) {
"\u00A7a" + portalArg.argName + ": \u00A7e" + portalArg.value);
if (executesCommand) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7acommand: \u00A7e" + portalCommand);
if (hasTriggerBlock) {
Set<Material> materialSet = Portal
if (materialSet.size() != 0) {
"\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7e" + triggerBlock.toUpperCase());
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
materialSet, serverName, portalArgs));
if(materialSet.contains(Material.END_GATEWAY)) {
AdvancedPortal portal = Portal.getPortal(portalName);
if(portal != null) {
} else {
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7ctriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault("
+ Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7c" + triggerBlock.toUpperCase()
+ " no valid blocks were listed so the default has been set.");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault("
+ Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " A portal by that name already exists!");
// add code to save the portal to the portal config and reload the portals
} else {
+ " You need to at least add the name of the portal as a variable, \u00A7cType \u00A7e/portal variables\u00A7c"
+ " for a full list of currently available variables and an example command!");
} else {
+ " The points you have selected need to be in the same world!");
} else {
+ " You need to have two points selected to make a portal!");
return createPortalRequest(player, args);
case "variables":
PluginMessages.customPrefix +
@ -666,6 +435,24 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
case "we-selection":
if (!Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("WorldEdit")) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " WorldEdit is not enabled.");
return true;
if (args.length <= 1) {
player.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Specify a portal name!");
return true;
AdvancedPortal wePortal = Portal.getPortal(args[1]);
if (wePortal == null) {
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " No portal by that name exists!");
return true;
WorldEditIntegration.explainRegion(player, wePortal.getPos1(), wePortal.getPos2());
+ " The portal has been selected with worldedit!");
case "reload":
sender.sendMessage(PluginMessages.customPrefix + " Reloaded values!");
@ -719,6 +506,272 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private boolean checkValidSelection(Player player) {
if (plugin.isWorldEditActive()) {
if (!WorldEditIntegration.validateSelection(player)) {
+ " Your WorldEdit selection is invalid!");
return false;
} else {
if (!player.hasMetadata("Pos1World") || !player.hasMetadata("Pos2World")) {
+ " You need to have two points selected to make a portal!");
return false;
if (player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString()
&& player.getMetadata("Pos1World").get(0).asString()
.equals(player.getLocation().getWorld().getName())) {
+ " The points you have selected need to be in the same world!");
return false;
return true;
private boolean createPortalRequest(Player player, String[] args) {
if (!checkValidSelection(player)) {
return true;
if (args.length < 2) {
+ " You need to at least add the name of the portal as a variable, \u00A7cType \u00A7e/portal variables\u00A7c"
+ " for a full list of currently available variables and an example command!");
return true;
// may make this next piece of code more efficient, maybe check
// against a list of available variables or something
// TODO change system to use arrays and hashmaps
boolean hasName = false;
boolean hasTriggerBlock = false;
boolean hasDestination = false;
boolean isBungeePortal = false;
boolean needsPermission = false;
boolean executesCommand = false;
String destination = null;
String portalName = null;
String triggerBlock = null;
String serverName = null;
String permission = null;
String portalCommand = null;
ArrayList<PortalArg> extraData = new ArrayList<>();
// Is completely changed in the recode but for now im leaving it as this
// horrible mess...
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (startsWithPortalArg("name:", args[i])) {
portalName = args[i].replaceFirst("name:", "");
if (portalName.equals("")) {
+ " You must include a name for the portal that isnt nothing!");
return true;
hasName = true;
portalName = args[i].replaceFirst("name:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("destination:", args[i])) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("destination:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("desti:", args[i])) {
hasDestination = true;
destination = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("desti:", "");
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("triggerblock:", args[i])) {
hasTriggerBlock = true;
triggerBlock = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("triggerblock:", "");
} else if (this.startsWithPortalArg("bungee:", args[i])) {
isBungeePortal = true;
serverName = args[i].substring("bungee:".length());
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("permission:", args[i])) {
needsPermission = true;
permission = args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("permission:", "");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("permission", permission));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("delayed:", args[i])) {
boolean delayed = Boolean
.parseBoolean(args[i].toLowerCase().replaceFirst("delayed:", ""));
extraData.add(new PortalArg("delayed", Boolean.toString(delayed)));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("message:", args[i])) {
String message = parseArgVariable(args, i, "message:");
if (message == null) {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Message quotes not closed!");
return true;
extraData.add(new PortalArg("message", message));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("command:", args[i])) {
executesCommand = true;
portalCommand = parseArgVariable(args, i, "command:");
if (portalCommand == null) {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " Command quotes not closed!");
return true;
i += this.portalArgsStringLength - 1;
if (portalCommand.startsWith("#")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("c")
&& (player.hasPermission(
|| player.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a console command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("!")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("o")
&& (player.hasPermission(
|| player.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a op command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("%")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("b")
&& (player.hasPermission(
|| player.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a bungee command portal!");
return true;
} else if (portalCommand.startsWith("^")
&& !(this.plugin.getSettings().enabledCommandLevel("p")
&& (player.hasPermission(
|| player.isOp()))) {
+ " You need permission to make a all perms command portal!");
return true;
extraData.add(new PortalArg("command.1", portalCommand));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("cooldowndelay:", args[i])) {
String cooldownDelay = parseArgVariable(args, i, "cooldowndelay:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("cooldowndelay", cooldownDelay));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("leavedesti:", args[i])) {
String leaveDesti = parseArgVariable(args, i, "leavedesti:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("leavedesti", leaveDesti));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("particlein:", args[i])) {
String value = parseArgVariable(args, i, "particlein:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("particlein", value));
} else if (startsWithPortalArg("particleout:", args[i])) {
String value = parseArgVariable(args, i, "particleout:");
extraData.add(new PortalArg("particleout", value));
if (!hasName) {
+ " You must include a name for the portal that you are creating in the variables!");
return true;
Location pos1, pos2;
if (plugin.isWorldEditActive()) {
pos1 = WorldEditIntegration.getPos1(player);
pos2 = WorldEditIntegration.getPos2(player);
} else {
World world = Bukkit
pos1 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos1X").get(0).asInt(),
pos2 = new Location(world, player.getMetadata("Pos2X").get(0).asInt(),
ConfigAccessor desticonfig = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "destinations.yml");
String destiPosX = desticonfig.getConfig().getString(destination + ".pos.X");
if (!Portal.portalExists(portalName)) {
+ "\u00A7e You have created a new portal with the following details:");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7aname: \u00A7e" + portalName);
if (hasDestination) {
if (!isBungeePortal && destiPosX == null) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7e" + destination
+ " (destination does not exist)");
return true;
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7adestination: \u00A7e" + destination);
} else {
"\u00A7cdestination: \u00A7eN/A (will not teleport to a location)");
if (isBungeePortal) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7abungee: \u00A7e" + serverName);
if (needsPermission) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e" + permission);
} else {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7apermission: \u00A7e(none needed)");
for (PortalArg portalArg : extraData) {
if (!ignoreExtras.contains(portalArg.argName)) {
"\u00A7a" + portalArg.argName + ": \u00A7e" + portalArg.value);
if (executesCommand) {
player.sendMessage("\u00A7acommand: \u00A7e" + portalCommand);
if (hasTriggerBlock) {
Set<Material> materialSet = Portal
if (materialSet.size() != 0) {
"\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7e" + triggerBlock.toUpperCase());
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
materialSet, serverName, portalArgs));
if(materialSet.contains(Material.END_GATEWAY)) {
AdvancedPortal portal = Portal.getPortal(portalName);
if(portal != null) {
} else {
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7ctriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault("
+ Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7c" + triggerBlock.toUpperCase()
+ " no valid blocks were listed so the default has been set.");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
ConfigAccessor Config = new ConfigAccessor(plugin, "config.yml");
player.sendMessage("\u00A7atriggerBlock: \u00A7edefault("
+ Config.getConfig().getString("DefaultPortalTriggerBlock") + ")");
PortalArg[] portalArgs = new PortalArg[extraData.size()];
portalArgs = extraData.toArray(portalArgs);
player.sendMessage(Portal.create(pos1, pos2, portalName, destination,
serverName, portalArgs));
} else {
PluginMessages.customPrefixFail + " A portal by that name already exists!");
// add code to save the portal to the portal config and reload the portals
return true;
private boolean startsWithPortalArg(String portalArg, String arg) {
return arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(portalArg) && arg.length() > portalArg.length();
@ -726,7 +779,8 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
private void helpCommand(CommandSender sender, String command, String[] args) {
// Add pages if there starts to become too many
if (args.length == 1) {
sendMenu(sender, "Help Menu", "\u00A76/" + command + " selector \u00A7a- gives you a region selector",
sendMenu(sender, "Help Menu",
"\u00A76/" + command + " selector \u00A7a- gives you a region selector",
"\u00A76/" + command + " create \u00A7c[tags] \u00A7a- creates a portal with a selection ",
"\u00A76/" + command + " portalblock \u00A7a- gives you a portal block",
"\u00A76/" + command + " endportalblock \u00A7a- gives you an end portal block",
@ -897,8 +951,14 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
if (sender.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal")) {
if (args.length == 1 || (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("help"))) {
autoComplete.addAll(Arrays.asList("create", "list", "portalblock", "select", "unselect", "command",
"selector", "show", "gatewayblock", "endportalblock", "variables", "wand", "disablebeacon", "remove", "rename",
"show", "gatewayblock", "endportalblock", "variables", "disablebeacon", "remove", "rename",
"help", "bukkitpage", "helppage"));
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("WorldEdit")) {
if (!plugin.isWorldEditActive()) {
autoComplete.addAll(Arrays.asList("selector", "wand"));
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("create")) {
boolean hasName = false;
@ -1004,8 +1064,10 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsCommand implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
else if (args.length == 2 && (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("remove")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disablebeacon"))) {
else if (args.length == 2 &&
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disablebeacon")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("we-selection"))) {
for (AdvancedPortal portal : Portal.portals) {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.listeners.*;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.metrics.Metrics;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.portals.Portal;
import com.sekwah.advancedportals.bungee.BungeeMessages;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
protected boolean forceRegisterProxyChannels = false;
protected boolean disableProxyWarning = false;
private boolean worldEditActive = false;
protected static final Map<String, String> PLAYER_DESTI_MAP = new HashMap<>();
@ -79,6 +82,10 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
player.removeMetadata(Listeners.LAVA_WARPED, this);
if (settings.enabledWorldEditIntegration() && Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("WorldEdit")) {
worldEditActive = true;
// thanks to the new config accessor code the config.saveDefaultConfig(); will now
// only copy the file if it doesnt exist!
@ -172,4 +179,8 @@ public class AdvancedPortalsPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public Settings getSettings() {
return settings;
public boolean isWorldEditActive() {
return worldEditActive;
@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ public class Settings {
private String commandLevels = "n";
private boolean worldEditEnabled = false;
public enum PortalConfigOption {
private final String target;
@ -38,6 +41,8 @@ public class Settings {
commandLevels = config.getConfig().getString(COMMAND_LEVELS.value(), "opcb");
worldEditEnabled = config.getConfig().getBoolean(WORLDEDIT_INTEGRATION.value(), false);
assert commandLevels != null;
if(commandLevels.equals("opchek")) {
commandLevels = "opcb";
@ -63,4 +68,8 @@ public class Settings {
public int getCurrentWarpParticles() {
return currentWarpParticles;
public boolean enabledWorldEditIntegration() {
return worldEditEnabled;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ public class ConfigHelper {
} else if(configVersion.equals("0.5.4")) {
config.set(ConfigHelper.CONFIG_VERSION, "0.5.11");
config.set(ConfigHelper.COMMAND_LOGS, true);
} else if(configVersion.equals("0.5.10") || configVersion.equals("0.5.11")) {
config.set(ConfigHelper.CONFIG_VERSION, "0.5.13");
config.set(ConfigHelper.FORCE_ENABLE_PROXY_SUPPORT, false);
@ -329,49 +329,50 @@ public class Listeners implements Listener {
if (player.hasPermission("advancedportals.createportal")) {
if (!plugin.getSettings().enabledWorldEditIntegration()) {
if (event.getItem() != null && event.getItem().getType() == WandMaterial // was type id
&& (!UseOnlyServerAxe || (checkItemForName(event.getItem()) && event.getItem().getItemMeta()
.getDisplayName().equals("\u00A7ePortal Region Selector")))) {
if (event.getItem() != null && event.getItem().getType() == WandMaterial // was type id
&& (!UseOnlyServerAxe || (checkItemForName(event.getItem()) && event.getItem().getItemMeta()
.getDisplayName().equals("\u00A7ePortal Region Selector")))) {
// This checks if the action was a left or right click and if it was directly
// effecting a block.
if (event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
Location blockloc = event.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
// stores the selection as metadata on the character so then it isn't saved
// anywhere, if the player logs out it will
// have to be selected again if the player joins, also it does not affect any
// other players.
player.setMetadata("Pos1X", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockX()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1Y", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockY()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1Z", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockZ()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1World", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getWorld().getName()));
"\u00A7eYou have selected pos1! X:" + blockloc.getBlockX() + " Y:" + blockloc.getBlockY()
+ " Z:" + blockloc.getBlockZ() + " World: " + blockloc.getWorld().getName());
// This checks if the action was a left or right click and if it was directly
// effecting a block.
if (event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
Location blockloc = event.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
// stores the selection as metadata on the character so then it isn't saved
// anywhere, if the player logs out it will
// have to be selected again if the player joins, also it does not affect any
// other players.
player.setMetadata("Pos1X", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockX()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1Y", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockY()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1Z", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockZ()));
player.setMetadata("Pos1World", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getWorld().getName()));
"\u00A7eYou have selected pos1! X:" + blockloc.getBlockX() + " Y:" + blockloc.getBlockY()
+ " Z:" + blockloc.getBlockZ() + " World: " + blockloc.getWorld().getName());
// Stops the event so the block is not damaged
// Stops the event so the block is not damaged
// Returns the event so no more code is executed(stops unnecessary code being
// executed)
} else if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
Location blockloc = event.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
player.setMetadata("Pos2X", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockX()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2Y", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockY()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2Z", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockZ()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2World", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getWorld().getName()));
"\u00A7eYou have selected pos2! X:" + blockloc.getBlockX() + " Y:" + blockloc.getBlockY()
+ " Z:" + blockloc.getBlockZ() + " World: " + blockloc.getWorld().getName());
// Returns the event so no more code is executed(stops unnecessary code being
// executed)
} else if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
Location blockloc = event.getClickedBlock().getLocation();
player.setMetadata("Pos2X", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockX()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2Y", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockY()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2Z", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getBlockZ()));
player.setMetadata("Pos2World", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, blockloc.getWorld().getName()));
"\u00A7eYou have selected pos2! X:" + blockloc.getBlockX() + " Y:" + blockloc.getBlockY()
+ " Z:" + blockloc.getBlockZ() + " World: " + blockloc.getWorld().getName());
// Stops the event so the block is not interacted with
// Stops the event so the block is not interacted with
// Returns the event so no more code is executed(stops unnecessary code being
// executed)
// Returns the event so no more code is executed(stops unnecessary code being
// executed)
} else if (checkItemForName(event.getItem())
&& event.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals("\u00A75Portal Block Placer")
&& event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package com.sekwah.advancedportals.bukkit.util;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.IncompleteRegionException;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalSession;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.RegionSelector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.selector.CuboidRegionSelector;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class WorldEditIntegration {
private static Region getCurrentSelection(Player player) {
LocalSession localSession = WorldEdit.getInstance().getSessionManager().get(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player));
try {
return localSession.getSelection(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player.getWorld()));
} catch (IncompleteRegionException e) {
return null;
public static boolean validateSelection(Player player) {
return getCurrentSelection(player) instanceof CuboidRegion;
public static Location getPos1(Player player) {
Region currentSelection = getCurrentSelection(player);
if (!(currentSelection instanceof CuboidRegion)) return null;
return BukkitAdapter.adapt(player.getWorld(), ((CuboidRegion) currentSelection).getPos1());
public static Location getPos2(Player player) {
Region currentSelection = getCurrentSelection(player);
if (currentSelection == null) return null;;
return BukkitAdapter.adapt(player.getWorld(), ((CuboidRegion) currentSelection).getPos2());
public static void explainRegion(Player player, Location pos1, Location pos2) {
LocalSession localSession = WorldEdit.getInstance().getSessionManager().get(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player));
RegionSelector selector = new CuboidRegionSelector(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player.getWorld()), BukkitAdapter.asBlockVector(pos1), BukkitAdapter.asBlockVector(pos2));
localSession.setRegionSelector(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player.getWorld()), selector);
selector.explainRegionAdjust(BukkitAdapter.adapt(player), localSession);
@ -101,3 +101,7 @@ ProxyTeleportDelay: 0
# Just in case you are not using the proxy and dont want the warning message
DisableProxyWarning: false
# Whether the integration with worldedit should be enabled.
# This will force AdvancedPortals to use WorldEdit selections.
WorldEditIntegration: false
@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ version: 0.8.0
author: sekwah41
description: An advanced portals plugin for bukkit.
api-version: 1.13
- WorldEdit
description: The main command for the advanced portals
Reference in New Issue
Block a user