Advanced-Portals/Advanced Portals/src/com/sekwah/advancedportals/

21 lines
834 B

package com.sekwah.advancedportals;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
public class PluginMessages {
// This class is so then the common messages in commands or just messages over the commands are the same and can be
// easily changed.
public static void UnknownCommand(CommandSender sender, String command) {
sender.sendMessage("§c[§7AdvancedPortals§c] You need to type something after /" + command + "\n"
+ "if you do not know what you can put or would like some help with the commands please type " + '"' + "/" + command + " help" + '"' + " or you can check out the Advanced Portals wiki"
+ "\n ");
public static void NoPermission(CommandSender sender, String command) {
sender.sendMessage("§c[§7AdvancedPortals§c] You do not have permission to perform that command!");