Updated Commands (markdown)

Sekwah 2020-04-20 20:48:51 +01:00
parent 1f5595c55f
commit e105ab64ef
1 changed files with 9 additions and 1 deletions

@ -51,4 +51,12 @@ Tags to be used in the `/portal create` command
| `triggerblock` | `triggerblock:AIR` | Sets the material of the trigger block of the portal |
| `bungee` | `bungee:Lobby1` | Specifies which server to send the player too if connected through bungee |
| `permission` | `permission:testingPerms.testportal` | Sets what permission you need to use the portal(can be customised to anything) |
| `command` | `command:"#say @player is a legend"` | Can type whatever command you want, can contain spaces if quote marks are used. If the command starts with `#` the server will execute it and if it starts with `!` the player will execute it with the permissions of an op. And `^` will cause the player to temporarily have all perms. (Check config tags for perms and enabling console and op features as they are disabled by default) |
| `command` | `command:"#say @player is a legend"` | Whatever is typed in here the player will execute as a command, there are a number of tags you can use listed below to alter the execution. If you want to use a command with spaces make sure to surround it with `"` quotation marks. |
You can only use one of these at the start of a command tag.
| Command Arg | Effect|
| `!` | Execute command as op |
| `^` | Execute command with `*` permission |
| `#` | Execute command as console |
| `%` | **NEW**: Send command to bungee |