2021-05-19 00:47:47 +02:00

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How to contribute

You want help me make BlueMap better? Awesome!
Here you learn how it works and what you need to know before contributing.

Please read this before creating an Issue or a PullRequest! Issues/PR's that don't follow these instructions will be closed!
Issues are NOT for asking questions! If you have a question, please use our Discord or Reddit!

Table of Contents

Reporting a Bug

The first thing you need to do, is to make sure what you found is actually a bug:

  • A bug is an unintended behaviour of an implemented feature. BlueMap is not "done", there are quite a lot of features missing! So, if something doesn't work because it is not implemented yet, its not a bug. If you are not sure, you can briefly ask about it in our Discord before creating an Issue. :)
  • Make sure you tested it well enough to be sure it's not an issue on your end. If something doesn't work for you but for everyone else, its probably not a bug!

Also, please make sure noone else has already reported the same or a very similar bug! If you have additional information for an existing bug-report, you can add a comment to the already existing Issue :)

To report your bug, please open a new Issue with the Bug report-template and follow these guidlines:

Guidlines for a good Bug-Issue

A short, informative Title
Your Issue should have a short but informative title, which makes it possible to distinquish it from- and easily recognize it in-between- other Issues. If someone else finds the same bug, they should be able to find your Issue only based on the title!

A detailed description
Describe your bug in as much detail as possible:

  • What did you do before it happened? (How can the bug be reproduced?)
  • What did you expect to happen?
  • What happened instead?
    • The exact BlueMap-Version (e.g. the name of the used .jar file)
    • The used os and platform (Windows/Linux, Spigot/Paper/Forge/Fabric/Sponge)
    • Has the world been generated using any minecraft-mods?
    • etc..
  • Is there a log- or a config-file that might help? Include it.
  • Maybe add a screenshot or video for illustration.

Well formatted and structured
Make sure your Issue is easy to read and not a mess:

  • Use paragraphs to structure your issue.
  • Use Markdown to add headings and formatting.
  • Use codeblocks for log-snippets.
  • Upload full logs as file-attachments or use a paste-site like GitHub Gists or Pastebin.

One Issue, one bug
Create a separate Issue for each bug you find! Issues that contain more than one bug will be closed!

Suggesting a new feature or change


Creating a Pull-Request
