BONNe 88215b6f0c Implement MetaData ignoring for rewards.
While required items had a metadata grouping, reward items did not have it. This will fix that.

Fixes #289
2022-01-04 21:45:34 +02:00

898 lines
20 KiB

package world.bentobox.challenges.database.object;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.DataObject;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Table;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.adapters.RequirementsAdapter;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.adapters.TypeMigrationAdapter;
import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.requirements.Requirements;
* Data object for challenges
* @author tastybento
@Table(name = "Challenge")
public class Challenge implements DataObject
* Empty constructor
public Challenge()
* This enum holds all Challenge Types.
public enum ChallengeType
* The player must have the items on them.
* Items or required entities have to be within x blocks of the player.
* Other type, like required money / experience or island level. This my request
* other plugins to be setup before it could work.
* Challenge based on player statistic data.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Unique name for challenge object.
private String uniqueId = "";
* The name of the challenge. May include color codes. Single line.
private String friendlyName = "";
* Whether this challenge is deployed or not.
private boolean deployed;
* Description of the challenge. Will become the lore on the icon. Can include & color codes. String List.
private List<String> description = new ArrayList<>();
* The icon in the GUI for this challenge. ItemStack.
private ItemStack icon = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
* Order of this challenge. It allows define order for challenges in
* single level. If order for challenges are equal, it will order by
* challenge unique id.
private int order = -1;
* Challenge type can be INVENTORY, OTHER or ISLAND.
private ChallengeType challengeType = ChallengeType.INVENTORY_TYPE;
* List of environments where this challenge will occur: NETHER, NORMAL, THE_END. Leave blank for all.
private Set<World.Environment> environment = new HashSet<>();
* If true, the challenge will disappear from the GUI when completed
private boolean removeWhenCompleted;
* Unique level ID. Empty means that challenge is in free challenge list.
private String level = "";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Requirement related
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Requirements for current challenge.
private Requirements requirements;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Rewards
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* If this is blank, the reward text will be auto-generated, otherwise this will be used.
private String rewardText = "";
* List of items the player will receive first time. ItemStack List.
private List<ItemStack> rewardItems = new ArrayList<>();
* Experience point reward
private int rewardExperience = 0;
* Money reward. Economy plugin or addon required for this option.
private double rewardMoney = 0;
* Commands to run when the player completes the challenge for the first time. String List
private List<String> rewardCommands = new ArrayList<>();
* Set of item stacks that should ignore metadata.
private Set<Material> ignoreRewardMetaData = new HashSet<>();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Repeat Rewards
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* True if the challenge is repeatable
private boolean repeatable;
* Timeout for repeatable challenge before it can be completed again.
private long timeout;
* Description of the repeat rewards. If blank, it will be autogenerated
private String repeatRewardText = "";
* Maximum number of times the challenge can be repeated. 0 or less will mean infinite times.
private int maxTimes = 1;
* Repeat experience reward
private int repeatExperienceReward = 0;
* Reward items for repeating the challenge. List of ItemStacks.
private List<ItemStack> repeatItemReward = new ArrayList<>();
* Repeat money reward. Economy plugin or addon required for this option.
private double repeatMoneyReward;
* Commands to run when challenge is repeated. String List.
private List<String> repeatRewardCommands = new ArrayList<>();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Getters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* @return the uniqueId
public String getUniqueId()
return uniqueId;
* @return the friendlyName
public String getFriendlyName()
return friendlyName.isEmpty() ? uniqueId : friendlyName;
* @return the deployed
public boolean isDeployed()
return deployed;
* @return the description
public List<String> getDescription()
return description;
* @return the icon
public ItemStack getIcon()
return icon !=null ? icon.clone() : new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
* @return the order
public int getOrder()
return order;
* @return the challengeType
public ChallengeType getChallengeType()
return challengeType;
* @return the environment
public Set<World.Environment> getEnvironment()
return environment;
* @return the level
public String getLevel()
return level;
* @return the removeWhenCompleted
public boolean isRemoveWhenCompleted()
return removeWhenCompleted;
* Method Challenge#getRequirements returns the requirements of this object.
* @return the requirements (type Requirements) of this object.
public <T extends Requirements> T getRequirements()
return (T) this.requirements;
* @return the rewardText
public String getRewardText()
return rewardText;
* @return the rewardItems
public List<ItemStack> getRewardItems()
return rewardItems;
* @return the rewardExperience
public int getRewardExperience()
return rewardExperience;
* @return the rewardMoney
public double getRewardMoney()
return rewardMoney;
* @return the rewardCommands
public List<String> getRewardCommands()
return rewardCommands;
* @return the repeatable
public boolean isRepeatable()
return repeatable;
* @return the repeatRewardText
public String getRepeatRewardText()
return repeatRewardText;
* @return the maxTimes
public int getMaxTimes()
return maxTimes;
* @return the repeatExperienceReward
public int getRepeatExperienceReward()
return repeatExperienceReward;
* @return the repeatItemReward
public List<ItemStack> getRepeatItemReward()
return repeatItemReward;
* @return the repeatMoneyReward
public double getRepeatMoneyReward()
return repeatMoneyReward;
* @return the repeatRewardCommands
public List<String> getRepeatRewardCommands()
return repeatRewardCommands;
* Gets timeout.
* @return the timeout
public long getTimeout()
return timeout;
* Gets ignore reward meta data.
* @return the ignore reward meta data
public Set<Material> getIgnoreRewardMetaData()
return ignoreRewardMetaData;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Setters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param uniqueId the uniqueId to set
public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId)
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
* This method sets the friendlyName value.
* @param friendlyName the friendlyName new value.
public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName)
this.friendlyName = friendlyName;
* This method sets the deployed value.
* @param deployed the deployed new value.
public void setDeployed(boolean deployed)
this.deployed = deployed;
* This method sets the description value.
* @param description the description new value.
public void setDescription(List<String> description)
this.description = description;
* This method sets the icon value.
* @param icon the icon new value.
public void setIcon(ItemStack icon)
this.icon = icon;
* This method sets the order value.
* @param order the order new value.
public void setOrder(int order)
this.order = order;
* This method sets the challengeType value.
* @param challengeType the challengeType new value.
public void setChallengeType(ChallengeType challengeType)
this.challengeType = challengeType;
* This method sets the environment value.
* @param environment the environment new value.
public void setEnvironment(Set<World.Environment> environment)
this.environment = environment;
* This method sets the level value.
* @param level the level new value.
public void setLevel(@NonNull String level)
this.level = level;
* This method sets the removeWhenCompleted value.
* @param removeWhenCompleted the removeWhenCompleted new value.
public void setRemoveWhenCompleted(boolean removeWhenCompleted)
this.removeWhenCompleted = removeWhenCompleted;
* This method sets the rewardText value.
* @param rewardText the rewardText new value.
public void setRewardText(String rewardText)
this.rewardText = rewardText;
* This method sets the rewardItems value.
* @param rewardItems the rewardItems new value.
public void setRewardItems(List<ItemStack> rewardItems)
this.rewardItems = rewardItems;
* This method sets the rewardExperience value.
* @param rewardExperience the rewardExperience new value.
public void setRewardExperience(int rewardExperience)
this.rewardExperience = rewardExperience;
* This method sets the rewardMoney value.
* @param rewardMoney the rewardMoney new value.
public void setRewardMoney(double rewardMoney)
this.rewardMoney = rewardMoney;
* This method sets the rewardCommands value.
* @param rewardCommands the rewardCommands new value.
public void setRewardCommands(List<String> rewardCommands)
this.rewardCommands = rewardCommands;
* This method sets the repeatable value.
* @param repeatable the repeatable new value.
public void setRepeatable(boolean repeatable)
this.repeatable = repeatable;
* This method sets the repeatRewardText value.
* @param repeatRewardText the repeatRewardText new value.
public void setRepeatRewardText(String repeatRewardText)
this.repeatRewardText = repeatRewardText;
* This method sets the maxTimes value.
* @param maxTimes the maxTimes new value.
public void setMaxTimes(int maxTimes)
this.maxTimes = maxTimes;
* This method sets the repeatExperienceReward value.
* @param repeatExperienceReward the repeatExperienceReward new value.
public void setRepeatExperienceReward(int repeatExperienceReward)
this.repeatExperienceReward = repeatExperienceReward;
* This method sets the repeatItemReward value.
* @param repeatItemReward the repeatItemReward new value.
public void setRepeatItemReward(List<ItemStack> repeatItemReward)
this.repeatItemReward = repeatItemReward;
* This method sets the repeatMoneyReward value.
* @param repeatMoneyReward the repeatMoneyReward new value.
public void setRepeatMoneyReward(double repeatMoneyReward)
this.repeatMoneyReward = repeatMoneyReward;
* This method sets the repeatRewardCommands value.
* @param repeatRewardCommands the repeatRewardCommands new value.
public void setRepeatRewardCommands(List<String> repeatRewardCommands)
this.repeatRewardCommands = repeatRewardCommands;
* Method Challenge#setRequirements sets new value for the requirements of this object.
* @param requirements new value for this object.
public void setRequirements(Requirements requirements)
this.requirements = requirements;
* Sets timeout.
* @param timeout the timeout
public void setTimeout(long timeout)
this.timeout = timeout;
* Sets ignore reward meta data.
* @param ignoreRewardMetaData the ignore reward meta data
public void setIgnoreRewardMetaData(Set<Material> ignoreRewardMetaData)
this.ignoreRewardMetaData = ignoreRewardMetaData;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Other methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method match if given gameMode relates to current challenge. It is detected
* via challenge uniqueId, as it always must start with gameMode name.
* This method is created to avoid issues with capital letters in world names in 1.14
* and readjust to store GameMode name instead of world name.
* @param gameMode Name that must be checked.
* @return {@code true} if current challenge relates to given gameMode name, otherwise
* {@code false}.
public boolean matchGameMode(String gameMode)
return gameMode != null &&
this.uniqueId.regionMatches(true, 0, gameMode, 0, gameMode.length());
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
* @return int
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((uniqueId == null) ? 0 : uniqueId.hashCode());
return result;
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(Object) ()
* @param obj of type Object
* @return boolean
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Challenge other))
return false;
if (uniqueId == null)
return other.uniqueId == null;
return uniqueId.equalsIgnoreCase(other.uniqueId);
* This method checks if variable values are valid for current level.
* @return {@code true} if all object values are valid, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isValid()
return this.uniqueId != null &&
!this.uniqueId.isEmpty() &&
this.friendlyName != null &&
this.description != null &&
this.icon != null &&
this.challengeType != null &&
this.environment != null &&
this.level != null &&
this.requirements.isValid() &&
this.rewardText != null && &&
this.rewardCommands != null &&
this.repeatRewardText != null && &&
this.repeatRewardCommands != null;
* Clone method that returns clone of current challenge.
* @return Challenge that is cloned from current object.
public Challenge clone()
Challenge clone;
clone = new Challenge();
clone.setDescription(new ArrayList<>(this.description));
clone.setEnvironment(new HashSet<>(this.environment));
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(this.rewardItems.size()))));
clone.setRewardCommands(new ArrayList<>(this.rewardCommands));
collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(this.repeatItemReward.size()))));
clone.setRepeatRewardCommands(new ArrayList<>(this.repeatRewardCommands));
clone.setIgnoreRewardMetaData(new HashSet<>(this.ignoreRewardMetaData));
catch (Exception e)
BentoBox.getInstance().logError("Failed to clone Challenge " + this.uniqueId);
clone = this;
this.deployed = false;
return clone;