BONNe 5ab4237df4 Implement option that excludes undeployed challenges
The new option allows to toggle if undeployed challenges should be included in level completion count. Disabling option will not include these challenges for level completion.

Fixes #315
2023-04-02 14:47:10 +03:00

629 lines
18 KiB

package world.bentobox.challenges.config;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigComment;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigEntry;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigObject;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.StoreAt;
import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.GuiMode;
import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.VisibilityMode;
* The type Settings.
@StoreAt(filename="config.yml", path="addons/Challenges")
@ConfigComment("Challenges [version] Configuration")
@ConfigComment("This config file is dynamic and saved when the server is shutdown.")
@ConfigComment("You cannot edit it while the server is running because changes will")
@ConfigComment("be lost! Use in-game settings GUI or edit when server is offline.")
public class Settings implements ConfigObject
@ConfigComment("This enables/disables common command that will be independent from")
@ConfigComment("all GameModes. For admins it will open selection with all GameModes")
@ConfigComment("(unless there is one), but for users it will open GUI that corresponds")
@ConfigComment("to their world (unless it is specified other way in Admin GUI).")
@ConfigComment("This means that writing `/[user_global]` will open Challenges GUI's")
@ConfigComment("and `/[admin_global]` will open Admin GUI's")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true)
private boolean useCommonGUI = false;
@ConfigComment("This allows to define which GUI will be opened when `single-gui` is enabled.")
@ConfigComment("This option is ignored if `single-gui` is disabled.")
@ConfigComment("Acceptable values:")
@ConfigComment(" - CURRENT_WORLD - will open GUI that corresponds to user location.")
@ConfigComment(" - GAMEMODE_LIST - will open GUI with all installed game modes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private GuiMode userGuiMode = GuiMode.CURRENT_WORLD;
@ConfigComment("Allows to define a global challenges user command. This command will work")
@ConfigComment("only if `global-commands` is enabled. This allows to execute `/challenges`")
@ConfigComment("without referring to the gamemode.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true)
private String playerGlobalCommand = "challenges c";
@ConfigComment("Allows to define user command for opening challenges GUI's.")
@ConfigComment("Unlike `global` command, this requires to have gamemode player command before it.")
@ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[player_cmd] challenges`")
@ConfigEntry(path = "commands.player.main", needsRestart = true)
private String playerMainCommand = "challenges";
@ConfigComment("Allows to define complete command.")
@ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[player_cmd] challenges complete`")
@ConfigEntry(path = "commands.player.complete", needsRestart = true)
private String playerCompleteCommand = "complete";
@ConfigComment("Allows to define a global challenges admin command. This command will work")
@ConfigComment("only if `global-commands` is enabled. This allows to execute `/chadmin`")
@ConfigComment("without referring to the gamemode.")
@ConfigComment("Note, this must not be the same as user global command.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true)
private String adminGlobalCommand = "challengesadmin chadmin";
@ConfigComment("Allows to define admin command for opening challenges GUI's.")
@ConfigComment("Unlike `global` command, this requires to have gamemode admin command before it.")
@ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[admin_cmd] challenges`")
@ConfigEntry(path = "commands.admin.main", needsRestart = true)
private String adminMainCommand = "challenges";
@ConfigComment("This indicate if player challenges data history will be stored or not.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private boolean storeHistory = false;
@ConfigComment("This allows to specify an amount of time in days when history data will")
@ConfigComment("be removed. 0 means that data will not be removed.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "history.lifespan")
private int lifeSpan = 14;
@ConfigComment("Remove non-repeatable challenges from the challenge GUI when complete.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.remove-complete-one-time-challenges")
private boolean removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges = false;
@ConfigComment("Add enchanted glow to completed challenges")
@ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.add-completed-glow")
private boolean addCompletedGlow = true;
@ConfigComment("This variable allows to choose which Challenges users can see in Challenges GUI.")
@ConfigComment("Valid values are:")
@ConfigComment(" 'VISIBLE' - there will be no hidden challenges. All challenges will be viewable in GUI.")
@ConfigComment(" 'HIDDEN' - shows only deployed challenges.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.undeployed-view-mode")
private VisibilityMode visibilityMode = VisibilityMode.VISIBLE;
@ConfigComment("This allows to change default locked level icon. This option may be")
@ConfigComment("overwritten by each challenge level. If challenge level has specified")
@ConfigComment("their locked level icon, then it will be used, instead of this one.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.locked-level-icon")
private ItemStack lockedLevelIcon = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK);
@ConfigComment("This indicate if challenges data will be stored per island (true) or per player (false).")
@ConfigEntry(path = "store-island-data")
private boolean storeAsIslandData = true;
@ConfigComment("Reset Challenges - if this is true, player's challenges will reset when users")
@ConfigComment("reset an island or if users are kicked or leave a team. Prevents exploiting the")
@ConfigComment("challenges by doing them repeatedly.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "reset-challenges")
private boolean resetChallenges = true;
@ConfigComment("This option indicates if undepolyed challenges should be counted to level completion.")
@ConfigComment("Disabling this option will make it so that only deployed challenges will be counted.")
@ConfigComment("Default: true")
@ConfigEntry(path = "include-undeployed")
private boolean includeUndeployed = true;
@ConfigComment("Broadcast 1st time challenge completion messages to all players.")
@ConfigComment("Change to false if the spam becomes too much.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "broadcast-messages")
private boolean broadcastMessages = true;
@ConfigComment("Shows a title screen for player after completion a challenge or level.")
@ConfigComment("Message can be edited via language settings.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private boolean showCompletionTitle = true;
@ConfigComment("Integer that represents how long title will be visible for player.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "title.title-showtime")
private int titleShowtime = 70;
@ConfigComment("Long that represents how frequently (in minutes) challenges addon will save data to database.")
@ConfigComment("If this is set to 0, saving will not happen.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "auto-saver")
private long autoSaveTimer = 30;
@ConfigComment("This list stores GameModes in which Challenges addon should not work.")
@ConfigComment("To disable addon it is necessary to write its name in new line that starts with -. Example:")
@ConfigComment(" - BSkyBlock")
@ConfigEntry(path = "disabled-gamemodes")
private Set<String> disabledGameModes = new HashSet<>();
* Configuration version
private String configVersion = "v4";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Getters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method returns the configVersion object.
* @return the configVersion object.
public String getConfigVersion()
return configVersion;
* @return resetChallenges value.
public boolean isResetChallenges()
return this.resetChallenges;
* @return broadcastMessages value.
public boolean isBroadcastMessages()
return this.broadcastMessages;
* @return removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges value.
public boolean isRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges()
return this.removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges;
* @return addCompletedGlow value.
public boolean isAddCompletedGlow()
return this.addCompletedGlow;
* @return disabledGameModes value.
public Set<String> getDisabledGameModes()
return this.disabledGameModes;
* This method returns the storeAsIslandData object.
* @return the storeAsIslandData object.
public boolean isStoreAsIslandData()
return storeAsIslandData;
* This method returns the storeHistory object.
* @return the storeHistory object.
public boolean isStoreHistory()
return storeHistory;
* This method returns the userCommand value.
* @return the value of userCommand.
public String getPlayerGlobalCommand()
return playerGlobalCommand;
* Gets main user command.
* @return the main user command
public String getPlayerMainCommand()
return playerMainCommand;
* Gets complete user command.
* @return the complete user command
public String getPlayerCompleteCommand()
return playerCompleteCommand;
* Gets main admin command.
* @return the main admin command
public String getAdminMainCommand()
return adminMainCommand;
* This method returns the adminCommand value.
* @return the value of adminCommand.
public String getAdminGlobalCommand()
return adminGlobalCommand;
* This method returns the useCommonGUI value.
* @return the value of useCommonGUI.
public boolean isUseCommonGUI()
return useCommonGUI;
* This method returns the userGuiMode value.
* @return the value of userGuiMode.
public GuiMode getUserGuiMode()
return userGuiMode;
* This method returns the lifeSpan value.
* @return the value of lifeSpan.
public int getLifeSpan()
return lifeSpan;
* This method returns the lockedLevelIcon value.
* @return the value of lockedLevelIcon.
public ItemStack getLockedLevelIcon()
return lockedLevelIcon.clone();
* This method returns the showCompletionTitle object.
* @return the showCompletionTitle object.
public boolean isShowCompletionTitle()
return this.showCompletionTitle;
* This method returns the titleShowtime object.
* @return the titleShowtime object.
public int getTitleShowtime()
return this.titleShowtime;
* This method returns the autoSaveTimer object.
* @return the autoSaveTimer object.
public long getAutoSaveTimer()
return autoSaveTimer;
* This method returns the visibilityMode value.
* @return the value of visibilityMode.
public VisibilityMode getVisibilityMode()
return this.visibilityMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Setters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method sets the autoSaveTimer object value.
* @param autoSaveTimer the autoSaveTimer object new value.
public void setAutoSaveTimer(long autoSaveTimer)
this.autoSaveTimer = autoSaveTimer;
* This method sets the titleShowtime object value.
* @param titleShowtime the titleShowtime object new value.
public void setTitleShowtime(int titleShowtime)
this.titleShowtime = titleShowtime;
* This method sets the showCompletionTitle object value.
* @param showCompletionTitle the showCompletionTitle object new value.
public void setShowCompletionTitle(boolean showCompletionTitle)
this.showCompletionTitle = showCompletionTitle;
* This method sets the lockedLevelIcon value.
* @param lockedLevelIcon the lockedLevelIcon new value.
public void setLockedLevelIcon(ItemStack lockedLevelIcon)
this.lockedLevelIcon = lockedLevelIcon;
* This method sets the userGuiMode value.
* @param userGuiMode the userGuiMode new value.
public void setUserGuiMode(GuiMode userGuiMode)
this.userGuiMode = userGuiMode;
* This method sets the configVersion object value.
* @param configVersion the configVersion object new value.
public void setConfigVersion(String configVersion)
this.configVersion = configVersion;
* @param resetChallenges new resetChallenges value.
public void setResetChallenges(boolean resetChallenges)
this.resetChallenges = resetChallenges;
* @param broadcastMessages new broadcastMessages value.
public void setBroadcastMessages(boolean broadcastMessages)
this.broadcastMessages = broadcastMessages;
* @param removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges new removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges value.
public void setRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges(boolean removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges)
this.removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges = removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges;
* @param addCompletedGlow new addCompletedGlow value.
public void setAddCompletedGlow(boolean addCompletedGlow)
this.addCompletedGlow = addCompletedGlow;
* @param disabledGameModes new disabledGameModes value.
public void setDisabledGameModes(Set<String> disabledGameModes)
this.disabledGameModes = disabledGameModes;
* This method sets the storeAsIslandData object value.
* @param storeAsIslandData the storeAsIslandData object new value.
public void setStoreAsIslandData(boolean storeAsIslandData)
this.storeAsIslandData = storeAsIslandData;
* This method sets the storeHistory object value.
* @param storeHistory the storeHistory object new value.
public void setStoreHistory(boolean storeHistory)
this.storeHistory = storeHistory;
* This method sets the userCommand value.
* @param playerGlobalCommand the userCommand new value.
public void setPlayerGlobalCommand(String playerGlobalCommand)
this.playerGlobalCommand = playerGlobalCommand;
* Sets main user command.
* @param playerMainCommand the main user command
public void setPlayerMainCommand(String playerMainCommand)
this.playerMainCommand = playerMainCommand;
* Sets complete user command.
* @param playerCompleteCommand the complete user command
public void setPlayerCompleteCommand(String playerCompleteCommand)
this.playerCompleteCommand = playerCompleteCommand;
* Sets main admin command.
* @param adminMainCommand the main admin command
public void setAdminMainCommand(String adminMainCommand)
this.adminMainCommand = adminMainCommand;
* This method sets the adminCommand value.
* @param adminGlobalCommand the adminCommand new value.
public void setAdminGlobalCommand(String adminGlobalCommand)
this.adminGlobalCommand = adminGlobalCommand;
* This method sets the useCommonGUI value.
* @param useCommonGUI the useCommonGUI new value.
public void setUseCommonGUI(boolean useCommonGUI)
this.useCommonGUI = useCommonGUI;
* This method sets the lifeSpan value.
* @param lifeSpan the lifeSpan new value.
public void setLifeSpan(int lifeSpan)
this.lifeSpan = lifeSpan;
* This method sets the visibilityMode value.
* @param visibilityMode the visibilityMode new value.
public void setVisibilityMode(VisibilityMode visibilityMode)
this.visibilityMode = visibilityMode;
* Is count undeployed to completion boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean isIncludeUndeployed()
return includeUndeployed;
* Sets count undeployed to completion.
* @param includeUndeployed the count undeployed to completion
public void setIncludeUndeployed(boolean includeUndeployed)
this.includeUndeployed = includeUndeployed;