2020-04-04 16:46:00 +02:00

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Bug report Create a bug report to help us improve

(Please follow this template, as doing so saves both you and me a lot of time. Issues that don't follow the template may be closed.)


(A clear and concise description of what the bug is, e.g.: Every time my mob signs spawn pigs, they turn green and fly away.)


(List steps to reproduce, e.g.:

  1. Create a new dungeon with /dxl create
  2. Place [ready] sign, [mob]/pig/0,1/D5 sign
  3. Leave edit mode with /dxl leave
  4. Test with /dxl play
  5. Trigger ready sign and get close to the location of the pig spawn sign)

Expected behavior

(A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen, e.g.: I wanted the pigs to turn blue and dig mole-like tunnels instead X( )

Screenshots / GIFs / videos

(If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.)

Relevant configuration files

(The three grave accents mark the beginning and end of a code block. If there are relevant configuration files, please paste them in the lines between the accents sothat others can see if there are any syntax errors.)