The spawn selection may actually be farther than 32 blocks,
so we need a larger load radius to prevent a deadlock on startup.
Additionally, re-insert thread checks for sync loads that were
previously in 1.20.
If a player moves away before the raid is created, then we would
possibly trigger the raid cross-region.
Considering Vanilla doesn't trigger the raid cross-dimension, this
doesn't seem like an important behavior to break.
CraftEntity properly tracks the underlying entity handle
when the entity teleports. This resolves a race condition
where if an enderpearl was ticked while its owner was teleporting,
the owner reference would be lost.
This field is covered by the entity tracker optimisations in Paper,
but currently was not properly maintained - resulting in memory leaks.
Most significant changes are to portal/teleport logic, there may
be some bugs there. Not really concerned about the passenger
teleport, as Folia had already added support for that.
Not sure how the spark changes are going to work.
Using the total number of users in the connection set
is not correct since those users may not be logged in
yet. Instead, track separately the number of users
who have passed the slot check.
This may be invoked by a worldgen thread, in which case the
region data would be null and cause a crash. Returning true
is the default state of shouldSignal, so this should maintain
expected behavior.
The world tick will synchronise block data to clients. If
the connection tick is ran before, then the server will
send the block ack before the block updates - which causes
the client to think that any blocks it broke/placed
were rejected.