
206 lines
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2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = ''
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:5.1.0'
plugins {
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '5.1.0'
id 'maven'
id 'java'
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
// Environment variables for the build set by the build server
ext.buildNumber = System.env.BUILD_NUMBER ?: '0'
defaultTasks 'clean', 'build'
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
targetCompatibility = '1.8'
2019-12-28 23:26:37 +01:00
archivesBaseName = 'griefdefender'
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
project.ext.getGitHash = {
def command = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("git rev-parse --short HEAD")
def result = command.waitFor()
return (result == 0) ? command.inputStream.text.trim() : "nogit"
repositories {
maven {
name = 'aikar'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'bstats'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'dynmap-repo'
url = ''
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
maven {
name = 'essentials'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'griefdefender'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'jitpack'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'permissionsex'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'placeholderapi'
url = ''
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
maven {
name = 'sk89q'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'sonatype_releases'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'spigot'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'sponge'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'sonatype_snapshots'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'worldedit'
url = ''
maven {
name = 'vault'
url = ''
sourceSets {
dependencies {
compileOnly(project(path: ":GriefDefenderAPI"))
Update for 1.5.10 release. * Fix ClaimBlockTask prematurely exiting if a player had max claim blocks. * Fix TaxApplyTask not pulling funds from claim bank first. * Fix ClaimContextCalculator overwriting option claim contexts. * Fix player option commands running during a command causing a loop. * Fix player-command-enter running command from subclaim. * Fix player-command-exit running command to subclaim. * Fix player contexts not being added in all cases where a player is involved. * Fix flag definitions not accepting any context. * Fix elytra enter-claim bypass. * Add 'claim-create-radius-limit' to global config. * Add Simplified Chinese language support (zh_CN). * Add enter-claim flag permission check on player login. * Add enter/exit-claim support for player respawns. If denied, GD will respawn player back in source claim in a safe location. * Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. * (Hybrid) Fix mohist EntityType mod registration. * (Hybrid/Sponge) Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. See new setting 'tile-id-nbt-map' under mod category in global.conf * (Sponge) Add 'interact-item-force-list' to global config. Used to force interact-item flag checks when a player left/right-clicks with an item in hand. * (Sponge) Add check to prevent re-registration of worlds. * (Sponge) Add workaround during collisions when user is wrapped in ProjectileSource. * (Sponge) Add EntityThrowable support for getEntityOwner. * (Sponge) Add method to get internal DamageSource type name. * (Sponge) Fix NPE when cancelling claim with '/claimrent cancel' * (Sponge) Fix wrong block being checked during bucket interactions such as lava and water. * (Sponge) Fix block-pre not handing certain mod permission checks such as AE2 cables. * (Sponge) Fix 'block-id-convert-list' feature not using correct id during player interactions. * (Sponge) Fix item-pickup flag not checking trust.
2021-02-06 00:06:14 +01:00
compileOnly fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
2020-01-10 01:53:00 +01:00
compile project (':common')
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
compileOnly "com.griefdefender:adapter:$adapterVersion"
compileOnly "com.griefdefender:reflect-helper:1.0"
// Bukkit
compileOnly "org.bukkit:bukkit:$spigotVersion"
compileOnly "org.spigotmc:spigot:$spigotVersion"
// Plugins
compileOnly ("ca.stellardrift.permissionsex:permissionsex-bukkit:2.0-SNAPSHOT") {
exclude group: 'org.spongepowered'
compileOnly "me.clip:placeholderapi:2.10.4"
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
compileOnly "net.ess3:EssentialsX:2.17.1"
compileOnly "net.milkbowl.vault:VaultAPI:1.7"
compileOnly "us.dynmap:dynmap-api:3.0-SNAPSHOT"
Update for 1.5.10 release. * Fix ClaimBlockTask prematurely exiting if a player had max claim blocks. * Fix TaxApplyTask not pulling funds from claim bank first. * Fix ClaimContextCalculator overwriting option claim contexts. * Fix player option commands running during a command causing a loop. * Fix player-command-enter running command from subclaim. * Fix player-command-exit running command to subclaim. * Fix player contexts not being added in all cases where a player is involved. * Fix flag definitions not accepting any context. * Fix elytra enter-claim bypass. * Add 'claim-create-radius-limit' to global config. * Add Simplified Chinese language support (zh_CN). * Add enter-claim flag permission check on player login. * Add enter/exit-claim support for player respawns. If denied, GD will respawn player back in source claim in a safe location. * Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. * (Hybrid) Fix mohist EntityType mod registration. * (Hybrid/Sponge) Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. See new setting 'tile-id-nbt-map' under mod category in global.conf * (Sponge) Add 'interact-item-force-list' to global config. Used to force interact-item flag checks when a player left/right-clicks with an item in hand. * (Sponge) Add check to prevent re-registration of worlds. * (Sponge) Add workaround during collisions when user is wrapped in ProjectileSource. * (Sponge) Add EntityThrowable support for getEntityOwner. * (Sponge) Add method to get internal DamageSource type name. * (Sponge) Fix NPE when cancelling claim with '/claimrent cancel' * (Sponge) Fix wrong block being checked during bucket interactions such as lava and water. * (Sponge) Fix block-pre not handing certain mod permission checks such as AE2 cables. * (Sponge) Fix 'block-id-convert-list' feature not using correct id during player interactions. * (Sponge) Fix item-pickup flag not checking trust.
2021-02-06 00:06:14 +01:00
compileOnly "com.github.lucko:luckperms:v5.2"
//compileOnly "com.github.slimefun:slimefun4:master-SNAPSHOT"
//compileOnly "com.github.thebusybiscuit:cs-corelib:master-SNAPSHOT"
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
// Libs
compileOnly "aopalliance:aopalliance:1.0"
compileOnly "co.aikar:acf-core:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "co.aikar:acf-bukkit:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "co.aikar:acf-paper:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "co.aikar:acf-jda:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "co.aikar:locales:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "co.aikar:minecraft-timings:1.0.4"
compileOnly "co.aikar:Table:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
compileOnly "com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:2.7.0"
compileOnly "com.flowpowered:flow-math:1.0.3"
compileOnly ""
compileOnly "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.7.2"
compileOnly "com.squareup.okio:okio:2.6.0"
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
compileOnly "com.typesafe:config:1.3.1"
compileOnly "commons-io:commons-io:2.6"
compileOnly "it.unimi.dsi:fastutil:8.2.3"
compileOnly "me.lucko:jar-relocator:1.3"
compileOnly "net.jodah:expiringmap:0.5.9"
compileOnly "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.9"
compileOnly "org.checkerframework:checker:2.8.2"
compileOnly "org.jetbrains:annotations:17.0.0"
compileOnly "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72"
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
compileOnly "org.ow2.asm:asm-debug-all:5.2"
Update for 1.5.10 release. * Fix ClaimBlockTask prematurely exiting if a player had max claim blocks. * Fix TaxApplyTask not pulling funds from claim bank first. * Fix ClaimContextCalculator overwriting option claim contexts. * Fix player option commands running during a command causing a loop. * Fix player-command-enter running command from subclaim. * Fix player-command-exit running command to subclaim. * Fix player contexts not being added in all cases where a player is involved. * Fix flag definitions not accepting any context. * Fix elytra enter-claim bypass. * Add 'claim-create-radius-limit' to global config. * Add Simplified Chinese language support (zh_CN). * Add enter-claim flag permission check on player login. * Add enter/exit-claim support for player respawns. If denied, GD will respawn player back in source claim in a safe location. * Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. * (Hybrid) Fix mohist EntityType mod registration. * (Hybrid/Sponge) Add TE NBT id support for mods such as gregtech. See new setting 'tile-id-nbt-map' under mod category in global.conf * (Sponge) Add 'interact-item-force-list' to global config. Used to force interact-item flag checks when a player left/right-clicks with an item in hand. * (Sponge) Add check to prevent re-registration of worlds. * (Sponge) Add workaround during collisions when user is wrapped in ProjectileSource. * (Sponge) Add EntityThrowable support for getEntityOwner. * (Sponge) Add method to get internal DamageSource type name. * (Sponge) Fix NPE when cancelling claim with '/claimrent cancel' * (Sponge) Fix wrong block being checked during bucket interactions such as lava and water. * (Sponge) Fix block-pre not handing certain mod permission checks such as AE2 cables. * (Sponge) Fix 'block-id-convert-list' feature not using correct id during player interactions. * (Sponge) Fix item-pickup flag not checking trust.
2021-02-06 00:06:14 +01:00
compileOnly "org.spongepowered:configurate-core:3.7.2"
compileOnly "org.spongepowered:configurate-gson:3.7.2"
compileOnly "org.spongepowered:configurate-hocon:3.7.2"
compileOnly "org.spongepowered:configurate-yaml:3.7.2"
2019-11-19 19:11:47 +01:00
compileOnly "net.kyori:event-api:3.0.0"
compileOnly "net.kyori:event-method:3.0.0"
compileOnly "net.kyori:event-method-asm:3.0.0"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-adapter-bukkit:3.0.3"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-adapter-bungeecord:3.0.3"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-adapter-spongeapi:3.0.3"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-api:3.0.2"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-serializer-gson:3.0.2"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-serializer-legacy:3.0.2"
compileOnly "net.kyori:text-serializer-plain:3.0.2"
jar {
manifest.attributes('Implementation-Title': 'GriefDefender')
manifest.attributes('Implementation-Version': "$version")
manifest.attributes('Git-Hash': project.ext.getGitHash())
classifier = 'SNAPSHOT'
baseName = 'griefdefender'
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible()) {
tasks.withType(Javadoc) {
options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
artifacts {
archives shadowJar
shadowJar {
classifier = ""
relocate("aopalliance", "com.griefdefender.lib.aopalliance")
relocate("com.github.benmanes.caffeine", "com.griefdefender.lib.caffeine")
relocate("", "com.griefdefender.lib.googleinject")
relocate("com.typesafe", "com.griefdefender.lib.typesafe")
relocate("javax.inject", "com.griefdefender.lib.javaxinject")
relocate("it.unimi.dsi", "com.griefdefender.lib.fastutil")
relocate("net.jodah", "com.griefdefender.lib.jodah")
relocate("ninja.leaping.configurate", "com.griefdefender.lib.configurate")
relocate("okhttp3", "com.griefdefender.lib.okhttp3")
relocate("okio", "com.griefdefender.lib.okio")
relocate("", "com.griefdefender.lib.commonsio")
relocate("org.apache.commons.lang3", "com.griefdefender.lib.commonslang3")
relocate("org.checkerframework", "com.griefdefender.lib.checkerframework")
relocate("org.jetbrains", "com.griefdefender.lib.jetbrains")
exclude "dummyThing"