* Fix startup NPE with 1.8.8 and 1.12.2.
* Fix another bug related to ghost claims.
* Fix withers using owner for block break.
* Fix ice being ignored.
* Fix context exception when using wilderness in default/override flag
* Add support for multiple default/override contexts in flag definitions.
* Move chat input handling to lowest event priority.
* (Sponge) Fix debug not turning off properly.
* (Sponge) Fix walk/fly speed checks by rounding result.
* Fix tags not being added to contexts.
* Fix interact-entity-secondary using wrong source if item was in hand.
* Fix create limit check on shovel create start.
* Fix spawn-limit crashing server when checking wilderness limits.
* Fix sell signs being broken by non-trusted.
* Fix EntityChangeBlockEvent using owner of monster damage.
* Fix ClassCastException with WildTP.
* (Sponge) Fix schematic NPE on reload.
* Add workaround for VehicleDamageEvent passing null when source is block.
* Add bypass option support for trusted users.
* Optimize getChunks call.
* Cache user perk option lookups.
* Cache user bypass option lookups.
* Fix wrong type being displaying in /claiminfo.
* Fix claim teleport in nether.
* Fix claim visuals in/out of liquids.
* Fix inventory check on interaction.
* Fix walkspeed, gamemode, and weather options not resetting back to default on claim exit.
* Fix option gui not displaying decimals for doubles.
* Fix entity dupe on schematic restore.
* Fix claim schematic creation dates on load.
* Fix wither causing damage when spawned by players.
* Fix ice/snow form flags.
* Fix visuals not showing on snow.
* Fix inability to attack tameable entities with no owner.
* Fix claim cleanup task exiting prematurely.
* Fix scaffolding not breaking fully.
* Fix Flag GUI preset/advanced translations.
* Fix '/cog <group>' not displaying options for group.
* Fix option GUI toggle value hover.
* Fix block burn across blocks not triggering block-spread.
* Fix monsters such as phantom and ghast not being ignored during entity-damage checks.
* Fixed tamed entity protection when source is not entity.
* Fix snow-melt showing up as block-modify instead of block-break
* Fix player buckets not checking place or break.
* Fix 'fire-spread' and 'vehicle-use' flag definitions.
* Fix NPE when changing claim type
* Fix visuals loading unloaded chunks.
* Fix player options not being set while in claim.
* Fix isTileInventory check.
* Fix user playerdata in PlaceHolderProvider.
* Fix claim resize exploit.
* Fix flag definitions GUI not showing inheritance values.
* Fix entity explosion getting wrong user sometimes.
* Fix tracking data not always being saved.
* Fix #crops tag not working.
* Fix tnt chain explosions.
* Add 'player-fly-speed' option.
* Add support for decimal values in option GUI.
* Add missing translation when deleting all player claims.
* Add restore claim in progress message.
* Add pl_PL language support. Thanks to Maul for contribution
* Add permission 'griefdefender.admin.bypass.pvp-creative' to bypass pvp creative protection.
* Add permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.rent.base' for new '/claimrent' command.
* Add permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.rent.sign' to control rent sign usage.
* Add permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.sell.sign' to control sell sign usage.
* Add flag definition 'turtle-egg-hatch'
* Add flag definition 'falling-block-break' .
* Add flag definition 'fire-entity-damage'.
* Add flag/option enable control to respective configs.
* Add group context support for flag definitions.
* Add new context gd_claim_default=user and gd_claim_override=user which applies to all claim types except wilderness and admin.
* Add owner override support with gd_claim_override=claim context. You can use this context to have owners be affected in claims. They also have the ability to toggle these.
* Add villager-trade and villager-farm definitions.
* Add /claimtax command.
* Add /claimrent command.
Note: To create a rental via command
ex. /claimrent 10h - creates rental for $10 per hour
ex. /claimrent 10h 5 - creates rental for $10 per hour w/ max 5 days.
* Add claim restore functionality for 1.14+ servers.
Note: To restore a claim, use /claimrestore
* Add toggle support for isExpired in /claiminfo
* Add Rent/Sell signs.
* Add item frame rotation protection.
* Add support for 'AsyncWorldEdit'.
* Add /claimrent command for displaying rentable claims.
* Add PvP config to manage pvp control.
* Add PvP protection when flying during PvP.
* Add PvP protection when in creative mode.
* Add override support for options.
* Add gd_claim_override=claim support for /cf command.
* Add entity-damage logs for monster damage.
* Add tracking support for piston item spawns.
* Add client visual queue to avoid sending too much traffic in a single tick. Default 12 block changes per tick.
See 'client-visuals-per-tick' in global.conf to change.
* Add 'filler-spacing' to visual config. Default 10
* Add explosion surface blacklists for block/entities.
* Add new flag 'inventory-item-move'
* Add falling block tracking.
* Add rent-schematic-restore-admin for controlling rent restores in admin claims.
* Add explosion-cancel-block-limit for controlling explosion block size limit in devents.
* Enhance claim visual functionality.
* Refactor visual backend to be more efficient with server resources.
* Ensure block transactions are never sent more than once to client during a single visual update.
* Further enhance visual functionality with left/right clicks.
* Improve '/gddebug' by adding a fully functional filter.
Ex. '/gddebug record creeper' would show all actions with creeper.
Ex. '/gddebug record claim' will show only claim you are standing in.
* Cleanup option permission lookups.
* Implement visual API.
* Improve claim getChunks call.
* Improve context display in debug paste.
* Allow renters to interact with living entities.
* Allow bank/tax systems to be used separately.
* Allow pistons to be protected in wilderness.
* Confirm buttons will now be invalidated after first click.
* Deny owner item spawns in claim that is rented and can restore.
* Deny '/giveblocks' on self.
* Check max accrued blocks during /giveblocks.
* Only adjust accrued blocks when using /giveblocks.
* Optimize tracking data saves.
* Force last active date save on player login.
* Ignore drowning damage.
* Move 'pvp' user definition to admin.
* Change 'player-health-regen' option default to 0.
* Change 'player-walk-speed' option default to 0.
* Change 'tax-rate' option default to 0.1
* Change 'fall-entity-damage' to global default context.
* Change 'fall-player-damage' to global default context.
This will allow servers to stop piston farms spawning items.
Ex. If you want to stop pistons from spawning items in all basic claims
you would enter the following command
'/cf item-spawn any false context[source=piston, override=basic]'
The flag definition system has had a major rehaul.
The following improvements have been made :
- Support for default values that can be applied on startup.
- All definitions have been moved to its own file 'flags.conf'.
- The 'enabled' setting now works as expected.
- GUI has been updated to show all relevant context/flag information.
- Admin definitions will now display the direct result of a definition.
Note: The final active result will show on hover.
- User definitions will only display the result of the current claim.
Note: User's can see extra info on hover.
Note: If a user definition has been overridden, it won't be toggable.
* Add Context/Location improvements to GDDebug.
- Users will now be able to expand location/context columns for more
* Add version check to use proper id for flag definitions.
* Move options from 'global.conf' to its own file 'options.conf'.
* Ignore suffocation for entity damage checks.
* Fix monster projectile's not checking monster source.
* Fix 'used_item' not showing up for buckets.
* Fix flag GUI sort when changing value.
* Fix town tag not showing properly on sponge. Fixes#201
* Change permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.arg' to
The claim option command should no longer add a claim context when using
default or override contexts.
* Fix invalid value error when using 'undefined' to unset an option
using claim option commands.