bloodshot 671d63a09b Update for 1.5.5 release.
* Add potion effects support.
* Add item enchantment support.
* Add pvp lookup methods for claim and playerdata.
* Add 'block-tileentity-id-list' used to override mod block id's that are used for many TE's.
  - Ex. IC2 uses a base block id 'ic2:te' for all TE's. When the id is detected during block/item usage, it will be converted to the actual id.
* Add TileEntity registry to better support hybrid servers.
* Add '/claiminfo' UUID click support to copy text to chat.
* Add support for overriding option 'player-command-exit/enter' on player.
* Add command description translation support.
* Add zh_HK language support.
* Fix event cause not clearing on push.
* Fix abandon claim within town returning funds to owner in economy mode.
* Fix player afk detection during claim block task.
* Fix async chunk load during visual revert.
* Fix '/gd claim we' command.
* Fix advanced flag GUI toggle with definitions.
* Fix rent sign update not checking all children claims.
* Fix rent sign not being updated when cancelled via '/claimrent cancel'.
* Fix '/claimsell' on admin claim.
* Fix NPE when attempting to purchase an admin claim for sale.
* Fix command description translations.
* Fix isInvulnerable NPE on 1.8.8 servers.
* Fix '/abandonworld' exiting when no economy data found for player.
* Fix '/deletealladmin' only deleting admin claims in current world when passing no world argument.
* Fix '/claimcontract' and '/claimexpand' NPE in economy mode.
* Fix GD claim enter/exit prefix. The prefix will now use '[<playername>]'.
  Note: This can be configured in lang file under 'claim-prefix-enter' and 'claim-prefix-exit'
* Clean up advanced flag GUI code.
* Disable /buyblocks command when economy-block-cost is <= 0
* Deny town claim abandon if basic claims exist owned by owner.
* Allow to input string as option value.
* Improve pvp source contexts.
* Clean up '/acb' command code.
* (Bukkit) Add potion splash protection support.
* (Bukkit) Fix tamed entities being hit by projectiles.
* (Bukkit) Fix enderman block place protection.
* (Hybrid) Fix wrong EnumCreatureType being registered for entities.
* (Hybrid) Add TileEntity registry.
* (Hybrid) Add mod command support for 'command-execute' flag.
* (Sponge) Add PlaceHolderAPI support.
* (Sponge) Add Nucleus v2 support.
* (Sponge) Add IgniteEntityEvent support.
* (Sponge) Fix '/cpp' and '/cpg' command.
* (Sponge) Fix player block placement deny not sending message.

Fixes #4
Fixes #200, Fixes #206, Fixes #222
Fixes #232, Fixes #237, Fixes #267
Fixes #269, Fixes #276, Fixes #296
Fixes #310, Fixes #311, Fixes #317
Fixes #324, Fixes #333, Fixes #334
Fixes #335, Fixes #336, Fixes #347
2020-12-28 17:28:12 -05:00
src/main/resources Update for 1.5.5 release. 2020-12-28 17:28:12 -05:00
build.gradle Move assets to common folder. 2020-01-09 19:53:00 -05:00