Class ArgumentWord


public class ArgumentWord
extends Argument<java.lang.String>
Represents a single word in the command.

You can specify the valid words with from(String...) (do not abuse it or the client will not be able to join).

Example: hey

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentWord

      public ArgumentWord​(java.lang.String id)
  • Method Details

    • from

      @NotNull public ArgumentWord from​(@Nullable java.lang.String... restrictions)
      Used to force the use of a few precise words instead of complete freedom.

      WARNING: having an array too long would result in a packet too big or the client being stuck during login.

      restrictions - the accepted words
    • getCorrectionResult

      public int getCorrectionResult​(@NotNull java.lang.String value)
      Description copied from class: Argument
      First method called to check the validity of an input.

      If Argument.allowSpace() is enabled, the value will be incremented by the next word until it returns Argument.SUCCESS, meaning that you need to be sure to check the inexpensive operations first (eg the number of brackets, the first and last char, etc...).

      Specified by:
      getCorrectionResult in class Argument<java.lang.String>
      value - The received argument
      the error code or Argument.SUCCESS
    • parse

      @NotNull public java.lang.String parse​(@NotNull java.lang.String value)
      Description copied from class: Argument
      Called after Argument.getCorrectionResult(String) returned Argument.SUCCESS.

      The correction being correct means that value shouldn't be verified again, you can assume that no exception will occur when converting it to the correct type.

      Specified by:
      parse in class Argument<java.lang.String>
      value - The correct argument which does not need to be verified again
      The parsed argument
    • getConditionResult

      public int getConditionResult​(@NotNull java.lang.String value)
      Description copied from class: Argument
      Called after Argument.parse(String) meaning that value should already represent a valid representation of the input.

      The condition result has for goal to check the optional conditions that are user configurable (eg min/max values for a number, a specific material for an item, etc...).

      Specified by:
      getConditionResult in class Argument<java.lang.String>
      value - The parsed argument
      the error code or Argument.SUCCESS
    • hasRestrictions

      public boolean hasRestrictions()
      Gets if this argument allow complete freedom in the word choice or if a list has been defined.
      true if the word selection is restricted
    • getRestrictions

      @Nullable public java.lang.String[] getRestrictions()
      Gets all the word restrictions.
      the word restrictions, can be null
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object