4 Player Skin
TheMode edited this page 2020-05-31 18:06:03 +02:00

There are three ways of defining a player skin:

  • Setting your player UUID (see here) to their mojang UUID, clients by default retrieve skin based on this value
  • Changing it in the PlayerSkinInitEvent event
  • Using the method Player#setSkin(PlayerSkin)

How to retrieve skin data from Mojang

Using PlayerSkin methods

PlayerSkin offers some utils methods to retrieve a skin using simple information such as a Mojang UUID or a Minecraft username

PlayerSkin skinFromUUID = PlayerSkin.fromUuid(MOJANG_UUID_AS_STRING);

PlayerSkin skinFromUsername = PlayerSkin.fromUsername("Notch");

WARNING: those methods make direct requests to the Mojang API, it is recommended to cache the values.

Retrieve texture value & signature manually

Most of what I will say is described here: https://wiki.vg/Mojang_API#Username_-.3E_UUID_at_time

You firstly need to get your Mojang UUID, which can be done by a request based on your username:

 GET https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/<username>

Then, after getting your UUID:

 GET https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/<uuid>?unsigned=false

You'll get here both the texture value and the signature. Those values are used to create a PlayerSkin.


The event is called at the player connection and is used to define the skin to send to the player the first time. It is as simple as

player.addEventCallback(PlayerSkinInitEvent.class, event -> {
   PlayerSkin skin = new PlayerSkin(textureValue, signature);


Not much to say here

PlayerSkin skin = new PlayerSkin(textureValue, signature);