5 config.yml (Portals)
nicegamer7 edited this page 2020-10-07 16:38:28 -04:00

Multiverse Portals Config

Here is the default config that ships with MV-Portals. Note the version number at the bottom. We will (try to) update this page with newer configs when they ship.

Make sure you're up to date

If you type /mv version a version string will be dumped to the console, in it you will see a line:

XX:XX:XX [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] [Multiverse-Portals] Dumping Portal Values: (version 2.6)

This is the current version of your config. If it does not match the version in the example, please grab an updated version of Multiverse-Portals.

Multiverse 2 Portals Sample Config

# This is the item ID of the wand that you'll use for 
# portal selections. You can find a list of item IDs 
# at the minecraft wiki: 
# http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Item_id
# The default is a Wooden Axe
# If WorldEdit (or FAWE) is detected, we'll just use their tool.
wand: 271

# There are 2 types of portals, Vanilla style and MV style.
# If you don't understand the difference leave this on. If
# you would like to sacrifice MV Style portals for performance
# (only needed on VERY LARGE servers) set this to false.
useonmove: true

# If you've filled a multiverse portal with the purple goo
# Should it go to the nether if it has no end location?
portalsdefaulttonether: false

# If set to false, All players can use ALL portals.
# If set to true, normal permissions will be checked
# multiverse.portal.access.PNAME
enforceportalaccess: true

# How long must players wait (in milliseconds) in
# between portal uses.
portalcooldown: 1000

# Allows automatic removal of any portal
# blocks in a portal after "/mvp remove".
clearonremove: false

# Determines whether vehicles can teleport through portals.
teleportvehicles: true

# Determines what materials a portal's frame can be made of. If empty, all materials are allowed.
framematerials: []

# This just signifies the version number so we can see what version of config you have.
version: 2.7