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synced 2025-03-10 21:49:53 +01:00
Regroup lost-ground workarounds. Fix some aspects.
Check some preconditions in the check method, delegate to different methods for different cases, also to have smaller method bodies. IsAboveStairs is only checked for "mild" y-distances. For faster descending an individual edge-check has been added.
This commit is contained in:
@ -105,13 +105,45 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// "Lost ground" workaround.
if (fromOnGround || from.isResetCond()) resetFrom = true;
// TODO: Extra workarounds for toOnGround ?
else if (lostGround(player, from, to, hDistance, yDistance, sprinting, data, cc)){
// TODO: Consider && !resetTo ?
// TODO: Confine by max y distance and min xz-distance?
resetFrom = true;
// TODO: Consider if (!resetTo) ?
// Check lost-ground workarounds.
boolean lostGround = false; // Just used for better overview.
// TODO: Move more conditions here (!)
// TODO: Confine by max y distance and max/min xz-distance?
if (yDistance >= -0.5 && yDistance <= 0.52 + data.jumpAmplifier * 0.2){
// "Mild" Ascending / descending.
// Stairs.
// TODO: More safety guards.
if (from.isAboveStairs()) {
applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "stairs");
lostGround = true;
// Descending.
if (!lostGround && yDistance <= 0){
if (lostGroundDescend(player, from, to, hDistance, yDistance, sprinting, data, cc)){
lostGround = true;
if (!lostGround && yDistance >= 0){
if (lostGroundAscend(player, from, to, hDistance, yDistance, sprinting, data, cc)){
lostGround = true;
else if (yDistance < -0.5){
// Clearly descending.
if (hDistance <= 0.5){
if (lostGroundFastDescend(player, from, to, hDistance, yDistance, sprinting, data, cc)){
lostGround = true;
resetFrom = lostGround;
// Note: if not setting resetFrom, other places have to check assumeGround...
else resetFrom = false;
// TODO: Account for lift-off medium / if in air [i.e. account for medium + friction]?
// (Might set some margin for buffering if cutting down hAllowedDistance.)
@ -119,6 +151,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
// Account for flowing liquids (only if needed).
// Assume: If in liquids this would be placed right here.
// TODO: Consider data.mediumLiftOff != ...GROUND
if (hDistance > swimmingSpeed && from.isInLiquid() && from.isDownStream(xDistance, zDistance)) {
hAllowedDistance *= modDownStream;
@ -216,22 +249,7 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
final boolean resetTo = toOnGround || to.isResetCond();
// if (cc.survivalFlyAccountingH && !resetFrom && !resetTo) {
// // Currently only for "air" phases.
// // Horizontal.
// if (data.horizontalFreedom <= 0.001D) {
// // This only checks general speed decrease once velocity is smoked up.
// // TODO: account for bunny-hop
// if (hDistance != 0.0) hDistanceAboveLimit = Math.max(hDistanceAboveLimit, doAccounting(now, hDistance, data.hDistSum, data.hDistCount, tags, "hacc"));
// } else {
// // TODO: Just to exclude source of error, might be redundant.
// data.hDistCount.clear(now);
// data.hDistSum.clear(now);
// }
// }
// Horizontal buffer.
if (hDistanceAboveLimit > 0D && data.sfHorizontalBuffer != 0D) {
@ -578,128 +596,166 @@ public class SurvivalFly extends Check {
builder.append(" value=" + vel.value + " counter=" + vel.actCount);
* Check if the player might have been on ground due to moving down and jumping up again, but somehow no event showing him on ground has been fired.
* Check if a ground-touch has been lost due to event-sending-frequency or other reasons.<br>
* This is for ascending only (yDistance >= 0).
* @param player
* @param from
* @param to
* @param hDistance
* @param yDistance
* @param sprinting
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
private boolean lostGround(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double hDistance, final double yDistance, final boolean sprinting, final MovingData data, final MovingConfig cc) {
// TODO: fast exclusion returns.
// TODO: order checks such that most frequent match comes first.
private boolean lostGroundAscend(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double hDistance, final double yDistance, final boolean sprinting, final MovingData data, final MovingConfig cc) {
// TODO: re-organize for faster exclusions (hDistance, yDistance).
// Check for moving off stairs.
// TODO: more strict conditions ?
if (from.isAboveStairs()) {
// TODO: This needs some safety guards.
// TODO: At least test putting this after yDistance > 0.5 check.
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "stairs");
if (yDistance > 0.52 + 0.2 * data.jumpAmplifier){
// TODO: 0.52 instead of 0.5 - not sure if this helps with sprinting.
// All following checks are ruled out by this.
// (This should rarely ever happen, except for velocity and pistons.)
return false;
else if (yDistance < -0.5){
// Too fast falling.
return false;
final double setBackYDistance = to.getY() - data.getSetBackY();
if (yDistance <= 0){
if (data.sfJumpPhase <= 7){
// Check for sprinting down blocks etc.
if (data.sfLastYDist <= yDistance && setBackYDistance < 0 && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: setbackydist: <= - 1.0 or similar
// TODO: <= 7 might work with speed II, not sure with above.
// TODO: account for speed/sprint
// TODO: account for half steps !?
if (from.isOnGround(0.6, 0.4, 0, 0L) ){
// TODO: further narrow down bounds ?
// Temporary "fix".
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "pyramid");
// Check for jumping up strange blocks like flower pots on top of other blocks.
if (yDistance == 0 && data.sfLastYDist > 0 && data.sfLastYDist < 0.25 && data.sfJumpPhase <= 6 + data.jumpAmplifier * 3 && setBackYDistance > 1.0 && setBackYDistance < 1.5 + 0.2 * data.jumpAmplifier && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: confine by block types ?
if (from.isOnGround(0.25, 0.4, 0, 0L) ){
// Temporary "fix".
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "ministep");
// Lost ground while falling onto/over edges of blocks.
if (yDistance < 0 && hDistance <= 0.5 && data.sfLastYDist < 0 && yDistance > data.sfLastYDist && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: Should this be an extra lost-ground(to) check, setting toOnGround [for no-fall no difference]?
// TODO: yDistance <= 0 might be better.
// Also clear accounting data.
if (to.isOnGround(0.5) || from.isOnGround(0.5)){
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "edge");
// Half block step up.
if (yDistance <= 0.5 && hDistance < 0.5 && setBackYDistance <= 1.3 + 0.1 * data.jumpAmplifier && to.isOnGround()){
if (data.sfLastYDist < 0 || from.isOnGround(0.5 - Math.abs(yDistance))){
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "step");
if (yDistance >= 0){
// Half block step up.
if (yDistance <= 0.5 && hDistance < 0.5 && setBackYDistance <= 1.3 + 0.1 * data.jumpAmplifier && to.isOnGround()){
if (data.sfLastYDist < 0 || from.isOnGround(0.5 - Math.abs(yDistance))){
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "step");
// Interpolation check.
// TODO: Check if still needed [most expensive...]!
// TODO: Check if the set-back distance still has relevance.
// TODO: Interpolation might also be necessary between from and to !
// TODO: Check use of jump-amplifier.
// TODO: Might check fall distance.
if (data.fromX != Double.MAX_VALUE && yDistance > 0 && data.sfLastYDist < 0 && !to.isOnGround()) {
// TODO: Check if last-y-dist or sprinting should be considered.
if (setBackYDistance > 0D && setBackYDistance <= 1.5D + 0.2 * data.jumpAmplifier || setBackYDistance < 0 && Math.abs(setBackYDistance) < 3.0) {
// Interpolate from last to-coordinates to the from
// coordinates (with some safe-guard).
final double dX = from.getX() - data.fromX;
final double dY = from.getY() - data.fromY;
final double dZ = from.getZ() - data.fromZ;
if (dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ < 0.5) {
// TODO: adjust limit according to ... speed etc ?
// Check full bounding box since last from.
final double minY = Math.min(data.toY, Math.min(data.fromY, from.getY()));
final double iY = minY; // TODO ...
final double r = from.getWidth() / 2.0; // TODO: check + 0.35;
double yMargin = cc.yOnGround;
// TODO: Might set margin higher depending on distance to 0 of block and last y distance etc.
// TODO: check with iY + 0.25 removed.
if (BlockProperties.isOnGround(from.getBlockCache(), Math.min(data.fromX, from.getX()) - r, iY - yMargin, Math.min(data.fromZ, from.getZ()) - r, Math.max(data.fromX, from.getX()) + r, iY + 0.25, Math.max(data.fromZ, from.getZ()) + r, 0L)) {
return applyWorkaround(player, from, true, data, "interpolate");
// Interpolation check.
// (Still needed, unless a faster workaround is found.)
// TODO: Check if the set-back distance still has relevance.
// TODO: Check use of jump-amplifier.
// TODO: Might check fall distance.
// && data.sfJumpPhase > 3 <- Seems to be a problem with cake on a block + jump over both mini edges (...).
if (data.fromX != Double.MAX_VALUE && yDistance > 0 && data.sfLastYDist < 0 && !to.isOnGround()) {
// TODO: Check if last-y-dist or sprinting should be considered.
if (setBackYDistance > 0D && setBackYDistance <= 1.5D + 0.2 * data.jumpAmplifier || setBackYDistance < 0 && Math.abs(setBackYDistance) < 3.0) {
// Interpolate from last to-coordinates to the from
// coordinates (with some safe-guard).
final double dX = from.getX() - data.fromX;
final double dY = from.getY() - data.fromY;
final double dZ = from.getZ() - data.fromZ;
if (dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ < 0.5) {
// System.out.println("*** check lostground: INTERPOLATION");
// TODO: adjust limit according to ... speed etc ?
// Check full bounding box since last from.
final double minY = Math.min(data.toY, Math.min(data.fromY, from.getY()));
final double iY = minY; // TODO ...
final double r = from.getWidth() / 2.0; // TODO: check + 0.35;
double yMargin = cc.yOnGround;
// TODO: Might set margin higher depending on distance to 0 of block and last y distance etc.
// TODO: check with iY + 0.25 removed.
if (BlockProperties.isOnGround(from.getBlockCache(), Math.min(data.fromX, from.getX()) - r, iY - yMargin, Math.min(data.fromZ, from.getZ()) - r, Math.max(data.fromX, from.getX()) + r, iY + 0.25, Math.max(data.fromZ, from.getZ()) + r, 0L)) {
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "interpolate");
// Nothing found.
return false;
* @return true.
* Check if a ground-touch has been lost due to event-sending-frequency or other reasons.<br>
* This is for descending "mildly" only (-0.5 <= yDistance <= 0).
* @param player
* @param from
* @param to
* @param hDistance
* @param yDistance
* @param sprinting
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
private boolean applyWorkaround(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final boolean setBackSafe, final MovingData data, final String tag){
private boolean lostGroundDescend(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double hDistance, final double yDistance, final boolean sprinting, final MovingData data, final MovingConfig cc) {
// TODO: re-organize for faster exclusions (hDistance, yDistance).
// TODO: more strict conditions
final double setBackYDistance = to.getY() - data.getSetBackY();
if (data.sfJumpPhase <= 7){
// Check for sprinting down blocks etc.
if (data.sfLastYDist <= yDistance && setBackYDistance < 0 && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: setbackydist: <= - 1.0 or similar
// TODO: <= 7 might work with speed II, not sure with above.
// TODO: account for speed/sprint
// TODO: account for half steps !?
if (from.isOnGround(0.6, 0.4, 0, 0L) ){
// TODO: further narrow down bounds ?
// Temporary "fix".
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "pyramid");
// Check for jumping up strange blocks like flower pots on top of other blocks.
if (yDistance == 0 && data.sfLastYDist > 0 && data.sfLastYDist < 0.25 && data.sfJumpPhase <= 6 + data.jumpAmplifier * 3 && setBackYDistance > 1.0 && setBackYDistance < 1.5 + 0.2 * data.jumpAmplifier && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: confine by block types ?
if (from.isOnGround(0.25, 0.4, 0, 0L) ){
// Temporary "fix".
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "ministep");
// Lost ground while falling onto/over edges of blocks.
if (yDistance < 0 && hDistance <= 0.5 && data.sfLastYDist < 0 && yDistance > data.sfLastYDist && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: Should this be an extra lost-ground(to) check, setting toOnGround [for no-fall no difference]?
// TODO: yDistance <= 0 might be better.
// Also clear accounting data.
if (to.isOnGround(0.5) || from.isOnGround(0.5)){
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "edge");
// Nothing found.
return false;
* Check if a ground-touch has been lost due to event-sending-frequency or other reasons.<br>
* This is for fast descending only (yDistance < -0.5).
* @param player
* @param from
* @param to
* @param hDistance
* @param yDistance
* @param sprinting
* @param data
* @param cc
* @return
private boolean lostGroundFastDescend(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final PlayerLocation to, final double hDistance, final double yDistance, final boolean sprinting, final MovingData data, final MovingConfig cc) {
// TODO: re-organize for faster exclusions (hDistance, yDistance).
// TODO: more strict conditions
// Lost ground while falling onto/over edges of blocks.
if (yDistance > data.sfLastYDist && !to.isOnGround()){
// TODO: Should this be an extra lost-ground(to) check, setting toOnGround [for no-fall no difference]?
// TODO: yDistance <= 0 might be better.
// Also clear accounting data.
// TODO: stairs ?
// TODO: Can it be safe to only check to with raised margin ? [in fact should be checked from higher yMin down]
// TODO: Interpolation method (from to)?
if (from.isOnGround(0.5) || to.isOnGround(0.5, Math.min(0.2, 0.01 + hDistance), Math.min(0.1, 0.01 + -yDistance))){
// (Usually yDistance should be -0.078)
return applyLostGround(player, from, true, data, "fastedge");
return false;
* Apply lost-ground workaround,
* @param player
* @param from
* @param setBackSafe If to use from as set-back (if set to false: currently nothing changed).
* @param data
* @param tag Tag extra to "lostground"
* @return Always true.
private boolean applyLostGround(final Player player, final PlayerLocation from, final boolean setBackSafe, final MovingData data, final String tag){
// Set the new setBack and reset the jumpPhase.
// TODO: Some interpolated position ?
// TODO: (Task list: sharpen when this is used, might remove isAboveStairs!)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user