This way testing changes to the core checks will be easier:
* By default NCPCompatNonFree is fetched from the repository (prevent
via -Dno_nonfree).
* To build "non free" modules, -P nonfree_build is needed. In addition
you need to specify the profiles for what to build, such as -P all an
the like.
Only applying with GROUND_HEIGHT set, these flags allow setting a
minimum height for passability and ground workarounds, covering two
typical cases.
Due to a range of hard coded workarounds being in place already, these
flags won't apply for all blocks. See getGroundMinHeight.
* Start renaming methods internally (getType for getting Material) -
* Temporary fix for the NCPCompatbukkit/cbreflect module: fetch NMS
blocks by id until we have a mapping and/or something efficient and
future proof in place.
Placing boats on ground is possible at least down to CraftBukkit
1.4.5-R1.0, thus the reason for having the boatsanywhere feature solely
is to prevent abuse. Thus allowing to place boats on ground does not
really provide a 'fix'. In order to allow placing boats anywhere, the
configuration flag has to be altered.
It may be worth a discussion, if we want checks to prevent Minecraft
features at all. A proper fix for abuse would be more complicated,
involving checking the estimated bounding box of the placed boat not to
collide with blocks neither with entities while being on ground-.
Determining the bounding box and re-checking with entity spawn might be
the more complicated part, as for the rest API/Infrastructure exists.
Allowing it with protocol support plugins is added, assuming that
they'll allow 1.12 too.
* The vehicle.envelope check must be made (more) precise, as moving on
ground is possible with a boat since 1.12, specifically on ice they can
reach high speeds. Without more close modeling, they'll be able to use
this for speeding.