Major: Sketch vehicle envelope check.
* Renaming fields, methods, packages. Moving classes to other packages.
* Additions and refactoring for set-back handling and location tracking.
* Increase amount of debug logging.
* Adjustments to current vehicle set back handling.
* AuxMoving: call clear() on setMCAccess.
Minor: Adjust block change tracking implementation.
* Use a class instead of an id, in order to keep track of used entries.
* Allow reuse of an id, if the block still is intersecting.
* Improves situation for simple setup, issues remaining:
* Random UNKNOWN teleport by server potentially interfering.
* Distances > 1.0, possibly resulting from split move handling.
* On-ground estimation and passable.
* Blocks with gravity are worse (likely on-ground).
* More in-depth checking of constraints of implementation.
* Note that the block change tracker currently is disabled by default.
* Possibly not final.
* survivalfly: Does not fit at all.
* Separate official checks + sections for speed and fly: nope.
* runfly: not running.
* speedfly: mix up with too fast flying.
* moving: too much redundancy with moving.vehicle.moving
* envelope: so and so, possibly better with tags to be set.
* Prepare a vehicle moving envelope check (just basic pre-coding
bookkeeping and refactoring).
* Split vehicle checks to another class. Needs refactoring.
* Add ability for simple generic instance registration by an interface.
* Add new sub check type MOVING_VEHICLE, with configuration section,
move existing stuff there (moving.vehicles.., morepacketsvehicle).
* Breaks at least the use of check type MOVING_MOREPACKETSVEHICLE.
* Try CheckType setup with MOVING_MOREPACKETS_VEHICLE(MOVING, ...) to
see why there is a test for this kind of thing.
* Old configuration paths don't seem to get removed with @Moved.
* More refined vehicle checks.
Issues on quick testing:
* End portal seems bugged, resulting in desync, entering in creative
mode. Switching to survival via console allows end portal travel after
kick+relog. Can't tell if this is a 1.9 bug or due to building NCP vs.
an older version of ProtocolLib.
This won't cover all effects of internal changes, some blocks might be
interpreted wrongly still, some shapes may have changed in an
incompatible way (e.g. skulls).
Slight deviations:
* Random formatting changes.
* Use a linked list for changedCommands at first.
* Use list.clear after iteration, instead of calling remove repeatedly.
* descendingIterator instead of ListIterator + (has+) previous.
Represents the first "simplistic" approach to block change tracking,
only attempting to make vertical push/pull work.
It seems that we need to add on-ground checking accounting for piston
moves as well, otherwise anything with pistons retracting will lead to
survivalfly violations. Pistons extending and retracting may also
randomly move around players, including dragging them into the piston
block with the bounding box (not center of player).
In order to make on-ground work, we might need to check in another
place, possibly check where resetFrom an resetTo are set. Performance
questions might remain, there might also be a slight redesign necessary,
in order to run some sub-routines more side-effect free, to check
several branches, including after-failure checking.
This breaks testing for UNKNOWN_VERSION, if that is used externally.
Access methods are added for testing for unknown versions.
PR mentioning access methods:
* Group selected classes into sub-packages of moving.
* Rename classes.
* Must use LinkedList for velocity entries.
* Prepare SimpleAxisVelocity + entry for use-once accounting.
(Might not be the final naming.)
Using profiles:
* Profile "minimal" will build by default, excluding all dedicated cb
dependencies, making it easier to quickly test stuff.
* Set the property 'cbdedicated' to true, in order to build all, using
the profile "all".
* The properties BUILD_NUMBER and BUILD_SERIES don't seem to set to
defaults anymore, so they have to be set manually (BUILD_NUMBER does get
set on jenkins).
* Not actually a fix for anything we encountered.
* Nailed down blockinteract.visible raytracing issues to bad end-points
for raytracing.
* Also test/prepare logging test-cases for raytracing in general. Not
enabled, because we should have some flag/permission/command to check
before logging ~ 5KB per interact event.
This makes logging all violations potentially useful to use alongside
with the "ncp debug player" command in production environments. The flag
debugonly must be set with at least one backend being activated.
Similar to TestNCP but reduced/different features:
* Config: trace for the log file and notify to send to notify channel.
* It's not possible to confine whose messages you receive (yet).
Meant for better local/quick testing in the first place.
* Make attribute methods consistent (remove the sprint boost modifier
from the generic speed multiplier, because it's inconsistent).
* Add missing implementations.
* Adjust default sprinting speed modifier.
* Add more guards for the latest compat module (1.8_R3).
* Add a reflection based compat module for CB, to cover minor updates.
* Possibly other minor fixes/changes.
[Hail "insufficient data written"!]