+ private static final int MAX_SIGN_LINE_LENGTH = Integer.getInteger("Paper.maxSignLength", 80);
private static final long KEEPALIVE_LIMIT = Long.getLong("paper.playerconnection.keepalive", 30) * 1000; // Paper - provide property to set keepalive limit
public PlayerConnection(MinecraftServer minecraftserver, NetworkManager networkmanager, EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
// Paper TODO(Proximyst): Add obfhelper when 1.16.4 runs
- lines[i] = SharedConstants.a(list.get(i)); // Paper - Replaced with anvil color stripping method to stop exploits that allow colored signs to be created.
+ lines[i] = SharedConstants.a(currentLine); // Paper - Replaced with anvil color stripping method to stop exploits that allow colored signs to be created.
SignChangeEvent event = new SignChangeEvent((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlock) player.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z), this.server.getPlayer(this.player), lines);