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description: Available commands within PlaceholderAPI.
# Commands
This page shows all commands, including with a detailed description of what every command does.
## Overview
- **[Parse Commands](#parse-commands)**
- [`/papi bcparse <player|me|--null> <string>`](#papi-bcparse)
- [`/papi cmdparse <player|me|--null> <string>`](#papi-cmdparse)
- [`/papi parse <player|me|--null> <string>`](#papi-parse)
- [`/papi parserel <player> <player> <string>`](#papi-parserel)
- **[eCloud Commands](#ecloud-commands)**
- [`/papi ecloud clear`](#papi-ecloud-clear)
- [`/papi ecloud disable`](#papi-ecloud-disable)
- [`/papi ecloud download <expansion> [version]`](#papi-ecloud-download)
- [`/papi ecloud enable`](#papi-ecloud-enable)
- [`/papi ecloud info <expansion> [version]`](#papi-ecloud-info)
- [`/papi ecloud list <all|<author>|installed>`](#papi-ecloud-list)
- [`/papi ecloud placeholders <expansion>`](#papi-ecloud-placeholders)
- [`/papi ecloud refresh`](#papi-ecloud-refresh)
- [`/papi ecloud status`](#papi-ecloud-status)
- **[Expansion Commands](#expansion-commands)**
- [`/papi info <expansion>`](#papi-info)
- [`/papi list`](#papi-list)
- [`/papi register <jar file>`](#papi-register)
- [`/papi unregister <jar file>`](#papi-unregister)
- **[Other Commands](#other-commands)**
- [`/papi dump`](#papi-dump)
- [`/papi help`](#papi-help)
- [`/papi reload`](#papi-reload)
- [`/papi version`](#papi-version)
### Parse Commands
These commands are used to parse placeholders into their respective values. Useful for debugging.
#### `/papi bcparse`
/// info |
Parses placeholders of a String and broadcasts the result to all players.
- `<player|me|--null>` - The Player to parse values of the placeholder (Use `me` for yourself and `--null` to force a null player (Useful for consoles)).
- `<Text with placeholders>` - The text to parse.
/papi bcparse funnycube My name is %player_name%!
#### `/papi cmdparse`
/// info |
Parses placeholders of a String and executes it as a command.
- `<player|me|--null>` - The Player to parse values of the placeholder (Use `me` for yourself and `--null` to force a null player (Useful for consoles)).
- `<Command with placeholders>` - The Text to parse and execute as command. Please leave away the `/` of the command.
/papi cmdparse funnycube say My name is %player_name%!
#### `/papi parse`
/// info |
Parses the placeholders in a given text and shows the result.
- `<player|me|--null>` - The Player to parse values of the placeholder (Use `me` for yourself and `--null` to force a null player (Useful for consoles)).
- `<Text with placeholders>` - The text to parse.
/papi parse funnycube My group is %vault_group%
#### `/papi parserel`
/// info |
Parses a relational placeholder.
- `<player1>` - The first player.
- `<player2>` - the second player to compare with.
- `<Text with placeholders>` - The actual placeholder to parse.
/papi parserel funnycube extended_clip %placeholder%
### eCloud Commands
These commands all start with `/papi ecloud` and are used for things related about the [Expansion Cloud](../developers/expansion-cloud.md).
#### `/papi ecloud clear`
/// info |
Clears the cache for the eCloud.
#### `/papi ecloud disable`
/// info |
Disables the connection to the eCloud.
#### `/papi ecloud download`
/// info |
Allows you to download an expansion from the eCloud
- `<expansion>` - The expansion to download.
- `[version]` - The specific version of the expansion to download (Optional)
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi ecloud download Vault 1.5.2
#### `/papi ecloud enable`
/// info |
Enables the connection to the eCloud
#### `/papi ecloud info`
/// info |
Gives information about a specific Expansion.
- `<expansion>` - The Expansion to retrieve information from.
- `[version]` - The Expansion's version to get information from.
/papi ecloud info Vault
#### `/papi ecloud list`
/// info |
Lists either all Expansions on the eCloud, only those by a specific author or only those that you have [installed](#papi-ecloud-download).
Installed Expansions show as green in the list and Expansions that are installed and have an update available show as gold.
- `<all|<author>|installed>` - List all Expansions, Expansions of a specific author or all Expnansions you have installed.
/papi ecloud list all
/papi ecloud list clip
/papi ecloud list installed
#### `/papi ecloud placeholders`
/// info |
List all placeholders of an Expansion.
- `<expansion>` - The Expansion to list placeholders of.
/papi ecloud placeholders Vault
#### `/papi ecloud refresh`
/// info |
Refresh the cached data from the eCloud.
#### `/papi ecloud status`
/// info |
Displays the actual Status of the eCloud.
### Expansion Commands
These commands can be used to manage the expansions that you have currently installed.
#### `/papi info`
/// info |
Gives you information about the specified Expansion.
- `<expansion>` - The Expansion to get info from (Needs to be registered and active).
/papi info Vault
#### `/papi list`
/// info |
Lists all active/registered expansions.
This is different to [/papi ecloud list installed](#papi-ecloud-list) in the fact, that it also includes expansions that were installed through a plugin (That aren't a separate jar-file) and it also > doesn't show which one have updates available.
#### `/papi register`
/// info |
Registers an expansion from a specified filename.
This is useful in cases, where you downloaded the expansion manually and don't want to restart the server.
The file needs to be inside `/plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions`.
- `<filename>` - The file to register (including the file-extension).
/papi register MyExpansion.jar
#### `/papi unregister`
/// info |
Unregisters the specified expansion.
- `<filename>` - The expansion to unregister.
/papi unregister MyExpansion.jar
### Other Commands
These are other commands of PlaceholderAPI that don't fit any of the above categories.
#### `/papi dump`
/// info |
Pastes useful information from PlaceholderAPI such as plugin version, server version and installed expansions to https://paste.helpch.at for simple sharing and support.
#### `/papi help`
/// info |
Displays all the commands PlaceholderAPI currently offers.
#### `/papi reload`
/// info |
Reloads the config settings.
You need to use this command after [downloading Expansions](#papi-ecloud-download) from the eCloud or they won't be properly registered.
#### `/papi version`
/// info |
Shows the current version and authors of PlaceholderAPI.