mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:11:21 +01:00
Outlines & added developStorm as contributor.
- bg-color-outline css classes - night mode modification for the outline classes - Removed night mode check from sessionAccordion.js Affects: - #1398
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ public class Contributors {
new Contributor("CyanTech", LANG),
new Contributor("DarkPyves", CODE),
new Contributor("DaveDevil", LANG),
new Contributor("developStorm", CODE),
new Contributor("enterih", LANG),
new Contributor("Eyremba", LANG),
new Contributor("f0rb1d (\u4f5b\u58c1\u706f)", LANG),
@ -870,6 +870,174 @@ div.scrollbar {
color: #eee8d5;
.bg-red-outline {
outline-color: #F44336;
border-color: #F44336;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-pink-outline {
outline-color: #E91E63;
border-color: #E91E63;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-purple-outline {
outline-color: #9C27B0;
border-color: #9C27B0;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-deep-purple-outline {
outline-color: #673AB7;
border-color: #673AB7;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-indigo-outline {
outline-color: #3F51B5;
border-color: #3F51B5;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-blue-outline {
outline-color: #2196F3;
border-color: #2196F3;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-light-blue-outline {
outline-color: #03A9F4;
border-color: #03A9F4;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-cyan-outline {
outline-color: #00BCD4;
border-color: #00BCD4;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-teal-outline {
outline-color: #009688;
border-color: #009688;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-green-outline {
outline-color: #4CAF50;
border-color: #4CAF50;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-light-green-outline {
outline-color: #8BC34A;
border-color: #8BC34A;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-lime-outline {
outline-color: #CDDC39;
border-color: #CDDC39;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-yellow-outline {
outline-color: #ffe821;
border-color: #ffe821;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-amber-outline {
outline-color: #FFC107;
border-color: #FFC107;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-orange-outline {
outline-color: #FF9800;
border-color: #FF9800;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-deep-orange-outline {
outline-color: #FF5722;
border-color: #FF5722;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-brown-outline {
outline-color: #795548;
border-color: #795548;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-grey-outline {
outline-color: #9E9E9E;
border-color: #9E9E9E;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-blue-grey-outline {
outline-color: #607D8B;
border-color: #607D8B;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-black-outline {
outline-color: #555555;
border-color: #555555;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.bg-plan-outline {
outline-color: #368F17;
border-color: #368F17;
border-style: solid;
outline-style: solid;
outline-width: 1px;
.col-red {
color: #F44336;
@ -110,54 +110,99 @@
return 'hsl(' + h * 360 + ',' + s * 100 * saturationReduction + '%,' + l * 95 + '%)';
var nightModeColors = '.bg-red {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#F44336') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-pink {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#E91E63') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-purple {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9C27B0') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-purple {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#673AB7') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-indigo {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#3F51B5') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#2196F3') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-blue {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#03A9F4') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-cyan {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#00BCD4') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-teal {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#009688') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-green {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#4CAF50') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-green {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#8BC34A') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-lime {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#CDDC39') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-yellow {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#ffe821') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-amber {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FFC107') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-warning {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#f6c23e') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-orange {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF9800') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-orange {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF5722') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-danger {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#e74a3b') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-brown {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#795548') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-grey {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9E9E9E') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue-grey {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#607D8B') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-black {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#555555') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-plan {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#368F17') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-success {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#1cc88a') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-night {background-color: #44475a;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.col-red {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#F44336') + ';}' +
'.col-pink {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#E91E63') + ';}' +
'.col-purple {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9C27B0') + ';}' +
'.col-deep-purple {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#673AB7') + ';}' +
'.col-indigo {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#3F51B5') + ';}' +
'.col-blue {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#2196F3') + ';}' +
'.col-light-blue {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#03A9F4') + ';}' +
'.col-cyan {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#00BCD4') + ';}' +
'.col-teal {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#009688') + ';}' +
'.col-green {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#4CAF50') + ';}' +
'.col-light-green {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#8BC34A') + ';}' +
'.col-lime {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#CDDC39') + ';}' +
'.col-yellow {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#ffe821') + ';}' +
'.col-amber {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FFC107') + ';}' +
'.text-warning {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#f6c23e') + ';}' +
'.col-orange {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF9800') + ';}' +
'.col-deep-orange {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF5722') + ';}' +
'.text-danger {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#e74a3b') + ';}' +
'.col-brown {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#795548') + ';}' +
'.col-grey {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9E9E9E') + ';}' +
'.col-blue-grey {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#607D8B') + ';}' +
'.col-plan {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#368F17') + ';}' +
'.text-success {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#1cc88a') + ';}';
const red = withReducedSaturation('#F44336');
const pink = withReducedSaturation('#E91E63');
const purple = withReducedSaturation('#9C27B0');
const deepPurple = withReducedSaturation('#673AB7');
const indigo = withReducedSaturation('#3F51B5');
const blue = withReducedSaturation('#2196F3');
const lightBlue = withReducedSaturation('#03A9F4');
const cyan = withReducedSaturation('#00BCD4');
const teal = withReducedSaturation('#009688');
const green = withReducedSaturation('#4CAF50');
const lightGreen = withReducedSaturation('#8BC34A');
const lime = withReducedSaturation('#CDDC39');
const yellow = withReducedSaturation('#ffe821');
const amber = withReducedSaturation('#FFC107');
const warningColor = withReducedSaturation('#f6c23e');
const orange = withReducedSaturation('#FF9800');
const deepOrange = withReducedSaturation('#FF5722');
const dangerColor = withReducedSaturation('#e74a3b');
const brown = withReducedSaturation('#795548');
const grey = withReducedSaturation('#9E9E9E');
const blueGrey = withReducedSaturation('#607D8B');
const black = withReducedSaturation('#555555');
const planColor = withReducedSaturation('#368F17');
const successColor = withReducedSaturation('#1cc88a');
const nightModeColors = `.bg-red {background-color: ${red};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-pink {background-color: ${pink};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-purple {background-color: ${purple};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-deep-purple {background-color: ${deepPurple};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-indigo {background-color: ${indigo};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-blue {background-color: ${blue};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-light-blue {background-color: ${lightBlue};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-cyan {background-color: ${cyan};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-teal {background-color: ${teal};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-green {background-color: ${green};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-light-green {background-color: ${lightGreen};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-lime {background-color: ${lime};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-yellow {background-color: ${yellow};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-amber {background-color: ${amber};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.badge-warning {background-color: ${warningColor};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-orange {background-color: ${orange};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-deep-orange {background-color: ${deepOrange};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.badge-danger {background-color: ${dangerColor};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-brown {background-color: ${brown};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-grey {background-color: ${grey};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-blue-grey {background-color: ${blueGrey};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-black {background-color: ${black};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-plan {background-color: ${planColor};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.badge-success {background-color: ${successColor};color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-night {background-color: #44475a;color: #eee8d5;}` +
`.bg-red-outline {outline-color: ${red};border-color: ${red};}` +
`.bg-pink-outline {outline-color: ${pink};border-color: ${pink};}` +
`.bg-purple-outline {outline-color: ${purple};border-color: ${purple};}` +
`.bg-deep-purple-outline {outline-color: ${deepPurple};border-color: ${deepPurple};}` +
`.bg-indigo-outline {outline-color: ${indigo};border-color: ${indigo};}` +
`.bg-blue-outline {outline-color: ${blue};border-color: ${blue};}` +
`.bg-light-blue-outline {outline-color: ${lightBlue};border-color: ${lightBlue};}` +
`.bg-cyan-outline {outline-color: ${cyan};border-color: ${cyan};}` +
`.bg-teal-outline {outline-color: ${teal};border-color: ${teal};}` +
`.bg-green-outline {outline-color: ${green};border-color: ${green};}` +
`.bg-light-green-outline {outline-color: ${lightGreen};border-color: ${lightGreen};}` +
`.bg-lime-outline {outline-color: ${lime};border-color: ${lime};}` +
`.bg-yellow-outline {outline-color: ${yellow};border-color: ${yellow};}` +
`.bg-amber-outline {outline-color: ${amber};border-color: ${amber};}` +
`.bg-orange-outline {outline-color: ${orange};border-color: ${orange};}` +
`.bg-deep-orange-outline {outline-color: ${deepOrange};border-color: ${deepOrange};}` +
`.bg-brown-outline {outline-color: ${brown};border-color: ${brown};}` +
`.bg-grey-outline {outline-color: ${grey};border-color: ${grey};}` +
`.bg-blue-grey-outline {outline-color: ${blueGrey};border-color: ${blueGrey};}` +
`.bg-black-outline {outline-color: ${black};border-color: ${black};}` +
`.bg-plan-outline {outline-color: ${planColor};border-color: ${planColor};}` +
`.col-red {color: ${red};}` +
`.col-pink {color: ${pink};}` +
`.col-purple {color: ${purple};}` +
`.col-deep-purple {color: ${deepPurple};}` +
`.col-indigo {color: ${indigo};}` +
`.col-blue {color: ${blue};}` +
`.col-light-blue {color: ${lightBlue};}` +
`.col-cyan {color: ${cyan};}` +
`.col-teal {color: ${teal};}` +
`.col-green {color: ${green};}` +
`.col-light-green {color: ${lightGreen};}` +
`.col-lime {color: ${lime};}` +
`.col-yellow {color: ${yellow};}` +
`.col-amber {color: ${amber};}` +
`.text-warning {color: ${warningColor};}` +
`.col-orange {color: ${orange};}` +
`.col-deep-orange {color: ${deepOrange};}` +
`.text-danger {color: ${dangerColor};}` +
`.col-brown {color: ${brown};}` +
`.col-grey {color: ${grey};}` +
`.col-blue-grey {color: ${blueGrey};}` +
`.col-plan {color: ${planColor};}` +
`.text-success {color: ${successColor};}`;
function changeNightModeCSS() {
if (nightMode) {
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function onOpenserver(i, servers) {
function createserverAccordionTitle(i, server) {
return '<tr id="server_h_' + i + '" aria-controls="server_t_' + i + '" aria-expanded="false" class="clickable collapsed bg-light-green" data-target="#server_t_' + i + '" data-toggle="collapse"><td>'
return '<tr id="server_h_' + i + '" aria-controls="server_t_' + i + '" aria-expanded="false" class="clickable collapsed bg-light-green-outline" data-target="#server_t_' + i + '" data-toggle="collapse"><td>'
+ server.server_name +
(server.operator ? ' <i class="fab fa-fw fa-superpowers"></i>' : '') +
(server.banned ? ' <i class="fas fa-fw fa-gavel"></i>' : '') +
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function loadPlayerdeaths(json, error) {
function createAccordionTitle(i, session) {
let style = session.start.includes("Online") ? 'bg-teal' : (window.localStorage.getItem('nightMode') == 'true' ? '' : 'bg-white');
let style = session.start.includes("Online") ? 'bg-teal' : 'bg-teal-outline';
return `<tr id="session_h_` + i + `" aria-controls="session_t_` + i + `" aria-expanded="false" class="clickable collapsed ` + style + `" data-target="#session_t_` + i + `" data-toggle="collapse"><td>`
+ session.name + (session.first_session ? ` <i title="Registered (First session)" class="far fa-calendar-plus"></i>` : ``) + `</td>`
+ `<td>` + session.start + `</td>`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user