Removed some unused locale rows

This commit is contained in:
Rsl1122 2019-09-08 19:52:35 +03:00
parent b1579036a7
commit 1185aa05f2
17 changed files with 18 additions and 304 deletions

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@ -36,10 +36,6 @@ public enum CmdHelpLang implements Lang {
WEB_REGISTER("Command Help - /plan register", "Register a Web User"),
WEB("Command Help - /plan webuser", "Manage Web Users"),
DEV("Command Help - /plan dev", "Development mode command"),
SETUP("Command Help - /planbungee setup", "Toggle set-up mode"),
CON("Command Help - /planbungee con", "Debug Proxy-Server connections"),
DISABLE("Command Help - /planbungee disable", "Disable the plugin temporarily"),
MANAGE_MOVE("Command Help - /plan manage move", "Move data between Databases"),
@ -48,14 +44,9 @@ public enum CmdHelpLang implements Lang {
MANAGE_REMOVE("Command Help - /plan manage remove", "Remove Player's data"),
MANAGE_HOTSWAP("Command Help - /plan manage hotswap", "Change Database quickly"),
MANAGE_CLEAR("Command Help - /plan manage clear", "Clear a Database"),
MANAGE_CON("Command Help - /plan manage con", "Debug Server-Proxy connections"),
MANAGE_IMPORT("Command Help - /plan manage import", "Import data from elsewhere"),
MANAGE_EXPORT("Command Help - /plan manage export", "Trigger export manually"),
MANAGE_DISABLE("Command Help - /plan manage disable", "Disable a feature temporarily"),
MANAGE_SETUP("Command Help - /plan manage setup", "Set-up Server-Proxy connection"),
WEB_LEVEL("Command Help - /plan web level", "Information about permission levels"),
WEB_LIST("Command Help - /plan web list", "List Web Users"),
WEB_CHECK("Command Help - /plan web check", "Inspect a Web User"),

View File

@ -42,19 +42,6 @@ public enum CommandLang implements Lang {
NO_WEB_USER_NOTIFY("Cmd Notify - No WebUser", "You might not have a web user, use /plan register <password>"),
WEB_PERMISSION_LEVELS("Cmd Web - Permission Levels", ">\\§70: Access all pages\\§71: Access '/players' and all player pages\\§72: Access player page with the same username as the webuser\\§73+: No permissions"),
@Deprecated CONNECT_SUCCESS("Cmd Setup - Success", "§aConnection successful, Plan may restart in a few seconds.."),
@Deprecated CONNECT_FORBIDDEN("Cmd Setup - Forbidden", "§eConnection succeeded, but Proxy has set-up mode disabled - use 'planbungee setup' on the proxy to enable it."),
@Deprecated CONNECT_BAD_REQUEST("Cmd Setup - Bad Request", "§eConnection succeeded, but Receiving server was a Bukkit or Sponge server. Use another address instead."),
@Deprecated CONNECT_UNAUTHORIZED("Cmd Setup - Unauthorized", "§eConnection succeeded, but Receiving server didn't authorize this server. Contact Discord for support"),
@Deprecated CONNECT_FAIL("Cmd Setup - Generic Fail", "§eConnection failed: ${0}"),
@Deprecated CONNECT_INTERNAL_ERROR("Cmd Setup - Internal Error", "§eConnection succeeded. ${0}, check possible ErrorLog on receiving server's debug page."),
@Deprecated CONNECT_GATEWAY("Cmd Setup - Gateway Error", "§eConnection succeeded, but Proxy failed to connect to this server (Did current web server restart?). Use /plan m con & /planbungee con to debug."),
@Deprecated CONNECT_WEBSERVER_NOT_ENABLED("Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled", "§cWebServer is not enabled on this server! Make sure it enables on boot!"),
@Deprecated CONNECT_URL_MISTAKE("Cmd Setup - Url mistake", "§cMake sure you're using the full address (Starts with http:// or https://) - Check Proxy enable log for the full address."),
@Deprecated SETUP_ALLOWED("Cmd Setup - Allowed", "§aSet-up is now Allowed"),
@Deprecated SETUP_FORBIDDEN("Cmd Setup - Disallowed", "§cSet-up is now Forbidden"),
LINK_CLICK_ME("Cmd - Click Me", "Click me"),
LINK_PREFIX("Cmd - Link", " §2Link: §f"),

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ public enum CommonHtmlLang implements Lang {
NAV_ONLINE_ACTIVITY("Online Activity"),
NAV_SEVER_HEALTH("Server Health"),

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@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ package com.djrapitops.plan.settings.locale.lang;
public enum DeepHelpLang implements Lang {
PLAN("In Depth Help - /plan ?", "> §2Main Command\\ Access to subcommands and help\\ §2/plan §fList subcommands\\ §2/plan <subcommand> ? §fIn depth help"),
ANALYZE("In Depth Help - /plan analyze ?", "> §2Analysis Command\\ Refreshes server page and displays link to the web page."),
SETUP("In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ?", "> §2Set-up toggle Command\\ Toggles set-up mode on Proxy.\\ Safeguard against unauthorized MySQL snooping with another server."),
DISABLE("In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ?", "> §2Disable Command\\ Runs Plan onDisable on Proxy.\\ Plugin can be enabled with /planbungee reload afterwards.\\ §bDoes not support swapping jar on the fly"),
INSPECT("In Depth Help - /plan inspect ?", "> §2Inspect Command\\ Refreshes player page and displays link to the web page."),
PLAYERS("In Depth Help - /plan players ?", "> §2Players Command\\ Displays link to the players page."),
@ -38,15 +37,12 @@ public enum DeepHelpLang implements Lang {
MANAGE_BACKUP("In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ?", "> §2Backup Subcommand\\ Creates a new SQLite database (.db file) with contents of currently active database in the Plan plugin folder."),
MANAGE_CLEAR("In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ?", "> §2Clear Subcommand\\ Removes everything in the active database. Use with caution."),
MANAGE_CON("In Depth Help - /plan manage con ?", "> §2Connection Debug Subcommand\\ Used to debug connections in the network.\\ Sends a request to each server in the database."),
MANAGE_DISABLE("In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ?", "> §2Disable Subcommand\\ Can disable parts of the plugin until next reload.\\ Accepted arguments:\\ §2kickcount §fDisables kick counts in case /kickall is used on shutdown macro."),
MANAGE_IMPORT("In Depth Help - /plan manage import ?", "> §2Import Subcommand\\ Import data from other sources.\\ Accepted Arguments:\\ §2offline §fBukkit player data, only register date and name."),
MANAGE_EXPORT("In Depth Help - /plan manage export ?", "> §2Export Subcommand\\ Trigger export to result folders.\\ Accepted Arguments:\\ §2list §fList possible arguments.\\ §2players §fExport /players, /player pages + /player/raw json depending on config values.\\ §2server_json §fExport /server/raw JSON if enabled in config."),
MANAGE_MOVE("In Depth Help - /plan manage move ?", "> §2Move Subcommand\\ Move data from SQLite to MySQL or other way around.\\ Target database is cleared before transfer."),
MANAGE_REMOVE("In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ?", "> §2Remove Subcommand\\ Remove player's data from the active database."),
MANAGE_RESTORE("In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ?", "> §2Restore Subcommand\\ Restore a previous backup SQLite database (.db file)\\ You can also restore database.db from another server to MySQL.\\ Target database is cleared before transfer."),
MANAGE_SETUP("In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ?", "> §2Setup Subcommand\\ Set-up a connection between Bungee and this server for network functionality.\\ BungeeAddress can be found in the enable log on console when Plan enables on Bungee."),
WEB_REGISTER("In Depth Help - /plan web register ?", "> §2Register Subcommand\\ Registers a new Web User.\\ Registering a user for another player requires plan.webmanage permission.\\ Passwords are hashed with PBKDF2 (64,000 iterations of SHA1) using a cryptographically-random salt."),
MANAGE_RAW_DATA("In Depth Help - /plan manage raw ?", "> §2Raw Data Subcommand\\ Displays link to raw JSON data page.\\ Not available if Plan webserver is not enabled."),
MANAGE_UNINSTALLED("In Depth Help - /plan manage uninstalled ?", "> §2Uninstalled Server Subcommand\\ Marks a server as uninstalled in the database.\\ Can not mark the server the command is being used on as uninstalled.\\ Will affect ConnectionSystem.");

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@ -32,12 +32,7 @@ public enum ErrorPageLang implements Lang {
ACCESS_DENIED_403("Access Denied"),
NOT_FOUND_404("Not Found"),
PAGE_NOT_FOUND_404("Page does not exist."),
ANALYSIS_REFRESH("Analysis is being refreshed.."),
ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG("Analysis is being run, refresh the page after a few seconds.."),
INSPECT_REFRESH("Player page request is being processed.."),
INSPECT_REFRESH_LONG("Page will refresh automatically.."),
PAGE_NOT_FOUND_404("Page does not exist.");
private final String defaultValue;

View File

@ -31,13 +31,6 @@ public enum ManageLang implements Lang {
CONFIRMATION("Manage - Fail, Confirmation", "> §cAdd '-a' argument to confirm execution: ${0}"),
IMPORTERS("Manage - List Importers", "Importers: "),
CON_NO_SERVERS("Manage - Fail, No Servers", "§cNo Servers found in the database."),
CON_EXCEPTION("Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception", "§eOdd Exception: ${0}"),
CON_UNAUTHORIZED("Manage - Fail, Unauthorized", "§eFail reason: Unauthorized. Server might be using different database."),
CON_GENERIC_FAIL("Manage - Fail, Connection Exception", "§eFail reason: "),
CON_EXTERNAL_URL("Manage - Notify External Url", "§eNon-local address, check that port is open"),
CON_OLD_VERSION("Manage - Fail, Old version", "§eFail reason: Older Plan version on receiving server"),
CONFIRM_OVERWRITE("Manage - Confirm Overwrite", "Data in ${0} will be overwritten!"),
CONFIRM_REMOVAL("Manage - Confirm Removal", "Data in ${0} will be removed!"),

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@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ public enum NetworkPageLang implements Lang {
HEALTH_ESTIMATE("Health Estimate");
private final String defaultValue;

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@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ public enum PluginLang implements Lang {
ENABLE_NOTIFY_WEB_SERVER_DISABLED("Enable - Notify Webserver disabled", "WebServer was not initialized. (WebServer.DisableWebServer: true)"),
ENABLE_NOTIFY_GEOLOCATIONS_INTERNET_REQUIRED("Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required", "Plan Requires internet access on first run to download GeoLite2 Geolocation database."),
ENABLE_NOTIFY_GEOLOCATIONS_DISABLED("Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled", "Geolocation gathering is not active. (Data.Geolocations: false)"),
@Deprecated ENABLE_NOTIFY_ADDRESS_CONFIRMATION("Enable - Notify Address Confirmation", "Make sure that this address points to THIS Server: ${0}"),
ENABLE_FAIL_DB("Enable FAIL - Database", "${0}-Database Connection failed: ${1}"),
ENABLE_FAIL_WRONG_DB("Enable FAIL - Wrong Database Type", "${0} is not a supported Database"),
ENABLE_FAIL_DB_PATCH("Enable FAIL - Database Patch", "Database Patching failed, plugin has to be disabled. Please report this issue"),

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@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ public enum ServerPageLang implements Lang {
NEW_RETENTION("New Player Retention"),
PREDICETED_RETENTION("Predicted Retention"),
SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE("Server Health Estimate"),
LAST_30_DAYS_TEXT("Last 30 Days"),
PLAYERBASE_DEVELOPMENT("Playerbase Development"),
CURRENT_PLAYERBASE("Current Playerbase"),

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@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2玩家击杀数§f${0
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2游玩时间§f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2注册时间§f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2踢出次数§f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §a现已允许安装
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §e连接成功但接收服务器不是 Bungee 服务器。请使用 Bungee 地址。
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §c现已禁止安装
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §e连接成功但 Bungee 已禁用安装模式 - 请使用 '/planbungee setup' 启用。
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §e连接成功但 Bungee 无法与此服务器建立连接(是否重启了当前网页服务器?)请使用 /plan m con 与 /planbungee con 进行调试。
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §e连接失败${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §e连接成功。${0},请检查接收服务器调试页面的错误日志。
Cmd Setup - Success || §a连接成功计划可能将在几秒内重启···
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §e连接成功但接收服务器并未授权此服务器。请在 Discord 上联系以寻求帮助
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §c请确保您所输入的是完整地址以 http:// 或 https:// 开头)- 请检查 Bungee 启用日志获取完整地址。
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §c未在此服务器上启用网页服务器请确保其在开机时启用
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §a已在下次插件重载前暂时禁用 '${0}'。
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §a已成功添加新用户${0}您可以在以下链接中查看Web面板。
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §a已完成取消操作。
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || 检视玩家数据
Command Help - /plan manage || 数据库管理命令
Command Help - /plan manage backup || 备份数据库至 .db 文件
Command Help - /plan manage clear || 从数据库中清空所有数据
Command Help - /plan manage con || 调试服务器至 Bungee 的连接
Command Help - /plan manage disable || 暂时禁用功能
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || 热插拔数据库并重启插件
Command Help - /plan manage import || 从插件中导入数据
Command Help - /plan manage move || 在数据库间移动数据
Command Help - /plan manage remove || 从活跃数据库中移除玩家数据
Command Help - /plan manage restore || 恢复数据库
Command Help - /plan manage setup || 设置服务器至 Bungee 的连接
Command Help - /plan network || 查看网络页面
Command Help - /plan players || 列出所有已缓存玩家名单
Command Help - /plan qinspect || 在游戏内检视玩家数据
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || 删除网页用户
Command Help - /plan web level || 权限级别信息
Command Help - /plan web list || 列出网页用户
Command Help - /plan webuser || 管理网页用户
Command Help - /planbungee con || 调试 Bungee 至服务器的连接
Command Help - /planbungee disable || 暂时禁用插件
Command Help - /planbungee setup || 开关设置功能
Database - Apply Patch || 正在应用更新:${0}···
Database - Patches Applied || 已成功应用所有数据库补丁。
Database - Patches Applied Already || 已应用所有数据库补丁。
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || 处理完毕。
Disable - WebServer || 正在关闭网页服务器···
Enable || 已启用插件。
Enable - Database || ${0}-已建立数据库连接。
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || 确保此地址指向此服务器:${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || 中的 IP 为空且未使用替代 IP。这将会导致地址出错
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || 已关闭地理位置收集。Data.Geolocations: false
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || 插件需要在首次运行时访问互联网以下载 GeoLite2 地理位置数据库。
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || 认证时发生错误
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || 性能
HTML - NETWORK || 服务器网络
HTML - NEW || 新建
@ -209,7 +191,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || 经常
HTML - SERVER || 服务器
@ -243,8 +224,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || 世界加载
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || 正在执行分析,请在几秒后刷新页面···
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - 确保您已使用 <b>/plan register</b> 注册用户<br>- 检查用户名与密码是否正确<br>- 用户名与密码区分大小写<br><br>若您忘记了密码,请让工作人员删除您的旧密码并重新注册。
@ -261,13 +240,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || §2检视命令\§f 用于
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || §2管理命令\§f 用于管理插件数据库。\§7 别名:/plan m\§7 /plan m - Auflistung der Unterbefehle\§7 /plan m <子命令> ? - 详细帮助
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2备份命令\ 用于建立新 SQLite 数据库(.db 文件)并包含当前在计划插件文件夹中所有的活跃数据库内容。
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || §2管理清除命令\§f 用于清除活跃数据库中的所有数据。\§7 插件在清理完毕后应被重载。\§7 别名:/plan pl
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2调试连接命令\ 用于调试网络间的连接。\ 向数据库中的每个服务器发送请求。
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2禁用命令\ 用于在下次重新载入之前禁用插件的部分特性。\ 接受的参数:\ §2kickcount §f禁用在关闭服务器时 /kickall 的踢出计数。
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2禁用命令\ 用于在下次重新载入之前禁用插件的部分特性。\ 接受的参数:\ §2kickcount §f禁用在关闭服务器时 /kickall 的踢出计数。
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || §2管理导入命令\§f 用于从其它来源导入数据\§7 在导入过程中将禁用数据分析。
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2移动指令\ 将数据从 SQLite 移动至 MySQL反之亦然。\ 目标数据库将在转移前被清除。
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || §2管理移除命令\§f 用于从活跃数据库中移除用户数据。
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2恢复命令\ 从先前备份的 SQLite 数据库中恢复数据(.db 文件)\ 您也可以从其他服务器中恢复 database.db 到 MySQL。\ 目标数据库将在传输前被清除。
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2安装命令\ 设置 Bungee 与此服务器之间的网络连接。\ Bungee 地址可在计划于 Bungee 上启动时的控制台日志中找到。
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2网络命令\ 显示到网络页的链接。\ 若不在群组网络上,此页面将显示为服务器页面。
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2玩家命令\ 显示到玩家页的链接。
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || §2快速检视命令\§f 用于获取游戏内关于检视的信息。\§7 相比检视网页有着更少的信息。\§7 别名:/plan qi
@ -278,7 +255,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2更新命令\ 用于在
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2网页用户管理命令。\ §2/plan web §f列出子命令\ §2/plan web <子命令> ? §f详细帮助
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2注册命令\ 注册一位新的网页用户。\ 为其他用户注册需要 plan.webmanage 权限。\ 密码通过使用随机密码盐的 PBKDF2 哈希方法加密(重复 64000 次 SHA1
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2禁用命令\ 在 PlanBungee 上运行 onDisable。\ 插件之后需要运行 /planbungee reload 以重新启用。\ §b不支持运行时热切换插件
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2设置开关命令\ 开关 Bungee 上的安装功能。\ 用来防止与其他服务器之间未授权的 MySQL 监听。
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || 数据库 ${0} 中的数据将被覆盖!
Manage - Confirm Removal || 数据库 ${0} 中的数据将被移除!
Manage - Fail || > §c[计划] 处理数据时发生错误! ${0}
@ -287,13 +263,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' 不是一个支
Manage - Fail No Importer || §e导入器 '${0}' 不存在
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §c[计划] 无法移动至相同的数据库!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §c[计划] 请添加 -a 以确认执行!${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §e失败原因
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §c未在数据库中找到服务器。
Manage - Fail, Old version || §e失败原因接收服务器使用了旧版本的插件。
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §e失败原因未获得授权。服务器可能使用不同的数据库。
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §e异常例外${0}
Manage - List Importers || 导入器:
Manage - Notify External Url || §e非本地地址请检查端口是否开放
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §e[计划] 请记住要切换至新数据库并重新载入插件(/plan m hotswap ${0}
Manage - Start || »§7 正在处理数据···
Manage - Success || §f» §2 成功!

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@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Getötete Spieler: §f${
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §Spielzeit: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Registrierung: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Kicks: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aSetupmodus wurde aktiviert.
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eVerbindung hergestellt. Der empfangende Server ist ein Bukkit- oder Sponge-server. Nutze stattdessen die andere Adresse.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cSet-up wurde deaktiviert.
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eVerbindung hergestellt aber der Bungeecordserver hat den Setupmodus nicht aktiviert. Nutze '/planbungee setup' um ihn zu aktivieren.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eVerbindung hergestellt, aber der Bungeecordserver konnte sich nicht mit diesem Server verbinden (Wurde der aktuelle Server neugestartet?). Nutze /plan m con & /planbungee con zum debuggen.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eVerbindung fehlgeschlagen: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eVerbindung hergestellt. ${0}, eventuelle Fehler kannst du dem Error-Log auf der Debugseite des empfangenden Servers entnehmen.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aVerbindung erfolgreich, Plan startet eventuell in ein paar Sekunden neu.
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eVerbindung erfolgreich, aber der empfangende Server hat diesen Server nicht autorisiert. Auf dem Plan-Discord bekommst du Hilfe.
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cNutze die gesamte Adresse (Beginnend mit http:// oder https://) - Diese kannst du dem Bungee enable log entnehmen.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cWebServer ist auf diesem Server deaktiviert! Dies sollte beim Start aktiviert werden!
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §a'${0}' wurde bis zum nächsten Reload des Plugins deaktiviert.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aNeuer Account (${0}) erfolgreich hinzugefügt! Sie können das Web-Panel über den folgenden Link anzeigen.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aErfolgreich abgebrochen.
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || Zeigt eine Spielerseite an
Command Help - /plan manage || Verwaltet die Plan-Datenbank
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Erstellt ein Backup der Datenbank
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Datenbank leeren
Command Help - /plan manage con || Debug Server-Bungee Verbindungen
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Schalte eine Funktion temporär aus
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Ändere die Datenbank schnell
Command Help - /plan manage import || Daten importieren
Command Help - /plan manage move || Bewege die Daten zwischen den Datenbanken
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Entferne die Daten eines Spielers
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Spiele ein Backup ein
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Stelle die Server-Bungee-Verbindung her
Command Help - /plan network || Netzwerk-Seite
Command Help - /plan players || Spieler-Seite
Command Help - /plan qinspect || Zeigt die Spielerinfo im Spiel
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Lösche einen Account
Command Help - /plan web level || Informationen über Rechte
Command Help - /plan web list || Liste Accounts
Command Help - /plan webuser || Verwalte Accounts
Command Help - /planbungee con || Debug Bungee-Server Verbindungen
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Deaktiviert das Plugin temporär
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Schaltet Setup-Modus an oder aus
Database - Apply Patch || Wende Patch an: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || Alle Datenbankpatches wurden erfolgreich angewendet.
Database - Patches Applied Already || Alle Datenbankpatches wurden bereits angewendet.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || Verarbeitung komplett.
Disable - WebServer || Webserver deaktiviert.
Enable || Player Analytics eingeschaltet.
Enable - Database || ${0}-dDatenbankverbindung hergestellt.
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Versichere dich, dass die Adresse auf DIESEN Server verweist: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || IP in der ist leer & AlternativeIP ist nicht in Verwendung. Es werden falsche Links verwendet!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || Geolocation wird nicht aufgezeichnet (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || Plan braucht einen Internetzugang um die GeoLite2 Geolocation Datenbank runterzuladen.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Authentifikation fehlgeschlag
HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || Lieblingsserver
HTML - GEOLOCATION || Geolocation
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Geschätzte Gesundheit
HTML - INDEX_IRREGULAR || Unregelmäßig
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Performance
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Servergesundheit
HTML - NETWORK || Netzwerk
HTML - NETWORK_INFORMATION || Netzwerkinformationen
HTML - NEW || Neu
@ -209,7 +191,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || REGELMÄSSIGE
HTML - SEEN_NICKNAMES || Registrierte Nicknames
HTML - SERVER || Server
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Server Analyse
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Server Gesundheitsschätzung
HTML - SERVER_PREFERENCE || Bevorzugter Server
HTML - SERVERS || Server
@ -242,8 +223,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || Weltenladung
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || Spielzeit in der Welt
HTML - WORST_PING || Schlechtester Ping
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Zugriff verweigert
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || Plan wird aktualisiert...
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || Plan wird ausgeführt. Es wird in ein paar Sekunden neu geladen.
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Stelle sicher, dass du einen Account mit <b>/plan register</b> hinzugefügt hast.<br>- Überprüfe, ob Passwort und Benutzername korrekt sind<br>- Bei Benutzername und Passwort auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung achten! <br><br>- Wenn du dein Passwort vergessen hast, bitte ein Teammitglied deinen Account zu löschen und neu zu erstellen.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_401 || Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen.
@ -260,13 +239,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Inspect-Befehl\ Aktuali
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Manage-Befehl\ Verwalte die MySQL und SQLite Datenbank von Plan.\ §2/plan m §fListe Unterbefehle\ §2/plan m <unterbefehl> ? §fAusführliche Hilfe
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Backup-Unterbefehl\ Erstellt eine neue SQLite Datenbank (.db file) mit dem Inhalt der aktuell aktiven Datenbank im Plugin-Ordner
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Clear-Unterbefehl\ Entfernt ALLES aus der aktuellen Datenbank. Vorsicht!
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Verbindungs-Debug-Unterbefehl\ Zum debuggen der Verbindungen im Netzwerk.\ Schickt eine Anfrage an jeden Server in der Datenbank.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Ausschalten-Subcommand\ Damit können Teile des Plugins bis zum nächsten Neustart ausgeschaltet werden.\ Akzeptierte Argumente:\ §2kickcount §fDeaktiviert den Zähler für Kicks falls /kickall im Ausschalt-Makro genutzt wird.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Ausschalten-Subcommand\ Damit können Teile des Plugins bis zum nächsten Neustart ausgeschaltet werden.\ Akzeptierte Argumente:\ §2kickcount §fDeaktiviert den Zähler für Kicks falls /kickall im Ausschalt-Makro genutzt wird.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Import-Unterbefehl\ Importiere Daten aus anderen Quellen.\ Akzeptierte Argumente:\ §2offline §fBukkit Spielerdaten, registriere nur Name und Datum.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Move-Unterbefehl\ Verschiebe die Daten von SQLite zu MySQL oder andersherum\ Zieldatenbank wird vor dem Transfer geleert.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Remove-Unterbefehl\ Löscht die Daten eines Spielers aus der Datenbank.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Restore-Unterbefehl\ Stellt ein Backup einer SQLite Datenbank (.db file) wieder her\ Die database.db kann auch von einem anderen Server zu MySQL wiederhergestellt werden.\ Zieldatenbank wird vor dem Transfer geleert.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Setup Unterbefehl\ Richte eine Verbindung zwischen Bungee und diesem Server für Netzwerkfunktionalität ein.\ Die Bungee-Adresse kann dem Log in der Bungee-Konsole entnommen werden, wenn Plan aktiviert wird.
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Netzwerk-Befehl\ Erstellt einen Link zur Netzwerkseite. Wenn du in einem Netzwerk bist, wird die Serverseite angezeigt.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Spieler-Befehl\ Erstellt einen Link zur Spielerseite.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Schnell-Untersuchungs-Befehl\ Zeigt einige Informationen zu einem Spieler im Spiel.
@ -277,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Update-Befehl\ Updatet
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || > §2Account-Verwaltungs-Befehl.\ §2/plan web §fListe Unterbefehle\ §2/plan web <unterbefehl> ? §fAusfürliche Hilfe
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Registrierungs-Unterbefehl\ Registriert einen neuen Account.\ Um einen Account für einen anderen Usernamen als den eigenen zu erstellen wird plan.webmanage Berechtigung benötigt.\ Passwörter werden mit PBKDF2 (64,000 iterations of SHA1) gehashed dazu wird ein cryptographically-random salt verwendet.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Deaktivierungs-Befehl\ Führt onDisable auf PlanBungee aus.\ Plugin kann mit /planbungee reload wieder geladen werden.\ §bDabei kann NICHT die jar ausgetauscht werden.
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Set-up-Umschalt-Befehl\ Schaltet den Set-Up Modus auf dem Bungee an oder aus.\ Stellt sicher, dass keine unautorisierte MySQL bei einem anderen Server ausschnüffelt.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || Daten in ${0} werden überschrieben!
Manage - Confirm Removal || Daten in ${0} werden gelöscht!
Manage - Fail || > §cEtwas ist schiefgelaufen: ${0}
@ -286,13 +262,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' ist keine unterst
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eImporter '${0}' existiert nicht
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cKann nicht von und zu der gleichen Datenbank agieren!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cFüge '-a' zum Befehl hinzu um die Ausführung zu bestätigen: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eFehlgeschlagen:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cKein Server in der Datenbank.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eFehlgeschlagen: Veraltete Version von Plan auf dem empfangenden Server.
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eFehlgeschlagen: Zugriff verweigert. Server verwendet möglicherweise eine andere Datenbank.
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eUnerwartete Ausnahme: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || Importer:
Manage - Notify External Url || §eNicht-lokale Adresse. Ist der Port offen?
Manage - List Importers || Importer:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eDenk dran, zur neuen Datenbank zu wechseln (/plan m hotswap ${0}) und um das Plugin neu zu laden.
Manage - Start || > §2Verarbeite Daten...
Manage - Success || > §aErfolgreich!

View File

@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Player Kills: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2Playtime: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Registered: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Times Kicked: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aSet-up is now Allowed
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eConnection succeeded, but Receiving server was a Bukkit or Sponge server. Use another address instead.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cSet-up is now Forbidden
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eConnection succeeded, but Proxy has set-up mode disabled - use '/planbungee setup' to enable it.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eConnection succeeded, but Proxy failed to connect to this server (Did current web server restart?). Use /plan m con & /planbungee con to debug.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eConnection failed: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eConnection succeeded. ${0}, check possible ErrorLog on receiving server's debug page.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aConnection successful, Plan may restart in a few seconds..
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eConnection succeeded, but Receiving server didn't authorize this server. Contact Discord for support
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cMake sure you're using the full address (Starts with http:// or https://) - Check Proxy enable log for the full address.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cWebServer is not enabled on this server! Make sure it enables on boot!
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §aDisabled '${0}' temporarily until next plugin reload.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aAdded a new user (${0}) successfully! You can view the web panel in the following link.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aCancel operation performed.
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || View a Player Page
Command Help - /plan manage || Manage Plan Database
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Backup a Database
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Clear a Database
Command Help - /plan manage con || Debug Server-Proxy connections
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Disable a feature temporarily
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Change Database quickly
Command Help - /plan manage import || Import data from elsewhere
Command Help - /plan manage move || Move data between Databases
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Remove Player's data
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Restore a previous Backup
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Set-up Server-Proxy connection
Command Help - /plan network || View the Network Page
Command Help - /plan players || View the Players Page
Command Help - /plan qinspect || View Player info in game
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Delete a Web User
Command Help - /plan web level || Information about permission levels
Command Help - /plan web list || List Web Users
Command Help - /plan webuser || Manage Web Users
Command Help - /planbungee con || Debug Proxy-Server connections
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Disable the plugin temporarily
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Toggle set-up mode
Database - Apply Patch || Applying Patch: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || All database patches applied successfully.
Database - Patches Applied Already || All database patches already applied.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || Processing complete.
Disable - WebServer || Webserver has been disabled.
Enable || Player Analytics Enabled.
Enable - Database || ${0}-database connection established.
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Make sure that this address points to THIS Server: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || IP in is empty & AlternativeIP is not in use. Incorrect links will be given!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || Geolocation gathering is not active. (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || Plan Requires internet access on first run to download GeoLite2 Geolocation database.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Authentication failed due to
HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || Favorite Server
HTML - GEOLOCATION || Geolocation
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Health Estimate
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Performance
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Server Health
HTML - NETWORK || Network
@ -209,7 +191,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || REGULAR
HTML - SEEN_NICKNAMES || Seen Nicknames
HTML - SERVER || Server
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Server Analysis
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Server Health Estimate
HTML - SERVER_PREFERENCE || Server Preference
HTML - SERVERS || Servers
@ -242,8 +223,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || WORLD LOAD
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || World Playtime
HTML - WORST_PING || Worst Ping
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Access Denied
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || Analysis is being refreshed..
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || Analysis is being run, refresh the page after a few seconds..
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Ensure you have registered a user with <b>/plan register</b><br>- Check that the username and password are correct<br>- Username and password are case-sensitive<br><br>If you have forgotten your password, ask a staff member to delete your old user and re-register.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_401 || Authentication Failed.
HTML ERRORS - FORBIDDEN_403 || Forbidden
@ -260,13 +239,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Inspect Command\ Refres
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Manage Command\ Manage MySQL and SQLite database of Plan.\ §2/plan m §fList subcommands\ §2/plan m <subcommand> ? §fIn depth help
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Backup Subcommand\ Creates a new SQLite database (.db file) with contents of currently active database in the Plan plugin folder.
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Clear Subcommand\ Removes everything in the active database. Use with caution.
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Connection Debug Subcommand\ Used to debug connections in the network.\ Sends a request to each server in the database.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Disable Subcommand\ Can disable parts of the plugin until next reload.\ Accepted arguments:\ §2kickcount §fDisables kick counts in case /kickall is used on shutdown macro.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Disable Subcommand\ Can disable parts of the plugin until next reload.\ Accepted arguments:\ §2kickcount §fDisables kick counts in case /kickall is used on shutdown macro.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Import Subcommand\ Import data from other sources.\ Accepted Arguments:\ §2offline §fBukkit player data, only register date and name.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Move Subcommand\ Move data from SQLite to MySQL or other way around.\ Target database is cleared before transfer.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Remove Subcommand\ Remove player's data from the active database.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Restore Subcommand\ Restore a previous backup SQLite database (.db file)\ You can also restore database.db from another server to MySQL.\ Target database is cleared before transfer.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Setup Subcommand\ Set-up a connection between Proxy and this server for network functionality.\ BungeeAddress can be found in the enable log on console when Plan enables on Bungee.
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Network Command\ Displays link to the network page.\ If not on a network, this page displays the server page.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Players Command\ Displays link to the players page.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Quick Inspect Command\ Displays some information about the player in game.
@ -277,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Update Command\ Used to
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2Web User Manage Command.\ §2/plan web §fList subcommands\ §2/plan web <subcommand> ? §fIn Depth help
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Register Subcommand\ Registers a new Web User.\ Registering a user for another player requires plan.webmanage permission.\ Passwords are hashed with PBKDF2 (64,000 iterations of SHA1) using a cryptographically-random salt.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Disable Command\ Runs Plan onDisable on Proxy servers.\ Plugin can be enabled with /planbungee reload afterwards.\ §bDoes not support swapping jar on the fly
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Set-up toggle Command\ Toggles set-up mode on Proxy.\ Safeguard against unauthorized MySQL snooping with another server.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || Data in ${0} will be overwritten!
Manage - Confirm Removal || Data in ${0} will be removed!
Manage - Fail || > §cSomething went wrong: ${0}
@ -286,13 +262,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' is not a supporte
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eImporter '${0}' doesn't exist
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cCan not operate on to and from the same database!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cAdd '-a' argument to confirm execution: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eFail reason:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cNo Servers found in the database.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eFail reason: Older Plan version on receiving server
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eFail reason: Unauthorized. Server might be using different database.
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eOdd Exception: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || Importers:
Manage - Notify External Url || §eNon-local address, check that port is open
Manage - List Importers || Importers:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eRemember to swap to the new database (/plan m hotswap ${0}) & reload the plugin.
Manage - Start || > §2Processing data..
Manage - Success || > §aSuccess!

View File

@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Pelaajien Tappoja: §f${
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2Peliaika: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Rekisteröitynyt: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Potkittu Pellolle: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aYhteydenotto on nyt sallittu.
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eYhteys onnistui, mutta Vastaanottava palvelin oli Bukkit tai Sponge-palvelin. Käytä toista osoitetta.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cYhteydenotto on nyt kielletty.
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eYhteys onnistui, mutta BungeeCord:n set-up tila oli poissa käytöstä - käytä '/planbungee setup' laittaaksesi sen päälle.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eYhteys onnistui, mutta BungeeCord ei saanut yhteyttä tähän palvelimeen (Käynnistyikö Web palvelin uudelleen?). Käytä /plan m con & /planbungee con tutkiaksesi ongelmia.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eYhteys ei onnistunut: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eYhteys onnistui. ${0}, tarkista mahdollinen virheloki vastaanottavalla palvelimella.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aYhteys onnistui, Plan saattaa käynnistyä uudelleen muutaman sekunnin kuluttua..
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eYhteys onnistui, mutta Vastaanottava palvelin ei hyväksynyt tätä palvelinta. Pyydä apua Discordissa.
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cVarmista käyttäväsi kokonaista osoitetta (http:// tai https:// alkuinen) - Tarkista osoite BungeeCord:in käynnistyslokista.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cWeb Palevlin ei ole käynnissä tällä palvelimella! Varmista että se käynnistyy pelin mukana!
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §aSammutettiin '${0}' toistaiseksi, kunnes Plan ladataan uudelleen.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aLisättiin uusi Web Käyttäjä (${0})! Voit tarkastella web-paneelia seuraavasta linkistä.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aPeruutettu.
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || Katso Pelaajan sivua
Command Help - /plan manage || Hallitse Plan tietokantaa
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Varmuuskopioi tietokanta
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Tyhjennä tietokanta
Command Help - /plan manage con || Tutki Palvelin-BungeeCord yhteys ongelmia
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Sammuta osa toistaiseksi
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Vaihda tietokantaa lennosta
Command Help - /plan manage import || Tuo tietoa muualta
Command Help - /plan manage move || Siirrä tietoa tietokantojen välillä
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Poista pelaajan tiedot
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Palauta teitokannan varmuuskopio
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Muodosta Palvelin-BungeeCord yhteys
Command Help - /plan network || Katso Verkoston sivua
Command Help - /plan players || Katso Pelaajat sivua
Command Help - /plan qinspect || Katso pelaajan tietoja pelissä
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Poista Web Käyttäjä
Command Help - /plan web level || Tietoa Web lupatasoista
Command Help - /plan web list || Listaa Web Käyttäjät
Command Help - /plan webuser || Halliste Web Käyttäjiä
Command Help - /planbungee con || Tutki BungeeCord-Palvelin yhteys ongelmia
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Sammuta Plan toistaiseksi
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Vaihda asennustilaa
Database - Apply Patch || Muutetaan Tietokantaa: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || Tietokannan muutokset suoritettu onnistuneesti.
Database - Patches Applied Already || Kaikki tietokannan muutokset oli jo tehty.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || Suoritus valmis.
Disable - WebServer || Web palvelin on sammutettu.
Enable || Player Analytics Käynnistetty.
Enable - Database || ${0}-tietokanta yhteys luotu.
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Varmista että tämä osoite osoittaa TÄHÄN palvelimeen: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || IP tiedostossa on tyhjä & AlternativeIP ei ole käytössä. Linkit ovat virheellisiä!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || Sijaintien keräys ei ole päällä. (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || Plan Vaatii internetin ensimmäisellä käynnistyskerralla GeoLite2 tietokannan lataamiseen.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Autentisointi epäonnistui vi
HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || Lempipalvelin
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Terveysarvio
HTML - INDEX_ACTIVE || Aktiivinen
HTML - INDEX_INACTIVE || Inaktiivinen
HTML - INDEX_IRREGULAR || Epäsäännöllinen
@ -171,7 +154,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Suorituskyky
HTML - NAV_PLAYERS || Pelaajat
HTML - NAV_PLUGINS || Lisäosat
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Palvelimen Terveys
HTML - NETWORK || Verkosto
@ -208,7 +190,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || SÄÄNNÖLLISET
HTML - SEEN_NICKNAMES || Nähdyt Lempinimet
HTML - SERVER || Palvelin
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Palvelimen Analyysi
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Palvelimen Terveysarvio
HTML - SERVER_PREFERENCE || Palvelinten mieleisyys
HTML - SERVERS || Palvelimet
@ -241,8 +222,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || MAAILMAN VARAUS
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || Maailman Peliaika
HTML - WORST_PING || Huonoin Ping
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Pääsy Kielletty
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || Analyysiä suoritetaan..
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || Analyysiä suoritetaan, sivu päivittyy hetken kuluttua..
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Varmista että olet rekisteröinyt käyttäjän komennolla <b>/plan register</b><br>- Tarkista että käyttäjänimi ja salaasana ovat oikein<br>- Nimi ja salasana ovat CASE SENSITIVE<br><br>Jos unohdit salasanasi, pyydä valvojia poistamaan käyttäjäsi ja uudelleenrekisteröidy.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_401 || Autentikaatio ei onnistunut.
HTML ERRORS - FORBIDDEN_403 || Kielletty
@ -259,13 +238,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Tutkimus Komento\ Päiv
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Hallinto Komento\ Hallitse Plan MySQL and SQLite tietokantoja.\ §2/plan m §fListaa alikomennot\ §2/plan m <alikomento> ? §fYksityiskohtainen apu
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Varmuuskopio Alikomento\ Luo uuden SQLite tietokannan (.db file) nykyisen tietokannan tiedoilla Plan plugins kansioon..
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Poisto Alikomento\ Poistaa kaiken aktiivisesta tietokannasta. Käytä varoen
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Yhteyksien tutkimus Alikomento\ Käytetään yhteys ongelmien tutkimiseen verkostoissa.\ Lähettää viestin jokaiselle palvelimelle tietokannassa.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Sammutus Alikomento\ Voi poistaa osia käytöstä tilapäisesti.\ Hyväksytyt muuttujat:\ §2kickcount §fSulkee potkimisten laskun, mikäli /kickall komentoa käytetään sammutus makrossa.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Sammutus Alikomento\ Voi poistaa osia käytöstä tilapäisesti.\ Hyväksytyt muuttujat:\ §2kickcount §fSulkee potkimisten laskun, mikäli /kickall komentoa käytetään sammutus makrossa.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Tuonti Alikomento\ Tuo tietoa muualta.\ Hyväksytyt muuttujat:\ §2offline §fBukkitin pelaajatiedot, rekisteröitymispäivä ja nimi.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Siirto Alikomento\ Siirrä tietoa SQLite ja MySQL tietokantojen välillä.\ Kohde tietokanta tyhjennetään ennen siirtoa.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Poisto Alikomento\ Poistaa pelaajan tiedot aktiivisesta tietokannasta.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Palautus Alikomento\ Palauta edellinen varmuuskopio SQLite tietokanta (.db tiedosto)\ Voit myös palauttaa database.db tiedoston toiselta palvelimelta MySQL-tietokantan.\ Kohde tietokanta tyhjennetään ennen siirtoa.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Asennus Alikomento\ Muodosta yhteys BungeeCordin ja tämän palvelimen välille.\ BungeeAddress löytyy BungeeCordin käynnistyslokista
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Verkosto Komento\ Näyttää linkin verkosto sivulle.\ Jos palvelin ei ole verkostossa, näyttää tämä sivu palvelimen sivun.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Pelaajat Komento\ Näyttää linkin pelaajan sivulle.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Pika-tutkimus Komento\ Näyttää tietoja pelaajasta pelin sisällä.
@ -276,7 +253,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Päivitys Komento\ Päi
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2Web Käyttäjähallinto Komento.\ §2/plan web §fList alikomentos\ §2/plan web <alikomento> ? §fYksityiskohtainen apu
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Rekisteröinti Alikomento\ Rekisteröi uuden Web Käyttäjän.\ Toiselle pelaajalle käyttäjän rekisteröinti vaatii plan.webmanage permission.\ Salasanat salataan PBKDF2 (64,000 iterations of SHA1) algoritmilla.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Sammutus Komento\ Sammuttaa PlanBungee:n.\ /planbungee reload käynnistää Plan:in uudelleen.\ §bEi tue jar:in vaihtoa lennossa
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Asennustilan vaihto Komento\ Vaihtaa asennustilaa Bungee:lla.\ Turvatoimi MySQL haistelulle toisella Plan palvelimella.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || Tiedot ${0}:ssa ylikirjoitetaan!
Manage - Confirm Removal || Tiedot ${0}:ssa poistetaan!
Manage - Fail || > §cJokin meni vikaan: ${0}
@ -285,13 +261,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' ei ole tuettu tie
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eTuojaa '${0}' ei ole olemassa
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cEi voi käyttää samaa tietokantaa molempiin asioihin!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cLisää '-a' vahvistaaksesi: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eEpäonnistumisen syy:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cEi Palvelimia tietokannassa.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eSyy: Vanhempi versio vastaanottavalla palvelimella
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eSyy: Ei authentikoitu, palvelin voi käyttää toista tietokantaa
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eKummallinen Virhe: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || Tuojat:
Manage - Notify External Url || §eEi-lokaali osoite, tarkista että portti on auki
Manage - List Importers || Tuojat:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eMuista vaihtaa tietokantaa (/plan m hotswap ${0}) & käynnistä Plan uudelleen.
Manage - Start || > §2Prosessoidaan tietoa..
Manage - Success || > §aOnnistui!

View File

@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Kills de Joueurs : §f${
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2Temps de jeu : §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Incrit depuis : §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Nombre d'éjections : §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aLa configuration est maintenant autorisée.
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eLa connexion a réussi, mais le serveur de réception n'était un serveur Bukkit ou Sponge. Utilisez une autre adresse à la place.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cLa configuration est maintenant interdite.
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eConnexion réussie, mais le mode de configuration de Bungee est désactivé. Exécutez '/plan bungee setup' pour l'activer.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eConnexion réussie, mais Bungee n'a pas réussi à se connecter à ce serveur (Le serveur Web actuel a-t-il redémarré ?). Exécutez '/plan m con' et '/planbungee con' pour déboguer.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eConnexion échouée : ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eConnexion échouée : ${0}, Vérifiez des possibles erreurs sur la page de débogage du serveur de réception.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aConnexion réussie, Plan peut redémarrer dans quelques secondes.
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eConnexion réussie, mais le serveur de réception n'a pas autorisé ce serveur. Contactez-nous sur Discord pour obtenir de l'aide.
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cAssurez-vous d'utiliser l'adresse complète (commençant par http:// ou https://). Consultez les logs du Bungee pour la connaître.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cLe serveur Web n'est pas activé sur ce serveur ! Assurez-vous qu'il se soit démarré lors du lancement du serveur !
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §aFontionnalité '${0}' temporairement désactivée jusqu'au prochain rechargement du plugin.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aAjout d'un nouvel utilisateur (${0}) avec succès ! Vous pouvez afficher le panneau Web dans le lien suivant.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aAnnulation de l'opération...
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || Visionner la page d'un joueur
Command Help - /plan manage || Gérer la base de données de Plan.
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Sauvegarder une base de données.
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Effacer une base de données.
Command Help - /plan manage con || Déboguer la connexion Serveur -> Bungee.
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Désactiver temporairement une fonctionnalité.
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Changer rapidement de base de données.
Command Help - /plan manage import || Importer des données externes.
Command Help - /plan manage move || Déplacer des données entre des bases de données.
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Supprimer les données d'un joueur.
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Restaurer une sauvegarde précédente.
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Configuration de la connexion Serveur -> Bungee.
Command Help - /plan network || Visionner la page du réseau.
Command Help - /plan players || Visionner la page des joueurs.
Command Help - /plan qinspect || Visionner les informations d'un joueur (en jeu).
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Supprimer un utilisateur Web.
Command Help - /plan web level || Informations sur les niveaux de permission.
Command Help - /plan web list || Liste des utilisateurs Web.
Command Help - /plan webuser || Gérer les utilisateurs Web.
Command Help - /planbungee con || Déboguer la connexion Bungee -> Serveur.
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Désactiver temporairement Plan.
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Basculer le mode de configuration (on/off).
Database - Apply Patch || Application de correctifs : ${0}...
Database - Patches Applied || Tous les correctifs pour la base de données ont été appliqués avec succès.
Database - Patches Applied Already || Tous les correctifs pour la base de données ont déjà été appliqués.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || Traitement complété.
Disable - WebServer || Le serveur Web a été désactivé.
Enable || Plan a été activé.
Enable - Database || Connexion à la base de données établie. (${0})
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Assurez-vous que cette adresse pointe vers ce serveur : ${0}.
Enable - Notify Empty IP || L'adresse IP située dans le fichier '' est vide et l'option 'AlternativeIP' n'est pas utilisée. Attention, des liens incorrects seront donnés !
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || La géolocalisation n'est pas active. (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || Plan nécessite un accès à Internet lors de sa première utilisation pour télécharger la base de données 'GeoLite2 Geolocation'.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Authentification échouée à
HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || Serveur favori
HTML - GEOLOCATION || Géolocalisation
HTML - GEOLOCATION_TEXT || Géolocalisation
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Estimation de la santé du serveur
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Performance
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Santé du serveur
HTML - NETWORK || Réseau
@ -209,7 +191,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || RÉGULIER(S)
HTML - SERVER || Serveur
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Analyse du serveur
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Estimation de la santé du serveur
HTML - SERVER_PREFERENCE || Préférence de serveur
HTML - SERVERS || Serveurs
@ -242,8 +223,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || CHARGE DU MONDE
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || Temps de jeu par monde
HTML - WORST_PING || Pire latence
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Accès refusé.
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || L'analyseur est en cours de rafraîchissement...
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || L'analyse est en cours d'exécution, actualisez la page après quelques secondes....
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Assurez-vous d'avoir enregistré un utilisateur avec :<b>'/plan register'.</b><br>- Vérifiez que le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe soient corrects.<br>- Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont sensibles au format majuscule/minuscule.<br><br>Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, demandez à un membre du staff de supprimer votre ancien utilisateur puis de vous réinscrire.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_401 || Authentification échouée.
HTML ERRORS - FORBIDDEN_403 || Accès interdit.
@ -260,13 +239,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Commande d'inspection\
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Commande de gestion\ Gestion des bases de données MySQL et SQLite de Plan.\ §2/plan m §fListe des sous-commandes\ §2/plan m <subcommand> ? §fAide en profondeur
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Sous-commande de sauvegarde\ Crée une nouvelle base de données SQLite (fichier .db) avec le contenu de la base de données actuellement active dans la configuration de Plan.
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Sous-commande d'effacement\ Supprime l'intégralité de la base de données active. À utiliser avec précaution.
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Sous-commande de débogage de connexion\ Utilisée pour déboguer les connexions du réseau.\ Envoie une demande à chaque serveur présent dans la base de données.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Sous-commande de désactivation\ Peut désactiver des parties du plugin jusqu'au prochain rechargement.\ Arguments acceptés :\§2kickcount §fDésactive le comptage d'éjections dans le cas où tous les joueurs ont été expulsés par un arrêt.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Sous-commande de désactivation\ Peut désactiver des parties du plugin jusqu'au prochain rechargement.\ Arguments acceptés :\§2kickcount §fDésactive le comptage d'éjections dans le cas où tous les joueurs ont été expulsés par un arrêt.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Sous-commande d'importation\ Importe des données depuis d'autres sources.\ Arguments acceptés :\ §2offline §fDonnées du joueur Bukkit, uniquement la date d'enregistrement et le nom.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Sous-commande de déplacement\ Déplace les données de SQLite vers MySQL ou autre.\ La base de données cible est effacée avant le transfert.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Sous-commande de suppression\ Supprime les données d'un joueur de la base de données active.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Sous-commande de restauration\ Restaure une sauvegarde de base de données SQLite précédente (fichier .db)\ Vous pouvez également restaurer le fichier database.db d'un autre serveur vers MySQL.\ La base de données cible est effacée avant le transfert.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Sous-commande de configuration\ Configure une connexion entre Bungee et ce serveur pour la fonctionnalité réseau.\ Vous pouvez trouver l'adresse du Bungee dans les logs de la la console lorsque Plan est activé sur Bungee.
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Sous-commande du réseau\ Affiche le lien vers la page du réseau.\ S'il ne s'agit pas d'un réseau, elle affiche la page du serveur.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Commande des joueurs\ Affiche un lien vers la page des joueurs.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Quick Inspect CommandCommande d'inspection rapide\ Affiche des informations sur un joueur en jeu.
@ -277,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Commande de mise à jour
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2Commande de la gestion d'utilisateurs Web\ §2/plan web §fListe des sous-commandes\ §2/plan web <subcommand> ? §fAide en profondeure
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Commande d'enregistrement\ Enregistre un nouvel utilisateur Web.\ L'enregistrement d'un utilisateur pour un autre joueur nécessite l'autorisation 'plan.webmanage'.\ Les mots de passe sont hachés avec PBKDF2 (64000 itérations de SHA1) en utilisant 'un sel cryptographiquement aléatoire'.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Commande de désactivation\ Lance onDisable pour PlanBungee.\ Le plugin peut être activé par la suite en exécutant la commande /planbungee reload.\ §bNe supporte pas l'échange de .jar à la volée (sans redémarrage complet)
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Commande de bascule de configuration\ Bascule le mode de configuration sur Bungee.\ Protégez-vous contre le 'fouinage' non autorisée de MySQL avec un autre serveur.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || Les données ${0} seront écrasées !
Manage - Confirm Removal || Les données ${0} seront supprimées !
Manage - Fail || > §cUne erreur est survenue : ${0}.
@ -286,13 +262,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' n'est pas une bas
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eL'importateur '${0}' n'existe pas.
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cNe peut pas opérer sur et depuis la même base de données !
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cAjoutez l'argmenter '-a' afin de confirmer l'éxécution : ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eRaison de l'échec :
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cAucun serveur trouvé dans la base de données.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eRaison de l'échec : Le serveur de réception utilise une ancienne version de Plan.
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eRaison de l'échec : Non autorisé. Le serveur utilise peut-être une base de données différente.
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eErreur : ${0}.
Manage - List Importers || Importateurs :
Manage - Notify External Url || §eAdresse non locale, vérifiez que le port soit ouvert.
Manage - List Importers || Importateurs :
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eN'oubliez pas de passer à la nouvelle base de données (/plan m hotswap ${0}) & de recharger Plan.
Manage - Start || > §2Traitement des données...
Manage - Success || > §aSuccès !

View File

@ -36,17 +36,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2キルカウント(プ
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2プレイ時間: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2登録日: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2キックされた時間: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aセットアップモードが有効になりました
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §e接続は成功しましたが、受信サーバーはBungeeCordのサーバーではありませんでした。代わりにBungeeCordのアドレスを使用して下さい
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cセットアップモードが無効になりました
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §e接続は成功しましたが、BungeeCordの「Plan」のセットアップモードが無効になっています。「/planbungee setup」コマンドを使用して有効にして下さい
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §e接続は成功しましたが、BungeeCordの「Plan」のウェブサーバーに接続できませんでした。(ウェブサーバーが再起動中かもしれません)。「/plan m con 」と「/planbungee con」でデバック情報を表示できます
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §e以下の理由で接続に失敗しました: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §e接続は成功しました。 ${0}、受信サーバーのデバッグページでエラーログを確認できるようになりました
Cmd Setup - Success || §a接続は成功しました。「Plan」は数秒以内に再起動します。
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §e接続は成功しましたが、このBukkit/Spigotサーバーを受信サーバーが拒否しました。Discordのサポートに連絡して下さい
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cウェブアドレスの入力を確かめて下さい(「http://」もしくは「https://」で始まります )。アドレスについてはBungeeCordの「Plan」を有効化した時のログを確認して下さい。
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cこのBukkit/Spigotサーバーでウェブサーバーは有効になっていません。Bukkit/Spigotサーバー起動時にウェブサーバーが有効になっていることを確認して下さい
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §a次にプラグインがリロードされるまで一時的に「${0}」を無効にしました。
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §a新規ユーザー「(${0})」の登録に成功しました次のリンクでWebパネルを見ることができます。
Cmd WARN - Database not open || §eデータベースは${0}です - 予想以上に時間がかかるかもしれません
@ -59,7 +48,6 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || 「プレイヤー」のURL
Command Help - /plan manage || 「Plan」のデータベースを管理します
Command Help - /plan manage backup || データベースをバックアップします
Command Help - /plan manage clear || データベースを消去します
Command Help - /plan manage con || BungeeCordとBukkit/Spigotサーバーとの接続をデバックします
Command Help - /plan manage disable || 機能を一時的に無効にします
Command Help - /plan manage export || 手動でデータのエクスポートを行います
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || データベースを高速で変更します
@ -68,7 +56,6 @@ Command Help - /plan manage move || データベース間でデ
Command Help - /plan manage raw || プレイヤーデータのJSONファイルを直接表示ます
Command Help - /plan manage remove || プレイヤーのデータを削除します
Command Help - /plan manage restore || 以前のバックアップから復元します
Command Help - /plan manage setup || BungeeCordとBukkit/Spigotサーバーとの接続をセットアップします
Command Help - /plan manage uninstalled || 指定されたサーバーをデータベースからアンインストールします
Command Help - /plan network || 「ネットワーク」のページのURLを表示します
Command Help - /plan players || 「プレイヤー」のページのURLを表示します
@ -82,9 +69,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || ウェブユーザーの削
Command Help - /plan web level || 権限レベルに関する情報を表示します
Command Help - /plan web list || ウェブユーザーの一覧を表示します
Command Help - /plan webuser || ウェブユーザーを管理します
Command Help - /planbungee con || BungeeとBukkit/Spigotサーバーとの接続をデバックします
Command Help - /planbungee disable || プラグインを一時的に無効にします
Command Help - /planbungee setup || セットアップモードを切り替えます
Database - Apply Patch || 次のパッチを適用しています: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || 全てのパッチは正常にデータベースに適用されました
Database - Patches Applied Already || 全てのパッチは既にデータベースへ適用されています
@ -98,7 +83,6 @@ Disable - Unsaved Session Save || 未保存のセッション
Disable - WebServer || ウェブサーバーが無効になりました
Enable || プレイヤー分析が有効になりました
Enable - Database || ${0}のデータベースの接続が確立しました
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || 次に表示されるアドレスがこのサーバーをである事を確認して下さい: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || server.propertiesの設定で、IPの項目が設定されておらずAlternative IPが使用されていません。そのため誤ったリンクが表示されます!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || 位置情報サービスが有効ではありません。 (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || 「Plan」は初回起動時、「GeoLite2」の位置情報データベースをダウンロードするためインターネットアクセスが必要です
@ -133,7 +117,6 @@ HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || お気に入りのサーバ
HTML - FREE_DISK_SPACE || ドライブの空き容量
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || ネットワークの健康状態
HTML - INDEX_ACTIVE || よくログインしている
HTML - INDEX_IRREGULAR || たまにログインしている
@ -170,7 +153,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || パフォーマンス
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || サーバーの健康状態
HTML - NETWORK || ネットワーク
HTML - NEW || 新規
@ -207,7 +189,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || よくいる
HTML - SERVER || サーバー
HTML - SERVERS || 接続されているサーバー
@ -240,18 +221,13 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || ワールドロード数
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || ワールドごとのプレイ時間
HTML - WORST_PING || 最高応答時間
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || アクセスが拒否されました
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || 分析結果に基づいてデータを更新中です・・・
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || サーバーを分析中です・・・・<br>数秒後にページが更新されない場合、ページを更新して下さい
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - 登録したユーザーを<b>「/plan register 」</b>で確認できます。<br>- 入力したユーザー名とパスワードが正しいことを確認して下さい<br>- ユーザー名とパスワードは大文字と小文字が区別されています<br><br>パスワードを忘れた場合は、管理者に古いユーザーを削除して新しくユーザーを再登録するよう依頼して下さい
HTML ERRORS - INSPECT_REFRESH || プレーヤページのリクエスト処理が実行中です・・
HTML ERRORS - NO_SERVERS_404 || リクエストを処理するサーバーがオンラインではありません
HTML ERRORS - NOT_FOUND_404 || ページが見つかりませんでした
HTML ERRORS - NOT_PLAYED_404 || プレイヤーはこのサーバーでプレイしていません
HTML ERRORS - PAGE_NOT_FOUND_404 || ページは存在しません
HTML ERRORS - UNKNOWN_PAGE_404 || リンクが間違っています、コマンドを使用してURLを確認して下さい。 URL例:</p><p>/player/PlayerName<br>/server/ServerName</p>
HTML ERRORS - UUID_404 || データベース内にプレヤーのUUIDが存在しません
@ -261,15 +237,13 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2検査コマンド\ プ
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2管理コマンド\ MySQLまたはSQLiteの「Plan」のデータベースを管理します\ §2/plan m §f補助コマンドの一覧を表示します\ §2/plan m <subcommand> ? §f詳細なヘルプを表示します
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2バックアップコマンド\ 現在アクティブになっているデータベースの内容を含むSQLiteの新しいデータベースを「Plan」のプラグインフォルダ内に作成します(拡張子は「.db」です)
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2クリア補助コマンド\ アクティブになっているデータベースの全てを削除します。使用には注意が必要です
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2接続デバッグ補助コマンド\ ネットワーク内の接続をデバッグするために使用します\ データベース内の各サーバーにリクエストを送信します。
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2無効補助コマンド\ 次回のリロードまでプラグインの一部を無効にすることができます\ 使用できる引数:\ §2キックカウント §fシャットダウンマクロで「/kickball」が使用されている場合の無効化されたキックカウント。
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2無効補助コマンド\ 次回のリロードまでプラグインの一部を無効にすることができます\ 使用できる引数:\ §2キックカウント §fシャットダウンマクロで「/kickball」が使用されている場合の無効化されたキックカウント。
In Depth Help - /plan manage export ? || > §2エクスポート補助コマンド\ 分析結果を特定のフォルダーへのエクスポートを有効化します\ 使用できる引数:\ §2list §fList possible arguments.\ §2players §fExport /players, /player pages + /player/raw json depending on config values.\ §2server_json §fExport /server/raw JSON if enabled in config.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2インポート補助コマンド\ 別のソースからデータをインポートします\ 使用できる引数:\ §2オフライン §fBukkitのプレイヤーデータ、登録日と名前のみを登録できます
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2移動補助コマンド\ SQLiteからMySQLもしくは他の形式にデータを移行させます\ ターゲットとなるデータベースは移行前に空である必要があります
In Depth Help - /plan manage raw ? || > §2生のデータ補助コマンド\ 生のJSONデータページへのリンクを表示します\ 「Plan」の内部ウェブサーバーが有効になっていない場合は利用できません
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2削除補助コマンド\ プレイヤーのデータをアクティブになっているデータベースから削除します
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2復元補助コマンド\ データベースを以前にバックアップしたSQLiteデータベース(拡張子が「.db」のファイル)に復元します\ 他のサーバーの拡張子が「.db」のデータベースをMySQLに復元することもできます\ ターゲットとなるデータベースは移行前に空である必要があります
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2セットアップ補助コマンド\ 「ネットワーク」のページを機能させるために、BungeeCordとこのBukkit/Spigotサーバーの間の接続を設定します.\ BungeeCordのアドレスはBungeeCordで「Plan」が有効化された時のログで見つけることができます。
In Depth Help - /plan manage uninstalled ? || > §2サーバーアンインストール補助コマンド\ 指定されたサーバーをデータベースからアンインストールします\ コマンドが実行されているサーバーをアンインストールするサーバーとしてマークすることはできません\ サーバーの接続システムに影響します
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2ネットワークコマンド\ 「ネットワーク」のページのURLを表示します\ BungeeCordのネットワーク上にない場合は、このページにサーバーページが表示されます。
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2プレイヤーコマンド\ 「プレイヤー」のページのURLを表示します
@ -280,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan servers ? || > §2サーバーコマンド
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2ウェブユーザー管理コマンド\ §2/plan web §f補助コマンドの一覧を表示します\ §2/plan web <subcommand> ? §f詳細なヘルプを表示します
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2登録コマンド\ 新しいウェブユーザーを登録します。\ プレイヤーが他のプレイヤーをユーザー登録するには「plan.webmanage」権限が必要です\ パスワードはPBKDF2(64,000回のSHA1の繰り返し)でソルト(暗号論)をかけてハッシュされます。
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2無効化コマンド\ BungeeCordの「Plan」で「onDisable」を実行します\ あとで「/planbungee reload」を使ってプラグインを有効にすることができます\ §bその状態で「Swapping jar」は対応していません
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2セットアップ切り替えコマンド\ BungeeCordでセットアップモードを切り替えます\ 許可されていない他のサーバーがMySQLを詮索するのを防ぎます。
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || ${0}のデータは上書きされます!
Manage - Confirm Removal || ${0}のデータは削除されます!
Manage - Fail || > §c何かがうまくいきませんでした: ${0}
@ -292,13 +265,7 @@ Manage - Fail No Server || 指定されたパラメー
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §c同じデータベースを操作することはできません
Manage - Fail Same server || このサーバーをアンインストールするサーバーとして指定することはできません(あなたがこのサーバーにログインしているため)
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §c実行を確認するために引数「-a」を追加します: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §e失敗した理由:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cデータベース内にサーバーが存在しませんでした
Manage - Fail, Old version || §e失敗した理由:受信サーバーで実行されている「Plan」のバージョンが古いです
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §e失敗した理由:権限制限があります。サーバーが別のデータベースを使用している可能性があります
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §e不明な例外: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || インポーター:
Manage - Notify External Url || §e非ローカルアドレスです、接続先のポートが開放されていることを確認して下さい
Manage - List Importers || インポーター:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §e新しいデータベースに交換することを忘れないで下さい(/plan m hotswap ${0})。そして、プラグインをリロードして下さい
Manage - Start || > §2データを処理中です..
Manage - Success || > §a成功しました!

View File

@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Assassinato de Jogadores
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2Tempo de Jogo: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Registered: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Vezes Kickado: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aA configuração agora é permitida
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eA conexão foi bem sucedida, mas o servidor de recebimento não era um servidor Bungee. Utilize o endereço de IP do Bungee.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cA configuração de instalação agora foi bloqueada
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eA conexão foi bem sucedida, mas o Bungee desativou o modo de configuração - utilize '/planbungee setup' para ativá-lo.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eA conexão foi bem sucedida, mas o Bungee não conseguiu se conectar a esse servidor (O servidor web atual foi reiniciado?). Utilize /plan m con & /planbungee con para depurar.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eConexão falhou: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eConexão bem sucedida. ${0}, verifique se possível o ErrorLog que está recebendo nos servidores na página de depuração.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aConexão bem sucedida, o Plan pode reiniciar em alguns segundos..
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eA conexão foi bem sucedida, mas o servidor de recebimento não autorizou esse servidor. Entre em contato por Discord para receber suporte.
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cVerifique se você está usando o endereço completo (que começa com http:// ou https://) - verifique no console do Bungee se está recebendo o endereço corretamente.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cO servidor web não está habilitado nesse servidor! Certifique-se que essa opção esteja habilitada no arquivo de configuração do Plan!
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §aDesativado '${0}' temporariamente até o próximo reload do plugin.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aFoi adicionado um novo usuário (${0})! Você pode ver o painel da web no link a seguir.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aCancelar operação realizada.
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || Visualizar a página do jogad
Command Help - /plan manage || Gerenciar o banco de dados do Plan
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Fazer backup do banco de dados
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Limpar o banco de dados
Command Help - /plan manage con || Depurar as conexões Servidor-Bungee
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Desativar um recurso temporariamente
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Alterar o banco de dados rapidamente
Command Help - /plan manage import || Importar dados de outro lugar
Command Help - /plan manage move || Mover dados entre banco de dados
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Remvoer dados de jogadores
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Restaurar último backup realizado
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Configurar uma conexão Servidor-Bungee
Command Help - /plan network || Visualizar a página da Network
Command Help - /plan players || Visualizar a página de Jogadores
Command Help - /plan qinspect || Visualziar informações do Jogador in-game
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Excluir um usuário web
Command Help - /plan web level || Informações sobre os níveis de permissão
Command Help - /plan web list || Listar usuários web
Command Help - /plan webuser || Gerenciar usuários web
Command Help - /planbungee con || Depurar conexões Bungee-Servidor
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Desativar o plugin temporariamente
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Alternar o modo de configuração
Database - Apply Patch || Aplicando o Patch: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || Todos os patchs de bancos de dados foram aplicados.
Database - Patches Applied Already || Todos os patchs de bancos de dados já foram aplicados.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || Processamento completo.
Disable - WebServer || O servidor web foi desativado.
Enable || Análise de Jogadores Ativado.
Enable - Database || ${0}-conexão com o banco de dados estabilizada.
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Tenha certeza que esse endereço está apontando para ESSE servidor: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || O IP no está vazio & o IP alternativo não está sendo usado. Os dados informados estão incorretos!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || A coleta de geolocalização está desativada. (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || O Plan requer acesso à internet na primeira execução para baixar o banco de dados de geolocalização do GeoLite2.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Falha ao autenticar
HTML - FAVORITE_SERVER || Servidor Favorito
HTML - GEOLOCATION || Geolocalização
HTML - GEOLOCATION_TEXT || Geolocalização
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Desempenho
HTML - NAV_PLAYERS || Jogadores
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Vida do Servidor
HTML - NETWORK || Network
@ -209,7 +191,6 @@ HTML - REGULAR || REGULARES
HTML - SERVER || Servidor
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Análise do Servidor
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Estimativa de Integridade do Servidor
HTML - SERVER_PREFERENCE || Preferência de servidor
HTML - SERVERS || Servidores
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || Tempo de Jogo por Mundo
HTML - WORST_PING || Pior Ping
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Acesso Negado
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || A análise está sendo atualizada..
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || A análise está sendo executada, atualize a página após alguns segundos..
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Certifique-se de ter registrado um usuário com <b>/plan register</b><br>- Verifique se o nome de usuário e a senha estão corretos<br>- O nome de usuário e senha fazem distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas, verifique se escreveu corretamente<br><br>Se você esqueceu sua senha, peça para um staff que exclua seu antigo usuário e registre um novo.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_401 || Falha na Autenticação.
@ -260,13 +239,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Comando Inspect\ Atuali
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Comando Manage\ Gerencia o banco de dados MySQL e SQLite do Plan.\ §2/plan m §fListar subcomandos\ §2/plan m <subcomando> ? §fConsulta mais detalhada
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Subcomando Backup\ Cria um novo banco de dados SQLite (arquivo .db) com o conteúdo atual do banco de dados na pasta plugin do Plan.
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Subcomando Clear\ Remove qualquer coisa ativa no banco de dados. Utilize com cuidado.
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Subcomando Connection Debug\ Usado para depurar conexões na network.\ Envia uma requisição para cada servidor do banco de dados.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Subcomando Disable\ Pode desativar recursos do plugin até o próximo reload.\ Argumentos válidos:\ §2kickcount §fDesativa as contagens de kick em caso de /kickall.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Subcomando Disable\ Pode desativar recursos do plugin até o próximo reload.\ Argumentos válidos:\ §2kickcount §fDesativa as contagens de kick em caso de /kickall.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Subcomando Import\ Importa dados de outras fontes.\ Argumentos válidos:\ §2offline §fDados de jogadores do Bukkit, somente datas de registro e nomes.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Subcomando Move\ Move dados do SQLite para o MySQL ou outro meio.\ O banco de dados de destino é limpo antes da transferência de dados.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Subcomando Remove\ Remover dados de jogadores do banco de dados ativo.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Restore Subcommand\ Restore a previous backup SQLite database (.db file)\ You can also restore database.db from another server to MySQL.\ Target database is cleared before transfer.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Subcomando Setup\ Configura uma conexão entre Bungee e um servidor para a funcionalidade da rede.\ O endereço Bungee pode ser encontrado no log de ativação no console quando o Plan é habilitado no Bungee.
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Comando Network\ Mostra o link para a página da network.\ Se não for uma network, essa página mostra a página do servidor.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Comando Players\ Mostra o link para a página de jogadores.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Comando Quick Inspect\ Mostra algumas informações sobre o jogador in-game.
@ -277,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Comando Update\ Usado p
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || > §2Comando de Gerenciado do Usuário Web.\ §2/plan web §fLista subcomandos\ §2/plan web <subcomando> ? §fConsulta mais detalhada
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Subcomando Register\ Registra um novo usuário web.\ Registrando um usuário web para outro jogador precisa da permissão plan.webmanage.\ Senhas são criptografadas com PBKDF2 (64,000 iterações de SHA1) sendo totalmente aleatórias.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Comando Disable\ Executa onDisable no PlanBungee.\ O plugin pode ser ativado com /planbungee reload.\ §bNão suporta a troca de JAR (caso seja isso, precisa reiniciar o servidor)
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Comando Set-up\ Alterna o modo de configuração no Bungee.\ É um método de segurança para que não haja invasão MySQL a partir de servidores fake.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || Dados em ${0} serão sobrescritos!
Manage - Confirm Removal || Dados em ${0} serão removidos!
Manage - Fail || > §cAlguma coisa deu errado: ${0}
@ -286,13 +262,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' não é um banco
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eImportador '${0}' não existe
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cNão é possível operar do mesmo banco de dados!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cAdicione o argumento '-a' para confirmar a execução: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eMotivo de falha:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cNenhum servidor encontrado no banco de dados.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eMotivo de falha: Versão do Plan muito antiga no servidor de recebimento
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eMotivo de falha: Não autorizado. O servidor pode estar usando um banco de dados diferente.
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eExceção ímpar: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || Importadores:
Manage - Notify External Url || §eEndereço é remoto, verifique se a porta está aberta
Manage - List Importers || Importadores:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eLembre-se de trocar para o novo banco de dados (/plan m hotswap ${0}) & reinicie o plugin.
Manage - Start || > §2Processando dados..
Manage - Success || > §aSucesso!

View File

@ -35,17 +35,6 @@ Cmd Qinspect - Player Kills || §2Oyuncu öldürme: §f${0
Cmd Qinspect - Playtime || §2Oynama süresi: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Registered || §2Kayıtlı: §f${0}
Cmd Qinspect - Times Kicked || §2Atılma sayısı: §f${0}
Cmd Setup - Allowed || §aŞuanda kuruluma izin verildi.
Cmd Setup - Bad Request || §eBağlantı başarılı, fakat yönlendirilmiş sunucu bir Bungee sunucusu değil. Bunun yerine Bungee adresini kullanın.
Cmd Setup - Disallowed || §cŞuanda kurulum yasaklandı
Cmd Setup - Forbidden || §eBağlantı başarılı, fakat Bungee kurulum modu kapalı - açmak için '/planbungee setup' komudunu kullanın.
Cmd Setup - Gateway Error || §eBağlantı başarılı, fakat Bungee bu sunucuya bağlanırken hata verdi (Geçerli web sunucusu yeniden başlatıldı mı?). Düzeltmek için /plan m con & /planbungee con komutlarını deneyin.
Cmd Setup - Generic Fail || §eBağlantı başarısız: ${0}
Cmd Setup - Internal Error || §eBağlantı başarılı. ${0}, sunucu ayıklama sayfasındayken hata loglarını incele.
Cmd Setup - Success || §aBağantı başarılı, Plan birkaç saniye içinde yeniden başlatılabilir..
Cmd Setup - Unauthorized || §eBağlantı başarılı, ancak alıcı sunucu bu sunucuyu onaylamadı. Destek için Discord'a başvurun
Cmd Setup - Url mistake || §cAdrsesi tam olarak girdiğine emin ol (http:// ya da https:// ile başlamalı) - Tam adres için Bungee loglarını kontrol et.
Cmd Setup - WebServer not Enabled || §cWebServer bu sunucuda aktif değil! Açılışta etkinleştirildiğinden emin ol!
Cmd SUCCESS - Feature disabled || §aKapatıldı '${0}' Plugin yeniden başlatılana kadar.
Cmd SUCCESS - WebUser register || §aYeni kullanıcı (${0}) başarıyla eklendi! Web panelini aşağıdaki linkte görebilirsiniz.
Cmd Update - Cancel Success || §aİşlem iptal edildi.
@ -67,14 +56,12 @@ Command Help - /plan inspect || Oyunucunun sayfasını göste
Command Help - /plan manage || Plan Veritabanını Yönet
Command Help - /plan manage backup || Veritabanını yedekler
Command Help - /plan manage clear || Veritabanını temizler
Command Help - /plan manage con || Server-Bungee bağlantı sorunlarını çözer
Command Help - /plan manage disable || Bir özelliği geçici olarak devre dışı bırakır
Command Help - /plan manage hotswap || Veritabının hızlıca değiştirir
Command Help - /plan manage import || Başka bir yerden veri alır
Command Help - /plan manage move || Veriyi Veritabanları arasında taşır
Command Help - /plan manage remove || Oyuncu bilgilerini siler
Command Help - /plan manage restore || Önceki bir Yedeği geri yükler
Command Help - /plan manage setup || Sunucu-Bungee kurulumunu yapar
Command Help - /plan network || Network sayfasını görüntüler
Command Help - /plan players || Oyuncu sayfasını görüntüler
Command Help - /plan qinspect || Oyuncu bilgilerini oyun içi gösterir
@ -88,9 +75,7 @@ Command Help - /plan web delete || Web kullanıcısın siler
Command Help - /plan web level || Yetki seviyeleri hakkında bilgi verir
Command Help - /plan web list || Web kullanıcılarını listeler
Command Help - /plan webuser || Web kullanıcılarını listeler
Command Help - /planbungee con || Bungee-Server bağlantı sorunlarını çözer
Command Help - /planbungee disable || Eklentiyi geçici olarak devre dışı bırakır
Command Help - /planbungee setup || Kurulum modunu değiştirir
Database - Apply Patch || Yama uygulanıyor: ${0}..
Database - Patches Applied || Yama tüm veritabanlarına başarıyla uygulandı.
Database - Patches Applied Already || Veritabanlarına yama zaten uygulanmış.
@ -103,7 +88,6 @@ Disable - Processing Complete || İşlenme tamamlandı.
Disable - WebServer || Websunucusu kapatıldı.
Enable || Oyuncu analizi aktif edildi.
Enable - Database || ${0}- Veritabanı bağlantısı kurulmuş.
Enable - Notify Address Confirmation || Bu sunucu adresini doğru girdiğine emin ol: ${0}
Enable - Notify Empty IP || IP adresi kısmı boş & AlternatifIP kullanılmıyor. Bu yüzden yanlış linkler verilecektir!
Enable - Notify Geolocations disabled || Coğrafi konum toplama etkin değil. (Data.Geolocations: false)
Enable - Notify Geolocations Internet Required || Plan GeoLite2 Geolocation veritabanını indirmek için ilk çalıştırmada internet erişimi gerektir.
@ -135,7 +119,6 @@ HTML - ERROR || Kimlik doğrulama hata nedeni
HTML - GEOLOCATION || Coğrafi Konum
HTML - HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Sağlık Tahmini
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ HTML - NAV_PERFORMANCE || Performans
HTML - NAV_PLAYERS || Oyuncular
HTML - NAV_PLUGINS || Pluginler
HTML - NAV_SESSIONS || Oturumlar
HTML - NAV_SEVER_HEALTH || Sunucu Sağlığı
HTML - NETWORK || Network
@ -209,8 +191,7 @@ HTML - REGULAR || DÜZENLİ
HTML - SEEN_NICKNAMES || Görülen takma adlar
HTML - SERVER || Sunucu
HTML - SERVER_ANALYSIS || Sunucu analizi
HTML - SERVER_HEALTH_ESTIMATE || Sunucu Sağlığı Tahmini
HTML - SERVERS || Sunucular
HTML - SESSION || Oturum
@ -242,8 +223,6 @@ HTML - WORLD_LOAD || WORLD LOAD
HTML - WORLD_PLAYTIME || Dünya OyunSüresi
HTML - WORST_PING || Kötü Ping
HTML ERRORS - ACCESS_DENIED_403 || Giriş reddedildi
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH || Analiz yenileniyor..
HTML ERRORS - ANALYSIS_REFRESH_LONG || Analiz çalıştırılıyor, birkaç saniye sonra sayfayı yenileyin..
HTML ERRORS - AUTH_FAIL_TIPS_401 || - Bir kullanıcıyı <b>/plan register</b><br>- ile kayıt ettiğinize emin olun ismin ve şifrenin doğru olup olmadığını kontol edin <br>- Kullanıcı adı ve şifre büyük / küçük harf duyarlıdır<br><br>Eğer şifreni unuttuysan, Yetkiliden sizi tekrar kayıt etmesini isteyin.
HTML ERRORS - AUTHENTICATION_FAIlED_401 || Kimlik doğrulama başarısız oldu.
HTML ERRORS - FORBIDDEN_403 || Yasaklanmış.
@ -260,13 +239,11 @@ In Depth Help - /plan inspect ? || > §2Denetleme Komutu\ Oyunc
In Depth Help - /plan manage ? || > §2Yönetme Komutu\ MySQL ve SQLite Plan veritabanını yönetin.\ §2/plan m §fList subcommands\ §2/plan m <subcommand> ? §fDaha fazla yardım
In Depth Help - /plan manage backup ? || > §2Yedekleme Alt Komutu\ Yeni bir SQLite Veritabanı (.db dosyası) Plan eklentisi klasöründeki etkin veritabanı içeriğiyle birlikte.
In Depth Help - /plan manage clear ? || > §2Temizleme Alt Komutu\ Aktf Veritabanlarındaki tüm bilgileri siler. Silmeden önce yedek alın ve herkesi uyarın.
In Depth Help - /plan manage con ? || > §2Bağlantı sorunlarını çözme alt komutu\ Networka bağlanma sorunlarını çözmek için kullanılır.\ Veritabanındaki her sunucuya bir istek gönderir.
In Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Devre Dışı Alt Komutu\ Eklentinin parçalarını bir sonraki yeniden yüklemeye kadar devre dışı bırakır.\ Kabul edilen argümanlar:\ §2Atılma sayısı §fKapatma makrosunda / kickall kullanılıyorsa kick sayımlarını devre dışı bırakır.
DELETE_FROMIn Depth Help - /plan manage disable ? || > §2Devre Dışı Alt Komutu\ Eklentinin parçalarını bir sonraki yeniden yüklemeye kadar devre dışı bırakır.\ Kabul edilen argümanlar:\ §2Atılma sayısı §fKapatma makrosunda / kickall kullanılıyorsa kick sayımlarını devre dışı bırakır.
In Depth Help - /plan manage import ? || > §2Import Subcommand\ Import data from other sources.\ Accepted Arguments:\ §2Çevrimdışı §fBukkit oyuncu verileri, sadece kayıt tarihi ve ismi.
In Depth Help - /plan manage move ? || > §2Veri konumu değiştirme alt Komutu\ Verileri SQLite'den MySQL'e veya başka bir yere taşıyın.\ Dosyaların gönderileceği Veritabanı aktarımdan önce temizlendi.
In Depth Help - /plan manage remove ? || > §2Silme alt Komutu\ Aktif Veritabanından oyuncu bilgilerini siler.
In Depth Help - /plan manage restore ? || > §2Onarım Alt Komutu\ Önceki bir yedek SQLite veritabanını geri yükler (.db dosyası)\ Ayrıca database.db dosyasını başka bir sunucudan MySQL'e geri yükleyebilirsiniz.\ Veriler gönderilmeden önce Veritabanı temizlenir.
In Depth Help - /plan manage setup ? || > §2Kurulum alt Komutu\ Bungeecord ile server Arasında bağlantı kurmalısın.\ Bungeeaddress planını aktif ettiğinde bungee konsolunda görünür.
In Depth Help - /plan network ? || > §2Network Komutu\ Ağ sayfasının bağlantısını görüntüler.\ Networkte değilse, bu sayfa sunucu sayfasını görüntüler.
In Depth Help - /plan players ? || > §2Oyuncu Komutu\ Oyuncular sayfasına olan bağlantıyı verir.
In Depth Help - /plan qinspect ? || > §2Hızlı Denetim Komutu\ Oyun içindeyken oyuncu hakkında bilgi verir.
@ -277,7 +254,6 @@ In Depth Help - /plan update ? || > §2Güncelleme Komutu\ Bir
In Depth Help - /plan web ? || < §2Web Kullanıcısı Yönetim Paneli Komutu.\ §2/plan web §fList subcommands\ §2/plan web <subcommand> ? §fIn Depth help
In Depth Help - /plan web register ? || > §2Kayıt Alt Komutu\ Yeni bir Web Kullanıcısı kaydeder.\ Bir kullanıcıyı başka bir oyuncuya kaydetmek plan.webmanage izni gerektirir.\ Şifreler, kriptografik olarak rasgele bir sıra kullanılarak PBKDF2 (64.000 iterasyon SHA1) ile karıştırıldı.
In Depth Help - /planbungee disable ? || > §2Devre Dışı Komutu\ Runs onDisable on PlanBungee.\ Plugin can be enabled with /planbungee reload afterwards.\ §bDoes not support swapping jar on the fly
In Depth Help - /planbungee setup ? || > §2Set-up toggle Command\ Bungee'deki kurulum modunu değiştirir.\ Başka bir sunucudan yetkisiz MySQL girişine karşı korunma.
Manage - Confirm Overwrite || ${0} içindeki verilen üzerinden yazılacak!
Manage - Confirm Removal || ${0} İçindeki Veri Silinecek!
Manage - Fail || > §cBirşey yanlış gidiyor: ${0}
@ -286,13 +262,7 @@ Manage - Fail Incorrect Database || > §c'${0}' Desteklenmeyen bi
Manage - Fail No Importer || §eAlıcı '${0}' yok
Manage - Fail Same Database || > §cAynı veritabanında veya benzerinde çalışamaz!
Manage - Fail, Confirmation || > §cKomutu onaylamak için '-a' komuta ekle: ${0}
Manage - Fail, Connection Exception || §eHata Sebebi:
Manage - Fail, No Servers || §cVeritabanında sunucu verileri bulunamadı.
Manage - Fail, Old version || §eHata Sebebi: Şuanda sunucuzda eski Plan versiyonu çalışıyor.
Manage - Fail, Unauthorized || §eHata Sebebi: Yetkisiz. Sunucu farklı veritabanı kullanıyor olabilir.
Manage - Fail, Unexpected Exception || §eOdd Exception: ${0}
Manage - List Importers || Importers:
Manage - Notify External Url || §eBöyle bir adres yok, lütfen portların açık olduğunu kontrol edin.
Manage - List Importers || Importers:
Manage - Remind HotSwap || §eRemember to swap to the new database (/plan m hotswap ${0}) & reload the plugin.
Manage - Start || > §2Veri işleniyor..
Manage - Success || > §aBaşarılı!