Added a try catch to the loading to inform user

This commit is contained in:
Rsl1122 2019-08-26 11:46:11 +03:00
parent f2b6040469
commit 1bc8fbed42
4 changed files with 556 additions and 524 deletions

View File

@ -815,162 +815,170 @@
<script src="js/network-values.js"></script>
setLoadingText('Calculating values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/network/overview", loadNetworkOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/servers", loadServerBoxes);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/sessionsOverview", loadSessionValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/playerbaseOverview", loadPlayerbaseOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/sessions", loadSessionAccordion);
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
try {
setLoadingText('Calculating values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/network/overview", loadNetworkOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/servers", loadServerBoxes);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/sessionsOverview", loadSessionValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/network/playerbaseOverview", loadPlayerbaseOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/sessions", loadSessionAccordion);
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
var v = {
colors: {
playersOnline: '${playersGraphColor}',
newPlayers: '#8BC34A',
geolocationsLow: '${worldMapColLow}',
geolocationsHigh: '${worldMapColHigh}',
maxPing: '${maxPingColor}',
minPing: '${minPingColor}',
avgPing: '${avgPingColor}'
// HighCharts Series
var s = {
name: {
playersOnline: 'Players Online',
uniquePlayers: 'Unique Players',
newPlayers: 'New Players',
maxPing: 'Worst Ping',
minPing: 'Best Ping',
avgPing: 'Average Ping'
tooltip: {
twoDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 2
zeroDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 0
var v = {
colors: {
playersOnline: '${playersGraphColor}',
newPlayers: '#8BC34A',
geolocationsLow: '${worldMapColLow}',
geolocationsHigh: '${worldMapColHigh}',
maxPing: '${maxPingColor}',
minPing: '${minPingColor}',
avgPing: '${avgPingColor}'
type: {
areaSpline: 'areaspline',
spline: 'spline'
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=playersOnline&server=${serverUUID}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var series = {
playersOnline: {
name:, type: s.type.areaSpline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.playersOnline, color: v.colors.playersOnline, yAxis: 0
// HighCharts Series
var s = {
name: {
playersOnline: 'Players Online',
uniquePlayers: 'Unique Players',
newPlayers: 'New Players',
maxPing: 'Worst Ping',
minPing: 'Best Ping',
avgPing: 'Average Ping'
tooltip: {
twoDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 2
zeroDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 0
playersChart('playersOnlineChart', series.playersOnline, 2);
} else if (error) {
$('#playersOnlineChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
type: {
areaSpline: 'areaspline',
spline: 'spline'
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=playersOnline&server=${serverUUID}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var series = {
playersOnline: {
name:, type: s.type.areaSpline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.playersOnline, color: v.colors.playersOnline, yAxis: 0
playersChart('playersOnlineChart', series.playersOnline, 2);
} else if (error) {
$('#playersOnlineChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=uniqueAndNew", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var uniquePlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.uniquePlayers, color: v.colors.playersOnline
var newPlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.newPlayers, color: v.colors.newPlayers
lineChart('uniqueChart', [uniquePlayers, newPlayers]);
} else if (error) {
$('#uniqueChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=serverPie", function (json, error) {
if (data) {
serverPieSeries = {
name: 'Server Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
colors: json.server_pie_colors,
data: json.server_pie_series_30d
serverPie('serverPie', serverPieSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#serverPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=activity", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
activityPie('activityPie', {
name: 'Players', colorByPoint: true, data: json.activity_pie_series
stackChart('activityStackGraph', json.activity_labels, json.activity_series, 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#activityPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#activityStackGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=geolocation", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var geolocationSeries = {
name: 'Players',
type: 'map',
mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/world'],
data: json.geolocation_series,
joinBy: ['iso-a3', 'code']
var geolocationBarSeries = {
color: '#4CAF50',
name: 'Players',
data: (bar) {
return bar.value
var geolocationBarCategories = (bar) {
return bar.label
worldMap('worldMap', v.colors.geolocationsLow, v.colors.geolocationsHigh, geolocationSeries);
horizontalBarChart('countryBarChart', geolocationBarCategories, [geolocationBarSeries], 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#worldMap').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#countryBarChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
setLoadingText('Sorting out plugin tables..');
jsonRequest("../v1/network/pingTable", loadPingTable);
responsive: true
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
var navButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-button");
var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
var slideIndex = window.sessionStorage.getItem("network_slide_index");
if (slideIndex === null) {
slideIndex = 0;
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=uniqueAndNew", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var uniquePlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.uniquePlayers, color: v.colors.playersOnline
var newPlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.newPlayers, color: v.colors.newPlayers
lineChart('uniqueChart', [uniquePlayers, newPlayers]);
} else if (error) {
$('#uniqueChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
var x = document.getElementById("content"); = "translate3d(0px,0px,0)"; = "" + navButtons.length * 100 + "%";
for (var i = 0; i < navButtons.length; i++) {
navButtons[i].onclick = openFunc(i);
tabs[i].style.width = "" + 100 / navButtons.length + "%";
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=serverPie", function (json, error) {
if (data) {
serverPieSeries = {
name: 'Server Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
colors: json.server_pie_colors,
data: json.server_pie_series_30d
serverPie('serverPie', serverPieSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#serverPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=activity", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
activityPie('activityPie', {
name: 'Players', colorByPoint: true, data: json.activity_pie_series
stackChart('activityStackGraph', json.activity_labels, json.activity_series, 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#activityPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#activityStackGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=geolocation", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var geolocationSeries = {
name: 'Players',
type: 'map',
mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/world'],
data: json.geolocation_series,
joinBy: ['iso-a3', 'code']
var geolocationBarSeries = {
color: '#4CAF50',
name: 'Players',
data: (bar) {
return bar.value
var geolocationBarCategories = (bar) {
return bar.label
worldMap('worldMap', v.colors.geolocationsLow, v.colors.geolocationsHigh, geolocationSeries);
horizontalBarChart('countryBarChart', geolocationBarCategories, [geolocationBarSeries], 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#worldMap').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#countryBarChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
setLoadingText('Sorting out plugin tables..');
jsonRequest("../v1/network/pingTable", loadPingTable);
responsive: true
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
var navButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-button");
var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
var slideIndex = window.sessionStorage.getItem("network_slide_index");
if (slideIndex === null) {
slideIndex = 0; = "1";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
} catch (loadingError) {
setLoadingText("Error occurred, see Developer Console (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Please report this: " + loadingError);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
throw loadingError;
var x = document.getElementById("content"); = "translate3d(0px,0px,0)"; = "" + navButtons.length * 100 + "%";
for (var i = 0; i < navButtons.length; i++) {
navButtons[i].onclick = openFunc(i);
tabs[i].style.width = "" + 100 / navButtons.length + "%";
} = "1";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
function openFunc(i) {
return function () {

View File

@ -737,67 +737,75 @@
<script src="js/player-values.js"></script>
setLoadingText('Loading player values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/player?player=${playerName}", function (json, error) {
loadPlayerOverviewValues(json, error);
loadSessionAccordion(json, error);
loadServerAccordion(json, error);
loadPlayerKills(json, error);
loadPlayerDeaths(json, error);
loadPvPPvEValues(json, error);
if (json) {
var series = {
worldPie: {
name: 'World Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
data: json.world_pie_series
worldPieGMs: json.gm_series,
punchCard: {
name: 'Relative Activity',
color: '#222',
data: json.punchcard_series
serverPie: {
name: 'Server Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
colors: json.server_pie_colors,
data: json.server_pie_series
punchCard("punchCard", series.punchCard);
worldPie("worldPie", series.worldPie, series.worldPieGMs);
serverPie('serverPie', series.serverPie);
sessionCalendar("#sessionCalendar", json.calendar_series, json.first_day);
} else if (error) {
$('#punchCard').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#worldPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#serverPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#sessionCalendar').text("Failed to load calendar data: " + error)
try {
setLoadingText('Loading player values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/player?player=${playerName}", function (json, error) {
loadPlayerOverviewValues(json, error);
loadSessionAccordion(json, error);
loadServerAccordion(json, error);
loadPlayerKills(json, error);
loadPlayerDeaths(json, error);
loadPvPPvEValues(json, error);
if (json) {
var series = {
worldPie: {
name: 'World Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
data: json.world_pie_series
worldPieGMs: json.gm_series,
punchCard: {
name: 'Relative Activity',
color: '#222',
data: json.punchcard_series
serverPie: {
name: 'Server Playtime',
colorByPoint: true,
colors: json.server_pie_colors,
data: json.server_pie_series
punchCard("punchCard", series.punchCard);
worldPie("worldPie", series.worldPie, series.worldPieGMs);
serverPie('serverPie', series.serverPie);
sessionCalendar("#sessionCalendar", json.calendar_series, json.first_day);
} else if (error) {
$('#punchCard').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#worldPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#serverPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#sessionCalendar').text("Failed to load calendar data: " + error)
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
setLoadingText('Sorting players table..');
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
var navButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-button");
var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
var slideIndex = window.sessionStorage.getItem("player_slide_index");
if (slideIndex === null) {
slideIndex = 0;
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
setLoadingText('Sorting players table..');
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
var navButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-button");
var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
var slideIndex = window.sessionStorage.getItem("player_slide_index");
if (slideIndex === null) {
slideIndex = 0;
var x = document.getElementById("content"); = "translate3d(0px,0px,0)"; = "" + navButtons.length * 100 + "%";
for (var i = 0; i < navButtons.length; i++) {
navButtons[i].onclick = openFunc(i);
tabs[i].style.width = "" + 100 / navButtons.length + "%";
} = "1";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
} catch (loadingError) {
setLoadingText("Error occurred, see Developer Console (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Please report this: " + loadingError);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
throw loadingError;
var x = document.getElementById("content"); = "translate3d(0px,0px,0)"; = "" + navButtons.length * 100 + "%";
for (var i = 0; i < navButtons.length; i++) {
navButtons[i].onclick = openFunc(i);
tabs[i].style.width = "" + 100 / navButtons.length + "%";
} = "1";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
function openFunc(i) {
return function () {

View File

@ -271,21 +271,29 @@
<script src="js/color-selector.js"></script>
jsonRequest("../v1/players", function (playersTableJson, error) {
if (playersTableJson) {
responsive: true,
columns: playersTableJson.columns,
order: [[5, "desc"]]
} else if (error) {
columns: [{title: "Error"}],
data: [["Failed to load Players table data: " + error]]
try {
jsonRequest("../v1/players", function (playersTableJson, error) {
if (playersTableJson) {
responsive: true,
columns: playersTableJson.columns,
order: [[5, "desc"]]
} else if (error) {
columns: [{title: "Error"}],
data: [["Failed to load Players table data: " + error]]
} catch (loadingError) {
window.alert("Error occurred, see Developer Console (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Please report this: " + loadingError);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
throw loadingError;

View File

@ -1290,323 +1290,331 @@
<script src="js/server-values.js"></script>
var x = document.getElementById("content");
try {
var x = document.getElementById("content");
setLoadingText('Calculating values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/serverOverview?server=${serverName}", loadServerOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/onlineOverview?server=${serverName}", loadOnlineActivityOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/sessionsOverview?server=${serverName}", loadSessionValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/playerVersus?server=${serverName}", loadPvPPvEValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/playerbaseOverview?server=${serverName}", loadPlayerbaseOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/performanceOverview?server=${serverName}", loadPerformanceValues);
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
setLoadingText('Calculating values..');
jsonRequest("../v1/serverOverview?server=${serverName}", loadServerOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/onlineOverview?server=${serverName}", loadOnlineActivityOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/sessionsOverview?server=${serverName}", loadSessionValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/playerVersus?server=${serverName}", loadPvPPvEValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/playerbaseOverview?server=${serverName}", loadPlayerbaseOverviewValues);
jsonRequest("../v1/performanceOverview?server=${serverName}", loadPerformanceValues);
setLoadingText('Rendering graphs..');
// TODO remove
var v = {
colors: {
playersOnline: '${playersGraphColor}',
newPlayers: '#8BC34A',
tpsLow: '${tpsLowColor}',
tpsMed: '${tpsMediumColor}',
tpsHigh: '${tpsHighColor}',
cpu: '#e0d264',
ram: '#7dcc24',
entities: '#ac69ef',
chunks: '#b58310',
geolocationsLow: '${worldMapColLow}',
geolocationsHigh: '${worldMapColHigh}',
punchCard: '#222',
maxPing: '${maxPingColor}',
minPing: '${minPingColor}',
avgPing: '${avgPingColor}'
values: {
tpsMed: ${tpsMedium},
tpsHigh: ${tpsHigh},
diskMed: ${diskMedium},
diskHigh: ${diskHigh},
firstDay: ${firstDay},
timezoneOffset: ${timeZone}
Highcharts.setOptions({lang: {noData: "No Data to Display"}, time: {timezoneOffset: v.timezoneOffset * 60}});
// HighCharts Series
var s = {
name: {
playersOnline: 'Players Online',
uniquePlayers: 'Unique Players',
newPlayers: 'New Players',
tps: 'TPS',
cpu: 'CPU Usage (%)',
ram: 'RAM Usage (Mb)',
entities: 'Loaded Entities',
chunks: 'Loaded Chunks',
maxPing: 'Worst Ping',
minPing: 'Best Ping',
avgPing: 'Average Ping',
disk: 'Free Disk Space (Mb)'
tooltip: {
twoDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 2
// TODO remove
var v = {
colors: {
playersOnline: '${playersGraphColor}',
newPlayers: '#8BC34A',
tpsLow: '${tpsLowColor}',
tpsMed: '${tpsMediumColor}',
tpsHigh: '${tpsHighColor}',
cpu: '#e0d264',
ram: '#7dcc24',
entities: '#ac69ef',
chunks: '#b58310',
geolocationsLow: '${worldMapColLow}',
geolocationsHigh: '${worldMapColHigh}',
punchCard: '#222',
maxPing: '${maxPingColor}',
minPing: '${minPingColor}',
avgPing: '${avgPingColor}'
zeroDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 0
values: {
tpsMed: ${tpsMedium},
tpsHigh: ${tpsHigh},
diskMed: ${diskMedium},
diskHigh: ${diskHigh},
firstDay: ${firstDay},
timezoneOffset: ${timeZone}
type: {
areaSpline: 'areaspline',
spline: 'spline'
zones: {
tps: [{
value: v.values.tpsMed,
color: v.colors.tpsLow
}, {
value: v.values.tpsHigh,
color: v.colors.tpsMed
}, {
value: 30,
color: v.colors.tpsHigh
disk: [{
value: v.values.diskMed,
color: v.colors.tpsLow
}, {
value: v.values.diskHigh,
color: v.colors.tpsMed
}, {
value: Number.MAX_VALUE,
color: v.colors.tpsHigh
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=performance&server=${serverName}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var series = {
playersOnline: {
name:, type: s.type.areaSpline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.playersOnline, color: v.colors.playersOnline, yAxis: 0
Highcharts.setOptions({lang: {noData: "No Data to Display"}, time: {timezoneOffset: v.timezoneOffset * 60}});
// HighCharts Series
var s = {
name: {
playersOnline: 'Players Online',
uniquePlayers: 'Unique Players',
newPlayers: 'New Players',
tps: 'TPS',
cpu: 'CPU Usage (%)',
ram: 'RAM Usage (Mb)',
entities: 'Loaded Entities',
chunks: 'Loaded Chunks',
maxPing: 'Worst Ping',
minPing: 'Best Ping',
avgPing: 'Average Ping',
disk: 'Free Disk Space (Mb)'
tooltip: {
twoDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 2
tps: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, color: v.colors.tpsHigh,
zones: s.zones.tps, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals, data: data.tps,
yAxis: 1
cpu: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: data.cpu, color: v.colors.cpu, yAxis: 2
cpu_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: data.cpu, color: v.colors.cpu, yAxis: 1
ram: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.ram, color: v.colors.ram, yAxis: 3
ram_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.ram, color: v.colors.ram, yAxis: 2
entities: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.entities, color: v.colors.entities, yAxis: 4
entities_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.entities, color: v.colors.entities, yAxis: 1
chunks: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.chunks, color: v.colors.chunks, yAxis: 5
chunks_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.chunks, color: v.colors.chunks, yAxis: 2
disk: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, color: v.colors.tpsHigh,
zones: s.zones.disk, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals, data: data.disk
zeroDecimals: {
valueDecimals: 0
playersChart('playersOnlineChart', series.playersOnline, 2);
performanceChart('performanceGraph', series.playersOnline, series.tps, series.cpu, series.ram, series.entities, series.chunks);
tpsChart('tpsGraph', series.tps, series.playersOnline);
resourceChart('resourceGraph', series.cpu_alt, series.ram_alt, series.playersOnline);
worldChart('worldGraph', series.entities_alt, series.chunks_alt, series.playersOnline);
diskChart('diskGraph', [series.disk]);
} else if (error) {
$('#playersOnlineChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#performanceGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#tpsGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#resourceGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#worldGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#diskGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
type: {
areaSpline: 'areaspline',
spline: 'spline'
zones: {
tps: [{
value: v.values.tpsMed,
color: v.colors.tpsLow
}, {
value: v.values.tpsHigh,
color: v.colors.tpsMed
}, {
value: 30,
color: v.colors.tpsHigh
disk: [{
value: v.values.diskMed,
color: v.colors.tpsLow
}, {
value: v.values.diskHigh,
color: v.colors.tpsMed
}, {
value: Number.MAX_VALUE,
color: v.colors.tpsHigh
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=aggregatedPing&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var series = {
avgPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: json.avg_ping_series,
color: v.colors.avgPing
maxPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: json.max_ping_series,
color: v.colors.maxPing
minPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: json.min_ping_series,
color: v.colors.minPing
lineChart('pingGraph', [series.avgPing, series.maxPing, series.minPing]);
} else if (error) {
$('#pingGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=performance&server=${serverName}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var series = {
playersOnline: {
name:, type: s.type.areaSpline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.playersOnline, color: v.colors.playersOnline, yAxis: 0
tps: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, color: v.colors.tpsHigh,
zones: s.zones.tps, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals, data: data.tps,
yAxis: 1
cpu: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: data.cpu, color: v.colors.cpu, yAxis: 2
cpu_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: data.cpu, color: v.colors.cpu, yAxis: 1
ram: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.ram, color: v.colors.ram, yAxis: 3
ram_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.ram, color: v.colors.ram, yAxis: 2
entities: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.entities, color: v.colors.entities, yAxis: 4
entities_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.entities, color: v.colors.entities, yAxis: 1
chunks: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.chunks, color: v.colors.chunks, yAxis: 5
chunks_alt: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.chunks, color: v.colors.chunks, yAxis: 2
disk: {
name:, type: s.type.spline, color: v.colors.tpsHigh,
zones: s.zones.disk, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals, data: data.disk
playersChart('playersOnlineChart', series.playersOnline, 2);
performanceChart('performanceGraph', series.playersOnline, series.tps, series.cpu, series.ram, series.entities, series.chunks);
tpsChart('tpsGraph', series.tps, series.playersOnline);
resourceChart('resourceGraph', series.cpu_alt, series.ram_alt, series.playersOnline);
worldChart('worldGraph', series.entities_alt, series.chunks_alt, series.playersOnline);
diskChart('diskGraph', [series.disk]);
} else if (error) {
$('#playersOnlineChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#performanceGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#tpsGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#resourceGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#worldGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#diskGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=worldPie&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var worldSeries = {name: 'World Playtime', colorByPoint: true, data: json.world_series};
var gmSeries = json.gm_series;
worldPie("worldPie", worldSeries, gmSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#worldPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=aggregatedPing&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var series = {
avgPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.twoDecimals,
data: json.avg_ping_series,
color: v.colors.avgPing
maxPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: json.max_ping_series,
color: v.colors.maxPing
minPing: {
type: s.type.spline,
tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: json.min_ping_series,
color: v.colors.minPing
lineChart('pingGraph', [series.avgPing, series.maxPing, series.minPing]);
} else if (error) {
$('#pingGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=activity&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
activityPie('activityPie', {
name: 'Players', colorByPoint: true, data: json.activity_pie_series
stackChart('activityStackGraph', json.activity_labels, json.activity_series, 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#activityPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#activityStackGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=worldPie&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var worldSeries = {name: 'World Playtime', colorByPoint: true, data: json.world_series};
var gmSeries = json.gm_series;
worldPie("worldPie", worldSeries, gmSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#worldPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=geolocation&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var geolocationSeries = {
name: 'Players',
type: 'map',
mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/world'],
data: json.geolocation_series,
joinBy: ['iso-a3', 'code']
var geolocationBarSeries = {
color: '#4CAF50',
name: 'Players',
data: (bar) {
return bar.value
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=activity&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
activityPie('activityPie', {
name: 'Players', colorByPoint: true, data: json.activity_pie_series
stackChart('activityStackGraph', json.activity_labels, json.activity_series, 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#activityPie').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#activityStackGraph').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=geolocation&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var geolocationSeries = {
name: 'Players',
type: 'map',
mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/world'],
data: json.geolocation_series,
joinBy: ['iso-a3', 'code']
var geolocationBarSeries = {
color: '#4CAF50',
name: 'Players',
data: (bar) {
return bar.value
var geolocationBarCategories = (bar) {
return bar.label
worldMap('worldMap', v.colors.geolocationsLow, v.colors.geolocationsHigh, geolocationSeries);
horizontalBarChart('countryBarChart', geolocationBarCategories, [geolocationBarSeries], 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#worldMap').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#countryBarChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=uniqueAndNew&server=${serverName}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var uniquePlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.uniquePlayers, color: v.colors.playersOnline
var newPlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.newPlayers, color: v.colors.newPlayers
lineChart('uniqueChart', [uniquePlayers, newPlayers]);
} else if (error) {
$('#uniqueChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=serverCalendar&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var clicked = false;
$('#online-calendar-tab').click(function () {
if (!clicked) {
onlineActivityCalendar('#calendar',, json.firstDay);
clicked = true;
} else if (error) {
$('#calendar').text("Failed to load calendar data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=punchCard&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var punchCardSeries = {
name: 'Relative Join Activity',
color: v.colors.punchCard,
data: json.punchCard
punchCard('punchCard', punchCardSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#punchCard').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
setLoadingText('Sorting players table..');
jsonRequest("../v1/players?server=${serverName}", function (playersTableJson, error) {
if (playersTableJson) {
responsive: true,
columns: playersTableJson.columns,
order: [[5, "desc"]]
var geolocationBarCategories = (bar) {
return bar.label
worldMap('worldMap', v.colors.geolocationsLow, v.colors.geolocationsHigh, geolocationSeries);
horizontalBarChart('countryBarChart', geolocationBarCategories, [geolocationBarSeries], 'Players');
} else if (error) {
$('#worldMap').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
$('#countryBarChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error);
} else if (error) {
columns: [{title: "Error"}],
data: [["Failed to load Players table data: " + error]]
jsonRequest("../v1/kills?server=${serverName}", loadPlayerKills);
jsonRequest("../v1/pingTable?server=${serverName}", loadPingTable);
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=uniqueAndNew&server=${serverName}", function (data, error) {
if (data) {
var uniquePlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.uniquePlayers, color: v.colors.playersOnline
var newPlayers = {
name:, type: s.type.spline, tooltip: s.tooltip.zeroDecimals,
data: data.newPlayers, color: v.colors.newPlayers
lineChart('uniqueChart', [uniquePlayers, newPlayers]);
} else if (error) {
$('#uniqueChart').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
responsive: true
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=serverCalendar&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var clicked = false;
$('#online-calendar-tab').click(function () {
if (!clicked) {
onlineActivityCalendar('#calendar',, json.firstDay);
clicked = true;
} else if (error) {
$('#calendar').text("Failed to load calendar data: " + error)
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
jsonRequest("../v1/graph?type=punchCard&server=${serverName}", function (json, error) {
if (json) {
var punchCardSeries = {
name: 'Relative Join Activity',
color: v.colors.punchCard,
data: json.punchCard
punchCard('punchCard', punchCardSeries);
} else if (error) {
$('#punchCard').text("Failed to load graph data: " + error)
jsonRequest("../v1/sessions?server=${serverName}", loadSessionAccordion);
setLoadingText('Sorting players table..');
jsonRequest("../v1/players?server=${serverName}", function (playersTableJson, error) {
if (playersTableJson) {
responsive: true,
columns: playersTableJson.columns,
order: [[5, "desc"]]
} else if (error) {
columns: [{title: "Error"}],
data: [["Failed to load Players table data: " + error]]
jsonRequest("../v1/kills?server=${serverName}", loadPlayerKills);
jsonRequest("../v1/pingTable?server=${serverName}", loadPingTable);
responsive: true
setLoadingText('Almost done..');
jsonRequest("../v1/sessions?server=${serverName}", loadSessionAccordion);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
} catch (loadingError) {
setLoadingText("Error occurred, see Developer Console (Ctrl+Shift+I) - Please report this: " + loadingError);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
throw loadingError;
function openPageFunc() {
var navButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-button");