4.5.2 SQLite Patch test

This commit is contained in:
Rsl1122 2018-12-31 17:09:45 +02:00
parent 33b97b0745
commit 844fe2178f
2 changed files with 150 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -150,11 +150,15 @@ public abstract class SQLDB extends Database {
public void init() throws DBInitException {
open = true;
void setOpen(boolean value) {
open = value;
public void scheduleClean(long secondsDelay) {
dbCleanTask = runnableFactory.create("DB Clean Task", new AbsRunnable() {
@ -175,6 +179,31 @@ public abstract class SQLDB extends Database {
Patch[] patches() {
return new Patch[]{
new Version10Patch(this),
new GeoInfoLastUsedPatch(this),
new SessionAFKTimePatch(this),
new KillsServerIDPatch(this),
new WorldTimesSeverIDPatch(this),
new WorldsServerIDPatch(this),
new IPHashPatch(this),
new IPAnonPatch(this),
new NicknameLastSeenPatch(this),
new VersionTableRemovalPatch(this),
new DiskUsagePatch(this),
new WorldsOptimizationPatch(this),
new WorldTimesOptimizationPatch(this),
new KillsOptimizationPatch(this),
new SessionsOptimizationPatch(this),
new PingOptimizationPatch(this),
new NicknamesOptimizationPatch(this),
new UserInfoOptimizationPatch(this),
new GeoInfoOptimizationPatch(this),
new TransferTableRemovalPatch(this)
* Ensures connection functions correctly and all tables exist.
* <p>
@ -186,28 +215,7 @@ public abstract class SQLDB extends Database {
try {
Patch[] patches = new Patch[]{
new Version10Patch(this),
new GeoInfoLastUsedPatch(this),
new SessionAFKTimePatch(this),
new KillsServerIDPatch(this),
new WorldTimesSeverIDPatch(this),
new WorldsServerIDPatch(this),
new IPHashPatch(this),
new IPAnonPatch(this),
new NicknameLastSeenPatch(this),
new VersionTableRemovalPatch(this),
new DiskUsagePatch(this),
new WorldsOptimizationPatch(this),
new WorldTimesOptimizationPatch(this),
new KillsOptimizationPatch(this),
new SessionsOptimizationPatch(this),
new PingOptimizationPatch(this),
new NicknamesOptimizationPatch(this),
new UserInfoOptimizationPatch(this),
new GeoInfoOptimizationPatch(this),
new TransferTableRemovalPatch(this)
Patch[] patches = patches();
try {
runnableFactory.create("Database Patch", new PatchTask(patches, locale, logger, errorHandler))
@ -263,7 +271,7 @@ public abstract class SQLDB extends Database {
public void close() {
open = false;
if (dbCleanTask != null) {

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package com.djrapitops.plan.system.database.databases.sql;
import com.djrapitops.plan.api.exceptions.database.DBInitException;
import com.djrapitops.plan.data.store.containers.ServerContainer;
import com.djrapitops.plan.data.store.keys.ServerKeys;
import com.djrapitops.plan.system.locale.Locale;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.logging.L;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.logging.console.TestPluginLogger;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.logging.error.ErrorHandler;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import rules.PluginComponentMocker;
import utilities.OptionalAssert;
import utilities.TestConstants;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* Test for the patching of Plan 4.5.2 SQLite DB into the newest schema.
* @author Rsl1122
public class SQLite452PatchRegressionTest {
public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
public PluginComponentMocker component = new PluginComponentMocker(temporaryFolder);
String serverTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_servers (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100), web_address varchar(100), is_installed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_players integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1)";
String usersTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_users (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, registered bigint NOT NULL, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, times_kicked integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)";
String userInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_user_info (user_id integer NOT NULL, registered bigint NOT NULL, opped boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, banned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String geoInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ips (user_id integer NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, geolocation varchar(50) NOT NULL, ip_hash varchar(200), last_used bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id))";
String nicknameTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_nicknames (user_id integer NOT NULL, nickname varchar(75) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, last_used bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String sessionsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_sessions (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_start bigint NOT NULL, session_end bigint NOT NULL, mob_kills integer NOT NULL, deaths integer NOT NULL, afk_time bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String killsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_kills (killer_id integer NOT NULL, victim_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, weapon varchar(30) NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(killer_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(victim_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String pingTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ping (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, max_ping integer NOT NULL, min_ping integer NOT NULL, avg_ping double NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String commandUseTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_commandusages (id integer PRIMARY KEY, command varchar(20) NOT NULL, times_used integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String tpsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_tps (server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, tps double NOT NULL, players_online integer NOT NULL, cpu_usage double NOT NULL, ram_usage bigint NOT NULL, entities integer NOT NULL, chunks_loaded integer NOT NULL, free_disk_space bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String worldsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_worlds (id integer PRIMARY KEY, world_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String worldTimesTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_world_times (user_id integer NOT NULL, world_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, survival_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creative_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, adventure_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spectator_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(world_id) REFERENCES plan_worlds(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id))";
String securityTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_security (username varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, salted_pass_hash varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, permission_level integer NOT NULL)";
String transferTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_transfer (sender_server_id integer NOT NULL, expiry_date bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, extra_variables varchar(255) DEFAULT '', content_64 varchar(1), part bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(sender_server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
String insertServer = "INSERT INTO plan_servers (uuid) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.SERVER_UUID + "')";
String insertUser = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_ONE_UUID + "', 'TestName', 1234)";
String insertUser2 = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_TWO_UUID + "', 'TestName2', 1234)";
String insertUserInfo = "INSERT INTO plan_user_info (user_id, registered, server_id) VALUES (1, 1234, 1)";
String insertIP = "INSERT INTO plan_ips (user_id, ip, geolocation, ip_hash, last_used) VALUES (1, '', 'Finland', 'hash', 1234)";
String insertNickname = "INSERT INTO plan_nicknames (user_id, nickname, server_id, last_used) VALUES (1, 'Nickname', 1, 1234)";
String insertSession = "INSERT INTO plan_sessions (user_id, server_id, session_start, session_end, mob_kills, deaths, afk_time) VALUES (1,1,1234,5678,2,2,2)";
String insertKill = "INSERT INTO plan_kills (killer_id, session_id, server_id, victim_id, weapon, date) VALUES (1,1,1, 2, 'Sword', 3456)";
String insertWorld = "INSERT INTO plan_worlds (server_id, world_name) VALUES (1, 'World')";
String insertWorldTimes = "INSERT INTO plan_world_times (user_id, server_id, world_id, session_id, survival_time) VALUES (1,1,1,1,1234)";
SQLiteDB underTest;
public void setUpDBWithOldSchema() throws DBInitException, SQLException {
underTest = component.getPlanSystem().getDatabaseSystem().getSqLiteFactory()
// Initialize database with the old table schema
// Insert data into the database
public void closeDatabase() {
public void testPatching() {
PatchTask patchTask = new PatchTask(underTest.patches(), new Locale(), new TestPluginLogger(), new ErrorHandler() {
public void log(L l, Class aClass, Throwable throwable) {
throw new AssertionError(throwable);
// Patching might fail due to exception.
// Make sure that a fetch works.
ServerContainer server = underTest.fetch().getServerContainer(TestConstants.SERVER_UUID);
OptionalAssert.equals(1, server.getValue(ServerKeys.PLAYER_KILL_COUNT));