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synced 2025-03-12 06:41:50 +01:00
Add a 'Click and Drag' text to calendar to highlight new functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ allprojects {
ext.minorVersion = '6'
ext.buildVersion = buildVersion
ext.fullVersion = project.ext.majorVersion + '.' + project.ext.minorVersion + ' build ' + project.ext.buildVersion
ext.fullVersionFilename = project.ext.majorVersion + '.' + project.ext.minorVersion + '-build-' + project.ext.buildVersion
ext.fullVersionSemantic = project.ext.majorVersion + '.' + project.ext.minorVersion + '+build.' + project.ext.buildVersion
// Fix for UTF-8 files showing with wrong encoding when compiled on Windows machines.
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ allprojects {
javadoc { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' }
logger.lifecycle("Building artifact for version $fullVersion / $fullVersionSemantic")
logger.lifecycle("Building artifact for version $fullVersion / $fullVersionFilename / $fullVersionSemantic")
subprojects {
// Build plugins
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ public enum HtmlLang implements Lang {
TITLE_SERVER("html.label.server", "Server"), // Can cause issue with datatables.js
TITLE_MOST_PLAYED_WORLD("html.label.mostPlayedWorld", "Most played World"),
TEXT_CLICK_TO_EXPAND("html.text.clickToExpand", "Click to expand"),
TEXT_CLICK_AND_DRAG("html.text.clickAndDrag", "Click and Drag for more"),
TITLE_SERVER_PLAYTIME_30("html.label.serverPlaytime30days", "Server Playtime for 30 days"),
TITLE_INSIGHTS("html.label.insights30days", "Insights for 30 days"),
LABEL_AFK_TIME("html.label.afkTime", "AFK Time"),
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "新用户注册成功!你现在可以登录了。"
usernameTip: "用户名最多可以包含 50 个字符。"
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "点击展开"
comparing15days: "对比 15 天的情况"
comparing30daysAgo: "对比 30 天前和现在的情况"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Uživatelské jméno může být dlouhé 50 znaků."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Klikněte pro rozbalení"
comparing15days: "Srovnání posledních 15 dní"
comparing30daysAgo: "Srovnání posledních 60 dní"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Klicke zum erweitern"
comparing15days: "Vergleiche 15 Tage"
comparing30daysAgo: "Vergleiche 30 Tage bis Jetzt"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Click to expand"
comparing15days: "Comparing 15 days"
comparing30daysAgo: "Comparing 30d ago to Now"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "El nombre de usuario no puede superar los 50 caracteres."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Haz clic para expandir"
comparing15days: "Comparando 15 dias"
comparing30daysAgo: "Comparando desde hace 30d hasta ahora"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Käyttäjä rekisteröitiin onnistuneesti! Voit nyt kirjautua."
usernameTip: "Käyttäjänimi voi olla enintään 50 merkkiä."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Klikkaa laajentaaksesi"
comparing15days: "Verrataan 15 päivää"
comparing30daysAgo: "Verrataan 30 päivää sitten nykyhetkeen"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Le Nom d'Utilisateur peut comporter jusqu'à 50 caractères."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Cliquez pour agrandir"
comparing15days: "Comparaison des 15 derniers Jours"
comparing30daysAgo: "Comparaison des 60 derniers Jours"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Clicca per espendere"
comparing15days: "Comparazione di 15 giorni"
comparing30daysAgo: "Comparazione di 30g fa a Ora"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "新規ユーザー登録が完了しました!ログインできるようになりました。"
usernameTip: "ユーザー名は50文字以内で指定します"
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "クリックして展開"
comparing15days: "直近15日との比較"
comparing30daysAgo: "30日前との比較"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "확장하려면 클릭"
comparing15days: "지난 15일 비교"
comparing30daysAgo: "지난 30일 비교"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Gebruikersnaam mag maximaal 50 tekens bevatten."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Klik om uit te breiden"
comparing15days: "15 dagen vergelijken"
comparing30daysAgo: "30 dagen tot nu vergelijken"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Click to expand"
comparing15days: "Comparing 15 days"
comparing30daysAgo: "Comparing 30d ago to Now"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Ник должен быть не длиннее 50 символов."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Нажмите, чтобы развернуть"
comparing15days: "Сравнение 15 дней"
comparing30daysAgo: "Сравнение 30 дней назад и сейчас"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "Kullanıcı adı 50 karaktere kadar olabilir."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Genişletmek için tıklayın"
comparing15days: "15 gün karşılaştırılıyor"
comparing30daysAgo: "30 gün öncesiyle şimdi karşılaştırılıyor."
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Ви успішно зареєстрували нового користувача! Тепер ви можете увійти в систему."
usernameTip: "Нікнейм має бути не довшим за 50 символів."
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "Натисніть, щоб розгорнути"
comparing15days: "Порівняння 15 днів"
comparing30daysAgo: "Порівняння 30 днів тому і зараз"
@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ html:
success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login."
usernameTip: "使用者名稱最多可以包含 50 個字符。"
clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more"
clickToExpand: "點擊展開"
comparing15days: "對比 15 天的情況"
comparing30daysAgo: "對比 30 天前和現在的情況"
@ -2,10 +2,22 @@ import React from "react";
import FullCalendar from '@fullcalendar/react'
import dayGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/daygrid'
import interactionPlugin from '@fullcalendar/interaction'
import {useTranslation} from "react-i18next";
import {FontAwesomeIcon} from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
import {faHandPointer} from "@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons";
const ServerCalendar = ({series, firstDay, onSelect}) => {
const {t} = useTranslation();
const explainerStyle = {
position: "absolute",
top: "0.5rem",
right: "1rem"
return (
<div id={'server-calendar'}>
<p style={explainerStyle}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHandPointer}/> {t('html.text.clickAndDrag')}</p>
plugins={[interactionPlugin, dayGridPlugin]}
Reference in New Issue
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