Night-mode: Dynamic saturation reduction

This commit is contained in:
Rsl1122 2019-09-22 10:53:24 +03:00
parent 1133fb982f
commit bd6c57c376

View File

@ -71,42 +71,94 @@
var nightMode = window.localStorage.getItem('nightMode') == 'true';
function nightModeColors() {
return '.bg-red {background-color: #D73B30;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-pink {background-color: #CD1A57;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-purple {background-color: #89229B;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-purple {background-color: #5B33A1;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-indigo {background-color: #37479F;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue {background-color: #1D84D6;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-blue {background-color: #0395D7;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-cyan {background-color: #00A5BB;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-teal {background-color: #008478;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-green {background-color: #439A46;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-green {background-color: #7AAC41;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-lime {background-color: #B4C232;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-yellow {background-color: #E0CF34;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-amber {background-color: #E0AA06;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-orange {background-color: #E08600;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-orange {background-color: #E04D1E;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-brown {background-color: #795548;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-grey {background-color: #9E9E9E;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue-grey {background-color: #546E7A;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-black {background-color: #555555;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-plan {background-color: #307E14;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-night {background-color: #44475a;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.col-red {color: #D73B30;}.col-pink {color: #CD1A57;}' +
'.col-purple {color: #89229B;}.col-deep-purple {color: #5B33A1;}' +
'.col-indigo {color: #37479F;}.col-blue {color: #1D84D6;}' +
'.col-light-blue {color: #0395D7;}.col-cyan {color: #00A5BB;}' +
'.col-teal {color: #008478;}.col-green {color: #439A46;}' +
'.col-light-green {color: #7AAC41;}.col-lime {color: #B4C232;}' +
'.col-yellow {color: #E0CF34;}.col-amber {color: #E0AA06;}' +
'.col-orange {color: #E08600;}.col-deep-orange {color: #E04D1E;}' +
'.col-brown {color: #795548;}.col-grey {color: #9E9E9E;}' +
'.col-blue-grey {color: #546E7A;}' +
'.col-plan {color: #307E14;}'
var saturationReduction = 0.70;
// From
function withReducedSaturation(colorHex) {
// To RGB
var r = parseInt(colorHex.substr(1, 2), 16); // Grab the hex representation of red (chars 1-2) and convert to decimal (base 10).
var g = parseInt(colorHex.substr(3, 2), 16);
var b = parseInt(colorHex.substr(5, 2), 16);
// To HSL
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max === min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
} else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
// To css property
return 'hsl(' + h * 360 + ',' + s * 100 * saturationReduction + '%,' + l * 95 + '%)';
var nightModeColors = '.bg-red {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#F44336') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-pink {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#E91E63') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-purple {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9C27B0') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-purple {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#673AB7') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-indigo {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#3F51B5') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#2196F3') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-blue {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#03A9F4') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-cyan {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#00BCD4') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-teal {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#009688') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-green {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#4CAF50') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-light-green {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#8BC34A') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-lime {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#CDDC39') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-yellow {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#ffe821') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-amber, {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FFC107') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-warning {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#f6c23e') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-orange {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF9800') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-deep-orange {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF5722') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-danger {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#e74a3b') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-brown {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#795548') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-grey {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9E9E9E') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-blue-grey {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#607D8B') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-black {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#555555') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-plan {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#368F17') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.badge-success {background-color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#1cc88a') + ';color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.bg-night {background-color: #44475a;color: #eee8d5;}' +
'.col-red {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#F44336') + ';}' +
'.col-pink {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#E91E63') + ';}' +
'.col-purple {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9C27B0') + ';}' +
'.col-deep-purple {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#673AB7') + ';}' +
'.col-indigo {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#3F51B5') + ';}' +
'.col-blue {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#2196F3') + ';}' +
'.col-light-blue {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#03A9F4') + ';}' +
'.col-cyan {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#00BCD4') + ';}' +
'.col-teal {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#009688') + ';}' +
'.col-green {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#4CAF50') + ';}' +
'.col-light-green {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#8BC34A') + ';}' +
'.col-lime {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#CDDC39') + ';}' +
'.col-yellow {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#ffe821') + ';}' +
'.col-amber, {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FFC107') + ';}' +
'.text-warning {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#f6c23e') + ';}' +
'.col-orange {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF9800') + ';}' +
'.col-deep-orange {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#FF5722') + ';}' +
'.text-danger {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#e74a3b') + ';}' +
'.col-brown {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#795548') + ';}' +
'.col-grey {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#9E9E9E') + ';}' +
'.col-blue-grey {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#607D8B') + ';}' +
'.col-plan {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#368F17') + ';}' +
'.text-success {color: ' + withReducedSaturation('#1cc88a') + ';}';
function changeNightModeCSS() {
if (nightMode) {
// Background colors from dracula theme
@ -119,7 +171,7 @@
'.collapse-item:hover, {background-color: #606270 !important;}' +
'.nav-tabs {background-color: #44475a !important;border-color:#6272a4 #6272a4 #44475a !important;}' +
'.fc-today {background:#646e8c !important}' +
nightModeColors() +
nightModeColors +
// Turn bright tables to dark