mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 06:41:50 +01:00
Refactored AnalysisData
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.Session;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.StickyData;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.TPS;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.element.AnalysisContainer;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.element.HealthNotes;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.plugin.PluginData;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.time.WorldTimes;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.settings.Settings;
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
private Map<String, Long> analyzedValues;
private Set<StickyData> stickyMonthData;
private List<PlayerProfile> players;
public AnalysisData() {
analyzedValues = new HashMap<>();
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
List<Session> allSessions = profile.getAllSessions();
allSessions.sort(new SessionStartComparator());
List<PlayerProfile> players = profile.getPlayers();
players = profile.getPlayers();
List<PlayerProfile> ops = profile.getOps().collect(Collectors.toList());
long playersTotal = got("playersTotal", players.size());
@ -126,37 +128,17 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
addValue("ops", ops.size());
addValue("playersTotal", playersTotal);
healthTab(now, monthAgo, players, tpsDataMonth);
healthTab(now, players, tpsDataMonth);
long totalPlaytime = profile.getTotalPlaytime();
addValue("playtimeTotal", playersTotal != 0 ? FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(totalPlaytime) : "No Players");
addValue("playtimeAverage", playersTotal != 0 ? FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(MathUtils.averageLong(totalPlaytime, playersTotal)) : "-");
private void healthTab(long now, long monthAgo, List<PlayerProfile> players, List<TPS> tpsDataMonth) {
double serverHealth = 100.0;
List<String> healthNotes = new ArrayList<>();
TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> activityData = new TreeMap<>();
long fourWeeksAgo = now - TimeAmount.WEEK.ms() * 4L;
if (!players.isEmpty()) {
for (PlayerProfile player : players) {
for (long date = now; date >= now - TimeAmount.MONTH.ms() * 2L; date -= TimeAmount.WEEK.ms()) {
double activityIndex = player.getActivityIndex(date);
String index = FormatUtils.readableActivityIndex(activityIndex)[1];
Map<String, Set<UUID>> map = activityData.getOrDefault(date, new HashMap<>());
Set<UUID> uuids = map.getOrDefault(index, new HashSet<>());
map.put(index, uuids);
activityData.put(date, map);
private void healthTab(long now, List<PlayerProfile> players, List<TPS> tpsDataMonth) {
TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> activityData = AnalysisUtils.turnToActivityDataMap(now, players);
Map<String, Set<UUID>> activityNow = activityData.getOrDefault(now, new HashMap<>());
Map<String, Set<UUID>> activityFourWAgo = activityData.getOrDefault(fourWeeksAgo, new HashMap<>());
String[] activityStackSeries = ActivityStackGraphCreator.createSeries(activityData);
String activityPieSeries = ActivityPieCreator.createSeriesData(activityNow);
@ -168,184 +150,14 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
Set<UUID> veryActiveNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Very Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> activeNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> regularNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Regular", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> veryActiveFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Very Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> activeFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> regularFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Regular", new HashSet<>());
addValue("playersRegular", (veryActiveNow.size() + activeNow.size() + regularNow.size()));
Set<UUID> regularRemainCompareSet = new HashSet<>(regularFWAG);
HealthNotes healthNotes = new HealthNotes(this, activityData, tpsDataMonth, now);
int activeFWAGNum = regularRemainCompareSet.size();
int notRegularAnymore = regularRemainCompareSet.size();
int remain = activeFWAGNum - notRegularAnymore;
double percRemain = remain * 100.0 / activeFWAGNum;
Set<UUID> regularNewCompareSet = new HashSet<>(regularNow);
int newActive = regularNewCompareSet.size();
int change = newActive - notRegularAnymore;
String remainNote = "";
if (activeFWAGNum != 0) {
remainNote = " ";
if (percRemain > 50) {
remainNote += Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse();
} else if (percRemain > 20) {
remainNote += Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse();
} else {
remainNote += Html.RED_WARN.parse();
serverHealth -= 2.5;
remainNote += " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(percRemain) + "% of regular players have remained active (" + remain + "/" + activeFWAGNum + ")";
if (change > 0) {
"<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Number of regular players has increased (+" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
} else if (change == 0) {
"<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Number of regular players has stayed the same (+" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
} else if (change > -20) {
"<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Number of regular players has decreased (" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
} else {
"<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Number of regular players has decreased (" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
serverHealth -= 10;
double avgOnlineOnRegister = MathUtils.averageInt(stickyMonthData.stream().map(StickyData::getOnlineOnJoin));
if (avgOnlineOnRegister >= 1) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " New Players have players to play with when they join ("
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(avgOnlineOnRegister) + " on average)</p>");
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " New Players may not have players to play with when they join ("
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(avgOnlineOnRegister) + " on average)</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
long newM = value("newM");
long stuckPerM = value("stuckPerM");
if (newM != 0) {
double stuckPerc = MathUtils.averageDouble(stuckPerM, newM) * 100;
if (stuckPerc >= 25) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(stuckPerc)
+ "% of new players have stuck around (" + stuckPerM + "/" + newM + ")</p>");
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(stuckPerc)
+ "% of new players have stuck around (" + stuckPerM + "/" + newM + ")</p>");
List<PlayerProfile> currentActivePlayers = players.stream()
.filter(player -> player.getActivityIndex(now) >= 1.75)
long twoWeeksAgo = now - TimeAmount.WEEK.ms() * 2L;
long totalFourToTwoWeeks = 0;
long totalLastTwoWeeks = 0;
for (PlayerProfile activePlayer : currentActivePlayers) {
totalFourToTwoWeeks += activePlayer.getPlaytime(monthAgo, twoWeeksAgo);
totalLastTwoWeeks += activePlayer.getPlaytime(twoWeeksAgo, now);
int currentlyActive = currentActivePlayers.size();
if (currentlyActive != 0) {
long avgFourToTwoWeeks = MathUtils.averageLong(totalFourToTwoWeeks, currentlyActive);
long avgLastTwoWeeks = MathUtils.averageLong(totalLastTwoWeeks, currentlyActive);
String avgLastTwoWeeksString = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(avgLastTwoWeeks);
String avgFourToTwoWeeksString = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(avgFourToTwoWeeks);
if (avgFourToTwoWeeks >= avgLastTwoWeeks) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Active players to have things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
} else if (avgFourToTwoWeeks - avgLastTwoWeeks > TimeAmount.HOUR.ms() * 2L) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Active players might to be running out of things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Active players might to be running out of things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
long serverDownTime = ServerProfile.serverDownTime(tpsDataMonth);
// long serverIdleTime = ServerProfile.serverIdleTime(tpsDataMonth);
double aboveThreshold = ServerProfile.aboveLowThreshold(tpsDataMonth);
long tpsSpikeMonth = value("tpsSpikeMonth");
String avgLowThresholdString = " ";
if (aboveThreshold >= 0.96) {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse();
} else if (aboveThreshold >= 0.9) {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse();
serverHealth *= 0.9;
} else {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.RED_WARN.parse();
serverHealth *= 0.6;
avgLowThresholdString += " Average TPS was above Low Threshold "
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(aboveThreshold * 100.0) + "% of the time";
if (tpsSpikeMonth <= 5) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
} else if (tpsSpikeMonth <= 25) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.95;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.8;
if (serverDownTime <= TimeAmount.DAY.ms()) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
} else if (serverDownTime <= TimeAmount.WEEK.ms()) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.6;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.3;
// healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.FA_COLORED_ICON.parse("red", "life-ring") + " Server was idle (No Players) "
// + FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverIdleTime) + " in total</p>");
StringBuilder healthNoteBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String healthNote : healthNotes) {
addValue("healthNotes", healthNoteBuilder.toString());
addValue("healthIndex", serverHealth);
addValue("healthNotes", healthNotes.parse());
addValue("healthIndex", healthNotes.getServerHealth());
private void commandUsage(Map<String, Integer> commandUsage) {
@ -424,6 +236,10 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
addValue("playersStuckPercMonth", newM != 0 ? FormatUtils.cutDecimals(MathUtils.averageDouble(stuckPerM, newM) * 100.0) + "%" : "-");
addValue("playersStuckPercWeek", newW != 0 ? FormatUtils.cutDecimals(MathUtils.averageDouble(stuckPerW, newW) * 100.0) + "%" : "-");
stuckPerDay(newDay, newMonth, newD, playersStuckPerMonth, playersStuckPerWeek);
private void stuckPerDay(List<PlayerProfile> newDay, List<PlayerProfile> newMonth, long newD, List<PlayerProfile> playersStuckPerMonth, List<PlayerProfile> playersStuckPerWeek) {
if (newD != 0) {
// New Players
stickyMonthData = newMonth.stream().map(StickyData::new).distinct().collect(Collectors.toSet());
@ -434,41 +250,9 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
int stuckPerD = 0;
for (PlayerProfile playerProfile : newDay) {
StickyData data = new StickyData(playerProfile);
Set<StickyData> similarM = new HashSet<>();
Set<StickyData> similarW = new HashSet<>();
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyMonthData) {
if (stickyData.distance(data) < 2.5) {
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyW) {
if (stickyData.distance(data) < 2.5) {
double probability = 1.0;
int stickM = 0;
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyStuckM) {
if (similarM.contains(stickyData)) {
probability *= (stickM / similarM.size());
int stickW = 0;
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyStuckW) {
if (similarW.contains(stickyData)) {
probability *= (stickW / similarW.size());
double probability = AnalysisUtils.calculateProbabilityOfStaying(
stickyMonthData, stickyW, stickyStuckM, stickyStuckW, playerProfile
if (probability >= 0.5) {
@ -566,7 +350,15 @@ public class AnalysisData extends RawData {
return v;
private long value(String key) {
public long value(String key) {
return analyzedValues.getOrDefault(key, 0L);
public Set<StickyData> getStickyMonthData() {
return stickyMonthData;
public List<PlayerProfile> getPlayers() {
return players;
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* Licence is provided in the jar as license.yml also here:
* https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/resources/license.yml
package main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.element;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.api.TimeAmount;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.AnalysisData;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.PlayerProfile;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.ServerProfile;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.StickyData;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.TPS;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.settings.Settings;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.FormatUtils;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.analysis.MathUtils;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.html.Html;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Class in charge of Server health analysis.
* @author Rsl1122
public class HealthNotes {
private final List<String> healthNotes;
private double serverHealth;
private final AnalysisData analysisData;
private final TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> activityData;
private final List<TPS> tpsDataMonth;
private final long now;
private final long fourWeeksAgo;
public HealthNotes(AnalysisData analysisData, TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> activityData, List<TPS> tpsDataMonth, long now) {
this.healthNotes = new ArrayList<>();
serverHealth = 100.0;
this.analysisData = analysisData;
this.activityData = activityData;
this.tpsDataMonth = tpsDataMonth;
this.now = now;
this.fourWeeksAgo = now - TimeAmount.WEEK.ms() * 4L;
public void analyzeHealth() {
public String parse() {
StringBuilder healthNoteBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String healthNote : healthNotes) {
return healthNoteBuilder.toString();
public double getServerHealth() {
return serverHealth;
private void activityChangeNote() {
Map<String, Set<UUID>> activityNow = activityData.getOrDefault(now, new HashMap<>());
Set<UUID> veryActiveNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Very Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> activeNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> regularNow = activityNow.getOrDefault("Regular", new HashSet<>());
Map<String, Set<UUID>> activityFourWAgo = activityData.getOrDefault(fourWeeksAgo, new HashMap<>());
Set<UUID> veryActiveFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Very Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> activeFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Active", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> regularFWAG = activityFourWAgo.getOrDefault("Regular", new HashSet<>());
Set<UUID> regularRemainCompareSet = new HashSet<>(regularFWAG);
int activeFWAGNum = regularRemainCompareSet.size();
int notRegularAnymore = regularRemainCompareSet.size();
int remain = activeFWAGNum - notRegularAnymore;
double percRemain = remain * 100.0 / activeFWAGNum;
int newActive = getNewActive(veryActiveNow, activeNow, regularNow, veryActiveFWAG, activeFWAG, regularFWAG);
int change = newActive - notRegularAnymore;
String remainNote = "";
if (activeFWAGNum != 0) {
remainNote = " ";
if (percRemain > 50) {
remainNote += Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse();
} else if (percRemain > 20) {
remainNote += Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse();
} else {
remainNote += Html.RED_WARN.parse();
serverHealth -= 2.5;
remainNote += " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(percRemain) + "% of regular players have remained active ("
+ remain + "/" + activeFWAGNum + ")";
if (change > 0) {
"<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Number of regular players has increased (+" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
} else if (change == 0) {
"<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Number of regular players has stayed the same (+" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
} else if (change > -20) {
"<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Number of regular players has decreased (" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
} else {
"<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Number of regular players has decreased (" + change + ")<br>" +
remainNote + "</p>");
serverHealth -= 10;
private void newPlayerNote() {
double avgOnlineOnRegister = MathUtils.averageInt(analysisData.getStickyMonthData().stream().map(StickyData::getOnlineOnJoin));
if (avgOnlineOnRegister >= 1) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " New Players have players to play with when they join ("
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(avgOnlineOnRegister) + " on average)</p>");
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " New Players may not have players to play with when they join ("
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(avgOnlineOnRegister) + " on average)</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
long newM = analysisData.value("newM");
long stuckPerM = analysisData.value("stuckPerM");
if (newM != 0) {
double stuckPerc = MathUtils.averageDouble(stuckPerM, newM) * 100;
if (stuckPerc >= 25) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(stuckPerc)
+ "% of new players have stuck around (" + stuckPerM + "/" + newM + ")</p>");
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " " + FormatUtils.cutDecimals(stuckPerc)
+ "% of new players have stuck around (" + stuckPerM + "/" + newM + ")</p>");
private void activePlayerPlaytimeChange() {
List<PlayerProfile> currentActivePlayers = analysisData.getPlayers().stream()
.filter(player -> player.getActivityIndex(now) >= 1.75)
long twoWeeksAgo = now - TimeAmount.WEEK.ms() * 2L;
long totalFourToTwoWeeks = 0;
long totalLastTwoWeeks = 0;
for (PlayerProfile activePlayer : currentActivePlayers) {
totalFourToTwoWeeks += activePlayer.getPlaytime(analysisData.value("monthAgo"), twoWeeksAgo);
totalLastTwoWeeks += activePlayer.getPlaytime(twoWeeksAgo, now);
int currentlyActive = currentActivePlayers.size();
if (currentlyActive != 0) {
long avgFourToTwoWeeks = MathUtils.averageLong(totalFourToTwoWeeks, currentlyActive);
long avgLastTwoWeeks = MathUtils.averageLong(totalLastTwoWeeks, currentlyActive);
String avgLastTwoWeeksString = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(avgLastTwoWeeks);
String avgFourToTwoWeeksString = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(avgFourToTwoWeeks);
if (avgFourToTwoWeeks >= avgLastTwoWeeks) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Active players to have things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
} else if (avgFourToTwoWeeks - avgLastTwoWeeks > TimeAmount.HOUR.ms() * 2L) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Active players might to be running out of things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
serverHealth -= 5;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Active players might to be running out of things to do (Played "
+ avgLastTwoWeeksString + " vs " + avgFourToTwoWeeksString
+ ", last two weeks vs weeks 2-4)</p>");
private void lowPerformance() {
long serverDownTime = ServerProfile.serverDownTime(tpsDataMonth);
double aboveThreshold = ServerProfile.aboveLowThreshold(tpsDataMonth);
long tpsSpikeMonth = analysisData.value("tpsSpikeMonth");
String avgLowThresholdString = " ";
if (aboveThreshold >= 0.96) {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse();
} else if (aboveThreshold >= 0.9) {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse();
serverHealth *= 0.9;
} else {
avgLowThresholdString += Html.RED_WARN.parse();
serverHealth *= 0.6;
avgLowThresholdString += " Average TPS was above Low Threshold "
+ FormatUtils.cutDecimals(aboveThreshold * 100.0) + "% of the time";
if (tpsSpikeMonth <= 5) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
} else if (tpsSpikeMonth <= 25) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.95;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse()
+ " Average TPS dropped below Low Threshold (" + Settings.THEME_GRAPH_TPS_THRESHOLD_MED.getNumber() + ")" +
" " + tpsSpikeMonth + " times<br>" +
avgLowThresholdString + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.8;
if (serverDownTime <= TimeAmount.DAY.ms()) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.GREEN_THUMB.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
} else if (serverDownTime <= TimeAmount.WEEK.ms()) {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.YELLOW_FLAG.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.6;
} else {
healthNotes.add("<p>" + Html.RED_WARN.parse() + " Total Server downtime (No Data) was "
+ FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(serverDownTime) + "</p>");
serverHealth *= 0.3;
private int getNewActive(Set<UUID> veryActiveNow, Set<UUID> activeNow, Set<UUID> regularNow, Set<UUID> veryActiveFWAG, Set<UUID> activeFWAG, Set<UUID> regularFWAG) {
Set<UUID> regularNewCompareSet = new HashSet<>(regularNow);
return regularNewCompareSet.size();
@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ package main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.analysis;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.api.TimeAmount;
import com.djrapitops.plugin.api.utility.log.Log;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.api.IPlan;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.PlayerProfile;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.Session;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.container.StickyData;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.time.GMTimes;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.data.time.WorldTimes;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.FormatUtils;
import main.java.com.djrapitops.plan.utilities.MiscUtils;
import java.sql.SQLException;
@ -164,4 +167,61 @@ public class AnalysisUtils {
return userSessions;
public static double calculateProbabilityOfStaying(Set<StickyData> stickyMonthData, Set<StickyData> stickyW, Set<StickyData> stickyStuckM, Set<StickyData> stickyStuckW, PlayerProfile playerProfile) {
StickyData data = new StickyData(playerProfile);
Set<StickyData> similarM = new HashSet<>();
Set<StickyData> similarW = new HashSet<>();
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyMonthData) {
if (stickyData.distance(data) < 2.5) {
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyW) {
if (stickyData.distance(data) < 2.5) {
double probability = 1.0;
int stickM = 0;
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyStuckM) {
if (similarM.contains(stickyData)) {
probability *= (stickM / similarM.size());
int stickW = 0;
for (StickyData stickyData : stickyStuckW) {
if (similarW.contains(stickyData)) {
probability *= (stickW / similarW.size());
return probability;
public static TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> turnToActivityDataMap(long time, List<PlayerProfile> players) {
TreeMap<Long, Map<String, Set<UUID>>> activityData = new TreeMap<>();
if (!players.isEmpty()) {
for (PlayerProfile player : players) {
for (long date = time; date >= time - TimeAmount.MONTH.ms() * 2L; date -= TimeAmount.WEEK.ms()) {
double activityIndex = player.getActivityIndex(date);
String index = FormatUtils.readableActivityIndex(activityIndex)[1];
Map<String, Set<UUID>> map = activityData.getOrDefault(date, new HashMap<>());
Set<UUID> uuids = map.getOrDefault(index, new HashSet<>());
map.put(index, uuids);
activityData.put(date, map);
return activityData;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user