- Moved to Maven project to solve dependencies
- > Added Chart4j (Google Charts) to render graphs and pie charts.
- More AnalysisUtils
- Added GMTimesChartCreator
Created two copies of the project, and left plugin yml with version so
version checking on current versions will not break.
Plan Lite:
- Current version
- Uses plugins to get the data
Plan Advanced:
- Will be almost complete rewrite of the plugin.
- Will be released as Plan 2.0.0 when ready
- Current Plan will be released as Plan Lite 1.6.3 when rewrite is
- Will gather data and save it
- Better consistency and Time axis to analysis.
- Better analysis, possibly web page creation for results
- Support for Plan Lite
- More options
Added attempt to determine if undefined data is usable
- Removed faulty towny import from Search
- Analysis now calculates averages from data point amount instead of
player amounts
- "-p" and playername removed from search arguments when -p is used