Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
30bce4e365 Made it possible to run tests in parallel by class 2018-12-18 17:16:33 +02:00
8161488747 [#777] Configuration format change
- Added a new config updater that can move and remove config values
- Updated the config format to be easier to understand and read.
- Made config updater update old configs to the new format
- Removed Settings enum
- Added generics to Setting, changed from interface to a class
- Created new classes that hold static Setting objects
- Added generics to PlanConfig
- Added PlanConfig#get for getting Setting with generic types.
- Moved config calls made during object initialization,
  possibly eliminating bugs that ignored config settings on first boot
- Added more export settings
- Added JSON Export (#700)
- Fixed Buycraft graph not following Locale setting for timestamps
- Extracted PluginBridge Bridge interface for mocking during tests
2018-12-08 11:44:10 +02:00
f0deb1ce20 Test clean-up with ComponentMocker class rules 2018-11-26 11:02:18 +02:00
Risto Lahtela
[Merge] Module split (#786)
* Moved project files to 'common'-module

This is done so that refactoring into multiple smaller modules is easier
as the IDE will not attempt to move tests incorrectly when moving things
between different modules

* Created 'bukkit' module

Following classes were removed during the operation:
- BukkitServerInfo (Renamed to ServerServerInfo)
- SpongeServerInfo (could use ServerServerInfo)
- Hastebin (not viable on every platform, unused)
- HastebinTest
- MockPlayers (unused, bukkit specific)

Changes to classes:
- Renamed Importer to BukkitImporter (contained bukkit related impl.)
- Extracted Importer interface from BukkitImporter
- Turned BukkitPlanModule and BukkitClassBindingModule to interfaces by
  using @Binds annotation
- Added Status class since PlayersOnlineListener had a boolean,
  that stated if kicks were counted.

This commit completes split partially and was not pushed on commit.

* Created 'sponge' module

Changes to classes:
- Turned ServerSuperClassBindingModule, SuperClassBindingModule,
  SpongePlanModule and SpongeClassBindingModule to interfaces by
  using @Binds annotation
- Renamed SystemObjectBindingModule to SystemObjectProvidingModule
- Removed sponge related calls in ServerProperties
- Made EmptyImportSystem injectable

This commit completes split partially and was not pushed on commit.

* Changed shade configuration

Further tweaks required.

* Created 'bungeecord' module

Changes to classes:
- Removed use of BungeePingTimerTask in VelocityTaskSystem
- Removed use of RedisBungee in VelocityServerProperties
- Fixed bukkit command.commands.RegisterCommandFilter package

Changes to project structure:
- Dependency versions now in main pom via dependencyManagement
- Repositories now defined in main pom

* Created 'velocity' module

Changes to classes:
- Made RawDataResponse use Gson via reflection since it is no longer
  available in dependencies of 'common' module

* Created 'plugin' module

This module is for creating a single deployment artifact and testing of
system interactions.

Fixes to tests:
- Reflection no longer fails to initialize if Bukkit.getServer() is null
- PingCountTimerBukkit no longer fails to be created if Reflection fails
- Removed unnecessary @AfterClass from H2Test
- Jar resource path fixes to Mocker

* Shading configuration

org.slf4j classes are relocated in 'common', 'bukkit' & 'bungeecord'.
In 'sponge' & 'velocity' they are not relocated, allowing injection
as plugin logger, while using slf4j-nop for HikariCP logging.

This allows single release artifact.

* Removed 'Icon' from .gitignore

* Attempt to fix test resources

Because all jar resources are located in 'common', an attempt to fetch
them is made to common/target/Plan-common.jar, which for some reason
is a bad path.

This attempts to remedy that by creating a temporary file from an
InputStream, read with Class#getResourceAsStream

Ignored HTTPSWebServerAuthTest as the certificate path was invalid for
some reason.
2018-11-11 12:55:09 +02:00