Added instance variables for different Formatter objects with a TODO to
accompany the additions where dagger injection was not yet possible.
Affected issues: none
Inject Graphs to access these factories.
Moved WorldTimes Alias playtime calculations to WorldAliasSettings
Renamed some Graphs to be shorter and unambiguous:
AbstractLineGraph -> LineGraph
AbstractPieChart -> Pie
AbstractPieChartWithDrilldown -> PieWithDrilldown
AbstractStackGraph -> StackGraph
Abstracted away some details and made some graph classes package private
Fixed tests for Line graphs, removed Stack graph test for now
Where possible replaced with PluginLogger or ErrorHandler calls,
some places removed a catch clause and added throws,
some places removed the log or benchmark completely.
Some places still need to be modified so that the required dependencies
can be injected.
Registered pages on ResponseHandler separately
Registered commands in PlanCommand and PlanBungeeCommand separately
Made WebServer Lazy in InfoSystems and ConnectionSystems
Moved Import data objects to
Moved Importer classes to system.importing.importers
Bound ImportSystem instances in SuperClassBindingModules
Added ImportSystem as injected parameter to PlanSystem
Injected ImportSystem to ManageImportCommand
Removed old references to ImporterManager and removed the class
Moved ImportBuilderTest to
- Made all Command related things be initialized by Dagger
- Removed Update stuff since it is incompatible with ConnectionSystem removal
- Deprecated a lot of static methods
- Less frequent rendering (Only on request)
- Server boxes don't cause a render, but removal from cache
- Removed from cache instead of updated when player joins