- Changed data format to include the Type the data is for easier
analysis (Of Future data and API Using plugins)
- API Changes:
- Hook moved to com.djrapitops.plan.api
- Hook now returns HashMap<Strring, DataPoint>
- added DataPoint to ..plan.api
- added DataType Enum to ..plan.api
- New format uses: data.put("XXX-Key", new Datapoint(String data,
Enum(DataType) datatype));
- Depricated getData(String playername) that returns old format of data,
still returns correct format
- Depricated getAllData(String playername)
- Move to get(All)Data(String name, boolean [anything]) to get the new
format of data.
- Added Player Logger Hook
- Added Info Command that gives version, hooks and checks for new
- Check for new version upon startup
Added attempt to determine if undefined data is usable
- Removed faulty towny import from Search
- Analysis now calculates averages from data point amount instead of
player amounts
- "-p" and playername removed from search arguments when -p is used
Changed some for each methods to use parallelStream.foreach instead -
this should speed up the inspect and analyze queries, especially when
the data set is large.
Changed version to 1.5.0
- Search command will be added this version.
- Possibly seperate analysis utility package incoming.
Fixed AAHook using wrong method. (Coding when tired is not good!)
Flipped operation for usingUUID
Added comments for later in case I forget what happens in DataUtils and
Added "* 1.0" to some calculations in analysis just to make sure
returned values are doubles.
Added AA 4.0.3 Offline player support and analysis feature.
Ready for release once AA 4.0.3 is released.
Fixed API adding extra hook not showing up before reload
Added 4 data formatting methods to API.
Added AAC-ACHIEVEMENTS analysis, but did not add it to list of analyzed
tags - waiting for dev to implement new method for offline players
Removed analysis from Config because command reloading would be pain in
the ass to implement.
Optimized code:
- Moved analyze to DataUtils
- Removed some duplicate code from Analyze and InspectCommand