- Removed getData for plugins that did not offer OfflinePlayer support.
- PlaceholderAPI is no longer returns data.
- placeholders.yml is no longer read or created.
- Unsupported Advanced Achievements versions no longer return data.
- Fixed Essentials Online Since, now shows proper value. (Was using afk
check method instead of LastLogin.)
- Essentials Offline Since now shows correct value even after reloads
(Same cause as above)
- Fixed Analysis failing because Time Average could not be converted to
long from double. (Caused by DataType.TIME values)
- Hooks no longer return data if player has not played on the server.
- Replaced some null checks with Optional.of().isPresent()
- Changed data format to include the Type the data is for easier
analysis (Of Future data and API Using plugins)
- API Changes:
- Hook moved to com.djrapitops.plan.api
- Hook now returns HashMap<Strring, DataPoint>
- added DataPoint to ..plan.api
- added DataType Enum to ..plan.api
- New format uses: data.put("XXX-Key", new Datapoint(String data,
Enum(DataType) datatype));
- Depricated getData(String playername) that returns old format of data,
still returns correct format
- Depricated getAllData(String playername)
- Move to get(All)Data(String name, boolean [anything]) to get the new
format of data.
- Added Player Logger Hook
- Added Info Command that gives version, hooks and checks for new
- Check for new version upon startup
Added attempt to determine if undefined data is usable
- Removed faulty towny import from Search
- Analysis now calculates averages from data point amount instead of
player amounts
- "-p" and playername removed from search arguments when -p is used
Fixed API adding extra hook not showing up before reload
Added 4 data formatting methods to API.
Added AAC-ACHIEVEMENTS analysis, but did not add it to list of analyzed
tags - waiting for dev to implement new method for offline players
Removed analysis from Config because command reloading would be pain in
the ass to implement.
Optimized code:
- Moved analyze to DataUtils
- Removed some duplicate code from Analyze and InspectCommand