
156 lines
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* This file is part of Player Analytics (Plan).
* Plan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Plan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Plan. If not, see <>.
import com.djrapitops.plan.settings.config.PlanConfig;
import com.djrapitops.plan.settings.config.paths.WebserverSettings;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* In charge of correcting the root address in the javascript bundle.
* <p>
* The javascript bundle assumes everything is hosted at /,
* but hosting settings affect the address and it could be hosted at a subdirectory like /plan/
* @author AuroraLS3
public class BundleAddressCorrection {
private static final String STATIC = "static";
private static final Pattern JAVASCRIPT_ADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\"(\\./|/?static)(.+?)\\.(json|js|css)\"");
private final PlanConfig config;
private final Addresses addresses;
public BundleAddressCorrection(PlanConfig config, Addresses addresses) {
this.config = config;
this.addresses = addresses;
private String getExportBasePath() {
return addresses.getBasePath(config.get(WebserverSettings.EXTERNAL_LINK));
private String getWebserverBasePath() {
String address = addresses.getMainAddress()
return addresses.getBasePath(address);
public String correctAddressForWebserver(String content, String fileName) {
String basePath = getWebserverBasePath();
return correctAddress(content, fileName, basePath);
public String correctAddressForExport(String content, String fileName) {
String basePath = getExportBasePath();
return correctAddress(content, fileName, basePath);
// basePath is either empty if the address doesn't have a subdirectory, or a subdirectory.
private String correctAddress(String content, String fileName, String basePath) {
if (fileName.endsWith(".css")) {
return correctAddressInCss(content, basePath);
} else if (fileName.endsWith(".js")) {
return correctAddressInJavascript(content, basePath);
} else if ("index.html".equals(fileName)) {
return correctAddressInHtml(content, basePath);
return content;
private String correctAddressInHtml(String content, String basePath) {
String endingSlash = basePath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/";
return StringUtils.replaceEach(content,
new String[]{"src=\"/", "href=\"/"},
new String[]{"src=\"" + basePath + endingSlash, "href=\"" + basePath + endingSlash});
private String correctAddressInCss(String content, String basePath) {
String endingSlash = basePath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/";
return StringUtils.replace(content, "/static", basePath + endingSlash + STATIC);
private String correctAddressInJavascript(String content, String basePath) {
int lastIndex = 0;
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
Matcher matcher = JAVASCRIPT_ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(content);
while (matcher.find()) {
String addressStart =;
String file =;
String extension =;
int startIndex = matcher.start();
int endIndex = matcher.end();
// If basePath is empty the website is hosted at root of the tree /
boolean atUrlRoot = basePath.isEmpty();
// This handles /static and static representation
boolean startsWithSlash = addressStart.startsWith("/");
String startingSlash = startsWithSlash ? "/" : "";
// This handles basePath containing a slash after subdirectory, such as /plan/ instead of /plan
String endingSlash = basePath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/";
// Without subdirectory we can use the address as is, and it doesn't need changes,
// otherwise we can add the directory to the start.
String staticReplacement = atUrlRoot
? startingSlash + STATIC
: basePath + endingSlash + STATIC;
String relativeReplacement = atUrlRoot
? "./"
: basePath + endingSlash + "static/";
// Replaces basePath starting slash if the replaced thing does not start with slash
if (!startsWithSlash && staticReplacement.startsWith("/")) {
staticReplacement = staticReplacement.substring(1);
// Replacement examples when basepath is empty, "/plan" or "/plan/"
// "./Filename-hash.js" -> "./Filename-hash.js" or "/plan/static/Filename-hash.js"
// "/static/Filename-hash.js" -> "/static/Filename-hash.js" or "/plan/static/Filename-hash.js"
// "static/Filename-hash.js" -> "static/Filename-hash.js" or "plan/static/Filename-hash.js"
String replacementAddress = StringUtils.equalsAny(addressStart, "/static", STATIC)
? staticReplacement
: relativeReplacement;
String replacement = '"' + replacementAddress + file + '.' + extension + '"';
output.append(content, lastIndex, startIndex) // Append non-match
.append(replacement); // Append replaced address
lastIndex = endIndex;
// Append rest of the content that didn't match
if (lastIndex < content.length()) {
output.append(content, lastIndex, content.length());
return output.toString();