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import java.util.Date;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
* @author Rsl1122
public class FormatUtilsTest {
public FormatUtilsTest() {
public void testFormatTimeAmount() {
String string = "" + 1000L;
String expResult = "1s";
String result = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmount(string);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testFormatTimeAmountSinceDate() {
Date before = new Date(300000L);
Date now = new Date(310000L);
String expResult = "10s";
String result = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmountSinceDate(before, now);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testFormatTimeStamp() {
String string = "0";
String expResult = "Jan 01 02:00:00";
String result = FormatUtils.formatTimeStamp(string);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testFormatTimeAmountSinceString() {
String string = "" + new Date(310000L).toInstant().getEpochSecond() * 1000L;
Date now = new Date(300000L);
String expResult = "10s";
String result = FormatUtils.formatTimeAmountSinceString(string, now);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testRemoveLetters() {
String dataPoint = "435729847jirggu.eiwb¤#¤%¤#";
String expResult = "435729847.";
String result = FormatUtils.removeLetters(dataPoint);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testRemoveNumbers() {
String dataPoint = "34532453.5 $";
String expResult = "$";
String result = FormatUtils.removeNumbers(dataPoint);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testRemoveNumbers2() {
String dataPoint = "l43r4545tl43 4.5";
String expResult = "lrtl";
String result = FormatUtils.removeNumbers(dataPoint);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testParseVersionNumber() {
String versionString = "2.10.2";
int expResult = 21002;
int result = FormatUtils.parseVersionNumber(versionString);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testVersionNumber() {
String versionString = "2.10.2";
String versionString2 = "2.9.3";
int result = FormatUtils.parseVersionNumber(versionString);
int result2 = FormatUtils.parseVersionNumber(versionString2);
assertTrue("Higher version not higher", result > result2);
public void testMergeArrays() {
String[][] arrays = new String[][]{new String[]{"Test", "One"}, new String[]{"Test", "Two"}};
String[] expResult = new String[]{"Test", "One", "Test","Two"};
String[] result = FormatUtils.mergeArrays(arrays);
assertArrayEquals(expResult, result);
public void testFormatLocation() {
World mockWorld = MockUtils.mockWorld();
Location loc = new Location(mockWorld, 0, 0, 0);
String expResult = "x 0 z 0 in World";
String result = FormatUtils.formatLocation(loc);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testCutDecimals() {
double d = 0.05234;
String expResult = "0,05";
String result = FormatUtils.cutDecimals(d);
assertEquals(expResult, result);
public void testCutDecimals2() {
double d = 0.05634;
String expResult = "0,06";
String result = FormatUtils.cutDecimals(d);
assertEquals(expResult, result);