
316 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of Player Analytics (Plan).
* Plan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Plan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Plan. If not, see <>.
import com.djrapitops.plan.identification.ServerUUID;
import org.apache.commons.text.TextStringBuilder;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
import static*;
public class JoinAddressQueries {
private JoinAddressQueries() {
/* Static method class */
public static Query<Map<String, Integer>> latestJoinAddresses() {
String selectLatestJoinAddresses = SELECT +
"COUNT(1) as total," +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " a" +
LEFT_JOIN + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " b on a." + SessionsTable.ID + "<b." + SessionsTable.ID +
AND + "a." + SessionsTable.USER_ID + "=b." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
INNER_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on j." + JoinAddressTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID +
WHERE + "b." + SessionsTable.ID + IS_NULL +
GROUP_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
ORDER_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " ASC";
return db -> db.queryMap(selectLatestJoinAddresses, JoinAddressQueries::extractJoinAddressCounts, TreeMap::new);
private static void extractJoinAddressCounts(ResultSet set, Map<String, Integer> joinAddresses) throws SQLException {
joinAddresses.put(set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS), set.getInt("total"));
private static void extractJoinAddress(ResultSet set, Map<UUID, String> joinAddresses) throws SQLException {
joinAddresses.put(UUID.fromString(set.getString(UsersTable.USER_UUID)), set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS));
public static Query<Map<String, Integer>> latestJoinAddresses(ServerUUID serverUUID) {
String selectLatestSessionStarts = SELECT + SessionsTable.USER_ID + ",MAX(" + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + ") as max_start" +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " max_s" +
WHERE + "max_s." + SessionsTable.SERVER_ID + "=" + ServerTable.SELECT_SERVER_ID +
GROUP_BY + SessionsTable.USER_ID;
String selectLatestJoinAddressIds = SELECT + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s" +
INNER_JOIN + "(" + selectLatestSessionStarts + ") q1 on q1." + SessionsTable.USER_ID + "=s." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
AND + "q1.max_start=s." + SessionsTable.SESSION_START;
String selectJoinAddressCounts = SELECT +
"COUNT(1) as total," +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + "(" + selectLatestJoinAddressIds + ") a" +
INNER_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on j." + JoinAddressTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID +
GROUP_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
ORDER_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " ASC";
return db -> db.queryMap(selectJoinAddressCounts, JoinAddressQueries::extractJoinAddressCounts, TreeMap::new, serverUUID);
public static Query<Map<UUID, String>> latestJoinAddressesOfPlayers() {
String selectLatestSessionStarts = SELECT + SessionsTable.USER_ID + ",MAX(" + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + ") as max_start" +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " max_s" +
GROUP_BY + SessionsTable.USER_ID;
String selectLatestJoinAddressIds = SELECT + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + ",s." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s" +
INNER_JOIN + "(" + selectLatestSessionStarts + ") q1 on q1." + SessionsTable.USER_ID + "=s." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
AND + "q1.max_start=s." + SessionsTable.SESSION_START;
String selectJoinAddress = SELECT +
UsersTable.USER_UUID + ',' +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + "(" + selectLatestJoinAddressIds + ") a" +
INNER_JOIN + UsersTable.TABLE_NAME + " u on u." + UsersTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
INNER_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on j." + JoinAddressTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID;
return db -> db.queryMap(selectJoinAddress, JoinAddressQueries::extractJoinAddress, HashMap::new);
public static Query<Map<UUID, String>> latestJoinAddressesOfPlayers(ServerUUID serverUUID) {
String selectLatestSessionStarts = SELECT + SessionsTable.USER_ID + ",MAX(" + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + ") as max_start" +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " max_s" +
WHERE + "max_s." + SessionsTable.SERVER_ID + "=" + ServerTable.SELECT_SERVER_ID +
GROUP_BY + SessionsTable.USER_ID;
String selectLatestJoinAddressIds = SELECT + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + ",s." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s" +
INNER_JOIN + "(" + selectLatestSessionStarts + ") q1 on q1." + SessionsTable.USER_ID + "=s." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
AND + "q1.max_start=s." + SessionsTable.SESSION_START;
String selectJoinAddress = SELECT +
UsersTable.USER_UUID + ',' +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + "(" + selectLatestJoinAddressIds + ") a" +
INNER_JOIN + UsersTable.TABLE_NAME + " u on u." + UsersTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
INNER_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on j." + JoinAddressTable.ID + "=a." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID;
return db -> db.queryMap(selectJoinAddress, JoinAddressQueries::extractJoinAddress, HashMap::new, serverUUID);
public static QueryStatement<List<String>> allJoinAddresses() {
String sql = SELECT + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME +
ORDER_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " ASC";
return new QueryAllStatement<>(sql, 100) {
public List<String> processResults(ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
List<String> joinAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
while ( joinAddresses.add(set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS));
return joinAddresses;
public static QueryStatement<List<String>> allJoinAddresses(ServerUUID serverUUID) {
String sql = SELECT + DISTINCT + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS +
FROM + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j" +
INNER_JOIN + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s ON s." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + "=j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
WHERE + SessionsTable.SERVER_ID + "=" + ServerTable.SELECT_SERVER_ID +
ORDER_BY + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " ASC";
return new QueryStatement<>(sql, 100) {
public void prepare(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
statement.setString(1, serverUUID.toString());
public List<String> processResults(ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
List<String> joinAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
while ( joinAddresses.add(set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS));
return joinAddresses;
public static Query<List<String>> uniqueJoinAddresses() {
return db -> {
List<String> addresses = db.query(allJoinAddresses());
if (!addresses.contains(JoinAddressTable.DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_LOOKUP)) {
return addresses;
public static Query<List<String>> uniqueJoinAddresses(ServerUUID serverUUID) {
return db -> {
List<String> addresses = db.query(allJoinAddresses(serverUUID));
if (!addresses.contains(JoinAddressTable.DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_LOOKUP)) {
return addresses;
public static Query<Set<Integer>> userIdsOfPlayersWithJoinAddresses(@Untrusted List<String> joinAddresses) {
String sql = SELECT + DISTINCT + SessionsTable.USER_ID +
FROM + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j" +
INNER_JOIN + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s on s." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + "=j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
WHERE + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " IN (" +
nParameters(joinAddresses.size()) +
')'; // Don't append addresses directly, SQL injection hazard
return db -> db.querySet(sql, RowExtractors.getInt(SessionsTable.USER_ID), joinAddresses.toArray());
public static Query<List<DateObj<Map<String, Integer>>>> joinAddressesPerDay(ServerUUID serverUUID, long timezoneOffset, long after, long before, @Untrusted List<String> addressFilter) {
return db -> {
Sql sql = db.getSql();
List<Integer> ids = db.query(joinAddressIds(addressFilter));
if (ids != null && ids.isEmpty()) return List.of();
String selectAddresses = SELECT +
sql.dateToEpochSecond(sql.dateToDayStamp(sql.epochSecondToDate('(' + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + "+?)/1000"))) +
"*1000 as date," +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + ',' +
SessionsTable.USER_ID +
", COUNT(1) as count" +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s" +
LEFT_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on s." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + "=j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
WHERE + SessionsTable.SERVER_ID + "=" + ServerTable.SELECT_SERVER_ID +
AND + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + ">?" +
AND + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + "<=?" +
(ids == null ? "" : AND + "j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
" IN (" + new TextStringBuilder().appendWithSeparators(ids, ",").build() + ")") +
GROUP_BY + "date,j." + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + ',' + SessionsTable.USER_ID;
return db.query(new QueryStatement<>(selectAddresses, 1000) {
public void prepare(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
statement.setLong(1, timezoneOffset);
statement.setString(2, serverUUID.toString());
statement.setLong(3, after);
statement.setLong(4, before);
public List<DateObj<Map<String, Integer>>> processResults(ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
Map<Long, Map<String, Integer>> addressesByDate = new HashMap<>();
while ( {
long date = set.getLong("date");
String joinAddress = set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS);
Map<String, Integer> joinAddresses = addressesByDate.computeIfAbsent(date, k -> new TreeMap<>());
// We ignore the count and get the number of players instead of sessions
joinAddresses.compute(joinAddress, (key, oldValue) -> oldValue != null ? oldValue + 1 : 1);
return addressesByDate.entrySet()
.stream().map(entry -> new DateObj<>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
public static Query<List<Integer>> joinAddressIds(@Untrusted List<String> addresses) {
return db -> {
if (addresses.isEmpty()) return null;
String selectJoinAddressIds = SELECT + JoinAddressTable.ID +
FROM + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME +
WHERE + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + " IN (" + Sql.nParameters(addresses.size()) + ")";
return db.queryList(selectJoinAddressIds, set -> set.getInt(JoinAddressTable.ID), addresses);
public static Query<List<DateObj<Map<String, Integer>>>> joinAddressesPerDay(long timezoneOffset, long after, long before, @Untrusted List<String> addressFilter) {
return db -> {
Sql sql = db.getSql();
List<Integer> ids = db.query(joinAddressIds(addressFilter));
if (ids != null && ids.isEmpty()) return List.of();
String selectAddresses = SELECT +
sql.dateToEpochSecond(sql.dateToDayStamp(sql.epochSecondToDate('(' + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + "+?)/1000"))) +
"*1000 as date," +
JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + ',' +
SessionsTable.USER_ID +
", COUNT(1) as count" +
FROM + SessionsTable.TABLE_NAME + " s" +
LEFT_JOIN + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + " j on s." + SessionsTable.JOIN_ADDRESS_ID + "=j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
WHERE + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + ">?" +
AND + SessionsTable.SESSION_START + "<=?" +
(ids == null ? "" : AND + "j." + JoinAddressTable.ID +
" IN (" + new TextStringBuilder().appendWithSeparators(ids, ",").build() + ")") +
GROUP_BY + "date,j." + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + ',' + SessionsTable.USER_ID;
return db.query(new QueryStatement<>(selectAddresses, 1000) {
public void prepare(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
statement.setLong(1, timezoneOffset);
statement.setLong(2, after);
statement.setLong(3, before);
public List<DateObj<Map<String, Integer>>> processResults(ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
Map<Long, Map<String, Integer>> addressesByDate = new HashMap<>();
while ( {
long date = set.getLong("date");
String joinAddress = set.getString(JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS);
Map<String, Integer> joinAddresses = addressesByDate.computeIfAbsent(date, k -> new TreeMap<>());
// We ignore the count and get the number of players instead of sessions
joinAddresses.compute(joinAddress, (key, oldValue) -> oldValue != null ? oldValue + 1 : 1);
return addressesByDate.entrySet()
.stream().map(entry -> new DateObj<>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
public static Query<Optional<Integer>> getIdOfJoinAddress(String correctedAddress) {
String sql = SELECT + JoinAddressTable.ID + FROM + JoinAddressTable.TABLE_NAME + WHERE + JoinAddressTable.JOIN_ADDRESS + "=?";
return db -> db.queryOptional(sql,
results -> results.getInt(JoinAddressTable.ID), correctedAddress);