
202 lines
7.6 KiB

package com.djrapitops.plan.command.utils;
import com.djrapitops.plan.Plan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import static;
public class DataFormatUtils {
public static HashMap<String, String> removeExtraDataPoints(HashMap<String, String> data) throws NumberFormatException {
List<String> remove = new ArrayList<>();
Plan plugin = getPlugin(Plan.class);
data.keySet().parallelStream().forEach((key) -> {
try {
// Process OnTime empty data (returns -1 if empty)
if (key.subSequence(0, 3).equals("ONT")) {
if ((data.get(key)).equals("-1") || (data.get(key)).equals("-1.0")) {
// Process failed PlaceholderAPI requests (%string%)
if (key.subSequence(0, 3).equals("PHA")) {
if ((data.get(key)).contains("%")) {
} catch (Exception e) {
plugin.logToFile("FORMAT-Remove\n" + e + "\n" + key);
// Remove faulty data to prevent TOW-LAST LOGIN from being removed with empty data
for (String removedKey : remove) {
// Process Towny data (Empty returns Java Epoch date 1970 for REGISTERED)
if (data.get("TOW-REGISTERED") != null) {
if (data.get("TOW-REGISTERED").contains("1970")) {
remove.add("TOW-LAST LOGIN");
remove.add("TOW-OWNER OF");
if (data.get("TOW-FRIENDS") != null) {
remove.add("TOW-PLOT PERMS");
remove.add("TOW-PLOT OPTIONS");
// If both OnTime and Towny data found, OnTime priority.
if (data.get("ONT-LAST LOGIN") != null) {
remove.add("TOW-LAST LOGIN");
// Remove faulty Towny data
for (String removedKey : remove) {
// Remove faulty Essentials SINCE data, reload turns data to 0
String[] keysRemoveIfZero = {"ESS-ONLINE SINCE", "ESS-OFFLINE SINCE"};
for (String key : keysRemoveIfZero) {
if (data.get(key) != null) {
if (data.get(key).equals("0")) {
// Remove OnTime Total Votes if SuperbVote is present
if (data.get("SVO-VOTES") != null) {
if (data.get("ONT-TOTAL VOTES") != null) {
data.remove("ONT-TOTAL VOTES");
// Format TimeStamps
String[] keysTimestamp = {"ONT-LAST LOGIN"};
for (String key : keysTimestamp) {
if (data.get(key) != null) {
try {
String formatted = formatTimeStamp(data.get(key));
data.replace(key, formatted);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.logToFile("FORMAT-TimeStamp\nError Parsing Last Login.\n" + e + "\n" + data.get(key));
// Format Milliseconds to readable format
for (String key : keysTimeAmount) {
if (data.get(key) != null) {
try {
String formatted;
if (key.equals("ONT-TOTAL PLAY")) {
formatted = formatTimeAmount(data.get(key));
} else {
formatted = formatTimeAmountSinceString(data.get(key), new Date());
if (formatted != null) {
data.replace(key, formatted);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.logToFile("FORMAT-Since\nError Parsing number.\n" + e + "\n" + data.get(key));
return data;
// Creates a new Date with Epoch second and returns Date and Time String
public static String formatTimeStamp(String string) throws NumberFormatException {
long ms = Long.parseLong(string);
Date sfd = new Date(ms);
return ("" + sfd).substring(4, 19);
// Formats Time Since (0 -> string)
public static String formatTimeAmount(String string) throws NumberFormatException {
long ms = Long.parseLong(string);
return turnMsLongToString(ms);
// Formats Time Difference String before -> Date now
public static String formatTimeAmountSinceString(String string, Date date) throws NumberFormatException {
long ms = (date.toInstant().getEpochSecond() * 1000) - Long.parseLong(string);
return turnMsLongToString(ms);
// Formats Time Difference Date before -> Date now
public static String formatTimeAmountSinceDate(Date before, Date now) throws NumberFormatException {
long ms = (now.toInstant().getEpochSecond() * 1000) - (before.toInstant().getEpochSecond() * 1000);
return turnMsLongToString(ms);
// Formats long in milliseconds into d:h:m:s string
private static String turnMsLongToString(long ms) {
String returnValue = "";
long x = ms / 1000;
long seconds = x % 60;
x /= 60;
long minutes = x % 60;
x /= 60;
long hours = x % 24;
x /= 24;
long days = x;
if (days != 0) {
returnValue += days + "d ";
if (hours != 0) {
returnValue += hours + "h ";
if (minutes != 0) {
returnValue += minutes + "m ";
if (seconds != 0) {
returnValue += seconds + "s";
return returnValue;
// Analysis data Formatting, will be updated after more analysis is added
public static HashMap<String, String> formatAnalyzed(HashMap<String, String> analyzedData) {
return removeExtraDataPoints(analyzedData);
// Removes letters from a string leaving only numbers and dots.
public static String removeLetters(String dataPoint) {
String numbers = "0123456789.";
List<Character> numList = new ArrayList<>();
char[] numberArray = numbers.toCharArray();
for (char c : numberArray) {
String returnString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoint.length(); i++) {
if (numList.contains(dataPoint.charAt(i))) {
returnString += dataPoint.charAt(i);
return returnString;
// Sorts HashMap into Sorted List of Arrays
public static List<String[]> turnDataHashMapToSortedListOfArrays(HashMap<String, String> data) {
List<String[]> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
data.keySet().parallelStream().forEach((key) -> {
dataList.add(new String[]{key, data.get(key)});
Collections.sort(dataList, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(String[] strings, String[] otherStrings) {
return strings[0].compareTo(otherStrings[0]);
return dataList;