Updated APIv5 (markdown)

Risto Lahtela 2019-03-23 15:57:07 +02:00
parent 08c3c5783c
commit 5319756b1e
1 changed files with 78 additions and 0 deletions

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ API can be called on all platforms.
- 🔔 [How to register a DataExtension](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/APIv5#-how-to-register-a-dataextension)
- [PluginInfo Annotation](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/APIv5#%E2%84%B9%EF%B8%8F-plugininfo-annotation)
- 📏 [Provider Annotations](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/APIv5#-provider-annotations)
- 🔨 [Special Provider Annotations](https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/APIv5#-special-provider-annotations)
- 👥 [`@GroupProvider`](https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/APIv5#groupprovider)
- 📐 [Extra annotations](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/APIv5#-extra-annotations)
- ❕ [Preventing runtime errors](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/APIv5#-preventing-runtime-errors)
- Implementation violations
@ -49,6 +51,9 @@ try {
> Registration should be done in it's own class to avoid `NoClassDefFoundError` if Plan is not installed.
You might need to catch the error when calling your method that does the registering.
## `@PluginInfo` annotation
Every `DataExtension` implementation **requires** `@PluginInfo` annotation.
@ -215,6 +220,79 @@ public String townName(UUID playerUUID) {...}
- `iconColor` - Color of the icon that appears next to the value
- `playerName` - Does this provider return a player name that can be linked to? Links are automatic
## 🔨 Special Provider annotations
These annotations can be used to add information structures. They might have different limitations than other providers.
### `@GroupProvider`
**Speciality:** Multiple `Group`s the player is in. Any providers with `Group` parameter will be called with the groups that this method provides.
- **There can only be one GroupProvider per DataExtension** - If you need multiple kinds of groups, create another `DataExtension` class.
- **GroupProvider method requires UUID or String as method parameter.**
Plan will construct following from given group data:
- Players in different groups are counted
- Additional data given by `Group` parameter methods about each group.
- Additional data about players is grouped based on groups.
- Additional data is displayed under a dropdown of the group.
Example usage:
text* = "Jobs",
description = "What jobs the player has",
priority = 5,
iconName = "question",
iconFamily = Family.SOLID,
iconColor = Color.NONE
public String[] playerJobs(UUID playerUUID) {...}
- `text` - Text that appears next to the value on Player's page, for example "Jobs: None"
- `description` - Text that appears when hovering over the value
- `priority` - Ordering number, highest value is placed top most
- `iconName` - Icon names can be found from https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free
- `iconFamily` - Icon family should match details on the site above
- `iconColor` - Color of the icon that appears next to the value
### `@TableProvider`
**Speciality:** Table structures.
- Player tables can have 4 columns.
- Server tables can have 5 columns.
> If you want to display a table that lists how many players are using something (or data about groups), eg. Players on each version, use `@GroupProvider` (and `Group` parameter methods) instead.
Example usage:
@TableProvider(tableColor = Color.NONE)
Table banHistory(UUID playerUUID) {
Table.Factory banTable = Table.builder()
.columnOne("When", new Icon(Family.SOLID, "gavel")) // Define column names and icons
.columnTwo("...", new Icon(...)) // Icon colors are ignored.
.columnThree("...", new Icon(...))
.columnFour("...", new Icon(...));
for (YourData data : yourData) {
return banTable.build();
- `tableColor` - Color of the table header.
### `@GraphProvider`
**Speciality:** Graphs.
This will be implemented later.
## 📐 Extra annotations
These annotations can be used to further control how the values are displayed.