Updated Bukkit Configuration (markdown)

Rsl1122 2018-05-31 11:08:58 +03:00
parent 71d840fe6b
commit 72ad7e1b69
1 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ WriteNewLocaleFileOnEnable | false | Writes a new locale.txt file to plugin fol
Bungee-Override.StandaloneMode | false | Overrides Bungee usage when connected to a Bungee network, same as running Plan on a single Bukkit server, but with Plan installed on Bungee.
Bungee-Override.CopyBungeeConfig | true | Copies the changes made to bungee config to this one. Set to true if you want to set each server's settings individually
Dev | false | Enables more debug, benchmark & error logs only useful while developing
Allow-Update-Command | true | Allows execution of updates with upcoming update command
Notify-About-DEV-Releases | false | If true notifications about DEV releases are given to players
KeepLogsForXDays | 7 | Number of days after which log files are removed
## WebServer
Setting | Default | Description
@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ AFKThresholdMinutes | 3 | Time the player has to be still before the stand-still
Commands.LogUnknownCommands | false | Log commands that are not registered, e.g. /bremobmreb
Commands.CombineCommandAliases | true | Combines command aliases to the main command, e.g. /i to /give
Geolocations (Sponge only) | false | Enable Geolocation gathering
KeepInactivePlayersForDays | 180 | After this number of days the data of a player is removed completely
## Customization
Setting | Default | Description