Created Possible GDPR Privacy Policy section (markdown)

Rsl1122 2018-05-22 10:56:58 +03:00
parent 4f0d56c92b
commit 98e66085ed
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# ![Plan Header](
This page is a suggestion to add to your Privacy Policy in order to disclose what data is being gathered about a user under GDPR.
Page version: **4.3.0**
## Draft
Player Analytics
This server uses Plan, a Player Analytics platform.
Data gathered is stored locally on the server and is not transferred to third parties.
If there is a data breach the owner of the server will have to notify the users.
Transfer of this data to a third party will require consent of all parties involved,
unless the pseudonymised user data is removed/anonymized before the transfer.
What Player Analytics gathers about you (Linked to UUID):
- Your UUID (Unique ID) and Player name
- Hashed IPv4-address and first 16 bits (out of 32) of the IP, as well as Country associated with the IP.
- Used display names (Such as those changed with /nick)
- Date you first joined the server
- Sessions
- Join and Leave dates when you have been on the server to calculate Playtime
- Time information about time spent in each World and GameMode.
- Time information about being AFK
- How many mobs were killed
- How many deaths occurred
- Player kills (Linked to user), time and weapon item name.
- How many players were online when you joined for the first time
- How many messages you sent before logging out the first time
What Player Analytics gathers about you (Anonymous):
- Players Online every minute
- How many times each command is used
- How many entities and chunks are loaded on the server
How is this data stored:
The data is stored in a SQL Database (SQLite or MySQL) in a pseudonymized format
(Linking to a real person requires a key - in this case UUID).
How is this data used:
This data is used for providing the staff with Analytics about their server
so that they can make more educated decisions when improving their server.
Following information is calculated from the available data:
- How "healthy" the server is
- Are players having people to play with
- Are players staying on the server
- How many new players stay as regular players
- How many unique players stay on the server each day
- What are the most active hours on the server
- What is the most played world, and in networks which server is the most played server
Your rights:
You may request the removal of your data.