Created Migration guide from Version 5.5 to 5.6 (markdown)

Aurora Lahtela 2023-10-07 14:33:52 +03:00
parent 091d8764dd
commit 9fd380aa3d

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
![Plan Header](
# Migration guide from Version 5.5 to 5.6
This page contains steps that you might want to do when updating to 5.6.
At minimum the server hosting webserver needs to be updated, but I suggest all servers are updated to the new version where possible.
After update old versions will be unable to read/write web users.
You can use `/plan servers` to check if you have all servers updated.
## Setting up new web permission stuff
This only applies if you have HTTPS enabled.
The new web permission system is detailed here:
- Make one web user admin: `/plan setgroup {username} admin` (Needs `plan.setgroup.other` permission)
- Go to `https://<plan webserver>/manage` and setup permissions to how you like them
- Give your players `plan.webgroup.{groupname}` permission (eg `plan.webgroup.player`). This will ensure they can continue to register users.
- Delete legacy_level_x web groups.
Legacy group|Equivalent new default group|What they can roughly see
_didn't exist_|admin|everything + editing permissions
legacy_level_0|read_all|read access to everything except /errors and /docs
legacy_level_1|player_analyst|query, players and all player pages
legacy_level_2|player|own player page
Moving users happens by deleting the group and selecting where to move the existing users:
## Migrate Html customizations of old frontend
Old frontend files are removed in 5.6 so old html customization no longer works. Migration guide:
## Fabric
5.6 only supports Fabric 1.20.2 so you may need to update Fabric before updating.