Updated Bukkit Configuration (markdown)

Risto Lahtela 2019-01-17 14:30:12 +02:00
parent 2cda5f92ac
commit dec423619a
1 changed files with 80 additions and 63 deletions

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
![Plan Header](http://puu.sh/AXSg7/5f2f78c06c.jpg)
# Bukkit/Sponge Configuration
> **4.6.0 has been released, but config settings are not yet up to date.**
> Please be patient as it will take a while to update all config references.
This page is about the **Bukkit/Sponge** *config.yml* file and the various settings it provides.
For Bungee see [[Bungee Configuration]]
- [Default Config](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/resources/config.yml)
- [Default Config](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/common/src/main/resources/config.yml)
Page version: **4.3.2**
Page version: **4.6.0**
# Settings
@ -23,85 +20,95 @@ ServerName | 'Plan' | Name of the server, placed on the Analysis page and used t
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
Debug | false | Logger debug mode, takes options 'true'/'both','false','console','file'.
Locale | default | 2 letter Locale code, selects the locale used (Found inside the jar)
WriteNewLocaleFileOnEnable | false | Writes a new locale.txt file to plugin folder on plugin enable and sets this back to `false`.
Bungee-Override.StandaloneMode | false | Overrides Bungee usage when connected to a Bungee network, same as running Plan on a single Bukkit server, but with Plan installed on Bungee.
Bungee-Override.CopyBungeeConfig | true | Copies the changes made to bungee config to this one. Set to true if you want to set each server's settings individually
Dev | false | Enables more debug, benchmark & error logs only useful while developing
Allow-Update-Command | true | Allows execution of updates with upcoming update command
Notify-About-DEV-Releases | false | If true notifications about DEV releases are given to players
KeepLogsForXDays | 7 | Number of days after which log files are removed
## WebServer
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
Port | 8804 | Port of the Webserver
InternalIP | | Internal InetAddress to start the WebServer on. manages the Internal IP automatically.
Security.SSL-Certificate | | [[View the tutorial on setting up a SSL Certificate|SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Set-Up]]
DisableWebServer | false | Disables the WebServer. This is for [[External WebServer Use]]
ExternalWebServerAddress | https://www.example.address | Address to give to users when WebServer is offline.
Logging.Locale | default | 2 letter Locale code, selects the locale used (Found inside the jar)
Logging.Create_new_locale_file_on_next_enable| false | Writes a new locale.txt file to plugin folder on plugin enable and sets this back to `false`.
Logging.Debug | false | Logger debug mode, takes one or multiple options 'true'/'both'/'all','false','console','file','memory'. Example: "file, console"
Logging.Dev | false | Enables development error logging as well as other debug messages
Logging.Delete_logs_after_days| 7 | Number of days after which log files are removed
Update_notifications.Check_for_updates | true | Should update notification be displayed on the website
Update_notifications.Notify_about_DEV_releases | false | Should update notifications include DEV releases
Configuration.Allow_bungeecord_to_manage_settings | true | Should server config file on Bungeecord apply changes to this server's config.
## Database
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
Type | SQLite | 'MySQL' or 'SQLite'
Type | SQLite | 'MySQL', 'H2' or 'SQLite'
MySQL.Host | localhost |
MySQL.Port | 3306 |
MySQL.User | root | User for editing the database
MySQL.Password | minecraft | Password of MySQL.User
MySQL.Database | Plan | Name of the Database to use
MySQL.LaunchOptions | ?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false | Launch options to use
MySQL.Launch_options| ?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false | Launch options to use
## Commands
## Webserver
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
AlternativeIP.Enabled | false | Enables the use AlternativeIP in the URL to the WebServer
AlternativeIP.Link | `your.ip.here:%port%` | Address to use as link in inspect and analyze commands if setting above is enabled. %port% will be replaced with the Port automatically. If you have port-forwarded an alternate address to the webserver port, %port% is not required.
Colors | `&2`, `&7`, `&f` | Color codes to use for command messages
Port | 8804 | Port of the Webserver
Alternative_IP | false | Should an alternate address be used for the WebServer links
Alternative_IP.Address | your.domain.here:%port% | Address to use as link in inspect and analyze commands if setting above is enabled. %port% will be replaced with the Port automatically. If you have port-forwarded an alternate address to the webserver port, %port% is not required.
Internal_IP| | Internal InetAddress to start the WebServer on. manages the Internal IP automatically. No need to change unless running in Docker.
Security.SSL_certificate | | [[View the tutorial on setting up a SSL Certificate|SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Set-Up]]
Disable_Webserver| false | Disables the WebServer. This is for [[External WebServer Use]]
External_Webserver_address| https://www.example.address | Address to give to users when WebServer is offline.
## Analysis
## Data_gathering
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
AutoRefreshPeriod | 60 | Refreshes Analysis results periodically (minutes)
Active | | These settings affect the ActivityIndex
LogProgress | true | Logs progress of Analysis to console, recommended to be set to false with high refresh period.
Export.Enabled | false | See [[External WebServer Use]] for more information
Commands.Log_unknown| false | Log commands that are not registered, e.g. /bremobmreb
Commands.Log_aliases_as_main_command | true | Combines command aliases to the main command, e.g. /i to /give
Geolocations | true | Enable Geolocation gathering
## Time
Setting | Default (Unit) | Description
-- | -- | --
Use_server_timezone | true | Attempt to use Server TimeZone everywhere. Depends on JVM Time, which is determined when server is started
Delays.Ping_server_enable_delay | 300 (SECONDS) | Delay from server start before Ping is started to be gathered.
Delays.Ping_player_join_delay | 30 (SECONDS) | Delay from player login before Ping is started to be gathered.
Thresholds.AFK_threshold | 3 (MINUTES) | Idle time before Plan considers a player afk
Thresholds.Activity_index.Login_threshold | 2 | Sessions/Week required to be considered Active by Activity Index
Thresholds.Activity_index.Playtime_threshold | 30 (MINUTES) | Playtime/Week to be considered Active by Activity Index
Thresholds.Remove_inactive_player_data_after | 180 (DAYS) | How many days player has to not log in to be removed from the database
Periodic_tasks.Analysis_refresh_every | 60 (MINUTES) | How often server analysis is run
Periodic_tasks.Check_DB_for_server_config_files_every | 1 (MINUTES) | How often database is checked for new config files
Periodic_tasks.Clean_caches_every | 10 (MINUTES) | How often data caches are cleaned
Periodic_tasks.Clean_Database_every | 1 (HOURS) | How often database is cleaned of old data
## Display_options
## Data
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
AFKThresholdMinutes | 3 | Time the player has to be still before the stand-still time is added to the afk time when they move again.
Commands.LogUnknownCommands | false | Log commands that are not registered, e.g. /bremobmreb
Commands.CombineCommandAliases | true | Combines command aliases to the main command, e.g. /i to /give
Geolocations | false | Enable Geolocation gathering
KeepInactivePlayersForDays | 180 | After this number of days the data of a player is removed completely
Theme | default | See [[Themes]] for more details about this setting
Sessions.Replace_accordion_with_table | false | Replaces Session Accordion with a Table
Sessions.Show_most_played_world_in_title | true | Adds most used world, eg "world (94.65%)" to the Session Accordion headers (Similar to session table)
Sessions.Show_on_page | 50 | How many sessions are visible on a page
Sessions.Order_world_pies_by_percentage | false | By Default WorldPie is ordered alphabetically, colors are still determined alphabetically.
Players_table.Show_on_server_page | 2500 | How many players are visible on /server page Players tab
Players_table.Show_on_players_page | 25000 | How many players are visible on /players page
Open_player_links_in_new_tab | false | Feature switch for old behavior of player links
Show_player_IPs | true | Should IPs be displayed on /player pages at all? (Normally shown partially censored)
Graphs.Show_gaps_in_data | false | Displays data gaps in line graphs (Might increase page load time)
Graphs.TPS | 18 & 10 | Thresholds for TPS graph colors
Graphs.Disk_space | 500 & 100 | Thresholds for Disk graph colors
Command_colors | `&2`, `&7`, `&f` | Color codes to use for command messages
## Customization
## Formatting
Setting | Default | Description
-- | -- | --
UseServerTime | true | Attempt to use Server TimeZone everywhere. Depends on JVM Time, which is determined when server is started
Display.SessionsAsTable | false | Replaces Session Harmonica with a Table
Display.LargestWorldPercInSessionTitle | false | Adds most used world, eg world (94.65%) to the Session Accordion headers (Similar to session table)
OrderWorldPieByPercentage | false | By Default WorldPie is ordered alphabetically, colors are still determined alphabetically.
MaxSessions | 50 | How many sessions are visible on a page
MaxPlayers | 2500 | How many players are visible on Server Analysis Playerlist, larger number takes longer to load.
MaxPlayersPlayersPage | 25000 | How many players are visible on /players page Playerlist
PlayersTableFooter | true | Should footer be displayed on the /players table?
PlayerIPs | true | Should IPs be displayed on /player pages at all?
GapsInGraphData | false | Displays data gaps in line graphs (Might increase page load time)
Formatting.DecimalPoints | '#.##' | How many decimal points should be displayed
Formatting.Dates | | Dates are formatted with [SimpleDateFormat patterns](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
Formatting.Dates.RecentDays | true | The day in dates is replaced by 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'Friday' for the few most recent days.
Formatting.TimeAmount | | Time amounts are formatted by replacing the placeholders of these settings. More below.
WorldAliases |  | List of Worlds and the aliases used in graph generation. You can lump worlds together by setting their alias as the same value.
Decimal_points| '#.##' | How many decimal points should be displayed
Time_amount | | Time amounts are formatted by replacing the placeholders of these settings. [More below.](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/wiki/Bukkit-Configuration/_edit#formattingtime_amount-examples)
Dates | | Dates are formatted with [SimpleDateFormat patterns](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html)
Dates.Show_recent_day_names | true | The day in dates is replaced by 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'Friday' for the few most recent days.
### Formatting.TimeAmount Examples
### Formatting.Time_amount Examples
Time | Formatted
Time | Formatted
-- | --
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12h 30m 20s
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12h 30m 20s
400 days | 1 year, 1 month, 5d
12 hours 20 sec. | 12h 20s
0 sec. | 0s
@ -120,18 +127,28 @@ TimeAmount:
Seconds: '%minutes%%zero%%seconds%'
Zero: '00:00:00'
Time | Formatted
Time | Formatted
-- | --
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12:30:20
400 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds | 1 year, 1 month, 5d 12:30:20
400 days | 1 year, 1 month, 5d
12 hours 20 sec. | 12:00:20
30 minutes | 00:30:00
20 sec. | 00:00:20
0 sec. | 00:00:00
## Theme
See [[Themes]] for more details about these settings
## WorldAliases
List of Worlds and the aliases used in graph generation. You can lump worlds together by setting their alias as the same value.
## Export
See [[External WebServer Use]] for more information
Setting | Default
-- | --
HTML_Export_path | Analysis Results
JSON_Export_path | Raw JSON
Parts.`<any>` | false
## Plugins